예제 #1
void TextRoom::getFileStatus()
// Calculate deadline
	QString showdeadline;
	int daysremaining;
	QString todaytext = QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyyMMdd");
	today = QDate::fromString(todaytext, "yyyyMMdd");
	daysremaining = today.daysTo(deadline);
	QString daysto;
	if (daysremaining <= 0)
		showdeadline = "";
		showdeadline = daysto + " Days remaining. ";
// Show deadline + clock
	QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
	QString clock = now.toString( timeFormat );
	deadlineLabel->setText(showdeadline + clock);

//Compute word count
	QString text, target, selectedText, pageText, characterText;
	text = textEdit->document()->toPlainText();

	if (wordCountChanged)
		words = getWordCount(text);
	if (textEdit->textCursor().hasSelection())
		const int wordsSelected = getWordCount(textEdit->textCursor().selection().toPlainText());
		if (wordsSelected > 0)
			selectedText = selectedText.setNum(wordsSelected) + "/";
// Compute page count
	if (isPageCount)
		pageCount = (int)((words/pageCountFormula)+1);
		pageText = tr(" Pages: %1").arg(pageCount);
// Compute character count
	if (isCharacterCount)
		if (wordCountChanged)
			characterCount = textEdit->document()->characterCount() - parasold;
		characterText = tr(" Characters: %1").arg(characterCount);
	if (wordcount > 0)
		int percent = (int)(words*100/wordcount);
		target = tr(" Target: %1 (%2%)").arg(wordcount).arg(percent);
	statsLabel->setText(tr("Words: %1%2%3%4%5").arg(selectedText).arg(words).arg(target).arg(characterText).arg(pageText));
	wordCountChanged = false;
예제 #2
파일: pytrie.cpp 프로젝트: Abioy/sunpinyin
CPinyinTrie::lengthAt(unsigned int idx) const
    if (idx < getWordCount() - 1) {
        return (m_words[idx + 1] - m_words[idx]) - 1;
    } else if (idx == getWordCount() - 1) {
        return (((TWCHAR*)(m_mem + m_Size)) - m_words[idx]) - 1;
    return 0;
void SortingCompetition::bubbleSort(){
    for(int j = 0; j<getWordCount();j++){
        for(int y = 0;y<(getWordCount()-1);y++){
            if (compareWords(words2[y],words2[y+1])== 1){
                char* temp1 =words2[y+1];
                words2[y] = temp1;


void SortingCompetition::bubbleSort(){

    //move greatest values to the end of array
    for(int j = 0; j<getWordCount();j++){
        for(int y = 0; y < (getWordCount()-1); y++){
            if (compareWords(words2[y],words2[y+1])>= 1){
                char* temp1 = words2[y+1];
                words2[y+1] = words2[y];
                words2[y] = temp1;

double NaiveBayesianClassifier::getProbability(QString category, const QStringList &text) {
    long totalWordCount = 0;

    // TODO: do caching
    QValueList<QString> categories = m_categories.keys();
    for( QValueList<QString>::const_iterator it = categories.constBegin(); it != categories.constEnd(); ++it ) {
        totalWordCount += getCount(*it);

    double catCount = log(getCount(category));
    double probability = catCount;
    probability -= log(totalWordCount);

    for ( QStringList::ConstIterator iter = text.constBegin(); iter != text.constEnd(); ++iter ) {
        long wordCount = getWordCount(category, *iter);
        if( wordCount != 0) {
            //long wordProbability = wordCount;
            probability -= log(wordCount);
            probability += catCount;
        } else {
            probability -= log(MIN_CLASS_OCCURRENCE);
            probability += catCount;
    return probability;
//function copies values stored in the vector into an array of length-prefixed char*
bool SortingCompetition::prepareData(){

    bool x = false;
    //clear contents of words2 to prevent overlap later
    for(int i = 0; i < getWordCount(); i++){
        delete[] words2[i];
    if (getWordCount() > 0)
        delete[] words2;


    // Loop first finds the length of the word, and then
    //creates length prefixed strings

    words2 = new char*[getWordCount()];
        cout<<"BAD ALLOC"<<endl;

    for(int i = 0; i < getWordCount(); i++){
        //determine length of string and store as ASCII character
        char length = strlen(words.at(i));

        //new string is 2 elements longer than original
        //for the length prefix and /0
        char* newString = new char[length+2];
        newString[0] = length;

