void packScanDir( const char* path, list_t* dirList ) { struct dirent *pent; struct stat st; char* buf=malloc(sizeof(char)*2048); DIR *pdir= opendir( path ); if(pdir) { while( (pent=readdir(pdir)) ) { //We're not going to read hidden files or . / .. if(pent->d_name[0] != '.') { sprintf(buf, "%s/%s",path,pent->d_name); if(stat(buf, &st)==0) { if( (st.st_mode&S_IFDIR)==S_IFDIR ) { //Ignore the "wizznic" directory since it's allready added. if(strcmp( buf, "packs/000_wizznic" ) != 0) { char* pdstr = malloc( sizeof(char)*strlen(buf)+1 ); strcpy( pdstr, buf ); listAppendData( dirList, (void*)pdstr ); } } else if( (st.st_mode&S_IFREG) ) { //It's a file, let's try and see if it's a bundle. int l = strlen(buf); if( l > 4 && strcasecmp( &buf[l-4] ,".wiz" )==0 ) { l = debundle( buf, getUsrPackDir() ); if( l == BUNDLE_SUCCESS ) { SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Installed bundle '%s'.\n", buf); char* pdstr = malloc( sizeof(char)*strlen(buf)+1 ); strcpy( pdstr, bundlePath() ); listAppendData( dirList, (void*)pdstr ); unlink( buf ); } else if( l == BUNDLE_FAIL_CORRUPT ) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The bundle file '%s' is corrupt, deleting it.\n", buf); unlink( buf ); } else if( l == BUNDLE_FAIL_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION ) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The bundle file '%s' is not supported by this version of Wizznic, please try and update Wizznic.\n", buf); } else if( l == BUNDLE_FAIL_DIR_EXISTS ) { SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The bundle file '%s' has already been installed.\n", buf); } bundlePathReset(); } } } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "packScanDir(); Error: stat('%s') failed!\n", buf); } } } closedir(pdir); } free(buf); }
void packInit() { SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "initPack();\n"); ps.packs = listInit(NULL); ps.numPacks=0; //Add the wizznic packs packAdd("packs/000_wizznic", 0); packAdd("packs/001_wizznic", 0); list_t* packDirList = listInit(NULL); list_t* usrPackDirList = listInit(NULL); //packScanDir("packs", packDirList); packScanDir( getUsrPackDir(), usrPackDirList); if(packDirList->count < 1) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "packInit(); Error: No packs found.\n"); } //Add pack directories to list of strings to be sorted char** sortme = malloc( sizeof(char**) * packDirList->count ); int i=0; listItem* it = &packDirList->begin; while( LISTFWD(packDirList,it) ) { sortme[i]=(char*)it->data; i++; } //Sort the array qsort( sortme, packDirList->count, sizeof(char*), strCmp ); //Loop through array, add pack, free string for(i=0; i<packDirList->count; i++) { //add pack packAdd( sortme[i], PACK_IS_NOT_DLC ); //free string free( sortme[i] ); } //Append the unsorted list of DLC packs. it=&usrPackDirList->begin; while( LISTFWD(usrPackDirList,it) ) { packAdd( (char*)it->data, PACK_IS_DLC ); } //Free sortme array free(sortme); //Free packDirList //FIXME: Check if the data or pointers are copied, maybe we could free ? listFree( packDirList ); SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "initPack(); Added %i packs.\n", ps.packs->count); //Do not call packSet here, it will be called after setting's are read. //Set the packbox graphics ptr 0 before loading it. ps.packBoxImg=0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int doScale=0; // 0=Undefined, 1=320x240, -1=OpenGL, >1=SwScale char* dumpPack=NULL; int state=1; //Game, Menu, Editor, Quit int sdlVideoModeFlags = SDL_SWSURFACE; #ifdef PSP //Note to PSP porter, please test if HW is actually faster, Wizznic does a lot of memory-manipulation in the screen-surface, each call might initiate a full copy back/forth from video memory. Remove comment when read. :) sdlVideoModeFlags = (SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF |SDL_HWACCEL); SetupCallbacks();//Callbacks actifs scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166); #endif // #ifdef WIN32 //Redirect stdout to console on windows, so we can see what's going in. // FILE *stream; // stream = freopen("CON", "w", stdout); // #endif //Print