예제 #1
 *  set_auto_WP - sets the target location the vehicle should drive to in Auto mode
void Rover::set_auto_WP(const struct Location& loc)
    // copy the current WP into the OldWP slot
    // ---------------------------------------
    prev_WP = next_WP;

    // Load the next_WP slot
    // ---------------------
    next_WP = loc;

    // are we already past the waypoint? This happens when we jump
    // waypoints, and it can cause us to skip a waypoint. If we are
    // past the waypoint when we start on a leg, then use the current
    // location as the previous waypoint, to prevent immediately
    // considering the waypoint complete
    if (location_passed_point(current_loc, prev_WP, next_WP)) {
        gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE, "Resetting previous WP");
        prev_WP = current_loc;

    // this is handy for the groundstation
    wp_totalDistance = get_distance(current_loc, next_WP);
    wp_distance      = wp_totalDistance;
void PointerMapper::compute_calibration_points()
	vector<float> x_vec;
	vector<float> y_vec;
	vector<float> z_vec;

	float x_median;
	float y_median;
	float z_median;

	if (pt_calib_vec0.size() > 0 && pt_calib_vec0.size() > 1 && pt_calib_vec0.size() > 2 && pt_calib_vec0.size() > 3)
		x_vec = vector<float>();
		y_vec = vector<float>();
		z_vec = vector<float>();

		for (Point3f& pt : pt_calib_vec0)

		sort(x_vec.begin(), x_vec.end());
		sort(y_vec.begin(), y_vec.end());
		sort(z_vec.begin(), z_vec.end());

		x_median = x_vec[x_vec.size() * 0.5];
		y_median = y_vec[y_vec.size() * 0.5];
		z_median = z_vec[z_vec.size() * 0.5];

		pt_calib0 = Point3f(x_median, y_median, z_median);

		x_vec = vector<float>();
		y_vec = vector<float>();
		z_vec = vector<float>();

		for (Point3f& pt : pt_calib_vec1)

		sort(x_vec.begin(), x_vec.end());
		sort(y_vec.begin(), y_vec.end());
		sort(z_vec.begin(), z_vec.end());

		x_median = x_vec[x_vec.size() * 0.5];
		y_median = y_vec[y_vec.size() * 0.5];
		z_median = z_vec[z_vec.size() * 0.5];

		pt_calib1 = Point3f(x_median, y_median, z_median);

		x_vec = vector<float>();
		y_vec = vector<float>();
		z_vec = vector<float>();

		for (Point3f& pt : pt_calib_vec2)

		sort(x_vec.begin(), x_vec.end());
		sort(y_vec.begin(), y_vec.end());
		sort(z_vec.begin(), z_vec.end());

		x_median = x_vec[x_vec.size() * 0.5];
		y_median = y_vec[y_vec.size() * 0.5];
		z_median = z_vec[z_vec.size() * 0.5];

		pt_calib2 = Point3f(x_median, y_median, z_median);

		x_vec = vector<float>();
		y_vec = vector<float>();
		z_vec = vector<float>();

		for (Point3f& pt : pt_calib_vec3)

		sort(x_vec.begin(), x_vec.end());
		sort(y_vec.begin(), y_vec.end());
		sort(z_vec.begin(), z_vec.end());

		x_median = x_vec[x_vec.size() * 0.5];
		y_median = y_vec[y_vec.size() * 0.5];
		z_median = z_vec[z_vec.size() * 0.5];

		pt_calib3 = Point3f(x_median, y_median, z_median);

		const float x0_plane = pt_calib0.x;
		const float y0_plane = pt_calib0.y;
		const float z0_plane = pt_calib0.z + 100;

	    const float x1_plane = pt_calib1.x;
	    const float y1_plane = pt_calib1.y;
	    const float z1_plane = pt_calib1.z + 100;

	    const float x2_plane = pt_calib2.x;
	    const float y2_plane = pt_calib2.y;
	    const float z2_plane = pt_calib2.z + 100;

	    const float x3_plane = pt_calib3.x;
	    const float y3_plane = pt_calib3.y;
	    const float z3_plane = pt_calib3.z + 100;

    	plane = Plane(Point3f(x0_plane, y0_plane, z0_plane),
    				  Point3f(x1_plane, y1_plane, z1_plane),
    				  Point3f(x2_plane, y2_plane, z2_plane));

	    direction_plane = cross_product(Point3f(x0_plane - x1_plane, y0_plane - y1_plane, z0_plane - z1_plane),
	    								Point3f(x2_plane - x1_plane, y2_plane - y1_plane, z2_plane - z1_plane));

	    direction_plane.x = -direction_plane.x;
	    direction_plane.y = -direction_plane.y;
	    direction_plane.z = -direction_plane.z;

	    project_to_plane(pt_calib0, pt_calib0_projected, dist_calib0_plane);
		project_to_plane(pt_calib1, pt_calib1_projected, dist_calib1_plane);
		project_to_plane(pt_calib2, pt_calib2_projected, dist_calib2_plane);
		project_to_plane(pt_calib3, pt_calib3_projected, dist_calib3_plane);

		const float d0 = get_distance(pt_calib0_projected.x, pt_calib0_projected.y, pt_calib2_projected.x, pt_calib2_projected.y);
		const float d1 = get_distance(pt_calib1_projected.x, pt_calib1_projected.y, pt_calib3_projected.x, pt_calib3_projected.y);
		d_max = std::max(d0, d1);

		rect_warper.setSource(pt_calib0_projected.x, pt_calib0_projected.y, pt_calib1_projected.x, pt_calib1_projected.y,
							  pt_calib2_projected.x, pt_calib2_projected.y, pt_calib3_projected.x, pt_calib3_projected.y);

		rect_warper.setDestination(0, 0, 1000, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 1000);

		calibrated = true;
		COUT << "not calibrated" << endl;
bool ToolMonoProcessor::compute(Mat& image_active_light_in, Mat& image_preprocessed_in, const string name)
	Mat image_preprocessed_old = value_store.get_mat("image_preprocessed_old", true);
	Mat image_subtraction = Mat::zeros(HEIGHT_SMALL, WIDTH_SMALL, CV_8UC1);

	int diff_max = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH_SMALL; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT_SMALL; ++j)
			int diff = abs(image_preprocessed_in.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0] - image_preprocessed_old.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0]);
			if (diff > diff_max)
				diff_max = diff;

			image_subtraction.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0] = diff;

	value_store.set_mat("image_preprocessed_old", image_preprocessed_in);

	threshold(image_subtraction, image_subtraction, diff_max * 0.25, 254, THRESH_BINARY);

	BlobDetectorNew* blob_detector_image_subtraction = value_store.get_blob_detector("blob_detector_image_subtraction");
	blob_detector_image_subtraction->compute(image_subtraction, 254, 0, WIDTH_SMALL, 0, HEIGHT_SMALL, true);

	const int width_result = blob_detector_image_subtraction->x_max_result - blob_detector_image_subtraction->x_min_result;
	const int height_result = blob_detector_image_subtraction->y_max_result - blob_detector_image_subtraction->y_min_result;
	const int area_result = width_result * height_result;

	bool proceed = true;
	if (blob_detector_image_subtraction->blobs->size() > 50 || blob_detector_image_subtraction->blobs->size() == 0/*|| area_result > 8000*/)
		proceed = false;

	if (proceed)
		vector<int> x_vec;
		vector<int> y_vec;
		for (BlobNew& blob : (*(blob_detector_image_subtraction->blobs)))
			for (Point& pt : blob.data)

		int x_mean = 0;
		for (int& x : x_vec)
			x_mean += x;

		int y_mean = 0;
		for (int& y : y_vec)
			y_mean += y;

		x_mean /= x_vec.size();
		y_mean /= y_vec.size();

		pt_motion_center = Point(x_mean, y_mean);
		Point pt_motion_center_old = value_store.get_point("pt_motion_center_old", pt_motion_center);

		pt_motion_center.x = (pt_motion_center.x - pt_motion_center_old.x) * 0.25 + pt_motion_center.x;
		pt_motion_center.y = (pt_motion_center.y - pt_motion_center_old.y) * 0.25 + pt_motion_center.y;

		if (pt_motion_center.x < 0)
			pt_motion_center.x = 0;
		if (pt_motion_center.x > WIDTH_SMALL_MINUS)
			pt_motion_center.x = WIDTH_SMALL_MINUS;

		if (pt_motion_center.y < 0)
			pt_motion_center.y = 0;
		if (pt_motion_center.y > HEIGHT_SMALL_MINUS)
			pt_motion_center.y = HEIGHT_SMALL_MINUS;

		value_store.set_point("pt_motion_center_old", pt_motion_center);

		vector<float> dist_vec;
		for (BlobNew& blob : (*(blob_detector_image_subtraction->blobs)))
			for (Point& pt : blob.data)
				float dist = get_distance(pt, pt_motion_center);

		sort(dist_vec.begin(), dist_vec.end());
		radius = dist_vec[dist_vec.size() * 0.8] * 1.5;

		LowPassFilter* low_pass_filter = value_store.get_low_pass_filter("low_pass_filter");
		low_pass_filter->compute(radius, 0.5, "radius");

	Mat image_active_light_subtraction = Mat(HEIGHT_SMALL, WIDTH_SMALL, CV_8UC1);
	for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH_SMALL; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT_SMALL; ++j)
			if (image_background_static.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0] == 255)
				image_active_light_subtraction.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0] = image_active_light_in.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0];
				int diff = image_active_light_in.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0] - image_background_static.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0];
				if (diff < 0)
					diff = 0;

				image_active_light_subtraction.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0] = diff;

	Mat image_thresholded;
	threshold(image_active_light_subtraction, image_thresholded, 200, 254, THRESH_BINARY);
	dilate(image_thresholded, image_thresholded, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 1);

	BlobDetectorNew* blob_detector_image_thresholded = value_store.get_blob_detector("blob_detector_image_thresholded");
	blob_detector_image_thresholded->compute(image_thresholded, 254, 0, WIDTH_SMALL, 0, HEIGHT_SMALL, true);

	if (blob_detector_image_thresholded->blobs->size() == 0)
		return false;

	Mat image_circle = Mat::zeros(HEIGHT_SMALL, WIDTH_SMALL, CV_8UC1);
	circle(image_circle, pt_motion_center, radius, Scalar(254), 1);
	floodFill(image_circle, pt_motion_center, Scalar(254));

	for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH_SMALL; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT_SMALL; ++j)
			if (image_circle.ptr<uchar>(j, i)[0] == 0)
				fill_image_background_static(i, j, image_active_light_in);