        //add new length prefixed string to end of words2
        words2[i] = newString;


    //if no errors occured return true
    x = true;

    return x;
예제 #7
파일: list.c 프로젝트: jmbannon/Schoolwork
 * Sorts words based on greatest frequency of word count.
void sortWords(wordData* firstWord) {
    int firstCount, nextCount, swapped;
    wordData* i = firstWord;

    do {
        swapped = 0;
        i = firstWord;

        while (i->next != NULL) {
            firstCount = getWordCount(i);
            nextCount = getWordCount(i->next);

            if (firstCount < nextCount) {
                swapWords(i, i->next);
                swapped = 1;
            i = i->next;
    } while(swapped);
예제 #8
unsigned int WriMoImp::getRunningTotal(const Date& date) const
	unsigned int runningTotal = 0;

	for (Date currentDate = getStartDate(); currentDate <= date;
			currentDate = currentDate.next())
		runningTotal += getWordCount(currentDate);

	return runningTotal;
예제 #9
파일: pytrie.cpp 프로젝트: Abioy/sunpinyin
CPinyinTrie::load(const char *fname)

    bool suc = false;
    int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd == -1) return false;

    m_Size = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

    suc =
        (m_mem =
             (char*)mmap(NULL, m_Size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd,
                         0)) != MAP_FAILED;
    suc = (m_mem = new char [m_Size]) != NULL;
    suc = suc && (read(fd, m_mem, m_Size) > 0);

    suc = suc && ((m_words = new TWCHAR*[getWordCount()]) != NULL);

    if (suc) {
        TWCHAR *p = (TWCHAR*)(m_mem + getStringOffset());
        for (int i = 0, sz = getWordCount(); i < sz; ++i) {
            m_words[i] = p;
            while (*p++)
        for (unsigned i = 1; i < 100; ++i) {
            if (*m_words[i] != WCH_NULL && *m_words[i] != WCH_LESSTHAN)
                m_SymbolMap[wstring(m_words[i])] = i;
    return suc;
void SortingCompetition::outputData(const string& outputFileName){

    //output sorted data (in words2)
    fout.open(outputFileName.c_str(), ios::out);
        cerr << "file could not be opened" << endl;

    for(int i = 0; i < getWordCount(); i++){
        fout << &(words2[i][1])<<endl;

    //deletes dynamically allocated memory

    for (int i = 0; i < getWordCount(); i++)
        delete[] words2[i];
    delete[] words2;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
        delete[] words.at(i);
예제 #12
파일: text.cpp 프로젝트: FEI17N/vmime
void text::encodeAndFold
	(const generationContext& ctx, utility::outputStream& os,
	 const size_t firstLineOffset, size_t* lastLineLength, const int flags) const
	size_t curLineLength = firstLineOffset;
	word::generatorState state;

	for (size_t wi = 0 ; wi < getWordCount() ; ++wi)
		getWordAt(wi)->generate(ctx, os, curLineLength,
			&curLineLength, flags, &state);

	if (lastLineLength)
		*lastLineLength = curLineLength;
예제 #13
파일: text.cpp 프로젝트: FEI17N/vmime
bool text::operator==(const text& t) const
	if (getWordCount() == t.getWordCount())
		bool equal = true;

		std::vector <shared_ptr <word> >::const_iterator i = m_words.begin();
		std::vector <shared_ptr <word> >::const_iterator j = t.m_words.begin();

		for ( ; equal && i != m_words.end() ; ++i, ++j)
			equal = (**i == **j);

		return (equal);

	return (false);
//making random file filled with specified length by pulling form
//the list of words collected from input.txt
void SortingCompetition::makeRandomFile(int size,char* name){
    //seed random number generator
    srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));

    //open input file
    ofstream randomFile(name);
    int dummy = getWordCount();
    //populating input file with random words form base input.txt file
    for(int i = 0;i<size;i++){

       int index = rand()%(words.size());
       char* dummyWord = words.at(index);
       //write random word tou randomFile file

       randomFile<<words.at(index)<<" ";


    //close file

예제 #15
float WriMoImp::getRunningAverageWordCountForDate(
		const Date& date) const
	if (!m_calendar.dateInRange(date))
		throw DateOutOfRangeError();

	unsigned int sum = 0;
	unsigned int numDays = 0;

