std::string OptionBinds::Item::getValueString() const
    if (getValueStr)
        return getValueStr();
        return option->getValueString();
예제 #2
string cConfigItem::getJson() {
	JsonExport json;
	json.add("name", config_name);
	json.add("type", getTypeName());
	if(subtype.length()) {
		json.add("subtype", subtype);
	if(description.length()) {
		json.add("description", description);
	if(help.length()) {
		json.add("help", help);
	json.add("set", set);
	json.add("value", json_encode(getValueStr()));
	json.add("default", json_encode(defaultValueStr));
	json.add("group", group_name);
	json.add("level", level);
	json.add("minor", minor);
	list<sMapValue> menuItems = getMenuItems();
	if(menuItems.size()) {
		ostringstream outStr;
		int counter = 0;
		for(list<sMapValue>::iterator iter = menuItems.begin(); iter != menuItems.end(); iter++) {
			if(counter) {
				outStr << ';';
			outStr << iter->str << ':' << iter->value;
		json.add("menu", json_encode(outStr.str()));
void BipartiteWeightedMatchingBinding::printTable(raw_ostream &out, std::string
        funcUnitType, int numOperationsToShare, int numFuncUnitsAvail, Table
        &weights) {

    std::string s;
    std::stringstream ss;

    const int firstColWidth = 50;
    ss << setw(firstColWidth) << " ";
    for (int fu = 0; fu < numFuncUnitsAvail; fu++) {
        std::string fuId = this->alloc->verilogNameFunction(this->Fp, this->Fp)
            + "_" + funcUnitType + "_" + utostr(fu);
        ss << left << setw(30) << fuId;
    ss << "\n";

    for (int o = 0; o < numOperationsToShare; o++) {
        std::string instStr = getValueStr(opInstr[o]);
        limitString(instStr, 30);
        std::string opStr = instStr + " (idx: " + utostr(o) + ")";
        ss << left << setw(firstColWidth) << opStr;
        for (int fu = 0; fu < numFuncUnitsAvail; fu++) {
            ss << left << setw(30) << weights[fu][o];
        ss << "\n";

    out << ss.str();
예제 #4
std::vector<Section> Config::getSectionList()
	int count = getNumValues("project");
	std::vector<Section> ret;
	for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){
		std::string filename = getValueStr("project", i);

		try {
			std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
			std::string line;

			while(getline(in, line).good()){
				Section sec;
				if(parseSection(line, sec)){
					sec.source = filename;


		catch (std::ifstream::failure ex){
			LOG("could not load file: " << filename, LOG_VERBOSE);

	return ret;
예제 #5
bool Config::getValueBool(std::string key, int index){
	std::string tmp = getValueStr(key, index);
	if(tmp == "true" || tmp == "yes" || tmp == "1" || tmp == "si" || tmp == "ja" || tmp == "da" || tmp == "oui" || tmp == "jawohl"){
		return true;
		return false;
예제 #6
std::vector<std::string> Config::getValues(std::string key)
	std::vector<std::string> ret;

	for(int i = 0; i < getNumValues(key); i++)
		ret.push_back(getValueStr(key, i));
	return ret;
예제 #7
bool Config::containsValue(std::string key, std::string value)
	int nv = getNumValues(key);
	for(int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
		if(getValueStr(key, i) == value)
			return true;
	return false;
예제 #8
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiFile::unpackString(std::string& value, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE];	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	if (!getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE))
		return FALSE;
	value = valuestr;
	return success;
예제 #9
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiBuffer::unpackF32(F32 &value, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	if (!getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE))
		return FALSE;

	sscanf(valuestr,"%f", &value);
	return success;
예제 #10
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiBuffer::unpackString(std::string& value, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE]; /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
	BOOL res = getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE); // NULL terminated
	if (!res) // 
		return FALSE;
	value = valuestr;
	return success;
예제 #11
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiFile::unpackVector4(LLVector4 &value, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE]; /*Flawfinder: ignore */
	if (!getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE))
		return FALSE;