welcome message printf( "Wizznic "VERSION_STRING". GPLv3 or newer Copyleft 2010-2013\n\n"); //initialize path strings initUserPaths(); //Tell where stuff's at. printf("Directories:\n Settings: %s\n DLC: %s\n Highscores: %s\n Editorlevels: %s\n Datafiles: %s\n\n", \ getConfigDir(), getUsrPackDir(), getHighscoreDir(), getUserLevelDir(), (!strlen(DATADIR))?".":DATADIR); //Print the command line parameters printf("Command-line parameters:\n"STR_VID_OPTIONS); //Quit if user wants help if( argc > 1 && ( strcmp(argv[1], "-h")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-help")==0 )) { printf("Please see readme.txt or http://wizznic.org/ for more help.\n"); return(0); } //Read settings printf("Loading settings...\n"); initSettings(); #if defined(WITH_OPENGL) //We start by enabling glScaling if it was enabled in settings, it can then be overwritten by command line options. if( setting()->glEnable && doScale==0 ) doScale=-1; #endif //Set scaling setting()->scaleFactor=1.0; atexit(SDL_Quit); //Init SDL if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_TIMER ) <0 ) { printf("SDL_Init failed: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); return(-1); } //Setup display #if defined (GP2X) || defined (PSP) || defined (WIZ) SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREENW,SCREENH,16, sdlVideoModeFlags); #else SDL_Surface* screen=NULL; int i; for( i=0; i < argc; i++ ) { if( strcmp( argv[i], "-sw" ) == 0 ) { setting()->glEnable=0; doScale=0; saveSettings(); } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-gl" ) == 0 ) { setting()->glEnable=1; doScale=-1; saveSettings(); } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-z" ) == 0 ) { if( i+1 < argc ) { doScale = atoi( argv[i+1] ); setting()->glEnable=0; i++; saveSettings(); } else { printf(" -z requires zoom level ( -z 2 for example ).\n"); return(1); } } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-f" ) == 0 ) { setting()->fullScreen=1; saveSettings(); } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-w" ) == 0 ) { setting()->fullScreen=0; saveSettings(); } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-glheight" ) == 0 ) { if( i+1 < argc ) { setting()->glHeight = atoi( argv[i+1] ); setting()->glEnable=1; doScale=-1; i++; printf("Setting OpenGL window height to %i.\n", setting()->glHeight); saveSettings(); } else { printf(" -glheight requires an argument (-1 or size in pixels).\n"); return(1); } } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-glwidth" ) == 0 ) { if( i+1 < argc ) { setting()->glWidth = atoi( argv[i+1] ); setting()->glEnable=1; doScale=-1; i++; printf("Setting OpenGL window width to %i.\n", setting()->glWidth); saveSettings(); } else { printf(" -glwidth requires an argument (-1 or size in pixels).\n"); return(1); } } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-glfilter" ) == 0 ) { if( i+1 < argc ) { setting()->glFilter=atoi(argv[i+1]); printf("OpenGL texture filtering set to %s.\n", (setting()->glFilter)?"Smooth":"Off"); i++; saveSettings(); } else { printf("-glfilter requires 0 or 1 as argument.\n"); return(1); } } else if( strcmp( argv[i] , "-d" ) == 0 ) { if( argc == 3 && i < argc+1 ) { dumpPack = malloc( sizeof(char)*strlen(argv[i+1])+1 ); strcpy( dumpPack, argv[i+1] ); doScale=0; setting()->glEnable=0; i++; } else { printf("-d requires a packname, and must not be used with other parameters.\n"); return(1); } } else if( strcmp( argv[i], "-rift") == 0 ) { setting()->glWidth = 1280; setting()->glHeight = 800; setting()->glEnable=1; setting()->rift=1; doScale=-1; } else if( i > 0 ) { printf("\nError: Invalid argument '%s', quitting.\n", argv[i]); return(1); } } if( setting()->fullScreen ) { sdlVideoModeFlags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; } if(doScale) { //Hardware accelerated scaling if( doScale == -1 ) { #ifdef HAVE_ACCELERATION printf("Enabling platform specific accelerated scaling.\n"); screen = platformInitAccel(sdlVideoModeFlags); if( !screen ) { printf("Failed to set platform accelerated scaling, falling back to software window.