	BlobDetectorNew* blob_detector_image_circle = value_store.get_blob_detector("blob_detector_image_circle");
	blob_detector_image_circle->compute_location(image_circle, 254, pt_motion_center.x, pt_motion_center.y, true);


	for (BlobNew& blob : *blob_detector_image_thresholded->blobs)
		for (Point& pt : blob_detector_image_circle->blob_max_size->data)
			if (blob.image_atlas.ptr<ushort>(pt.y, pt.x)[0] == blob.atlas_id)

	if (blob_vec.size() >= 4)
		vector<int> blob_x_vec;
		vector<int> blob_y_vec;

		for (BlobNew* blob0 : blob_vec)
			for (BlobNew* blob1 : blob_vec)
				blob_x_vec.push_back((blob0->x + blob1->x) / 2);
				blob_y_vec.push_back((blob0->y + blob1->y) / 2);

		sort(blob_x_vec.begin(), blob_x_vec.end());
		sort(blob_y_vec.begin(), blob_y_vec.end());

		pt_led_center = Point(blob_x_vec[blob_x_vec.size() / 2], blob_y_vec[blob_y_vec.size() / 2]);
		return false;
	if (blob_vec.size() == 5)
		float dist_min = 9999;
		BlobNew* blob_dist_min = NULL;

		for (BlobNew* blob : blob_vec)
			float dist = blob->compute_min_dist(pt_led_center);
			if (dist < dist_min)
				dist_min = dist;
				blob_dist_min = blob;

		vector<BlobNew*> blob_vec_new;
		for (BlobNew* blob : blob_vec)
			if (blob != blob_dist_min)

		blob_vec = blob_vec_new;

		blob_dist_min->fill(image_thresholded, 127);

	pt_led0 = Point(blob_vec[0]->x, blob_vec[0]->y);
	pt_led1 = Point(blob_vec[1]->x, blob_vec[1]->y);
	pt_led2 = Point(blob_vec[2]->x, blob_vec[2]->y);
	pt_led3 = Point(blob_vec[3]->x, blob_vec[3]->y);

	x_min0 = blob_vec[0]->x_min;
	x_max0 = blob_vec[0]->x_max;
	y_min0 = blob_vec[0]->y_min;
	y_max0 = blob_vec[0]->y_max;

	x_min1 = blob_vec[1]->x_min;
	x_max1 = blob_vec[1]->x_max;
	y_min1 = blob_vec[1]->y_min;
	y_max1 = blob_vec[1]->y_max;

	x_min2 = blob_vec[2]->x_min;
	x_max2 = blob_vec[2]->x_max;
	y_min2 = blob_vec[2]->y_min;
	y_max2 = blob_vec[2]->y_max;

	x_min3 = blob_vec[3]->x_min;
	x_max3 = blob_vec[3]->x_max;
	y_min3 = blob_vec[3]->y_min;
	y_max3 = blob_vec[3]->y_max;

	circle(image_thresholded, pt_motion_center, radius, Scalar(127), 2);
	imshow("image_thresholded" + name, image_thresholded);

	return true;
예제 #4
 * Determine if we have crashed
void Plane::crash_detection_update(void)
    if (control_mode != AUTO || !g.crash_detection_enable)
        // crash detection is only available in AUTO mode
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;
        crash_state.is_crashed = false;

    uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
    bool crashed_near_land_waypoint = false;
    bool crashed = false;
    bool been_auto_flying = (auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms > 0) &&
                            (now_ms - auto_state.started_flying_in_auto_ms >= 2500);

    if (!is_flying() && been_auto_flying)
        switch (flight_stage)
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF:
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_NORMAL:
            if (!in_preLaunch_flight_stage()) {
                crashed = true;
            // TODO: handle auto missions without NAV_TAKEOFF mission cmd

        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_VTOL:
            // we need a totally new method for this
            crashed = false;
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH:
            crashed = true;
            // when altitude gets low, we automatically progress to FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL
            // so ground crashes most likely can not be triggered from here. However,
            // a crash into a tree would be caught here.

        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_PREFLARE:
        case AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_FINAL:
            // We should be nice and level-ish in this flight stage. If not, we most
            // likely had a crazy landing. Throttle is inhibited already at the flare
            // but go ahead and notify GCS and perform any additional post-crash actions.
            // Declare a crash if we are oriented more that 60deg in pitch or roll
            if (!crash_state.checkedHardLanding && // only check once
                (fabsf(ahrs.roll_sensor) > 6000 || fabsf(ahrs.pitch_sensor) > 6000)) {
                crashed = true;

                // did we "crash" within 75m of the landing location? Probably just a hard landing
                crashed_near_land_waypoint =
                        get_distance(current_loc, mission.get_current_nav_cmd().content.location) < 75;

                // trigger hard landing event right away, or never again. This inhibits a false hard landing
                // event when, for example, a minute after a good landing you pick the plane up and
                // this logic is still running and detects the plane is on its side as you carry it.
                crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms + CRASH_DETECTION_DELAY_MS;

            crash_state.checkedHardLanding = true;

        } // switch
    } else {
        crash_state.checkedHardLanding = false;

    if (!crashed) {
        // reset timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = 0;

    } else if (crash_state.debounce_timer_ms == 0) {
        // start timer
        crash_state.debounce_timer_ms = now_ms;

    } else if ((now_ms - crash_state.debounce_timer_ms >= CRASH_DETECTION_DELAY_MS) && !crash_state.is_crashed) {
        crash_state.is_crashed = true;

        if (g.crash_detection_enable == CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISABLED) {
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Hard landing detected. No action taken");
            } else {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash detected. No action taken");
        else {
            if (g.crash_detection_enable & CRASH_DETECT_ACTION_BITMASK_DISARM) {
            auto_state.land_complete = true;
            if (crashed_near_land_waypoint) {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Hard landing detected");
            } else {
                gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Crash detected");
    virtual bool Run(RobotInfo ri, NavInfo ni, EventFlag evf, RobotCmd& cmd ){

        bool stay_mission = true;
		switch (local_status_){
        case P_REACHING: //シーソーに近づく
            speed_ = 10;
            if( evf.is_SetEvent(Robot::EVENT_GYRO)){
                evf.Set(Robot::EVENT_GYRO, false);
                set_current_position(pos, ni);
				local_status_ = S_APPROACH_BACK;

                // 助走するために少し下がる
                tecType_ = TEC_S;
                speed_ = -30;

        case S_APPROACH_BACK:
            if( get_distance(pos, ni) > 100*100){
                set_current_position(pos, ni);
                local_status_ = S_STAGING;

                // 一気に登る
                tecType_ = TEC_S;
                speed_ = 100;

        case S_STAGING: // 一気にシーソーへ登る
            if( get_distance(pos, ni) > 180*180){
                set_current_position(pos, ni);
                local_status_ = P_RECOVER_ON_SEESAW;
                // とりあえずシーソー上でラインに復帰
                tecType_ = TEC_P;
                speed_ = 10;

        case P_RECOVER_ON_SEESAW: // とりあえずシーソー上でラインに復帰
            if( get_distance(pos, ni) > 200*200 ){
                set_current_position(pos, ni);
                local_status_ = S_GET_OFF; //左にそれながらシーソーを降りる
                tecType_ = TEC_S;
                speed_ = 40;

            case S_GET_OFF:
                if(get_distance(pos, ni) > 250*250){
                    local_status_ = S_RECOVER_ON_GROUND;

                    // ラインに復帰を試みる
                    tecType_ = TEC_S;
                    speed_ = 10;


            case S_RECOVER_ON_GROUND:
                /* 終了条件 */
                    set_current_position(pos, ni);
                    local_status_ = P_FOR_NEXT_MISSION;
                    tecType_ = TEC_P;
                    speed_ = 20;

            case P_FOR_NEXT_MISSION: // 最後に安定するまでライントレースして完全復帰する
                /* ミッション終了の条件 */
                if(get_distance(pos, ni) > 200*200){
                    stay_mission = false;                 
                stay_mission = true;
        } // end of switch-case(local_status_)

		/* 走行計算 */
		if(tecType_ == TEC_S){
			cmd = tec_s_.Calclate(speed_,
			if(local_status_ == S_GET_OFF){
				cmd.param2 =- 3; // 左側へ降りる
			if(local_status_ == S_RECOVER_ON_GROUND){
				cmd.param2 =+ 3; // 右側のラインへ復帰する

		}else if(tecType_ == TEC_P){
			cmd = tec_p_.Calclate(ri.light_sensor_val, speed_, edge_dir);
			// if(local_status_ == S_STAGING || local_status_ == P_RECOVER_ON_SEESAW){
			// 	cmd.param2 = (S16)((F32)cmd.param2 * 0.7);
			// }
		}else if(tecType_ == TEC_R){
			cmd = tec_r_.Calclate(speed_, rotate_, dir_);
		}else if(tecType_ == TEC_T){
            // しっぽの設定はcase内で設定するよ
        return stay_mission;
예제 #6
  send a report to the vehicle control code over MAVLink
void ADSB::send_report(void)
    if (AP_HAL::millis() < 10000) {
        // simulated aircraft don't appear until 10s after startup. This avoids a windows
        // threading issue with non-blocking sockets and the initial wait on uartA
    if (!mavlink.connected && mav_socket.connect(target_address, target_port)) {
        ::printf("ADSB connected to %s:%u\n", target_address, (unsigned)target_port);
        mavlink.connected = true;
    if (!mavlink.connected) {

    // check for incoming MAVLink messages
    uint8_t buf[100];
    ssize_t ret;

    while ((ret=mav_socket.recv(buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) > 0) {
        for (uint8_t i=0; i<ret; i++) {
            mavlink_message_t msg;
            mavlink_status_t status;
            if (mavlink_frame_char_buffer(&mavlink.rxmsg, &mavlink.status,
                                          &msg, &status) == MAVLINK_FRAMING_OK) {
                switch (msg.msgid) {
                case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT: {
                    if (!seen_heartbeat) {
                        seen_heartbeat = true;
                        vehicle_component_id = msg.compid;
                        vehicle_system_id = msg.sysid;
                        ::printf("ADSB using srcSystem %u\n", (unsigned)vehicle_system_id);

    if (!seen_heartbeat) {

    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
    mavlink_message_t msg;
    uint16_t len;

    if (now - last_heartbeat_ms >= 1000) {
        mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat;
        heartbeat.type = MAV_TYPE_ADSB;
        heartbeat.autopilot = MAV_AUTOPILOT_ARDUPILOTMEGA;
        heartbeat.base_mode = 0;
        heartbeat.system_status = 0;
        heartbeat.mavlink_version = 0;
        heartbeat.custom_mode = 0;

          save and restore sequence number for chan0, as it is used by
          generated encode functions
        mavlink_status_t *chan0_status = mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0);
        uint8_t saved_seq = chan0_status->current_tx_seq;
        chan0_status->current_tx_seq = mavlink.seq;
        len = mavlink_msg_heartbeat_encode(vehicle_system_id,
                                           &msg, &heartbeat);
        chan0_status->current_tx_seq = saved_seq;

        mav_socket.send(&msg.magic, len);

        last_heartbeat_ms = now;

      send a ADSB_VEHICLE messages
    uint32_t now_us = AP_HAL::micros();
    if (now_us - last_report_us >= reporting_period_ms*1000UL) {
        for (uint8_t i=0; i<num_vehicles; i++) {
            ADSB_Vehicle &vehicle = vehicles[i];
            Location loc = home;

            location_offset(loc, vehicle.position.x, vehicle.position.y);

