void VideoWriter_ufmf::setupOutputFile(StampedImage stampedImg) { // Set error control state, set exceptions mask file_.clear(); file_.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); // Get unique name for file and open for reading QString incrFileName = getUniqueFileName(); try { file_.open(incrFileName.toStdString(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); } catch (std::ifstream::failure &exc) { unsigned int errorId = ERROR_VIDEO_WRITER_INITIALIZE; std::string errorMsg("video writer unable to open file:\n\n"); errorMsg += exc.what(); throw RuntimeError(errorId, errorMsg); } if (!file_.is_open()) { unsigned int errorId = ERROR_VIDEO_WRITER_INITIALIZE; std::string errorMsg("video writer unable to open file:\n\n"); errorMsg += "no exception thrown"; throw RuntimeError(errorId, errorMsg); } setSize(stampedImg.image.size()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { embInitPV("kdnapenny", argc, argv, "KBWS", "1.0.8"); struct soap soap; char* jobid; char* result; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPFile outf; AjPStr substr; AjPStr inseq = NULL; seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr tmpFileName = NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr sizestr = NULL; ajint thissize = 0; ajint nb = 0; AjBool are_prot = ajFalse; ajint size = 0; AjPFile infile; tmp = ajStrNewC("fasta"); fil_file = ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFileName = getUniqueFileName(); if( !ajSeqoutOpenFilename(fil_file, tmpFileName) ) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(fil_file, tmp); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { if (!nb) { are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); } ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); if (nb < 2) { ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); } infile = ajFileNewInNameS(tmpFileName); while (ajReadline(infile, &line)) { ajStrAppendS(&inseq,line); ajStrAppendC(&inseq,"\n"); } soap_init(&soap); char* in0; in0 = ajCharNewS(inseq); if ( soap_call_ns1__runDnapenny( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, &jobid ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"Jobid: %s\n",jobid); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } int check = 0; while ( check == 0 ) { if ( soap_call_ns1__checkStatus( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &check ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"*"); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } sleep(3); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if ( soap_call_ns1__getResult( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &result ) == SOAP_OK ) { substr = ajStrNewC(result); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S\n",substr); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFileName); soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // initialize EMBASSY info embInitPV("kweblogo", argc, argv, "KBWS", "1.0.9"); // soap driver and parameter object struct soap soap; struct ns1__weblogoInputParams params; char* jobid; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPStr substr; AjPStr inseq = NULL; // get input sequence seqall= ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); // get/set parameters params.format = ajCharNewS(ajAcdGetString("format")); AjPStr tmp= NULL; AjPStr tmpFileName= NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file; AjPStr line= NULL; /* if "AjPStr line; -> ajReadline is not success!" */ AjPStr sizestr= NULL; ajint thissize; ajint nb= 0; AjBool are_prot= ajFalse; ajint size= 0; AjPFile infile; AjPFile goutf; AjPStr goutfile; goutfile= ajAcdGetString("goutfile"); tmp= ajStrNewC("fasta"); fil_file= ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFileName= getUniqueFileName(); if(!ajSeqoutOpenFilename(fil_file, tmpFileName)) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(fil_file, tmp); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { if (!nb) { are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); } ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); if (nb < 2) { ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); } infile = ajFileNewInNameS(tmpFileName); while (ajReadline(infile, &line)) { ajStrAppendS(&inseq,line); ajStrAppendC(&inseq,"\n"); } soap_init(&soap); char* in0; in0= ajCharNewS(inseq); if (soap_call_ns1__runWeblogo( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, ¶ms, &jobid) == SOAP_OK) { } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } int check= 0; while (check == 0 ) { if (soap_call_ns1__checkStatus(&soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &check) == SOAP_OK) { } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } sleep(3); } char* image_url; if (soap_call_ns1__getResult(&soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &image_url) == SOAP_OK) { goutf= ajFileNewOutNameS(goutfile); if (!goutf) { // can not open image output file ajFmtError("Problem writing out image file"); embExitBad(); } if (!gHttpGetBinC(image_url, &goutf)) { // can not download image file ajFmtError("Problem downloading image file"); embExitBad(); } } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } // delete temporary multi-fasta sequence file ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFileName); // destruct SOAP driver soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); // destruct EMBOSS object ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); // exit embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { embInitPV("kmafft", argc, argv, "KBWS", "1.0.8"); struct soap soap; struct ns1__mafftInputParams params; char* jobid; char* result; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPFile outf; AjPStr substr; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjPStr strategy; AjPStr outorder; float op; float ep; AjPStr scorematrix; AjBool homologs; AjBool showhomologs; float threshold; AjPStr referenceseq; AjPStr harrplot; strategy = ajAcdGetString("strategy"); outorder = ajAcdGetString("outorder"); op = ajAcdGetFloat("op"); ep = ajAcdGetFloat("ep"); scorematrix = ajAcdGetString("scorematrix"); homologs = ajAcdGetBoolean("homologs"); showhomologs = ajAcdGetBoolean("showhomologs"); threshold = ajAcdGetFloat("threshold"); referenceseq = ajAcdGetString("referenceseq"); harrplot = ajAcdGetString("harrplot"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); params.strategy = ajCharNewS(strategy); params.outorder = ajCharNewS(outorder); params.op = op; params.ep = ep; params.scorematrix = ajCharNewS(scorematrix); if (homologs) { params.homologs = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.homologs = xsd__boolean__false_; } if (showhomologs) { params.showhomologs = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.showhomologs = xsd__boolean__false_; } params.threshold = threshold; params.referenceseq = ajCharNewS(referenceseq); params.harrplot = ajCharNewS(harrplot); AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr tmpFileName = NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file; AjPStr line = NULL; /* if "AjPStr line; -> ajReadline is not success!" */ AjPStr sizestr = NULL; ajint thissize; ajint nb = 0; AjBool are_prot = ajFalse; ajint size = 0; AjPFile infile; tmp = ajStrNewC("fasta"); fil_file = ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFileName = getUniqueFileName(); if( !ajSeqoutOpenFilename(fil_file, tmpFileName) ) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(fil_file, tmp); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { if (!nb) { are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); } ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); if (nb < 2) { ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); } infile = ajFileNewInNameS(tmpFileName); while (ajReadline(infile, &line)) { ajStrAppendS(&inseq,line); ajStrAppendC(&inseq,"\n"); } soap_init(&soap); char* in0; in0 = ajCharNewS(inseq); if ( soap_call_ns1__runMafft( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, ¶ms, &jobid ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"Jobid: %s\n",jobid); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } int check = 0; while ( check == 0 ) { if ( soap_call_ns1__checkStatus( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &check ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"*"); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } sleep(3); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); if ( soap_call_ns1__getResult( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &result ) == SOAP_OK ) { substr = ajStrNewC(result); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S\n",substr); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFileName); soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { embInitPV("kclustalw", argc, argv, "KBWS", "1.0.8"); struct soap soap; struct ns1__clustalwInputParams params; char* jobid; char* result; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; AjPFile outf; AjPFile outf_dnd; AjPStr substr; AjPStr inseq = NULL; AjPStr alignment; AjPStr output; AjPStr matrix; AjPStr outorder; ajint ktup; ajint window; ajint gapopen; float gapext; ajint gapdist; AjBool endgaps; ajint pairgap; ajint topdiags; AjPStr score; AjBool tossgaps; AjBool kimura; AjPStr outputtree; AjBool tree; AjBool quicktree; AjBool