\n"); screen=swScreen(SDL_SWSURFACE); doScale=0; } #else printf("\nError:\n Not compiled with hardware-scaling support, don't give me -z -1\n Exiting...\n"); return(-1); #endif } else if( doScale > 0 ) { #ifdef WANT_SWSCALE //Set up software scaling printf("Enabling slow software-based scaling to %ix%i.\n",320*doScale, 240*doScale); screen = swScaleInit(sdlVideoModeFlags,doScale); #else printf("\nError:\n I don't support software scaling, don't give me any -z options\n Exiting...\n"); return(-1); #endif } } else { screen=swScreen(sdlVideoModeFlags); doScale=0; } printf("Scaling factor: %f\n", setting()->scaleFactor); if( screen == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: Couldn't init video.\n"); return(-1); } //Set window title SDL_WM_SetCaption("Wizznic!", "Wizznic!"); //Set window icon SDL_Surface* icon = IMG_Load( DATADIR"data/wmicon.png"); SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon, NULL); SDL_FreeSurface(icon); #endif setting()->bpp = screen->format->BytesPerPixel; setAlphaCol( setting()->bpp ); printf("Screen surface using %i bytes per pixel.\n",setting()->bpp); //Open Joysticks (for wiz) if (SDL_NumJoysticks() > 0) SDL_JoystickOpen(0); //Hide mouse cursor SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); //Load fonts txtInit(); //Load sounds if(!initSound()) { printf("Couldn't init sound.\n"); return(-1); } //Menu Graphics if(!initMenu(screen)) { printf("Couldn't load menu graphics.\n"); return(-1); } //Init controls initControls(); //Init stats statsInit(); //Init packs packInit(); //Scan userlevels dir makeUserLevelList(screen); //Init particles initParticles(screen); //Seed the pseudo random number generator (for particles 'n' stuff) srand( (int)time(NULL) ); #if defined(PC) //Need to dump level-screenshots? if(dumpPack) { printf("Dumping level-images for pack: %s\n", dumpPack); dumplevelimages(screen, dumpPack, 0); return(0); } #endif //init starfield initStars(screen); //Init pointer initPointer(screen); printf("Applying settings..\n"); //Apply settings (has to be done after packs are inited) applySettings(); //Set Pack packSetByPath( setting()->packDir ); #if defined( PLATFORM_SUPPORTS_STATSUPLOAD ) if( (setting()->uploadStats) && !(setting()->firstRun) ) { statsUpload(0,0,0,0,0,"check",1, &(setting()->session) ); statsUpload(0,0,0,0,0,"q_solved",1, &(setting()->solvedWorldWide) ); //DLC only works when stats-uploading is enabled so we can use the same nag-screen. dlcCheckOnline(); } #endif printf("Setting Music...\n"); //Start playing music (has to be done after readong settings) soundSetMusic(); //Initialize credits initCredits(screen); initTransition(); #if SCREENW != 320 || SCREENH != 240 SDL_Rect *borderSrcRect = malloc(sizeof(SDL_Rect)); SDL_Surface* border = loadImg( BORDER_IMAGE ); if( border ) { printf("Border image loaded.\n"); borderSrcRect->x=(border->w-SCREENW)/2; borderSrcRect->y=(border->h-SCREENH)/2; borderSrcRect->w=SCREENW; borderSrcRect->h=SCREENH; SDL_BlitSurface( border, borderSrcRect, screen, NULL ); SDL_FreeSurface(border); } else { printf("Could not load border image: %s\n", BORDER_IMAGE); SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0,0,0)); } free(borderSrcRect); borderSrcRect=NULL; #endif int lastTick; while(state!=STATEQUIT) { lastTick=SDL_GetTicks(); frameStart(); if(runControls()) state=STATEQUIT; switch(state) { case STATEPLAY: state = runGame(screen); break; case STATEMENU: state = runMenu(screen); break; case STATEEDIT: state=runEditor(screen); break; } drawPointer(screen); soundRun(screen,state); runTransition(screen); if(setting()->showFps) drawFPS(screen); switch( doScale ) { #if defined(HAVE_ACCELERATION) case -1: platformDrawScaled(screen); break; #endif case 0: SDL_Flip(screen); break; #if defined(WANT_SWSCALE) default: swScale(screen,doScale); break; #else default: state=STATEQUIT; break; #endif } #if defined(CRUDE_TIMING) //Oh how I loathe this, is there no better way? while(SDL_GetTicks()-lastTick <= PLATFORM_CRUDE_TIMING_TICKS) { //Burn, burn baby burn! } #else int t=SDL_GetTicks()-lastTick; if(t < 20) { SDL_Delay( 20 -t); } #endif } #if defined(PLATFORM_NEEDS_EXIT) platformExit(); #endif SDL_Quit(); return(0); }