            // re-init when exceeding radius range
            if (get_distance(home, loc) > _sitl->adsb_radius_m) {
                vehicle.initialised = false;
            mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t adsb_vehicle {};
            last_report_us = now_us;

            adsb_vehicle.ICAO_address = vehicle.ICAO_address;
            adsb_vehicle.lat = loc.lat;
            adsb_vehicle.lon = loc.lng;
            adsb_vehicle.altitude_type = ADSB_ALTITUDE_TYPE_PRESSURE_QNH;
            adsb_vehicle.altitude = -vehicle.position.z * 1000;
            adsb_vehicle.heading = wrap_360_cd(100*degrees(atan2f(vehicle.velocity_ef.y, vehicle.velocity_ef.x)));
            adsb_vehicle.hor_velocity = norm(vehicle.velocity_ef.x, vehicle.velocity_ef.y) * 100;
            adsb_vehicle.ver_velocity = -vehicle.velocity_ef.z * 100;
            memcpy(adsb_vehicle.callsign, vehicle.callsign, sizeof(adsb_vehicle.callsign));
            adsb_vehicle.emitter_type = ADSB_EMITTER_TYPE_LARGE;
            adsb_vehicle.tslc = 1;
            adsb_vehicle.flags =
                ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_COORDS |
                ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_HEADING |
            adsb_vehicle.squawk = 0; // NOTE: ADSB_FLAGS_VALID_SQUAWK bit is not set

            mavlink_status_t *chan0_status = mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0);
            uint8_t saved_seq = chan0_status->current_tx_seq;
            chan0_status->current_tx_seq = mavlink.seq;
            len = mavlink_msg_adsb_vehicle_encode(vehicle_system_id,
                                                  &msg, &adsb_vehicle);
            chan0_status->current_tx_seq = saved_seq;
            uint8_t msgbuf[len];
            len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(msgbuf, &msg);
            if (len > 0) {
                mav_socket.send(msgbuf, len);
    // ADSB_transceiever is enabled, send the status report.
    if (_sitl->adsb_tx && now - last_tx_report_ms > 1000) {
        last_tx_report_ms = now;

        mavlink_status_t *chan0_status = mavlink_get_channel_status(MAVLINK_COMM_0);
        uint8_t saved_seq = chan0_status->current_tx_seq;
        uint8_t saved_flags = chan0_status->flags;
        chan0_status->flags &= ~MAVLINK_STATUS_FLAG_OUT_MAVLINK1;
        chan0_status->current_tx_seq = mavlink.seq;
        const mavlink_uavionix_adsb_transceiver_health_report_t health_report = {UAVIONIX_ADSB_RF_HEALTH_OK};
        len = mavlink_msg_uavionix_adsb_transceiver_health_report_encode(vehicle_system_id,
                                              &msg, &health_report);
        chan0_status->current_tx_seq = saved_seq;
        chan0_status->flags = saved_flags;

        uint8_t msgbuf[len];
        len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(msgbuf, &msg);
        if (len > 0) {
            mav_socket.send(msgbuf, len);
            ::printf("ADSBsim send tx health packet\n");

예제 #7
 * Calculate selectivity of "var <@ const" operator, ie. estimate the fraction
 * of ranges that fall within the constant lower and upper bounds. This uses
 * the histograms of range lower bounds and range lengths, on the assumption
 * that the range lengths are independent of the lower bounds.
 * The caller has already checked that constant lower and upper bounds are
 * finite.
static double
calc_hist_selectivity_contained(TypeCacheEntry *typcache,
								RangeBound *lower, RangeBound *upper,
								RangeBound *hist_lower, int hist_nvalues,
						  Datum *length_hist_values, int length_hist_nvalues)
	int			i,
	float8		prev_dist;
	double		bin_width;
	double		upper_bin_width;
	double		sum_frac;

	 * Begin by finding the bin containing the upper bound, in the lower bound
	 * histogram. Any range with a lower bound > constant upper bound can't
	 * match, ie. there are no matches in bins greater than upper_index.
	upper->inclusive = !upper->inclusive;
	upper->lower = true;
	upper_index = rbound_bsearch(typcache, upper, hist_lower, hist_nvalues,

	 * Calculate upper_bin_width, ie. the fraction of the (upper_index,
	 * upper_index + 1) bin which is greater than upper bound of query range
	 * using linear interpolation of subdiff function.
	if (upper_index >= 0 && upper_index < hist_nvalues - 1)
		upper_bin_width = get_position(typcache, upper,
									   &hist_lower[upper_index + 1]);
		upper_bin_width = 0.0;

	 * In the loop, dist and prev_dist are the distance of the "current" bin's
	 * lower and upper bounds from the constant upper bound.
	 * bin_width represents the width of the current bin. Normally it is 1.0,
	 * meaning a full width bin, but can be less in the corner cases: start
	 * and end of the loop. We start with bin_width = upper_bin_width, because
	 * we begin at the bin containing the upper bound.
	prev_dist = 0.0;
	bin_width = upper_bin_width;

	sum_frac = 0.0;
	for (i = upper_index; i >= 0; i--)
		double		dist;
		double		length_hist_frac;
		bool		final_bin = false;

		 * dist -- distance from upper bound of query range to lower bound of
		 * the current bin in the lower bound histogram. Or to the lower bound
		 * of the constant range, if this is the final bin, containing the
		 * constant lower bound.
		if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &hist_lower[i], lower) < 0)
			dist = get_distance(typcache, lower, upper);

			 * Subtract from bin_width the portion of this bin that we want to
			 * ignore.
			bin_width -= get_position(typcache, lower, &hist_lower[i],
									  &hist_lower[i + 1]);
			if (bin_width < 0.0)
				bin_width = 0.0;
			final_bin = true;
			dist = get_distance(typcache, &hist_lower[i], upper);

		 * Estimate the fraction of tuples in this bin that are narrow enough
		 * to not exceed the distance to the upper bound of the query range.
		length_hist_frac = calc_length_hist_frac(length_hist_values,
												 prev_dist, dist, true);

		 * Add the fraction of tuples in this bin, with a suitable length, to
		 * the total.
		sum_frac += length_hist_frac * bin_width / (double) (hist_nvalues - 1);

		if (final_bin)

		bin_width = 1.0;
		prev_dist = dist;

	return sum_frac;
예제 #8
 * @brief Returns the distance between two points.
 * @param xy1 coordinates of the first point
 * @param xy2 coordinates of the second point
 * @return the distance in pixels
double Geometry::get_distance(const Rectangle& xy1, const Rectangle& xy2) {

  return get_distance(xy1.get_x(), xy1.get_y(), xy2.get_x(), xy2.get_y());
예제 #9
  a special glide slope calculation for the landing approach

  During the land approach use a linear glide slope to a point
  projected through the landing point. We don't use the landing point
  itself as that leads to discontinuities close to the landing point,
  which can lead to erratic pitch control
void Plane::setup_landing_glide_slope(void)
        float total_distance = get_distance(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc);

        // If someone mistakenly puts all 0's in their LAND command then total_distance
        // will be calculated as 0 and cause a divide by 0 error below.  Lets avoid that.
        if (total_distance < 1) {
            total_distance = 1;

        // height we need to sink for this WP
        float sink_height = (prev_WP_loc.alt - next_WP_loc.alt)*0.01f;

        // current ground speed
        float groundspeed = ahrs.groundspeed();
        if (groundspeed < 0.5f) {
            groundspeed = 0.5f;

        // calculate time to lose the needed altitude
        float sink_time = total_distance / groundspeed;
        if (sink_time < 0.5f) {
            sink_time = 0.5f;

        // find the sink rate needed for the target location
        float sink_rate = sink_height / sink_time;

        // the height we aim for is the one to give us the right flare point
        float aim_height = aparm.land_flare_sec * sink_rate;
        if (aim_height <= 0) {
            aim_height = g.land_flare_alt;
        // don't allow the aim height to be too far above LAND_FLARE_ALT
        if (g.land_flare_alt > 0 && aim_height > g.land_flare_alt*2) {
            aim_height = g.land_flare_alt*2;

        // calculate slope to landing point
        bool is_first_calc = is_zero(auto_state.land_slope);
        auto_state.land_slope = (sink_height - aim_height) / total_distance;
        if (is_first_calc) {
            gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Landing glide slope %.1f degrees", (double)degrees(atanf(auto_state.land_slope)));

        // time before landing that we will flare
        float flare_time = aim_height / SpdHgt_Controller->get_land_sinkrate();

        // distance to flare is based on ground speed, adjusted as we
        // get closer. This takes into account the wind
        float flare_distance = groundspeed * flare_time;
        // don't allow the flare before half way along the final leg
        if (flare_distance > total_distance/2) {
            flare_distance = total_distance/2;

        // project a point 500 meters past the landing point, passing
        // through the landing point
        const float land_projection = 500;
        int32_t land_bearing_cd = get_bearing_cd(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc);

        // now calculate our aim point, which is before the landing
        // point and above it
        Location loc = next_WP_loc;
        location_update(loc, land_bearing_cd*0.01f, -flare_distance);
        loc.alt += aim_height*100;

        // calculate point along that slope 500m ahead
        location_update(loc, land_bearing_cd*0.01f, land_projection);
        loc.alt -= auto_state.land_slope * land_projection * 100;

        // setup the offset_cm for set_target_altitude_proportion()
        target_altitude.offset_cm = loc.alt - prev_WP_loc.alt;

        // calculate the proportion we are to the target
        float land_proportion = location_path_proportion(current_loc, prev_WP_loc, loc);

        // now setup the glide slope for landing
        set_target_altitude_proportion(loc, 1.0f - land_proportion);

        // stay within the range of the start and end locations in altitude
        constrain_target_altitude_location(loc, prev_WP_loc);
예제 #10
  update navigation for landing. Called when on landing approach or
  final flare
bool Plane::verify_land()
    // we don't 'verify' landing in the sense that it never completes,
    // so we don't verify command completion. Instead we use this to
    // adjust final landing parameters

    // when aborting a landing, mimic the verify_takeoff with steering hold. Once
    // the altitude has been reached, restart the landing sequence
    if (flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT) {

        throttle_suppressed = false;
        auto_state.land_complete = false;
        auto_state.land_pre_flare = false;
        nav_controller->update_heading_hold(get_bearing_cd(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc));

        // see if we have reached abort altitude
        if (adjusted_relative_altitude_cm() > auto_state.takeoff_altitude_rel_cm) {
            next_WP_loc = current_loc;
            bool success = restart_landing_sequence();
            if (!success) {
                // on a restart failure lets RTL or else the plane may fly away with nowhere to go!
                set_mode(RTL, MODE_REASON_MISSION_END);
            // make sure to return false so it leaves the mission index alone
        return false;

    float height = height_above_target();

