예제 #1
void btCapsuleShape::batchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3* vectors, btVector3* supportVerticesOut, int numVectors) const
	for (int j = 0; j < numVectors; j++)
		btScalar maxDot(btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT));
		const btVector3& vec = vectors[j];

		btVector3 vtx;
		btScalar newDot;
			btVector3 pos(0, 0, 0);
			pos[getUpAxis()] = getHalfHeight();
			vtx = pos;
			newDot = vec.dot(vtx);
			if (newDot > maxDot)
				maxDot = newDot;
				supportVerticesOut[j] = vtx;
			btVector3 pos(0, 0, 0);
			pos[getUpAxis()] = -getHalfHeight();
			vtx = pos;
			newDot = vec.dot(vtx);
			if (newDot > maxDot)
				maxDot = newDot;
				supportVerticesOut[j] = vtx;
예제 #2
 btVector3	btCapsuleShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const

	btVector3 supVec(0,0,0);

	btScalar maxDot(btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT));

	btVector3 vec = vec0;
	btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2();
	if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001))
	} else
		btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr );
		vec *= rlen;

	btVector3 vtx;
	btScalar newDot;
	btScalar radius = getRadius();

		btVector3 pos(0,0,0);
		pos[getUpAxis()] = getHalfHeight();

		vtx = pos +vec*(radius) - vec * getMargin();
		newDot = vec.dot(vtx);
		if (newDot > maxDot)
			maxDot = newDot;
			supVec = vtx;
		btVector3 pos(0,0,0);
		pos[getUpAxis()] = -getHalfHeight();

		vtx = pos +vec*(radius) - vec * getMargin();
		newDot = vec.dot(vtx);
		if (newDot > maxDot)
			maxDot = newDot;
			supVec = vtx;

	return supVec;

예제 #3
void	btCapsuleShape::calculateLocalInertia(btScalar mass,btVector3& inertia) const
	//as an approximation, take the inertia of the box that bounds the spheres

	btTransform ident;

	btScalar radius = getRadius();

	btVector3 halfExtents(radius,radius,radius);

	btScalar margin = CONVEX_DISTANCE_MARGIN;

	btScalar lx=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents[0]+margin);
	btScalar ly=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents[1]+margin);
	btScalar lz=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents[2]+margin);
	const btScalar x2 = lx*lx;
	const btScalar y2 = ly*ly;
	const btScalar z2 = lz*lz;
	const btScalar scaledmass = mass * btScalar(.08333333);

	inertia[0] = scaledmass * (y2+z2);
	inertia[1] = scaledmass * (x2+z2);
	inertia[2] = scaledmass * (x2+y2);

예제 #4
void LLViewerCamera::getPixelVectors(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, LLVector3 &up, LLVector3 &right)
	LLVector3 to_vec = pos_agent - getOrigin();

	F32 at_dist = to_vec * getAtAxis();

	F32 height_meters = at_dist* (F32)tan(getView()/2.f);
	F32 height_pixels = getViewHeightInPixels()/2.f;

	F32 pixel_aspect = gViewerWindow->getWindow()->getPixelAspectRatio();

	F32 meters_per_pixel = height_meters / height_pixels;
	up = getUpAxis() * meters_per_pixel * gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VY];
	right = -1.f * pixel_aspect * meters_per_pixel * getLeftAxis() * gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VX];