align; AjPStr clustering; ajint numiter; AjPStr iteration; alignment = ajAcdGetString("alignment"); output = ajAcdGetString("output"); matrix = ajAcdGetString("matrix"); outorder = ajAcdGetString("outorder"); ktup = ajAcdGetInt("ktup"); window = ajAcdGetInt("window"); gapopen = ajAcdGetInt("gapopen"); gapext = ajAcdGetFloat("gapext"); gapdist = ajAcdGetInt("gapdist"); endgaps = ajAcdGetBoolean("endgaps"); pairgap = ajAcdGetInt("pairgap"); topdiags = ajAcdGetInt("topdiags"); score = ajAcdGetString("score"); tossgaps = ajAcdGetBoolean("tossgaps"); kimura = ajAcdGetBoolean("kimura"); outputtree = ajAcdGetString("outputtree"); tree = ajAcdGetBoolean("tree"); quicktree = ajAcdGetBoolean("quicktree"); align = ajAcdGetBoolean("align"); clustering = ajAcdGetString("clustering"); numiter = ajAcdGetInt("numiter"); iteration = ajAcdGetString("iteration"); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall("seqall"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); outf_dnd = ajAcdGetOutfile("dndoutfile"); params.alignment = ajCharNewS(alignment); params.output = ajCharNewS(output); params.matrix = ajCharNewS(matrix); params.outorder = ajCharNewS(outorder); params.ktup = ktup; params.window = window; params.gapopen = gapopen; params.gapext = gapext; params.gapdist = gapdist; if (endgaps) { params.endgaps = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.endgaps = xsd__boolean__false_; } params.pairgap = pairgap; params.topdiags = topdiags; params.score = ajCharNewS(score); if (tossgaps) { params.tossgaps = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.tossgaps = xsd__boolean__false_; } if (kimura) { params.kimura = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.kimura = xsd__boolean__false_; } params.outputtree = ajCharNewS(outputtree); if (tree) { params.tree = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.tree = xsd__boolean__false_; } if (quicktree) { params.quicktree = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.quicktree = xsd__boolean__false_; } if (align) { params.align = xsd__boolean__true_; } else { params.align = xsd__boolean__false_; } params.clustering = ajCharNewS(clustering); params.numiter = numiter; params.iteration = ajCharNewS(iteration); AjPStr tmp = NULL; AjPStr tmpFileName = NULL; AjPSeqout fil_file; AjPStr line = NULL; /* if "AjPStr line; -> ajReadline is not success!" */ AjPStr sizestr = NULL; ajint thissize; ajint nb = 0; AjBool are_prot = ajFalse; ajint size = 0; AjPFile infile; tmp = ajStrNewC("fasta"); fil_file = ajSeqoutNew(); tmpFileName = getUniqueFileName(); if( !ajSeqoutOpenFilename(fil_file, tmpFileName) ) { embExitBad(); } ajSeqoutSetFormatS(fil_file, tmp); while (ajSeqallNext(seqall, &seq)) { if (!nb) { are_prot = ajSeqIsProt(seq); } ajSeqoutWriteSeq(fil_file, seq); ++nb; } ajSeqoutClose(fil_file); ajSeqoutDel(&fil_file); if (nb < 2) { ajFatal("Multiple alignments need at least two sequences"); } infile = ajFileNewInNameS(tmpFileName); while (ajReadline(infile, &line)) { ajStrAppendS(&inseq,line); ajStrAppendC(&inseq,"\n"); } soap_init(&soap); char* in0; in0 = ajCharNewS(inseq); if ( soap_call_ns1__runClustalw( &soap, NULL, NULL, in0, ¶ms, &jobid ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"Jobid: %s\n",jobid); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } int check = 0; while ( check == 0 ) { if ( soap_call_ns1__checkStatus( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, &check ) == SOAP_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"*"); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } sleep(3); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); char* type; type = "out"; if(soap_call_ns1__getMultiResult( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, type, &result )== SOAP_OK) { substr = ajStrNewC(result); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", ajStrGetPtr(substr)); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } type = "aln"; if(soap_call_ns1__getMultiResult( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, type, &result )== SOAP_OK) { substr = ajStrNewC(result); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S\n",substr); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } type = "dnd"; if(soap_call_ns1__getMultiResult( &soap, NULL, NULL, jobid, type, &result )== SOAP_OK) { substr = ajStrNewC(result); ajFmtPrintF(outf_dnd,"%S\n",substr); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } ajSysFileUnlinkS(tmpFileName); soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); ajFileClose(&outf_dnd); ajFileClose(&outf); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqDel(&seq); ajStrDel(&substr); embExit(); return 0; }