    // use rangefinder to correct if possible
    height -= rangefinder_correction();

    /* Set land_complete (which starts the flare) under 3 conditions:
       1) we are within LAND_FLARE_ALT meters of the landing altitude
       2) we are within LAND_FLARE_SEC of the landing point vertically
          by the calculated sink rate (if LAND_FLARE_SEC != 0)
       3) we have gone past the landing point and don't have
          rangefinder data (to prevent us keeping throttle on 
          after landing if we've had positive baro drift)
    bool rangefinder_in_range = rangefinder_state.in_range;
    bool rangefinder_in_range = false;

    // flare check:
    // 1) below flare alt/sec requires approach stage check because if sec/alt are set too
    //    large, and we're on a hard turn to line up for approach, we'll prematurely flare by
    //    skipping approach phase and the extreme roll limits will make it hard to line up with runway
    // 2) passed land point and don't have an accurate AGL
    // 3) probably crashed (ensures motor gets turned off)

    bool on_approach_stage = (flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_APPROACH ||
                              flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_PREFLARE);
    bool below_flare_alt = (height <= g.land_flare_alt);
    bool below_flare_sec = (aparm.land_flare_sec > 0 && height <= auto_state.sink_rate * aparm.land_flare_sec);
    bool probably_crashed = (g.crash_detection_enable && fabsf(auto_state.sink_rate) < 0.2f && !is_flying());

    if ((on_approach_stage && below_flare_alt) ||
        (on_approach_stage && below_flare_sec && (auto_state.wp_proportion > 0.5)) ||
        (!rangefinder_in_range && auto_state.wp_proportion >= 1) ||
        probably_crashed) {

        if (!auto_state.land_complete) {
            auto_state.post_landing_stats = true;
            if (!is_flying() && (millis()-auto_state.last_flying_ms) > 3000) {
                gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Flare crash detected: speed=%.1f", (double)gps.ground_speed());
            } else {
                gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Flare %.1fm sink=%.2f speed=%.1f dist=%.1f",
                                  (double)height, (double)auto_state.sink_rate,
                                  (double)get_distance(current_loc, next_WP_loc));
            auto_state.land_complete = true;

        if (gps.ground_speed() < 3) {
            // reload any airspeed or groundspeed parameters that may have
            // been set for landing. We don't do this till ground
            // speed drops below 3.0 m/s as otherwise we will change
            // target speeds too early.
    } else if (!auto_state.land_complete && !auto_state.land_pre_flare && aparm.land_pre_flare_airspeed > 0) {
        bool reached_pre_flare_alt = g.land_pre_flare_alt > 0 && (height <= g.land_pre_flare_alt);
        bool reached_pre_flare_sec = g.land_pre_flare_sec > 0 && (height <= auto_state.sink_rate * g.land_pre_flare_sec);
        if (reached_pre_flare_alt || reached_pre_flare_sec) {
            auto_state.land_pre_flare = true;

      when landing we keep the L1 navigation waypoint 200m ahead. This
      prevents sudden turns if we overshoot the landing point
    struct Location land_WP_loc = next_WP_loc;
	int32_t land_bearing_cd = get_bearing_cd(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc);
                    get_distance(prev_WP_loc, current_loc) + 200);
    nav_controller->update_waypoint(prev_WP_loc, land_WP_loc);

    // once landed and stationary, post some statistics
    // this is done before disarm_if_autoland_complete() so that it happens on the next loop after the disarm
    if (auto_state.post_landing_stats && !arming.is_armed()) {
        auto_state.post_landing_stats = false;
        gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Distance from LAND point=%.2fm", (double)get_distance(current_loc, next_WP_loc));

    // check if we should auto-disarm after a confirmed landing

      we return false as a landing mission item never completes

      we stay on this waypoint unless the GCS commands us to change
      mission item, reset the mission, command a go-around or finish
      a land_abort procedure.
    return false;
예제 #11
void LocationFilterDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &origIdx) const
	QFont fontBigger = qApp->font();
	QFont fontSmaller = qApp->font();
	QFontMetrics fmBigger(fontBigger);
	QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = option;
	const QAbstractProxyModel *proxyModel = dynamic_cast<const QAbstractProxyModel*>(origIdx.model());
	QModelIndex index = proxyModel->mapToSource(origIdx);
	QStyledItemDelegate::initStyleOption(&opt, index);
	QString diveSiteName = index.data().toString();
	QString bottomText;
	QIcon icon = index.data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>();
	struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(
	//Special case: do not show name, but instead, show
	if (index.row() < 2) {
		diveSiteName = index.data().toString();
		bottomText = index.data(Qt::ToolTipRole).toString();
		goto print_part;

	if (!ds)

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (prefs.geocoding.category[i] == TC_NONE)
		int idx = taxonomy_index_for_category(&ds->taxonomy, prefs.geocoding.category[i]);
		if (idx == -1)
			bottomText += " / ";
		bottomText += QString(ds->taxonomy.category[idx].value);

	if (bottomText.isEmpty()) {
		const char *gpsCoords = printGPSCoords(ds->latitude.udeg, ds->longitude.udeg);
		bottomText = QString(gpsCoords);
		free( (void*) gpsCoords);

	if (dive_site_has_gps_location(ds) && dive_site_has_gps_location(&displayed_dive_site)) {
		// so we are showing a completion and both the current dive site and the completion
		// have a GPS fix... so let's show the distance
		if (ds->latitude.udeg == displayed_dive_site.latitude.udeg &&
		    ds->longitude.udeg == displayed_dive_site.longitude.udeg) {
			bottomText += tr(" (same GPS fix)");
		} else {
			int distanceMeters = get_distance(ds->latitude, ds->longitude, displayed_dive_site.latitude, displayed_dive_site.longitude);
			QString distance = distance_string(distanceMeters);
			int nr = nr_of_dives_at_dive_site(ds->uuid, false);
			bottomText += tr(" (~%1 away").arg(distance);
			bottomText += tr(", %1 dive(s) here)").arg(nr);
	if (bottomText.isEmpty()) {
		if (dive_site_has_gps_location(&displayed_dive_site))
			bottomText = tr("(no existing GPS data, add GPS fix from this dive)");
			bottomText = tr("(no GPS data)");
	bottomText = tr("Pick site: ") + bottomText;


	fontBigger.setPointSize(fontBigger.pointSize() + 1);
	QPen textPen = QPen(option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? option.palette.highlightedText().color() : option.palette.text().color(), 1);

	initStyleOption(&opt, index);
	opt.text = QString();
	opt.icon = QIcon();

	if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
		const qreal pad = 1.0;
		const qreal pad2 = pad * 2.0;
		const qreal rounding = 5.0;
		painter->drawRoundedRect(option.rect.x() + pad,
			option.rect.y() + pad,
			option.rect.width() - pad2,
			option.rect.height() - pad2,
			rounding, rounding);
	const qreal textPad = 5.0;
	painter->drawText(option.rect.x() + textPad, option.rect.y() + fmBigger.boundingRect("YH").height(), diveSiteName);
	double pointSize = fontSmaller.pointSizeF();
	fontSmaller.setPointSizeF(0.9 * pointSize);
	painter->drawText(option.rect.x() + textPad, option.rect.y() + fmBigger.boundingRect("YH").height() * 2, bottomText);

	if (!icon.isNull()) {
			option.rect.x() + option.rect.width() - 24,
			option.rect.y() + option.rect.height() - 24, icon.pixmap(20,20));
예제 #12
static int check_collision_with_mouse( INSTANCE * proc1, int colltype )
    REGION bbox1, bbox2 ;
    int x, y, mx, my ;
    static GRAPH * bmp = NULL;

    switch ( colltype )
        case    COLLISION_BOX:
        case    COLLISION_CIRCLE:
                if ( !get_bbox( &bbox2, proc1 ) ) return 0 ;

        case    COLLISION_NORMAL:

                return 0;

    mx = GLOINT32( mod_grproc, MOUSEX ) ;
    my = GLOINT32( mod_grproc, MOUSEY ) ;

    /* Checks the process's bounding box to optimize checking
       (only for screen-type objects) */

    if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, proc1, CTYPE ) == C_SCREEN )
        switch ( colltype )
            case    COLLISION_NORMAL:
                    if ( !get_bbox( &bbox2, proc1 ) ) return 0 ;
                    if ( bbox2.x > mx || bbox2.x2 < mx || bbox2.y > my || bbox2.y2 < my ) return 0 ;

            case    COLLISION_BOX:
                    if ( bbox2.x <= mx && bbox2.x2 >= mx && bbox2.y <= my && bbox2.y2 >= my ) return 1;
                    return 0;

            case    COLLISION_CIRCLE:
                    int cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1;

                    cx1 = bbox2.x + ( dx1 = ( bbox2.x2 - bbox2.x + 1 ) ) / 2 ;
                    cy1 = bbox2.y + ( dy1 = ( bbox2.y2 - bbox2.y + 1 ) ) / 2 ;

                    if ( get_distance( cx1, cy1, 0, mx, my, 0 ) < ( dx1 + dy1 ) / 4 ) return 1;
                    return 0;

    /* Creates a temporary bitmap (only once) */

    if ( colltype == COLLISION_NORMAL )
        /* maybe must force this to 32 bits */
        if ( bmp && bmp->format->depth != sys_pixel_format->depth ) { bitmap_destroy( bmp ); bmp = NULL; }
        if ( !bmp ) bmp = bitmap_new( 0, 2, 1, sys_pixel_format->depth ) ;
        if ( !bmp ) return 0 ;

        memset( bmp->data, 0, bmp->pitch * bmp->height ) ;

    /* Retrieves process information */

    bbox1.x = 0 ; bbox1.x2 = 1 ;
    bbox1.y = 0 ; bbox1.y2 = 0 ;

    x = LOCINT32( mod_grproc, proc1, COORDX ) ;
    y = LOCINT32( mod_grproc, proc1, COORDY ) ;

    RESOLXY( mod_grproc, proc1, x, y );

    /* Scroll-type process: check for each region */

    if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, proc1, CTYPE ) == C_SCROLL )
        SCROLL_EXTRA_DATA * data;
        scrolldata  * scroll;
        int i;

        if ( GLOEXISTS( mod_grproc, SCROLLS ) )
            int cnumber = LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, proc1, CNUMBER );
            if ( !cnumber ) cnumber = 0xffffffff ;

            for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
                data = &(( SCROLL_EXTRA_DATA * ) & GLODWORD( mod_grproc, SCROLLS ) )[i] ;
                scroll = ( scrolldata * ) data->reserved[0];

                if ( scroll && scroll->active && ( cnumber & ( 1 << i ) ) )
                    REGION * r = scroll->region;

                    switch ( colltype )
                        case    COLLISION_NORMAL:
                                if ( r->x > mx || r->x2 < mx || r->y > my || r->y2 < my ) continue;

