예제 #1
uint16_t TcpLayer::calculateChecksum(bool writeResultToPacket)
	tcphdr* tcpHdr = getTcpHeader();
	uint16_t checksumRes = 0;
	uint16_t currChecksumValue = tcpHdr->headerChecksum;

	if (m_PrevLayer != NULL)
		tcpHdr->headerChecksum = 0;
		ScalarBuffer<uint16_t> vec[2];
		LOG_DEBUG("data len =  %d", (int)m_DataLen);
		vec[0].buffer = (uint16_t*)m_Data;
		vec[0].len = m_DataLen;

		if (m_PrevLayer->getProtocol() == IPv4)
			uint32_t srcIP = ((IPv4Layer*)m_PrevLayer)->getSrcIpAddress().toInt();
			uint32_t dstIP = ((IPv4Layer*)m_PrevLayer)->getDstIpAddress().toInt();
			uint16_t pseudoHeader[6];
			pseudoHeader[0] = srcIP >> 16;
			pseudoHeader[1] = srcIP & 0xFFFF;
			pseudoHeader[2] = dstIP >> 16;
			pseudoHeader[3] = dstIP & 0xFFFF;
			pseudoHeader[4] = 0xffff & htons(m_DataLen);
			pseudoHeader[5] = htons(0x00ff & PACKETPP_IPPROTO_TCP);
			vec[1].buffer = pseudoHeader;
			vec[1].len = 12;
			checksumRes = compute_checksum(vec, 2);
			LOG_DEBUG("calculated checksum = 0x%4X", checksumRes);

예제 #2
bool TcpLayer::removeAllTcpOptions()
	int offset = sizeof(tcphdr);

	if (!shortenLayer(offset, getHeaderLen()-offset))
		return false;

	getTcpHeader()->dataOffset = sizeof(tcphdr)/4;
	m_NumOfTrailingBytes = 0;
	m_TcpOptionsCount = 0;
	return true;
예제 #3
bool TcpLayer::removeAllTcpOptions()
	int offset = sizeof(tcphdr);

	if (!shortenLayer(offset, getHeaderLen()-offset))
		return false;

	getTcpHeader()->dataOffset = sizeof(tcphdr)/4;
	m_NumOfTrailingBytes = 0;
	return true;
예제 #4
void TcpLayer::adjustTcpOptionTrailer(size_t totalOptSize)
	int newNumberOfTrailingBytes = 0;
	while ((totalOptSize + newNumberOfTrailingBytes) % 4 != 0)

	if (newNumberOfTrailingBytes < m_NumOfTrailingBytes)
		shortenLayer(sizeof(tcphdr)+totalOptSize, m_NumOfTrailingBytes - newNumberOfTrailingBytes);
	else if (newNumberOfTrailingBytes > m_NumOfTrailingBytes)
		extendLayer(sizeof(tcphdr)+totalOptSize, newNumberOfTrailingBytes - m_NumOfTrailingBytes);

	m_NumOfTrailingBytes = newNumberOfTrailingBytes;

	for (int i = 0; i < m_NumOfTrailingBytes; i++)
		m_Data[sizeof(tcphdr) + totalOptSize + i] = TCPOPT_DUMMY;

	getTcpHeader()->dataOffset = (sizeof(tcphdr) + totalOptSize + m_NumOfTrailingBytes)/4;
예제 #5
int processPacket (struct pcap_pkthdr *h,	/* Captured stuff */
		u_char *pp,			/* packet pointer */
		nfs_pkt_t *record
	struct	ip	*ip_b		= NULL;
	struct	tcphdr	*tcp_b		= NULL;
	struct	udphdr	*udp_b		= NULL;
	u_int32_t	tot_len		= h->caplen;
	u_int32_t	consumed	= 0;
	u_int32_t	src_port	= 0;
	u_int32_t	dst_port	= 0;
	u_int16_t	id;
	int	e_len, i_len, h_len;
	u_int32_t	rpc_len;
	unsigned int	length;
	u_int32_t srcHost, dstHost;
	unsigned int proto;

	if (OutFile == NULL) {
		OutFile = stdout;