	sscanf(valuestr,"%f %f %f %f", &value.mV[0], &value.mV[1], &value.mV[2], &value.mV[3]);
	return success;
예제 #12
std::string Config::getValueStr(std::string key, std::string addBefore, std::string separator, std::string addAfter, bool reverse)
	std::string ret;
	if(configItems.count(key) != 0 && getValueStr(key, 0) != ""){
		bool first = true;

		int start = reverse ? getNumValues(key) - 1 : 0;
		int end = reverse ? -1 : getNumValues(key);

		for(int i = start; i != end; i += reverse ? -1 : 1){
				first = false;
			ret.append(getValueStr(key, i));
	return ret;
예제 #13
std::string Config::getValueStr(std::string key, int index, int depth)
	//LOG("Looking up: " << key, LOG_DEBUG);

	if(depth > SPANK_MAX_RECURSE){
		LOG("Recurse limit (" << SPANK_MAX_RECURSE << ") exceeded in Config::getValueStr(), probably because of key self referencing (or indirect self referencing).", LOG_ERROR);
		LOG("Might be in: " << key << "[" << index << "]", LOG_INFO);

		return "";

	if(configItems.count(key) != 0){
		if((unsigned int)index <= configItems[key].value.size()){
			std::string ret = configItems[key];

			//LOG("Parsing string: " << ret, LOG_DEBUG);

			size_t start = 0;

			while((start = ret.find("$("), start) != std::string::npos){
				size_t stop = ret.find(")", start);

				//LOG("start: " << start, LOG_DEBUG);
				//LOG("stop: " << stop, LOG_DEBUG);

				if(stop == std::string::npos){
					LOG("Error parsing key refernce: expected ')' near '" << ret << "'", LOG_ERROR);

				std::string ref = ret.substr(start + 2, stop - start - 2);
				//LOG("reference: " << ref, LOG_DEBUG);
				std::string rep = getValueStr(ref, 0, depth + 1);
				//LOG("replacement value: " << rep, LOG_DEBUG);

				ret.replace(start, stop - start + 1, rep);
				//LOG("resulting string: " << ret, LOG_DEBUG);

			return ret;

	char* env = getenv(key.c_str());
		return env;

	ThrowEx(ConfigException, "Couldn't find config key: '" << key << "'");

	return "";
예제 #14
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiBuffer::unpackU16(U16 &value, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	if (!getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE))
		return FALSE;

	S32 in_val;
	sscanf(valuestr,"%d", &in_val);
	value = in_val;
	return success;
예제 #15
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiFile::unpackUUID(LLUUID &value, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE]; /*Flawfinder: ignore */
	if (!getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE))
		return FALSE;

	char tmp_str[64]; /*Flawfinder: ignore */
	sscanf(valuestr,"%63s",tmp_str);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	return success;
void BipartiteWeightedMatchingBinding::UpdateAssignments(raw_ostream &out, int
        numOperationsToShare, std::string funcUnitType, int numFuncUnitsAvail,
        AssignmentInfo &assigned, Table &assignments) {
    std::string s;
    std::stringstream ss;

    // Note that assignments (and weights) are square matrices,
    // numFuncUnitsAvail x numFuncUnitsAvail
    // However, numOperationsToShare <= numFuncUnitsAvail so the iteration
    // below is within bounds
    assert(numOperationsToShare <= numFuncUnitsAvail);
    for (int fu = 0; fu < numFuncUnitsAvail; fu++) {
        for (int o = 0; o < numOperationsToShare; o++) {
            if (assignments[fu][o]) {
                Instruction *I = opInstr[o];
                std::string fuId = this->alloc->verilogNameFunction(this->Fp,
                        this->Fp) + "_" + funcUnitType + "_" + utostr(fu);
                this->BindingInstrFU[I] = fuId;

                int numOperands = 0;
                for (User::op_iterator i = I->op_begin(), e =
                        I->op_end(); i != e; ++i) {
                    Instruction *operand = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*i);
                    if (!operand) continue;
                    if (assigned.existingOperands[fuId].find(operand) ==
                            assigned.existingOperands[fuId].end()) {

                std::string instStr = getValueStr(opInstr[o]);
                limitString(instStr, 30);
                ss << instStr << " (idx: " << o << ") -> " << fuId <<
                    " (mux inputs: " << assigned.muxInputs[fuId] << ")\n";