                                draw_at( bmp, x + r->x - mx - scroll->posx0, y + r->y - my - scroll->posy0, &bbox1, proc1 );
                                switch ( sys_pixel_format->depth )
                                    case    8:
                                        if ( *( uint8_t * )bmp->data ) return 1;

                                    case    16:
                                        if ( *( uint16_t * )bmp->data ) return 1;

                                    case    32:
                                        if ( *( uint32_t * )bmp->data ) return 1;

                        case    COLLISION_BOX:
                                if ( bbox2.x <= scroll->posx0 + r->x + mx && bbox2.x2 >= scroll->posx0 + r->x + mx &&
                                     bbox2.y <= scroll->posy0 + r->y + my && bbox2.y2 >= scroll->posy0 + r->y + my ) return 1;

                        case    COLLISION_CIRCLE:
                                int cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1;

                                cx1 = bbox2.x + ( dx1 = ( bbox2.x2 - bbox2.x + 1 ) ) / 2 ;
                                cy1 = bbox2.y + ( dy1 = ( bbox2.y2 - bbox2.y + 1 ) ) / 2 ;

                                if ( get_distance( cx1, cy1, 0, r->x + mx + scroll->posx0, r->y + my + scroll->posy0, 0 ) < ( dx1 + dy1 ) / 4 ) return 1;

        return 0;

    switch ( colltype )
        case    COLLISION_NORMAL:
                /* Collision check (blits into temporary space and checks the resulting pixel) */
                draw_at( bmp, x - mx, y - my, &bbox1, proc1 ) ;

                switch ( sys_pixel_format->depth )
                    case    8:
                        if ( *( uint8_t * )bmp->data ) return 1;

                    case    16:
                        if ( *( uint16_t * )bmp->data ) return 1;

                    case    32:
                        if ( *( uint32_t * )bmp->data ) return 1;

        case    COLLISION_BOX:
                if ( bbox2.x <= mx && bbox2.x2 >= mx &&
                     bbox2.y <= my && bbox2.y2 >= my ) return 1;

        case    COLLISION_CIRCLE:
                int cx1, cy1, dx1, dy1;

                cx1 = bbox2.x + ( dx1 = ( bbox2.x2 - bbox2.x + 1 ) ) / 2 ;
                cy1 = bbox2.y + ( dy1 = ( bbox2.y2 - bbox2.y + 1 ) ) / 2 ;

                if ( get_distance( cx1, cy1, 0, mx, my, 0 ) < ( dx1 + dy1 ) / 4 ) return 1;

    return 0 ;
void BoxSweepClosePairsFinder::do_show(std::ostream &out) const {
  out << "distance " << get_distance() << std::endl;
예제 #14
void ModeGuided::update()
    switch (_guided_mode) {
        case Guided_WP:
            _distance_to_destination = get_distance(rover.current_loc, _destination);
            const bool near_wp = _distance_to_destination <= rover.g.waypoint_radius;
            // check if we've reached the destination
            if (!_reached_destination && (near_wp || location_passed_point(rover.current_loc, _origin, _destination))) {
                _reached_destination = true;
            // determine if we should keep navigating
            if (!_reached_destination || (rover.is_boat() && !near_wp)) {
                // drive towards destination
                calc_steering_to_waypoint(_reached_destination ? rover.current_loc : _origin, _destination, _reversed);
                calc_throttle(calc_reduced_speed_for_turn_or_distance(_reversed ? -_desired_speed : _desired_speed), true, true);
            } else {

        case Guided_HeadingAndSpeed:
            // stop vehicle if target not updated within 3 seconds
            if (have_attitude_target && (millis() - _des_att_time_ms) > 3000) {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "target not received last 3secs, stopping");
                have_attitude_target = false;
            if (have_attitude_target) {
                // run steering and throttle controllers
                calc_steering_to_heading(_desired_yaw_cd, _desired_speed < 0);
                calc_throttle(calc_reduced_speed_for_turn_or_distance(_desired_speed), true, true);
            } else {

        case Guided_TurnRateAndSpeed:
            // stop vehicle if target not updated within 3 seconds
            if (have_attitude_target && (millis() - _des_att_time_ms) > 3000) {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "target not received last 3secs, stopping");
                have_attitude_target = false;
            if (have_attitude_target) {
                // run steering and throttle controllers
                float steering_out = attitude_control.get_steering_out_rate(radians(_desired_yaw_rate_cds / 100.0f),
                g2.motors.set_steering(steering_out * 4500.0f);
                calc_throttle(_desired_speed, true, true);
            } else {

            gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Unknown GUIDED mode");
예제 #15
  update navigation for landing. Called when on landing approach or
  final flare
bool Plane::verify_land()
    // we don't 'verify' landing in the sense that it never completes,
    // so we don't verify command completion. Instead we use this to
    // adjust final landing parameters

    // If a go around has been commanded, we are done landing.  This will send
    // the mission to the next mission item, which presumably is a mission
    // segment with operations to perform when a landing is called off.
    // If there are no commands after the land waypoint mission item then
    // the plane will proceed to loiter about its home point.
    if (auto_state.commanded_go_around) {
        return true;

    float height = height_above_target();

    // use rangefinder to correct if possible
    height -= rangefinder_correction();

    /* Set land_complete (which starts the flare) under 3 conditions:
       1) we are within LAND_FLARE_ALT meters of the landing altitude
       2) we are within LAND_FLARE_SEC of the landing point vertically
          by the calculated sink rate (if LAND_FLARE_SEC != 0)
       3) we have gone past the landing point and don't have
          rangefinder data (to prevent us keeping throttle on 
          after landing if we've had positive baro drift)
    bool rangefinder_in_range = rangefinder_state.in_range;
    bool rangefinder_in_range = false;
    if (height <= g.land_flare_alt ||
        (aparm.land_flare_sec > 0 && height <= auto_state.sink_rate * aparm.land_flare_sec) ||
        (!rangefinder_in_range && location_passed_point(current_loc, prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc)) ||
        (fabsf(auto_state.sink_rate) < 0.2f && !is_flying())) {

        if (!auto_state.land_complete) {
            auto_state.post_landing_stats = true;
            if (!is_flying() && (millis()-auto_state.last_flying_ms) > 3000) {
                gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Flare crash detected: speed=%.1f"), (double)gps.ground_speed());
            } else {
                gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Flare %.1fm sink=%.2f speed=%.1f"), 
                        (double)height, (double)auto_state.sink_rate, (double)gps.ground_speed());
        auto_state.land_complete = true;

        if (gps.ground_speed() < 3) {
            // reload any airspeed or groundspeed parameters that may have
            // been set for landing. We don't do this till ground
            // speed drops below 3.0 m/s as otherwise we will change
            // target speeds too early.

      when landing we keep the L1 navigation waypoint 200m ahead. This
      prevents sudden turns if we overshoot the landing point
    struct Location land_WP_loc = next_WP_loc;
	int32_t land_bearing_cd = get_bearing_cd(prev_WP_loc, next_WP_loc);
                    get_distance(prev_WP_loc, current_loc) + 200);
    nav_controller->update_waypoint(prev_WP_loc, land_WP_loc);

    // once landed and stationary, post some statistics
    // this is done before disarm_if_autoland_complete() so that it happens on the next loop after the disarm
    if (auto_state.post_landing_stats && !arming.is_armed()) {
        auto_state.post_landing_stats = false;
        gcs_send_text_fmt(PSTR("Distance from LAND point=%.2fm"), (double)get_distance(current_loc, next_WP_loc));

    // check if we should auto-disarm after a confirmed landing

      we return false as a landing mission item never completes

      we stay on this waypoint unless the GCS commands us to change
      mission item or reset the mission, or a go-around is commanded
    return false;
예제 #16
static inline struct triangle *triangle_new (struct point pts[], int v1, int v2, int v3, double epsilon)
	struct triangle *t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct triangle));
	int v[3], vv[3];
	double r1, r2, r3;

	vv[0] = v1;
	vv[1] = v2;
	vv[2] = v3;

	/* permute until ordered righ :-) */
	for (v[0] = 0; v[0] < 3; v[0]++) {
		for (v[1] = 0; v[1] < 3; v[1]++) {
			if (v[1] == v[0])

			for (v[2] = 0; v[2] < 3; v[2]++) {
				if (v[2] == v[1] || v[2] == v[0])

				/* NB: r2 latura mica, r1 latura medie, r3 latura mare */
				r2 = get_distance(pts, vv[v[0]], vv[v[1]]);
				r1 = get_distance(pts, vv[v[1]], vv[v[2]]);
				r3 = get_distance(pts, vv[v[2]], vv[v[0]]);

				if (r2 < r1 && r1 < r3)
					goto found;

	g_assert(r2 < r1 && r1 < r3 && r2 < r3);

	t->v[0] = vv[v[0]];
	t->v[1] = vv[v[1]];
	t->v[2] = vv[v[2]];

	t->R = r3 / r2;

	/* from the law of cosines */
	t->C = ( (pts[t->v[2]].x - pts[t->v[0]].x) * (pts[t->v[1]].x - pts[t->v[0]].x) +
		 (pts[t->v[2]].y - pts[t->v[0]].y) * (pts[t->v[1]].y - pts[t->v[0]].y) ) / (r2 * r3);

	double cterm = 1.0 / sqr(r3) - t->C / (r3 * r2) + 1.0 / sqr(r2);

	t->Rtolsq = 2 * sqr(t->R) * sqr(epsilon) * cterm;

	double sinsq = 1 - sqr(t->C);

	t->Ctolsq = 2 * sinsq * sqr(epsilon) * cterm + 3 * sqr(t->C) * sqr(sqr(epsilon)) * sqr(cterm);

	/* if det. is positive, we're clockwise. */
	double det = ((pts[t->v[1]].x - pts[t->v[0]].x) * (pts[t->v[2]].y - pts[t->v[0]].y) -
		      (pts[t->v[1]].y - pts[t->v[0]].y) * (pts[t->v[2]].x - pts[t->v[1]].x));

	t->clockwise = (det > 0);

	t->logP = log(r1 + r2 + r3);

	return t;
예제 #17
string optical_flow::get_final_direction(Mat m1, Mat m2,
		Rect old_hand_boundary, Rect new_hand_boundary) {

	left_count = 0;
	up_count = 0;
	down_count = 0;
	right_count = 0;
	non_count = 0;

	TermCriteria termcrit(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03);

	cvtColor(m1, old_gray_img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);//convert to gray
	cvtColor(m2, new_gray_img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

	// extract features
	goodFeaturesToTrack(old_gray_img, old_frame_points, max_count, .01,
			min_distance, Mat(), block_size, 0, .04);
	cornerSubPix(old_gray_img, old_frame_points, Size(10, 10), Size(-1, -1),

