bool RenderObject::isPieceFlippedHorizontal() { RenderObject *p = getTopParent(); if (p) return p->isfh(); return isfh(); }
void RenderObject::render() { if (isHidden()) return; /// new (breaks anything?) if (alpha.x == 0 || alphaMod == 0) return; if (core->currentLayerPass != RENDER_ALL && renderPass != RENDER_ALL) { RenderObject *top = getTopParent(); if (top == NULL && this->overrideRenderPass != OVERRIDE_NONE) { // FIXME: overrideRenderPass is not applied to the // node itself in the original check (below); is // that intentional? Doing the same thing here // for the time being. --achurch if (core->currentLayerPass != this->renderPass && core->currentLayerPass != this->overrideRenderPass) return; } else if (top != NULL && top->overrideRenderPass != OVERRIDE_NONE) { if (core->currentLayerPass != top->overrideRenderPass) return; } else { if (!hasRenderPass(core->currentLayerPass)) return; } } if (motionBlur || motionBlurTransition) { Vector oldPos = position; float oldAlpha = alpha.x; float oldRotZ = rotation.z; for (int i = 0; i < motionBlurPositions.size(); i++) { position = motionBlurPositions[i].position; rotation.z = motionBlurPositions[i].rotz; alpha = 1.0f-(float(i)/float(motionBlurPositions.size())); alpha *= 0.5f; if (motionBlurTransition) { alpha *= motionBlurTransitionTimer; } renderCall(); } position = oldPos; alpha.x = oldAlpha; rotation.z = oldRotZ; renderCall(); } else renderCall(); }
const Tile* Item::getTile() const { const Cylinder* cylinder = getTopParent(); //get root cylinder if (cylinder->getParent()) { cylinder = cylinder->getParent(); } return dynamic_cast<const Tile*>(cylinder); }
Tile* Thing::getTile() { Cylinder* cylinder = getTopParent(); #ifdef __DEBUG__MOVESYS__ if(!cylinder){ std::cout << "Failure: [Thing::getTile()], NULL tile" << std::endl; DEBUG_REPORT return &(Tile::null_tile); }
ReturnValue Container::__queryAdd(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags, Creature* actor/* = NULL*/) const { bool childIsOwner = hasBitSet(FLAG_CHILDISOWNER, flags); if(childIsOwner) { //a child container is querying, since we are the top container (not carried by a player) //just return with no error. return RET_NOERROR; } const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(item == NULL) return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; if(!item->isPickupable()) return RET_CANNOTPICKUP; if(item == this) return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; const Cylinder* cylinder = getParent(); if(!hasBitSet(FLAG_NOLIMIT, flags)) { while(cylinder) { if(cylinder == thing) return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; if(dynamic_cast<const Inbox*>(cylinder)) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; cylinder = cylinder->getParent(); } if(index == INDEX_WHEREEVER && size() >= capacity()) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; } else { while(cylinder) { if(cylinder == thing) return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; cylinder = cylinder->getParent(); } } const Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(topParent != this) return topParent->__queryAdd(INDEX_WHEREEVER, item, count, flags | FLAG_CHILDISOWNER, actor); else return RET_NOERROR; }
void Container::postRemoveNotification(Thing* thing, const Cylinder* newParent, int32_t index, cylinderlink_t) { Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if (topParent->getCreature()) { topParent->postRemoveNotification(thing, newParent, index, LINK_TOPPARENT); } else if (topParent == this) { //let the tile class notify surrounding players if (topParent->getParent()) { topParent->getParent()->postRemoveNotification(thing, newParent, index, LINK_NEAR); } } else { topParent->postRemoveNotification(thing, newParent, index, LINK_PARENT); } }
const Tile* Thing::getTile() const { const Cylinder* cylinder = getTopParent(); #ifdef __DEBUG_MOVESYS__ if(!cylinder) { std::clog << "[Failure - Thing::getTile] NULL tile" << std::endl; return &(Tile::nullTile); } #endif if(cylinder->getParent()) cylinder = cylinder->getParent(); return dynamic_cast<const Tile*>(cylinder); }