                // number of operands for mem_dual_port is not 2
                //assert(numOperands == 2);

    out << ss.str();
예제 #17
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiFile::unpackColor4U(LLColor4U &value, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE]; /*Flawfinder: ignore */
	if (!getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE))
		return FALSE;

	S32 r, g, b, a;

	sscanf(valuestr,"%d %d %d %d", &r, &g, &b, &a);
	value.mV[0] = r;
	value.mV[1] = g;
	value.mV[2] = b;
	value.mV[3] = a;
	return success;
예제 #18
BOOL LLDataPackerAsciiBuffer::unpackBinaryDataFixed(U8 *value, S32 size, const char *name)
	BOOL success = TRUE;
	char valuestr[DP_BUFSIZE];		/* Flawfinder: ignore */		
	if (!getValueStr(name, valuestr, DP_BUFSIZE))
		return FALSE;

	char *cur_pos = &valuestr[0];

	S32 i;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		S32 val;
		sscanf(cur_pos,"%02x", &val);
		value[i] = val;
		cur_pos += 3;
	return success;
void BipartiteWeightedMatchingBinding::constructWeights(raw_ostream &out,
        Instruction *I, int operationIdx, std::string funcUnitType, int
        numFuncUnitsAvail, AssignmentInfo &assigned, Table &weights) {

    int existingMuxInputsFactor = 1;
    int newMuxInputsFactor = 10;
    // note: this is negative, a shared output register reduces the cost
    int outputRegisterSharableFactor = -5;

    for (int fu = 0; fu < numFuncUnitsAvail; fu++) {
        int weight = 0;
        std::string fuId = this->alloc->verilogNameFunction(this->Fp, this->Fp)
            + "_" + funcUnitType + "_" + utostr(fu);

        // check both operands
        for (User::op_iterator i = I->op_begin(), e =
                I->op_end(); i != e; ++i) {
            Instruction *operand = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*i);
            if (!operand) continue;
            if (assigned.existingOperands[fuId].find(operand) ==
                    assigned.existingOperands[fuId].end()) {
                weight += newMuxInputsFactor;
            } else {
                std::string instStr = getValueStr(I);
                limitString(instStr, 30);
                out << instStr << " can share an input with another operation "
                    "already assigned to " << fuId << "\n";


        bool outputRegSharable = false;
        for (set<Instruction*>::iterator i =
                assigned.existingInstructions[fuId].begin(), e =
                assigned.existingInstructions[fuId].end(); i
                != e; ++i) {
            Instruction *shared = *i;

            // check for shared output register
            if (assigned.IndependentInstructions[I].find(shared) !=
                    assigned.IndependentInstructions[I].end() ) {
                //errs() << "Shared output: " << *shared << "\n";
                outputRegSharable = true;

        if (outputRegSharable) {
            weight += outputRegisterSharableFactor;
            std::string instStr = getValueStr(I);
            limitString(instStr, 30);
            out << instStr << " can share an output register with another "
                "operation already assigned to " << fuId << "\n";

        weight += existingMuxInputsFactor * assigned.muxInputs[fuId];

        weights[fu][operationIdx] = weight;

        //errs() << "weight " << fu << " " << operationIdx << " = " <<
        //    weights[fu][operationIdx] << "\n";
예제 #20
void cConfigItem::setDefaultValue() {
	if(defaultValueStr.empty() && !naDefaultValueStr) {
		 defaultValueStr = getValueStr();
예제 #21
/** Get the data stored in a given cell of the table. */
QVariant KsViewModel::getValue(int column, int row) const
	return getValueStr(column, row);
예제 #22
std::string Config::getValueStr(std::string key, std::string separator){
	return getValueStr(key, "", separator, "");