	// track features in next frame
	vector<uchar> status;
	vector<float> err;
	calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(old_gray_img, new_gray_img, old_frame_points,
			new_frame_points, status, err, Size(10, 10), 3, termcrit, 0, 0.001);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < new_frame_points.size(); i++) {
		Point2f old_point = old_frame_points.at(i);
		Point2f new_point = new_frame_points.at(i);
		if (!(old_hand_boundary.contains(old_point)
				&& new_hand_boundary.contains(new_point)))
		float dist = get_distance(old_point, new_point);
		//		cout<<dist<<endl;
		if (dist < threshold) {
		} else {
			float dx = new_point.x - old_point.x;
			float dy = new_point.y - old_point.y;
			if (abs(dx) > abs(dy)) {//horizontal
				if (abs(dx) <= thresh_in_on_dir)
				else {
					if (dx < 0) {
					} else {
			} else { //vertical
				if (abs(dy) <= thresh_in_on_dir)
				else {
					if (dy < 0) {
					} else {

	int dirs_counts[] = { up_count, down_count, left_count, right_count,
			non_count };
	int max_elem = *max_element(dirs_counts, dirs_counts + 5);
	//	cout<<up_count << " "<<down_count<<" "<<left_count<<" " <<right_count<<" "<<non_count<<endl;
	final_direction = "";
	if (up_count == max_elem)
		final_direction = "up";
	else if (down_count == max_elem)
		final_direction = "down";
	else if (left_count == max_elem)
		final_direction = "left";
	else if (right_count == max_elem)
		final_direction = "right";
		final_direction = "none";

	return final_direction;
예제 #18
void ModeGuided::update()
    switch (_guided_mode) {
        case Guided_WP:
            if (!_reached_destination || rover.is_boat()) {
                // check if we've reached the destination
                _distance_to_destination = get_distance(rover.current_loc, _destination);
                if (!_reached_destination && (_distance_to_destination <= rover.g.waypoint_radius || location_passed_point(rover.current_loc, _origin, _destination))) {
                    _reached_destination = true;
                // drive towards destination
                calc_steering_to_waypoint(_reached_destination ? rover.current_loc : _origin, _destination);
                calc_throttle(calc_reduced_speed_for_turn_or_distance(_desired_speed), true);
            } else {

        case Guided_HeadingAndSpeed:
            // stop vehicle if target not updated within 3 seconds
            if (have_attitude_target && (millis() - _des_att_time_ms) > 3000) {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "target not received last 3secs, stopping");
                have_attitude_target = false;
            if (have_attitude_target) {
                // run steering and throttle controllers
                const float yaw_error = wrap_PI(radians((_desired_yaw_cd - ahrs.yaw_sensor) * 0.01f));
                const float steering_out = attitude_control.get_steering_out_angle_error(yaw_error, g2.motors.have_skid_steering(), g2.motors.limit.steer_left, g2.motors.limit.steer_right, _desired_speed < 0);
                g2.motors.set_steering(steering_out * 4500.0f);
                calc_throttle(_desired_speed, true);
            } else {

        case Guided_TurnRateAndSpeed:
            // stop vehicle if target not updated within 3 seconds
            if (have_attitude_target && (millis() - _des_att_time_ms) > 3000) {
                gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "target not received last 3secs, stopping");
                have_attitude_target = false;
            if (have_attitude_target) {
                // run steering and throttle controllers
                float steering_out = attitude_control.get_steering_out_rate(radians(_desired_yaw_rate_cds / 100.0f), g2.motors.have_skid_steering(), g2.motors.limit.steer_left, g2.motors.limit.steer_right, _desired_speed < 0);
                g2.motors.set_steering(steering_out * 4500.0f);
                calc_throttle(_desired_speed, true);
            } else {

            gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Unknown GUIDED mode");
예제 #19
 * Calculate selectivity of "var @> const" operator, ie. estimate the fraction
 * of ranges that contain the constant lower and upper bounds. This uses
 * the histograms of range lower bounds and range lengths, on the assumption
 * that the range lengths are independent of the lower bounds.
 * Note, this is "var @> const", ie. estimate the fraction of ranges that
 * contain the constant lower and upper bounds.
static double
calc_hist_selectivity_contains(TypeCacheEntry *typcache,
							   RangeBound *lower, RangeBound *upper,
							   RangeBound *hist_lower, int hist_nvalues,
						  Datum *length_hist_values, int length_hist_nvalues)
	int			i,
	double		bin_width,
	double		sum_frac;
	float8		prev_dist;

	/* Find the bin containing the lower bound of query range. */
	lower_index = rbound_bsearch(typcache, lower, hist_lower, hist_nvalues,

	 * Calculate lower_bin_width, ie. the fraction of the of (lower_index,
	 * lower_index + 1) bin which is greater than lower bound of query range
	 * using linear interpolation of subdiff function.
	if (lower_index >= 0 && lower_index < hist_nvalues - 1)
		lower_bin_width = get_position(typcache, lower, &hist_lower[lower_index],
									   &hist_lower[lower_index + 1]);
		lower_bin_width = 0.0;

	 * Loop through all the lower bound bins, smaller than the query lower
	 * bound. In the loop, dist and prev_dist are the distance of the
	 * "current" bin's lower and upper bounds from the constant upper bound.
	 * We begin from query lower bound, and walk backwards, so the first bin's
	 * upper bound is the query lower bound, and its distance to the query
	 * upper bound is the length of the query range.
	 * bin_width represents the width of the current bin. Normally it is 1.0,
	 * meaning a full width bin, except for the first bin, which is only
	 * counted up to the constant lower bound.
	prev_dist = get_distance(typcache, lower, upper);
	sum_frac = 0.0;
	bin_width = lower_bin_width;
	for (i = lower_index; i >= 0; i--)
		float8		dist;
		double		length_hist_frac;

		 * dist -- distance from upper bound of query range to current value
		 * of lower bound histogram or lower bound of query range (if we've
		 * reach it).
		dist = get_distance(typcache, &hist_lower[i], upper);

		 * Get average fraction of length histogram which covers intervals
		 * longer than (or equal to) distance to upper bound of query range.
		length_hist_frac =
			1.0 - calc_length_hist_frac(length_hist_values,
										prev_dist, dist, false);

		sum_frac += length_hist_frac * bin_width / (double) (hist_nvalues - 1);

		bin_width = 1.0;
		prev_dist = dist;

	return sum_frac;
예제 #20
vector3 Wall::collision_detection(vector3 pos){
    //note #10
    vector3 gamma = vector3(pos[0] - bbox[0], 0, pos[2] - bbox[2]);
    vector3 delta = vector3(pos[0] - bbox[3], 0, pos[2] - bbox[5]);

    GLfloat sindelta = (dir[0]*delta[2]-dir[2]*delta[0])/(delta.length());
    GLfloat singamma = (dir[0]*gamma[2]-dir[2]*gamma[0])/(gamma.length());

    if(signbit(sindelta)!=signbit(singamma) && vertices[4]<=pos[1] && pos[1]<vertices[7] && get_distance(pos)<1.0)
        return dir;

    /*vector3 gamma = vector3(pos[0] - bbox[0], 0, pos[2] - bbox[2]);
    vector3 delta = vector3(pos[0] - bbox[3], 0, pos[2] - bbox[5]);
    vector3 alpha = vector3(pos[0] - bbox[0+12], pos[1] - bbox[1+12], pos[2] - bbox[2+12]);
    vector3 eps   = vector3(pos[0] - bbox[9], pos[1] - bbox[10], pos[2] - bbox[11]);
    vector3 zeta  = alpha;

    GLfloat dl = delta.length();
    GLfloat cosalpha = (dir[0]*alpha[0]+dir[2]*alpha[2])/(alpha.length());
    GLfloat cosdelta = (dir[0]*delta[0]+dir[2]*delta[2])/(dl);
    GLfloat sindelta = (dir[0]*delta[2]-dir[2]*delta[0])/(dl);
    GLfloat singamma = (dir[0]*gamma[2]-dir[2]*gamma[0])/(gamma.length());

    //perpendicular of collider
    vector3 perp = vector3(-dir[2],dir[1],dir[0]);
    perp = cross(perp,dir);
    GLfloat sineps = (perp[0]*eps[0]+perp[1]*eps[1])/(eps.length());
    GLfloat sinzeta = (perp[0]*zeta[0]+perp[1]*zeta[1])/(zeta.length());

    if(signbit(sindelta)!=signbit(singamma) && (signbit(sineps)!=signbit(sinzeta)) && signbit(cosalpha)!=signbit(cosdelta))
        return dir;*/
    return vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
예제 #21
dijkstra_to (GList *nodes, Node *source, Node *target,
             gint width, gint height,
             gint *distances, Node **previous)
  gint nr;
  GList *unvisited_nodes, *current;

  for (current = g_list_first (nodes);
       previous != NULL && current != NULL;
       current = g_list_next (current))
      Node *node;
      node = (Node *) current->data;
      previous[node->j * width + node->i] = NULL;
  distances[source->j * width + source->i] = 0;

  unvisited_nodes = g_list_copy (nodes);
  nr = 0;
  while (unvisited_nodes != NULL)
      Node *node;
      GList *current_neighbor, *shorter_dist_node, *cur_node;

      shorter_dist_node = g_list_first (unvisited_nodes);
      cur_node = g_list_next (shorter_dist_node);
      while (cur_node != NULL)
          Node *value, *shorter_dist;
          value = (Node *) cur_node->data;
          shorter_dist = (Node *) shorter_dist_node->data;
          if (distances[shorter_dist->j * width + shorter_dist->i] == -1 ||
              (distances[value->j * width + value->i] != -1 &&
               distances[value->j * width +
                         value->i] < distances[shorter_dist->j * width +
              shorter_dist_node = cur_node;
          cur_node = g_list_next (cur_node);

      node = (Node *) shorter_dist_node->data;
      if (distances[node->j * width + node->i] == -1)

      current_neighbor = g_list_first (node->neighbors);
      while (current_neighbor)
          gint dist;
          Node *neighbor;

          neighbor = (Node *) current_neighbor->data;
          dist = get_distance (node, neighbor) +
            distances[node->j * width + node->i];

          if (distances[neighbor->j * width + neighbor->i] == -1 ||
              dist < distances[neighbor->j * width + neighbor->i])
              distances[neighbor->j * width + neighbor->i] = dist;
              if (previous != NULL)
                  previous[neighbor->j * width + neighbor->i] = node;
          if (target != NULL && neighbor == target)
              g_list_free (unvisited_nodes);
              return TRUE;

          current_neighbor = g_list_next (current_neighbor);
      unvisited_nodes = g_list_delete_link (unvisited_nodes, shorter_dist_node);
  g_list_free (unvisited_nodes);
  return FALSE;
예제 #22
파일: knn_omp.c 프로젝트: AaronTHolt/MPI
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    struct arguments arguments;

    /* Parse our arguments; every option seen by parse_opt will
       be reflected in arguments. */
    argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments); 

    // number of nearest neighbors
    int k;
    k = 1; //default is 1
    if (sscanf (arguments.args[0], "%i", &k)!=1) {}

