예제 #1
void Channel::addTasks( const uint32_t tasks )
    Window* window = getWindow();
    EQASSERT( window );
    setTasks( getTasks() | tasks );
    window->addTasks( tasks );
예제 #2
void Pipe::addTasks( const uint32_t tasks )
    Node* node = getNode();
    EQASSERT( node );
    setTasks( getTasks() | tasks );
    node->addTasks( tasks );
예제 #3
void Window::addTasks( const uint32_t tasks )
    Pipe* pipe = getPipe();
    EQASSERT( pipe );
    setTasks( getTasks() | tasks );
    pipe->addTasks( tasks );
예제 #4
void Worker::childChange(const string &path) {
    if (path == m_assign_dir) {
예제 #5
void TaskMap<CostInfo>::setPriorityTasks(Vec2 pos) {
  for (Task* t : getTasks(pos))
예제 #6
파일: taeval.cpp 프로젝트: Dunni/taeval
QString TAEval::serveRequest(QString request, QString data)
    //Then find the request here and delegate the data to the SQL to query the required info.
    if(request.compare("loginRequest") == 0){
       qDebug() << "Login Request being processed" << endl;
       QString l = accessControl.logIn(data);
           return QString("Instructor");
           return QString("TA");
           return QString("loggedin");
           return QString("false");

    else if (request.compare("semesterRequest") == 0) {

        qDebug() << "Semester Request being processed" << endl;
        StringList *semesters;

        if(getSemesters(data, semesters))
            QString result = listToString(*semesters);
            delete semesters;
            return result.isEmpty() ? "false" : result;

    else if (request.compare("coursesRequest") == 0) {

        qDebug() << "Courses Request being processed" << endl;
        QStringList info = data.split("|");
        qDebug() <<  info.at(0) + " " + info.at(1) << endl;
        CourseList* c;

        if(getCourses(info.at(0), c, info.at(0), info.at(1)))
            QString stringOfCourses = Course::listToString(*c);
            qDebug() << stringOfCourses << endl;
            delete c;
            return (stringOfCourses.isEmpty()) ? "false" : stringOfCourses;

    else if (request.compare("tasRequest") == 0) {

        qDebug() << "TAs Request being processed" << endl;
        QStringList info = data.split("|");
        qDebug() << "Inst here is: " + info.at(0) + " and " + info.at(1) << endl;
        TAList* t;

        if(getTAs(info.at(0), info.at(1), t))
            QString stringOfTAs = TA::listToString(*t);delete t;
            qDebug() << stringOfTAs << endl;
            return (stringOfTAs.isEmpty()) ? "false" : stringOfTAs;

    else if (request.compare("taskRequest") == 0) {

        qDebug() << "Task Request being processed" << endl;
        QStringList info = data.split("|");
        qDebug() << "Inst here is: " + info.at(0) + " and " + info.at(1) << " and " << info.at(2) << endl;
        TaskList* taskList;
        if(getTasks(info.at(0), info.at(1), info.at(2), taskList))
            QString stringOfTask = Task::listToString(*taskList);
            delete taskList;
            qDebug() << stringOfTask << endl;
            return (stringOfTask.isEmpty()) ? "false" : stringOfTask;
            return "false";

    else if (request.compare("taskCreateRequest") == 0) {
        qDebug() << "Create Task Request being processed" << endl;

        QStringList info = data.split("|");

        qDebug() << "Inst here is: " + info.at(0) + " and " +
                    info.at(1) << " and " << info.at(2) + " and " +
                 info.at(3) << " and " << info.at(4) << + " and " +
                 info.at(5) << endl;

        QStringList begDateList = info.at(4).split("-");
        QStringList dueDateList = info.at(5).split("-");

        QDate begDate(begDateList.at(0).toInt(), begDateList.at(1).toInt(), begDateList.at(2).toInt());
        QDate dueDate(dueDateList.at(0).toInt(), dueDateList.at(1).toInt(), dueDateList.at(2).toInt());

        return createTask(info.at(0), info.at(1), info.at(2), info.at(3), begDate, dueDate) ? "true" : "false";
    else if (request.compare("taskEditRequest") == 0) {
        qDebug() << "Edit Task Request being processed" << endl;

        QStringList info = data.split("|");

        qDebug() << "Inst here is: " + info.at(0) + " and " +
                    info.at(1) + " and " + info.at(2) + " and " +
                    info.at(3) + "and " + info.at(4) << endl;

        QStringList begDateList = info.at(2).split("-");
        QStringList dueDateList = info.at(3).split("-");

        QDate begDate(begDateList.at(0).toInt(), begDateList.at(1).toInt(), begDateList.at(2).toInt());
        QDate dueDate(dueDateList.at(0).toInt(), dueDateList.at(1).toInt(), dueDateList.at(2).toInt());

        return editTask(info.at(0), info.at(1), begDate, dueDate, QString(info.at(4))) ? "true" : "false";
    else if (request.compare("taskDeleteRequest") == 0){

        qDebug() << "DELETE Task Request being processed" << endl;
        QStringList info = data.split("|");
        qDebug() << "Inst here is: " + info.at(0) + " and " +
                    info.at(1) << endl;

        return deleteTask(info.at(0), QString(info.at(1))) ? "true" : "false";
    else if (request.compare("editEvalRequest") == 0){

        qDebug() << "Edit Evail Request being processed" << endl;
        QStringList info = data.split("|");

        return enterEvaluation(info.at(0), info.at(1).toInt(), info.at(2), info.at(3).toInt()) ? "true" : "false";
    else if (request.compare("logOutRequest") == 0){

        qDebug() << "LogOut Request being processed" << endl;
        QStringList info = data.split("|");
        qDebug() << "Inst here is: " + info.at(0) << endl;

        return accessControl.logOut(info.at(0)) ? "true" : "false";

    qDebug() <<  "Request Failed" << endl;
    return "false";