	 * It doesn't make any sense to run this program with a small
	 * caplen (aka snap length) because the important stuff will
	 * get lost.
	 * Too-short packets *should* never happen, since the min
	 * packet length is longer than this, but it's always better
	 * to be safe than to be sucker-punched by a bug elsewhere...

		return (0);

	e_len = getEtherHeader (tot_len, pp, &proto, &length);
	if (e_len <= 0) {
		return (-1);
	consumed += e_len;

	 * If the type of the packet isn't IP, then we're not
	 * interested in it-- chuck it now.
	 * Note-- ordinarily by the time we get here, we've already
	 * filtered out the packets using a pattern in the pcap
	 * library, so this shouldn't happen (unless we are running
	 * off a capture of the entire traffic on the wire).

	if (proto != 0x0800) {
		return (0);

	ip_b = (struct ip *) (pp + e_len);

	i_len = getIpHeader (ip_b, &proto, &id, &length, &srcHost, &dstHost);
	if (i_len <= 0) {
		return (-2);

	record->ipLen = length;
	record->ipIdentifier = id;

	consumed += i_len;

	 * Truncated packet-- what's up with that?  At this point,
	 * this can only happen if the packet is very short and the IP
	 * options are very long.  Still, must be cautious...

	if (consumed >= tot_len) {
		return (0);

	if (proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
		if (consumed + MIN_TCP_HDR_LEN >= tot_len) {
/* 			fprintf (OutFile, "XX 1: TCP pkt too short.\n"); */
			return (0);

		tcp_b = (struct tcphdr *) (pp + consumed);
		h_len = getTcpHeader (tcp_b);
		if (h_len <= 0) {
/* 			fprintf (OutFile, "XX 2: TCP header error\n"); */
			return (-3);

		consumed += h_len;
		if (consumed >= tot_len) {
/* 			fprintf (OutFile, */
/* 			"XX 3: Dropped (consumed = %d, tot_len = %d)\n", */
/* 					consumed, tot_len); */
			return (0);

		h_len += sizeof (u_int32_t);

		src_port = ntohs (tcp_b->th_sport);
		dst_port = ntohs (tcp_b->th_dport);
		record->ipProto = 'T';

	else if (proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
		if (consumed + MIN_UDP_HDR_LEN >= tot_len) {
			return (0);

		udp_b = (struct udphdr *) (pp + consumed);
		h_len = getUdpHeader (udp_b);
		if (h_len <= 0) {
			return (-4);

		consumed += h_len;
		if (consumed >= tot_len) {
			return (0);

		src_port = ntohs (udp_b->uh_sport);
		dst_port = ntohs (udp_b->uh_dport);

		rpc_len = tot_len - consumed;
		record->ipProto = 'U';

	else if (proto == IPPROTO_ICMP) {
		struct icmp *icmp_b;

		if (consumed + sizeof(struct icmp) >= tot_len) {
			return (0);

		icmp_b = (struct icmp *) (pp + consumed);
		h_len = getIcmpHeader (icmp_b);
		record->ipProto = 'C';
		record->icmpType = icmp_b->icmp_type;

		if (icmp_b->icmp_type == ICMP_ECHO) {
				(pp + consumed + sizeof(struct icmp)), 16);
	else {

		 * If it's not TCP, UPD, or ICMP, then no matter what
		 * it is, we don't care about it, so just ignore it.

/* 		fprintf (OutFile, "XX 5: Not TCP or UDP.\n"); */
		return (0);

	 * If we get to this point, there's a good chance this packet
	 * contains something interesting, so we start filling in the
	 * fields of the record immediately.

	record->secs	= h->ts.tv_sec;
	record->usecs	= h->ts.tv_usec;
	record->srcHost	= srcHost;
	record->dstHost	= dstHost;
	record->srcPort	= src_port;
	record->dstPort	= dst_port;
	record->ipLen   = length;

	printPacketHeader(record, stdout);

	return 0;