    //omp vars
    int num_threads;
    num_threads = 4;
    if (sscanf(arguments.args[1], "%i", &num_threads)!=1) {}

    int verbose;
    verbose = arguments.verbose;
    if (verbose>0 && verbose<130){
        verbose = 1;
        verbose = 0;

    //define a bunch of counters!
    int i, j, m, n, ii, jj, kk;

    //number of examples to read in
    int total_examples = 10000;
    // int total_examples = 19;

    //max words per question
    int num_words = 300;

    //max word length
    int max_word_len = 20;
    //max vocab count
    // int max_vocab = 200000;

    //data read in poorly
    int bad_iter = 0;

    //Used to split into training and testing data (will train on example_num%train)
    int train = 10;

    int debug = 0;

    printf("k, Verbose, num_threads = %i, %i, %i\n",
                          k, verbose, num_threads);

     //Allocate space for data being read in with fgets
    char *csv_line = malloc(sizeof(char)*1500);

    //store all data
    //array of structs
    //struct.question->array of char*
    struct data *all_data;
    all_data = malloc(sizeof(struct data)*total_examples);
    for (ii=0; ii<total_examples; ii++){
    	all_data[ii].question = malloc(sizeof(char*)*num_words);
    	for (jj=0; jj<num_words; jj++){
    		// all_data[ii].question[jj] = malloc(sizeof(char)*max_word_len);
    		all_data[ii].question[jj] = calloc(max_word_len, sizeof(char));
    	all_data[ii].cat = malloc(sizeof(char)*max_word_len);

    //store numeric version of data for algorithms
    struct numeric_data *num_data;
    num_data = malloc(sizeof(struct numeric_data)*total_examples);
    for (ii=0; ii<total_examples; ii++){
    	num_data[ii].array_of_features = malloc(sizeof(struct feature_count)*num_words);
    	for (jj=0; jj<num_words; jj++){
    		num_data[ii].array_of_features[jj].feature_num = 0;
    		num_data[ii].array_of_features[jj].count = 0;

    //store struct which keep track of the k nearest neighbors
    // struct distance_results results;
    // results.example_num = 0;
    // results.distances = calloc(k, sizeof(double));
    // results.cat = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
    // results.example_nums = calloc(k, sizeof(int));

    // //struct used to calculate the mode of the k nearest neighbors
    // struct mode mod;
    // mod.count = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
    // mod.cat = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
    // //store vocabulary list (char** points to array of char* of length 20)
    // char **word_list;
    // word_list = malloc(sizeof(char*)*max_vocab); //assumes max_vocab total vocab
    // for (ii=0; ii<max_vocab; ii++){
    // 	// word_list[ii] = malloc(sizeof(char)*max_word_len);  //assumes max word length of 20
    // 	word_list[ii] = calloc(max_word_len, sizeof(char));  //assumes max word length of 20
    // }

    //alternate vocab store tree
    feature_tree *vocab;
    vocab = NULL;

    //store category list
    char **cat_list;
    cat_list = malloc(sizeof(char*)*40);  //assumes 20 max categories
    for (ii=0; ii<40; ii++){
    	cat_list[ii] = malloc(sizeof(char)*max_word_len);
		strncpy(cat_list[ii], "\0", 1);	

    //Read in csv file
    FILE *f = fopen("train_pruned2.csv", "r");
    if (f == NULL){
    	printf("Failed to open file \n");
    	return -1;

    //parse question into individual words, create vocabulary list
    int vocab_count = 0;
    int category_count = 1;

    for (i=0; i<total_examples; i++){
    	// printf("Iteration = %i\n", i);

    	//line in csv to buffer
    	if (fgets(csv_line, 1500, f) == NULL){
            printf("Fgets error!\n");

    	//csv line to 3 individual parts
    	if (i>0)

			char *tok;
			char *tok_copy; //problem with tok getting overwritten in parse_question
			// char **parsed_question = malloc(sizeof(char*)*num_words);

			// printf("CSV_LINE = %s\n", csv_line);

			tok = strtok(csv_line, "|");
			if (tok == NULL){
				// all_data[i-bad_iter-1].example_num = -1;
				// i--;
			sscanf(tok, "%i", &all_data[i-bad_iter-1].example_num);


			tok = strtok(NULL, "|");
			if (tok == NULL){
				// all_data[i-bad_iter-1].example_num = -1;
				// i--;
			tok_copy = (char *)tok;


			tok = strtok(NULL, "|");
			if (tok == NULL){
				// all_data[i-bad_iter-1].example_num = -1;
				// i--;
			strncpy(all_data[i-bad_iter-1].cat, tok, 19);
			all_data[i-bad_iter-1].cat[max_word_len-1] = 0;

			char *tok2;
			tok2 = strtok(tok_copy, " \t");

			j = 0;
			if ((tok2 != NULL) && (strlen(tok2)>3)){
				strncpy(all_data[i-bad_iter-1].question[0], tok2, 19);
		    	all_data[i-bad_iter-1].question[0][max_word_len-1] = 0;

		    	//add to tree if not test data
		    	// if (all_data[i-bad_iter-1].example_num % train != 0){
		    	insert_word(&vocab, all_data[i-bad_iter-1].question[0]);
    			j += 1;
		    	// }

			while (tok2 != NULL){
				if (j>=num_words){
				tok2 = strtok(NULL, " \t");
		        if ((tok2 != NULL) && (strlen(tok2)>3)){
		            strncpy(all_data[i-bad_iter-1].question[j], tok2, 19);
		            all_data[i-bad_iter-1].question[j][max_word_len-1] = 0;

		            //add to tree if not test data
		            // if (all_data[i-bad_iter-1].example_num % train != 0){
					insert_word(&vocab, all_data[i-bad_iter-1].question[j]);
    				// }
			} //end while

    		// all_data[i-bad_iter-1] = instance;
    		// print_data(&all_data[i-bad_iter-1]);

    		////add to vocabulary (using array, VERY slow with lots of data)
    		// add_to_word_list(all_data[i-bad_iter-1].question, word_list, &vocab_count);
    		//add to category list
    		add_to_cat_list(all_data[i-bad_iter-1].cat, cat_list, &category_count);

    	} //end if
    } //end for

    //close file

    //assign unique number to each feature
    //first feature is feature 1, feature 0 is for errors etc.
    unsigned int mm = 1;
    number_features(vocab, &mm);

    //Some of the csv rows aren't read in properly with fgets
    printf("Bad iterations = %i/%i\n", bad_iter, i);
    printf("Feature count = %i\n", count_features(vocab));
    // print_inorder(vocab);

    // for (ii=0; ii<40; ii++){
    // 	printf("%s", cat_list[ii]);
    // }

    ////turn data into numeric features////
    for (i=0; i<total_examples; i++){
    	num_data[i].example_num = all_data[i].example_num;
    	num_data[i].cat = get_cat_index(cat_list, all_data[i].cat);
    	words_to_num(&num_data[i], &all_data[i], &vocab, num_words);
        // count_features2(&num_data[i]);

    // num_data->array_of_features[0].feature_num = 44;

    // print_num_data(&num_data[0]);
    // print_num_data(&num_data[1]);
    total_examples = total_examples-bad_iter-1;

    int sadfjh;
    double av_feature_count = 0;
    for (ii=0; ii<total_examples; ii++){
        sadfjh = count_features2(&num_data[ii]);
        av_feature_count += sadfjh;
        // printf("%i ", sadfjh);
    // printf("\n av_feature_count %f\n", av_feature_count/(total_examples-bad_iter-1));
    // print_num_data(&num_data[4464]);

    // printf("vocab->right = %s \n", vocab->feature);
    // print_data(&all_data[0]);
    // print_data(&all_data[29000]);
    // printf("%s, %u\n", "1829", get_feature_number(&vocab, "1829"));

    //find the distance between first example and rest
    double distance;

    //range each process will cover
    int range;

    // printf("%i, %i\n", range, total_examples);
    // printf("R, Min, Max = %i, %i, %i\n", rank, rank*range, (rank+1)*range);

    //     struct distance_results results;
    // results.example_num = 0;
    // results.distances = calloc(k, sizeof(double));
    // results.cat = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
    // results.example_nums = calloc(k, sizeof(int));

    // //struct used to calculate the mode of the k nearest neighbors
    // struct mode mod;
    // mod.count = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
    // mod.cat = calloc(k, sizeof(int));

   	int c = 0;
    int total = 0;
    int answer;

    omp_set_dynamic(0); //Explicitly disable dynamic teams
    omp_set_num_threads(num_threads); //Specify thread count

    #pragma omp parallel \
            private(kk, ii, distance, answer) \
            reduction(+:c,total) \
        //store struct which keep track of the k nearest neighbors
        struct distance_results results;
        results.example_num = 0;
        results.distances = calloc(k, sizeof(double));
        results.cat = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
        results.example_nums = calloc(k, sizeof(int));

        //struct used to calculate the mode of the k nearest neighbors
        struct mode mod;
        mod.count = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
        mod.cat = calloc(k, sizeof(int));
        #pragma omp for
        for (kk=0; kk<total_examples; kk++){
            // printf("Thread = %i, Iter = %i, c = %i, total=%i\n", omp_get_thread_num(), kk, c, total);

        	//only test on test data
        	if (num_data[kk].example_num%train != 0){

        	if (num_data[kk].cat == 0){

        	results.correct_answer = num_data[kk].cat;
        	results.example_num = num_data[kk].example_num;
        	for (ii=0; ii<k; ii++){
        		results.distances[ii] = 0;
        		results.cat[ii] = 0;
        		mod.count[ii] = 0;
        		mod.cat[ii] = 0;

        	// print_num_data(&num_data[kk]);

        	//calc distance to neighbors
        	for (ii=0; ii<total_examples-1; ii++){
        		//don't calc distance to self
        		if (kk != ii){
                    //Eliminate bad data (examples with few words tend to have low distances
                    //reguardless of whether they are more similar...
                    if (num_data[ii].total_features >= 40){
                        distance = get_distance(&num_data[kk], &num_data[ii], num_words);
                        // if (distance < 2){
                        //  continue;
                        // }
                        // printf("%f ", distance);
                        if (num_data[ii].example_num > 0){
                            add_distance_to_results(&results, distance, k, 
                                                    num_data[ii].cat, num_data[ii].example_num);

    	    answer = calc_nearest_neighbor(&results, &mod, k);
    	    if (answer == results.correct_answer){
    	    	c += 1;
    	    // printf("\n");
    	    // for (ii=0; ii<k; ii++){
    	    // 	printf("Distance, cat, example_num1, example_num2 = %2.2f, %i, %i, %i\n", 
    	    // 		results.distances[ii], results.cat[ii], results.example_num, results.example_nums[ii]);
    	    // }
    	    // else{
    	    // }
    	    total += 1;

            if (verbose>0 && debug>0){
                printf("Thread = %i, Correct/Total = %i/%i  Answer/Correct = %i/%i\n", 
                    omp_get_thread_num(), c, total, answer, results.correct_answer);

