예제 #1
void TpsTrajectoryEnsemble::moveTrajectory(int old_key, int new_key)
	assert(_trajectory.find(old_key) != _trajectory.end());
	TpsTrajectory& old_traj = getTrajectory(old_key);
	TpsTrajectory& new_traj = getTrajectory(new_key);
	delete _trajectory[old_key];
예제 #2
/*** Private functions ***/
void RobotControl::hitBall(Trajectory aTrajectory)
	if (globalj1 == -90)
		writeData("PRN 2,(0,0,0,0,0,30)\r");
	else if (globalj1 == 90)
		writeData("PRN 2,(0,0,0,0,0,-30)\r");
	BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << readData();
예제 #3
void TpsTrajectoryEnsemble::loadTrajectories(const char* filename)
	std::ifstream is(filename);
	while (1) {
		int traj_num;
		is >> traj_num;
		if (is.fail()) {
		TpsTrajectory& traj = getTrajectory(traj_num);
예제 #4
void RobotControl::run()
	while (isRunning())
		if (hasTrajectory == true)
            Time startTime = Clock::universal_time();       
			BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << readData();
            std::cout << "Tijd tot de response: " << (Clock::universal_time() - startTime).total_milliseconds() << "ms" << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;

			hasTrajectory = false;
void Clothoid::getPath(State a, State b) {
    cout<<"Start :" <<a.x<<" "<<a.y <<" "<<a.theta<<endl;
    cout<<"End"<<b.x<<" "<<b.y<<" "<<b.theta<<endl;
    if (fabs(a.x - b.x) < 1 || fabs(a.y - b.y) < 1) {
        solution = 0;
    double beta = atan2((b.y - a.y), (b.x - a.x));

    if (fabs(beta - b.theta - a.theta + beta) < 0.001 && fabs(b.theta - a.theta) < PI) {
        cout << "Symmetric:\n" << endl;

        start = a;
        end = b;
        double alpha = inRange((-start.theta + end.theta)) / 2;

        double D = calcD(fabs(alpha));
        path.sigma = 4 * PI * signum(alpha) * D * D / start.getDistance(end)/start.getDistance(end);
        if (path.sigma == 0) {
            path.lengthOfPath = start.getDistance(end);
            for (double s = 0; s < path.lengthOfPath; s += path.lengthOfPath / 1000) {
                path.path.push_back(State(start.x + s * cos(start.theta), start.y + s * sin(start.theta), 0));
            paths.push_back(ClothoidPathSegment(path.path, path.lengthOfPath, path.sigma));
        } else {
            path.lengthOfPath = 2 * sqrt(fabs(2 * alpha / path.sigma));
            paths.push_back(ClothoidPathSegment(path.path, path.lengthOfPath, path.sigma));
            std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;
    else if (a.theta == b.theta) {

        State p((a.x + b.x) / 2, (a.y + b.y) / 2, 0);
        double beta = atan2((p.y - a.y), (p.x - a.x));
        p.theta = 2 * beta - a.theta;
        getPath(a, p);
        getPath(p, b);

    } else {
        double alpha = inRange(((-a.theta + b.theta)) / 2);
        double cc;
        cc = cos(alpha) / sin(alpha);
        cout << "c is" << cc << endl;
        State p(0, 0, 0);
        p.x = (a.x + b.x + cc * (a.y - b.y)) / 2;
        p.y = (a.y + b.y + cc * (b.x - a.x)) / 2;
        double r = p.getDistance(a);
        double deflection1 = (atan2((p.y - a.y), (p.x - a.x)));
        double deflection2 = (atan2((p.y - b.y), (p.x - b.x)));
        double def;
        State c(0, 0, 0);
        if (deflection2 > deflection1) {
            double temp = deflection2;
            deflection2 = deflection1;
            deflection1 = temp;
            c.x = a.x;
            c.y = a.y;
            c.theta = a.theta;
            a.x = b.x;
            a.y = b.y;
            a.theta = b.theta;
            b.x = c.x;
            b.y = c.y;
            b.theta = c.theta;
        def = ((deflection2 + deflection1)) / 2;
        alpha = (((-a.theta + b.theta)) / 2);
        if (alpha < 0) {

            def = inRange(PI + def);
        State q(0, 0, 0);

        q.x = p.x + r * cos(def);
        q.y = p.y + r * sin(def);

        double the = atan2((a.y - q.y), (a.x - q.x));
        double the2 = atan2((q.y - b.y), (q.x - b.x));

        double beta1 = inRange(2 * the - a.theta);
        double beta2 = inRange(2 * the2 - b.theta);
        q.theta = beta1;
        cout << "Intermediate Point " << q.x << " " << q.y << " " << q.theta << endl;
        getPath(a, q);
        getPath(q, b);