	Date currentDate = getStartDate();
		sum += getWordCount(currentDate);
		currentDate = currentDate.addDays(1);
	while (currentDate <= date);

	return (float)sum / numDays;
예제 #16
파일: text.cpp 프로젝트: FEI17N/vmime
void text::createFromString(const string& in, const charset& ch)
	size_t asciiCount = 0;
	size_t asciiPercent = 0;


	// Check whether there is a recommended encoding for this charset.
	// If so, the whole buffer will be encoded. Else, the number of
	// 7-bit (ASCII) bytes in the input will be used to determine if
	// we need to encode the whole buffer.
	encoding recommendedEnc;
	const bool alwaysEncode = ch.getRecommendedEncoding(recommendedEnc);

	if (!alwaysEncode)
		asciiCount = utility::stringUtils::countASCIIchars(in.begin(), in.end());
		asciiPercent = (in.length() == 0 ? 100 : (100 * asciiCount) / in.length());

	// If there are "too much" non-ASCII chars, encode everything
	if (alwaysEncode || asciiPercent < 60)  // less than 60% ASCII chars
		appendWord(make_shared <word>(in, ch));
	// Else, only encode words which need it
		bool is8bit = false;     // is the current word 8-bit?
		bool prevIs8bit = false; // is previous word 8-bit?
		unsigned int count = 0;  // total number of words

		for (size_t end = in.size(), pos = 0, start = 0 ; ; )
			if (pos == end || parserHelpers::isSpace(in[pos]))
				const string chunk(in.begin() + start, in.begin() + pos);

				if (pos != end)

				if (is8bit)
					if (count && prevIs8bit)
						// No need to create a new encoded word, just append
						// the current word to the previous one.
						shared_ptr <word> w = getWordAt(getWordCount() - 1);
						w->getBuffer() += " " + chunk;
						if (count)
							shared_ptr <word> w = getWordAt(getWordCount() - 1);
							w->getBuffer() += ' ';

						appendWord(make_shared <word>(chunk, ch));

						prevIs8bit = true;
					if (count && !prevIs8bit)
						shared_ptr <word> w = getWordAt(getWordCount() - 1);
						w->getBuffer() += " " + chunk;
						appendWord(make_shared <word>
							(chunk, charset(charsets::US_ASCII)));

						prevIs8bit = false;

				if (pos == end)

				is8bit = false;
				start = pos;
			else if (!parserHelpers::isAscii(in[pos]))
				is8bit = true;
void SortingCompetition::algorithmTester(void){

   int A = 1;
   int stepSize = 10000;

   int max = 10001;
   //number of sorting methods implemented
   int sortingCount = 1;
   //setting number of words in RandomInput.txt
   this->inputSize = A*stepSize;

   //output header to file for output
   ofstream output("SortingAnalysis.txt");
   for(int y = 0;y<sortingCount;y++){
        case 0:
           output<<"Bubble Sort,";
        case 1:
           output<<"Merge Sort,";
   //close output file temporarily while make the randomInput file

       //function call to make random input file from the words collected from input.txt
       //processing now done on

       //prepare words2 with RandomInput file instead

       //re-open output file and append to the end

       //output input size to output file
       cout<<A*stepSize<<", ";

       //find average of all sorting methods for this specific
       //input size
       for(int i = 0;i<sortingCount;i++){
           double sumRuntime = 0;
           for(int j = 0;j<30;j++){

                //declare 2 time points
                std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start, end;

                //store current time (now()) in start
                start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

                //decide which sorting method to use
                case 0:
                case 1:

                //store time(now()) in end
                end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

                //get No. of seconds elapsed & output duration
                //need to do this multiple times & get average
                std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end-start;

                sumRuntime += elapsed_seconds.count();
           }//end of 30 runtimes

           //find average runtime
           double average = sumRuntime/30;

           //output to file the average run time and size
           cout<<fixed<<setprecision(9)<<average<<", ";

       }//processed all sorting algorithms

       //increment input size
       A +=1;

       this->inputSize = A*stepSize;



//sort the data by length, then alphabetized by calling private sort functions
void SortingCompetition::sortData(){

    multisort(0,getWordCount()-1, 3);

bool SortingCompetition::prepareData()
    bool x = false;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < words2.size(); i++)
        delete[] words2.at(i);

    //copy data from original data structure over
    for(size_t i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
        words2.push_back(new char[strlen(words.at(i))+1]);
        strcpy(words2.at(i), words.at(i));
    x = true;

    return x;
void SortingCompetition::sortData()