ReturnValue Container::__queryAdd(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags) const { bool childIsOwner = ((flags & FLAG_CHILDISOWNER) == FLAG_CHILDISOWNER); if(childIsOwner){ //a child container is querying, since we are the top container (not carried by a player) //just return with no error. return RET_NOERROR; } const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(item == NULL){ return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; } if(!item->isPickupable()){ return RET_CANNOTPICKUP; } if(item == this){ return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; } const Cylinder* cylinder = getParent(); while(cylinder){ if(cylinder == thing){ return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; } cylinder = cylinder->getParent(); } bool skipLimit = ((flags & FLAG_NOLIMIT) == FLAG_NOLIMIT); if(index == INDEX_WHEREEVER && !skipLimit){ if(size() >= capacity()) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; } const Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(topParent != this){ return topParent->__queryAdd(INDEX_WHEREEVER, item, count, flags | FLAG_CHILDISOWNER); } else return RET_NOERROR; }
void Container::postRemoveNotification(Creature* actor, Thing* thing, const Cylinder* newParent, int32_t index, bool isCompleteRemoval, CylinderLink_t/* link = LINK_OWNER*/) { Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(!topParent->getCreature()) { if(topParent == this) { //let the tile class notify surrounding players if(topParent->getParent()) topParent->getParent()->postRemoveNotification(actor, thing, newParent, index, isCompleteRemoval, LINK_NEAR); } else topParent->postRemoveNotification(actor, thing, newParent, index, isCompleteRemoval, LINK_PARENT); } else topParent->postRemoveNotification(actor, thing, newParent, index, isCompleteRemoval, LINK_TOPPARENT); }
ReturnValue Container::__queryAdd(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags, Creature* actor/* = NULL*/) const { bool childIsOwner = hasBitSet(FLAG_CHILDISOWNER, flags); if(childIsOwner) { //a child container is querying, since we are the top container (not carried by a player) //just return with no error. return RET_NOERROR; } const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; if(!item->isPickupable()) return RET_CANNOTPICKUP; if(item == this) return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; if(const Container* container = item->getContainer()) { for(const Cylinder* cylinder = getParent(); cylinder; cylinder = cylinder->getParent()) { if(cylinder == container) return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; } } if((flags & FLAG_NOLIMIT) != FLAG_NOLIMIT) { if((index == INDEX_WHEREEVER && full())) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; } const Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(topParent != this) return topParent->__queryAdd(INDEX_WHEREEVER, item, count, flags | FLAG_CHILDISOWNER, actor); return RET_NOERROR; }
void RoundButton::onUpdate(float dt) { if (noNested && core->isNested()) return; RenderObject::onUpdate(dt); RenderObject *top = getTopParent(); if (alpha.x == 1 && top->alpha.x == 1) { Vector p = core->mouse.position; Vector c = getWorldPosition(); int w2 = width/2; int h2 = height/2; if ((p.x > (c.x - w2)) && (p.x < (c.x + w2)) && (p.y > (c.y - h2)) && (p.y < (c.y + h2))) { if (core->mouse.buttons.left && !mbd) { mbd = true; } else if (!core->mouse.buttons.left && mbd) { mbd = false;; } } else { mbd = false; } if (!core->mouse.buttons.left && mbd) { mbd = false; } } else { mbd = false; } }
void RenderObject::renderCall() { //RenderObjectLayer *rlayer = core->getRenderObjectLayer(getTopLayer()); if (positionSnapTo) this->position = *positionSnapTo; position += offset; #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX if (!RENDEROBJECT_FASTTRANSFORM) core->getD3DMatrixStack()->Push(); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL if (!RENDEROBJECT_FASTTRANSFORM) glPushMatrix(); if (!RENDEROBJECT_SHAREATTRIBUTES) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); } #endif if (!RENDEROBJECT_FASTTRANSFORM) { if (layer != LR_NONE) { RenderObjectLayer *l = &core->renderObjectLayers[layer]; if (l->followCamera != NO_FOLLOW_CAMERA) { followCamera = l->followCamera; } } if (followCamera!