//! Initialises the model by reading in the regions and checking recording
//! data.
//! \param[out] timer_period a pointer for the memory address where the timer
//!            period should be stored during the function.
//! \param[out] update_sdp_port The SDP port on which to listen for rate
//!             updates
//! \return boolean of True if it successfully read all the regions and set up
//!         all its internal data structures. Otherwise returns False
static bool initialize() {
    log_info("Initialise: started");

    // Get the address this core's DTCM data starts at from SRAM
    address_t address = data_specification_get_data_address();

    // Read the header
    if (!data_specification_read_header(address)) {
        return false;

    // Get the timing details and set up the simulation interface
    if (!simulation_initialise(
            data_specification_get_region(SYSTEM, address),
            APPLICATION_NAME_HASH, &timer_period, &simulation_ticks,
            &infinite_run, SDP, DMA)) {
        return false;
        data_specification_get_region(PROVENANCE_REGION, address));

    // setup recording region
    if (!initialise_recording()){
        return false;

    // Setup regions that specify spike source array data
    if (!read_global_parameters(
            data_specification_get_region(POISSON_PARAMS, address))) {
        return false;

    if (!read_poisson_parameters(
            data_specification_get_region(POISSON_PARAMS, address))) {
        return false;

    // Loop through slow spike sources and initialise 1st time to spike
    for (index_t s = 0; s < global_parameters.n_spike_sources; s++) {
        if (!poisson_parameters[s].is_fast_source) {
            poisson_parameters[s].time_to_spike_ticks =

    // print spike sources for debug purposes
    // print_spike_sources();

    // Set up recording buffer
    n_spike_buffers_allocated = 0;
    n_spike_buffer_words = get_bit_field_size(
    spike_buffer_size = n_spike_buffer_words * sizeof(uint32_t);

    log_info("Initialise: completed successfully");

    return true;
예제 #2
void initialize_out_spikes (size_t max_spike_sources)
  out_spikes_size = get_bit_field_size(max_spike_sources);
  log_info("Out spike size is %u words, allowing %u spike sources", out_spikes_size, max_spike_sources);
  out_spikes = (bit_field_t)sark_alloc (out_spikes_size * sizeof (uint32_t), 1);
  reset_out_spikes ();
예제 #3
//! \brief initialise the recording of spikes
//! \param[in] max_spike_sources the number of spike sources to be recorded
//! \return True if the initialisation was successful, false otherwise
bool out_spikes_initialize(size_t max_spike_sources) {
    out_spikes_size = get_bit_field_size(max_spike_sources);
    log_debug("Out spike size is %u words, allowing %u spike sources",
              out_spikes_size, max_spike_sources);
    spikes = (timed_out_spikes *) spin1_malloc(
        sizeof(timed_out_spikes) + (out_spikes_size * sizeof(uint32_t)));
    if (spikes == NULL) {
        log_error("Out of DTCM when allocating out_spikes");
        return false;
    out_spikes = &(spikes->out_spikes[0]);
    return true;
 *! \brief Read the data for the generator
 *! \param[in] delay_params_address The address of the delay extension
 *!                                 parameters
 *! \param[in] params_address The address of the expander parameters
 *! \return True if the expander finished correctly, False if there was an
 *!         error
bool read_sdram_data(
        address_t delay_params_address, address_t params_address) {

    // Read the global parameters from the delay extension
    uint32_t num_neurons = delay_params_address[N_ATOMS];
    uint32_t neuron_bit_field_words = get_bit_field_size(num_neurons);
    uint32_t n_stages = delay_params_address[N_DELAY_STAGES];

    // Set up the bit fields
    bit_field_t *neuron_delay_stage_config = (bit_field_t*) spin1_malloc(
        n_stages * sizeof(bit_field_t));
    for (uint32_t d = 0; d < n_stages; d++) {
        neuron_delay_stage_config[d] = (bit_field_t)
            + (d * neuron_bit_field_words);
        clear_bit_field(neuron_delay_stage_config[d], neuron_bit_field_words);

    // Read the global parameters from the expander region
    uint32_t n_out_edges = *params_address++;
    uint32_t pre_slice_start = *params_address++;
    uint32_t pre_slice_count = *params_address++;

    log_debug("Generating %u delay edges for %u atoms starting at %u",
        n_out_edges, pre_slice_count, pre_slice_start);

    // Go through each connector and make the delay data
    for (uint32_t edge = 0; edge < n_out_edges; edge++) {
        if (!read_delay_builder_region(
                &params_address, neuron_delay_stage_config,
                pre_slice_start, pre_slice_count)) {
            return false;

    return true;
예제 #5
static bool read_parameters(address_t address) {

    log_info("read_parameters: starting");

    // changed from above for new file format 13-1-2014
    key = address[0];
    log_info("\tkey = %08x", key);

    num_neurons = address[1];
    neuron_bit_field_words = get_bit_field_size(num_neurons);

    num_delay_stages = address[2];
    uint32_t num_delay_slots = num_delay_stages * DELAY_STAGE_LENGTH;
    uint32_t num_delay_slots_pot = round_to_next_pot(num_delay_slots);
    num_delay_slots_mask = (num_delay_slots_pot - 1);

    log_info("\tparrot neurons = %u, neuron bit field words = %u,"
             " num delay stages = %u, num delay slots = %u (pot = %u),"
             " num delay slots mask = %08x",
             num_neurons, neuron_bit_field_words,
             num_delay_stages, num_delay_slots, num_delay_slots_pot,

    // Create array containing a bitfield specifying whether each neuron should
    // emit spikes after each delay stage
    neuron_delay_stage_config = (bit_field_t*) spin1_malloc(
        num_delay_stages * sizeof(bit_field_t));

    // Loop through delay stages
    for (uint32_t d = 0; d < num_delay_stages; d++) {
        log_info("\tdelay stage %u", d);

        // Allocate bit-field
        neuron_delay_stage_config[d] = (bit_field_t) spin1_malloc(
            neuron_bit_field_words * sizeof(uint32_t));

        // Copy delay stage configuration bits into delay stage configuration bit-field
        address_t neuron_delay_stage_config_data_address =
            &address[3] + (d * neuron_bit_field_words);
               neuron_bit_field_words * sizeof(uint32_t));

        for (uint32_t w = 0; w < neuron_bit_field_words; w++) {
            log_debug("\t\tdelay stage config word %u = %08x", w,

    // Allocate array of counters for each delay slot
    spike_counters = (uint8_t**) spin1_malloc(
        num_delay_slots_pot * sizeof(uint8_t*));

    for (uint32_t s = 0; s < num_delay_slots_pot; s++) {

        // Allocate an array of counters for each neuron and zero
        spike_counters[s] = (uint8_t*) spin1_malloc(
            num_neurons * sizeof(uint8_t));
        memset(spike_counters[s], 0, num_neurons * sizeof(uint8_t));

    log_info("read_parameters: completed successfully");
    return true;