=0 && !parent) { if (followCamera == 1) { #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL glLoadIdentity(); glScalef(core->globalResolutionScale.x, core->globalResolutionScale.y,0); glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z); if (isfh()) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glRotatef(180, 0, 1, 0); } if (core->mode == Core::MODE_3D) { glRotatef(rotation.x+rotationOffset.x, 1, 0, 0); glRotatef(rotation.y+rotationOffset.y, 0, 1, 0); } glRotatef(rotation.z+rotationOffset.z, 0, 0, 1); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX core->getD3DMatrixStack()->LoadIdentity(); core->scaleMatrixStack(core->globalResolutionScale.x, core->globalResolutionScale.y,0); core->translateMatrixStack(position.x, position.y, 0); if (isfh()) { //HACK: disable cull -> core->getD3DMatrixStack()->RotateAxisLocal(&D3DXVECTOR3(0, 1, 0), D3DXToRadian(180)); } core->rotateMatrixStack(rotation.z + rotationOffset.z); #endif } else { Vector pos = getFollowCameraPosition(); #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL glTranslatef(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (isfh()) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glRotatef(180, 0, 1, 0); } if (core->mode == Core::MODE_3D) { glRotatef(rotation.x+rotationOffset.x, 1, 0, 0); glRotatef(rotation.y+rotationOffset.y, 0, 1, 0); } glRotatef(rotation.z+rotationOffset.z, 0, 0, 1); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX core->translateMatrixStack(pos.x, pos.y, 0); if (isfh()) { //HACK: disable cull -> core->getD3DMatrixStack()->RotateAxisLocal(&D3DXVECTOR3(0, 1, 0), D3DXToRadian(180)); } core->rotateMatrixStack(rotation.z + rotationOffset.z); #endif } } else { #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX core->translateMatrixStack(position.x, position.y, 0); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL if (RenderObject::renderPaths && &&>path.getNumPathNodes() > 0) { glLineWidth(4); glEnable(GL_BLEND); int i = 0; glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glBegin(GL_LINES); for (i = 0; i <>path.getNumPathNodes()-1; i++) { glVertex2f(>path.getPathNode(i)->value.x-position.x,>path.getPathNode(i)->value.y-position.y); glVertex2f(>path.getPathNode(i+1)->value.x-position.x,>path.getPathNode(i+1)->value.y-position.y); } glEnd(); glPointSize(20); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glColor4f(0.5,0.5,1,1); for (i = 0; i <>path.getNumPathNodes(); i++) { glVertex2f(>path.getPathNode(i)->value.x-position.x,>path.getPathNode(i)->value.y-position.y); } glEnd(); } #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL if (core->mode == Core::MODE_3D) { glRotatef(rotation.x+rotationOffset.x, 1, 0, 0); glRotatef(rotation.y+rotationOffset.y, 0, 1, 0); } glRotatef(rotation.z+rotationOffset.z, 0, 0, 1); if (isfh()) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glRotatef(180, 0, 1, 0); } #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX //core->getD3DMatrixStack()->RotateAxisLocal(&D3DXVECTOR3(0, 0, 1), rotation.z+rotationOffset.z); core->rotateMatrixStack(rotation.z + rotationOffset.z); if (isfh()) { //HACK: disable cull core->getD3DDevice()->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE); //core->getD3DMatrixStack()->Scale(-1, 1, 1); //core->applyMatrixStackToWorld(); core->getD3DMatrixStack()->RotateAxisLocal(&D3DXVECTOR3(0, 1, 0), D3DXToRadian(180)); //core->applyMatrixStackToWorld(); } #endif } #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL glTranslatef(beforeScaleOffset.x, beforeScaleOffset.y, beforeScaleOffset.z); if (core->mode == Core::MODE_3D) glScalef(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z); else glScalef(scale.x, scale.y, 1); glTranslatef(internalOffset.x, internalOffset.y, internalOffset.z); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX core->translateMatrixStack(beforeScaleOffset.x, beforeScaleOffset.y, 0); core->scaleMatrixStack(scale.x, scale.y, 1); core->translateMatrixStack(internalOffset.x, internalOffset.y, 0); core->applyMatrixStackToWorld(); #endif //glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); /* Never set anywhere. --achurch if (renderOrigin) { #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(50.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, -5.0f, 0.0f); glColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f); glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f); glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glEnd(); #endif } */ } for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++) { if (!(*i)->isDead() && (*i)->renderBeforeParent) (*i)->render(); } //if (useColor) { #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL if (rlayer) glColor4f(color.x * rlayer->color.x, color.y * rlayer->color.y, color.z * rlayer->color.z, alpha.x*alphaMod); else glColor4f(color.x, color.y, color.z, alpha.x*alphaMod); #elif defined(BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX) core->setColor(color.x, color.y, color.z, alpha.x*alphaMod); #endif } if (texture) { #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL if (texture->textures[0] != lastTextureApplied || repeatTexture != lastTextureRepeat) { texture->apply(repeatTexture); lastTextureRepeat = repeatTexture; lastTextureApplied = texture->textures[0]; } #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX texture->apply(repeatTexture); #endif } else { if (lastTextureApplied != 0 || repeatTexture != lastTextureRepeat) { #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX core->bindTexture(0, 0); #endif lastTextureApplied = 0; lastTextureRepeat = repeatTexture; } } applyBlendType(); bool doRender = true; int pass = renderPass; if (core->currentLayerPass != RENDER_ALL && renderPass != RENDER_ALL) { RenderObject *top = getTopParent(); if (top) { if (top->overrideRenderPass != OVERRIDE_NONE) pass = top->overrideRenderPass; } doRender = (core->currentLayerPass == pass); } if (renderCollisionShape) renderCollision(); if (doRender) onRender(); //collisionShape.render(); if (!RENDEROBJECT_SHAREATTRIBUTES) { glPopAttrib(); } for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++) { if (!(*i)->isDead() && !(*i)->renderBeforeParent) (*i)->render(); } if (!RENDEROBJECT_FASTTRANSFORM) { #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL glPopMatrix(); #endif #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_DIRECTX core->getD3DMatrixStack()->Pop(); core->applyMatrixStackToWorld(); #endif } position -= offset; if (integerizePositionForRender) { position = savePosition; } }
ReturnValue Container::__queryAdd(int32_t index, const Thing* thing, uint32_t count, uint32_t flags) const { bool childIsOwner = ((flags & FLAG_CHILDISOWNER) == FLAG_CHILDISOWNER); if(childIsOwner){ //a child container is querying, since we are the top container (not carried by a player) //just return with no error. return RET_NOERROR; } const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(item == NULL){ return RET_NOTPOSSIBLE; } if(!item->isPickupable()){ return RET_CANNOTPICKUP; } if(item == this){ return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; } const Cylinder* cylinder = getParent(); while(cylinder){ if(cylinder == thing){ return RET_THISISIMPOSSIBLE; } cylinder = cylinder->getParent(); } bool skipLimit = ((flags & FLAG_NOLIMIT) == FLAG_NOLIMIT); if(index == INDEX_WHEREEVER && !skipLimit){ if(size() >= capacity()) return RET_CONTAINERNOTENOUGHROOM; } const Cylinder* topParent = getTopParent(); if(topParent != this){ ReturnValue ret = topParent->__queryAdd(INDEX_WHEREEVER, item, count, flags | FLAG_CHILDISOWNER); if (ret != RET_NOERROR){ return ret; } } int32_t maxDeepness = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::MAX_DEEPNESS_OF_CHAIN_OF_CONTAINERS); if (maxDeepness > 0){ if (item->getContainer() && getParentContainer()){ //only containers inside of other containers have a deepness updated if (getDeepness() + 1 > maxDeepness){ return RET_CONTAINERHASTOMANYCONTAINERS; } } } /* the return value of RET_CONTAINERHASTOMANYITEMS and RET_CONTAINERHASTOMANYCONTAINERS should be sent ONLY if there weren't any other error */ const Container* c = this; int32_t max_amount_inside = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::MAX_AMOUNT_ITEMS_INSIDE_CONTAINERS); if (max_amount_inside > 0){ do { if ((c->getTotalAmountOfItemsInside() + thing->getTotalAmountOfItemsInside()) > (uint32_t) max_amount_inside + 1) return RET_CONTAINERHASTOMANYITEMS; c = c->getParentContainer(); } while(c); } return RET_NOERROR; }