        //Thread results
        #pragma omp barrier
        if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0){
            printf("/// Thread Results ///\n");
        #pragma omp barrier
        printf("Thread = %i, Correct/Total = %i/%i\n", 
                omp_get_thread_num(), c, total);

        //free distance result

        //free mode struct

    printf("/// Final Results ///\n");
    printf("Correct/Total = %i/%i\n", c, total);
    // printf("verbose = %i", verbose);


    ////free malloc calls////
    //free feature tree

    //free numeric data
    for (ii=0; ii<total_examples; ii++){

    // //free vocab list
    // for (ii=0; ii<max_vocab; ii++){
    //     free(word_list[ii]);  
    // }
    // free(word_list);

    //free category list
    for (ii=0; ii<40; ii++){

    //free all_data list
    for (ii=0; ii<total_examples; ii++){
        for (jj=0; jj<num_words; jj++){

    //free var used to rean in csv

예제 #23
bool QuadraticClosePairsFinder::get_are_close(kernel::Model *m,
                                              kernel::ParticleIndex a,
                                              kernel::ParticleIndex b) const {
  return internal::get_are_close(m, access_pair_filters(), a, b,
예제 #24
파일: utils.c 프로젝트: idaohang/gpsTest
double get_distance_in(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2)
    return 0.8 * (get_distance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2));
예제 #25
파일: DBprocess.c 프로젝트: k2b3d/tconsrc
///[PDA 인증]//////////////////
int db_opw_list(OPW_HEADER *hd, OPW_LIST_REQ *req, OPW_RESULT *rd, OPW_LIST_INFO **out)
	int ret = E_NO_ERR ;
	char sql[SQL_SIZE] = {'\0'} ;
	char where_oiltype[100] = {'\0'} ;
	char where_search_opt[100] = {'\0'} ;
	char where_pole[300] = {'\0'} ;
	char where_sort_opt[100] = {'\0'} ;

	int sido_flag = 0 ; 
	int gugun_flag = 0 ;
	int dong_flag = 0 ;

	int i, n, cnt = 0 ;
	int valid_cnt = 0 ;
	int k = 0 ;

	MYSQL *conn = NULL ;
	MYSQL_RES *res_set = NULL ;

	int fetch_count = 0 ;


//	ret = mydbc_init(&conn);
//	if(ret != DB_SUCCESS) {
//		printLog(HEAD, "ERR: mydbc_init[%d]\n", ret);
//		ret = E_NOT_CONN_DB ;
//		goto error_exit ;
//	}
	conn = mysql_init(NULL) ;
	if(mysql_real_connect(conn, Config.DB_HOST, 
			Config.DB_USER, Config.DB_PASSWORD, Config.DB_NAME, atoi(Config.DB_PORT), NULL, 0) == NULL) {
		printLog(HEAD, "ERR: mysql_real_connect\n") ;
		ret = E_NOT_CONN_DB ;
		goto error_exit ;

	memset(sql, 0, sizeof(sql)) ;

	switch(hd->oil_type) {
		case 'A' :	//: 모든 종류
			sprintf(where_oiltype, "and (g_price>100 or k_price>100 or d_price>100 or l_price>100) ") ;
			break ;
		case 'G' :	//: 휘발유
			//	sprintf(where_oiltype, "where (jcomp=0 and g_price > 0) ") ;
			sprintf(where_oiltype, "and (g_price>100) ") ;
			break ;
		case 'K' : 	//: 경유
			//	sprintf(where_oiltype, "where (jcomp=0 and k_price > 0) ") ;
			sprintf(where_oiltype, "and (k_price>100) ") ;
			break ;
		case 'D' :	//: 등유
			//	sprintf(where_oiltype, "where (jcomp=0 and d_price > 0) ") ;
			sprintf(where_oiltype, "and (d_price>100) ") ;
			break ;
		case 'L' : 	//: LPG
			//	sprintf(where_oiltype, "where (jcomp=1 and l_price > 0) ") ;
			sprintf(where_oiltype, "and (l_price >100) ") ;
			break ;
		default :
			break ;

	switch(hd->search_opt[0]) {
		case 'A' :	//: 좌표로 검색
			sprintf(where_search_opt, "and (map_x > '%d' and map_x < '%d' and map_y > '%d' and map_y < '%d') ", 
					(req->x - req->radius), (req->x + req->radius), (req->y - req->radius), (req->y + req->radius)) ;
			break ;
		case 'I' :	//: 주소로 검색

			if(strlen(req->sido)>0) sido_flag = 1 ;
			if(strlen(req->gugun)>0) gugun_flag = 1 ;
			if(strlen(req->dong)>0) dong_flag = 1 ;

			if((sido_flag == 1) && (gugun_flag == 1) && (dong_flag == 1))
				sprintf(where_search_opt, "and (sido='%.16s' and gugun='%.32s' and dong like '%%%.52s%%') ", 
						req->sido, req->gugun, req->dong) ;
			else if((sido_flag == 1) && (gugun_flag == 1) && (dong_flag == 0))
				sprintf(where_search_opt, "and (sido='%.16s' and gugun='%.32s') ", req->sido, req->gugun) ;
			else if((sido_flag == 1) && (gugun_flag == 0) && (dong_flag == 0))
				sprintf(where_search_opt, "and (sido='%.16s')  ", req->sido) ;
			break ;
		case 'U' :	//: 국도(상)로 검색
			sprintf(where_search_opt, "and (type_way=%d and updown='L') ", req->nr_num+100) ;
			break ;
		case 'D' :	//: 국도(하)로 검색
			sprintf(where_search_opt, "and (type_way=%d and updown = 'R') ", req->nr_num+100) ;
			break ;
		default :
			break ;

	if(req->pole != 0) {
		//: pole=7: SK-gas  pole=8: LG-gas
		//	if((req->pole == 7) || (req->pole == 8)) sprintf(where_pole, "and (pole=7 or pole=8) ") ;
		if((req->pole == 7) || (req->pole == 8)) sprintf(where_pole, "and (jcomp=1 or jcomp=2) ") ;
		else if(req->pole <= 6) {
			if(req->pole == 1) sprintf(where_pole, "and (pole=1 or pole=14) ") ;
			else sprintf(where_pole, "and (pole=%d) ", req->pole) ;
		else {
			short pole = req->pole ;
			short flag = 0 ;
			short a4=0, a5=0, a6=0, a7=0, a8=0, a9=0, a10=0, a11=0 ;
			char temp_pole[300] = {'\0'} ;

			pole = pole >> 4 ;	
			a4 = pole & 0x01 ;	//SK
			pole = pole >> 1 ;
			a5 = pole & 0x01 ;	//LG
			pole = pole >> 1 ;
			a6 = pole & 0x01 ;	//H-OIL
			pole = pole >> 1 ;
			a7 = pole & 0x01 ;	//S-OIL
			pole = pole >> 1 ;
			a8 = pole & 0x01 ;	//T-OIL
			pole = pole >> 1 ;
			a9 = pole & 0x01 ;	//무폴
			pole = pole >> 1 ;
			a10 = pole & 0x01 ;	//SK-GAS
			pole = pole >> 1 ;
			a11 = pole & 0x01 ;	//LG-GAS

			printLog(HEAD, "POLE[%d]: a11[%d]a10[%d]a9[%d]a8[%d]a7[%d]a6[%d]a5[%d]a4[%d]\n", 
					pole, a11, a10, a9, a8, a7, a6, a5, a4) ;

			if(a4) {
				strcat(temp_pole, "pole=1 ") ; 
				flag = 1 ;
			if(a5) {
				if(flag) strcat(temp_pole, "or pole=2 ") ;
				else {
					strcat(temp_pole, "pole=2 ") ;
					flag = 1 ;
			if(a6) {
				if(flag) strcat(temp_pole, "or pole=3 ") ;
				else {
					strcat(temp_pole, "pole=3 ") ;
					flag = 1 ;
			if(a7) {
				if(flag) strcat(temp_pole, "or pole=4 ") ;
				else {
					strcat(temp_pole, "pole=4 ") ;
					flag = 1 ; 
			if(a8) {
				if(flag) strcat(temp_pole, "or pole=5 ") ;
				else {
					strcat(temp_pole, "pole=5 ") ;
					flag = 1 ;
			if(a9) {
				if(flag) strcat(temp_pole, "or pole=6 ") ;
				else {
					strcat(temp_pole, "pole=6 ") ;
					flag = 1 ;
			if(a10 || a11) {
				if(flag) strcat(temp_pole, "or (jcomp=1 or jcomp=2) ") ;
				else {
					strcat(temp_pole, "(jcomp=1 or jcomp=2) ") ;
					flag = 1 ;
			sprintf(where_pole, "and (%s) ", temp_pole) ;

	switch(req->sort_opt) {
		case 1 : 	//: 휘발유 가격으로 오름차순
			sprintf(where_sort_opt, "and (g_price > 0 ) order by g_price asc") ;
			break ;
		case 2 : 	//: 경유 가격으로 오름차순
			sprintf(where_sort_opt, "and (k_price > 0) order by k_price asc") ;
			break ;
		case 3 :	//: 등유 가격으로 오름차순
			sprintf(where_sort_opt, "and (d_price > 0) order by d_price asc") ;
			break ;
		case 4 :	//: LPG 가격으로 오름차순
			sprintf(where_sort_opt, "and (l_price > 0) order by l_price asc") ;
			break ;
		case 6 : 	//: 휘발유>경유>등유>LPG 오름차순
			sprintf(where_sort_opt, "order by g_price, k_price, d_price, l_price asc") ;
			break ;
		default :
			break ;

	sprintf(sql, "select j_id, jname, pole, g_price, k_price, d_price, l_price, "
			"date_format(update_time, '%%Y%%m%%d'), date_format(update_time, '%%H%%i%%s'), "
			"map_x, map_y from TSmain where (update_time > date_add(now(), interval -1 month)) %s %s %s %s", 
				where_oiltype, where_search_opt, where_pole, where_sort_opt) ;
	printLog(HEAD, "sql(%s)\n", sql) ;

//	ret = mydbc_execute_get_result(&conn, sql, &cnt, &res_set);
	ret = mysql_query(conn, sql) ;
	if(ret == DB_SUCCESS) {
		res_set = mysql_store_result(conn) ;
		if(res_set == NULL) ret = E_BAD_SQL ;
		else cnt = (int) mysql_num_rows(res_set) ;

	if(ret != DB_SUCCESS) {
		if(data != NULL) free(data), data=NULL ;
		ret = E_BAD_SQL ;
		goto error_exit ;

	if(cnt == 0) {
		printLog(HEAD, "ERR: (%d) NO DATA ABOUT TSmain\n", hd->mdn) ;
		ret = E_NO_DATA ;
		goto error_exit ;

	if((buf = (OPW_LIST_INFO *) malloc (sizeof(OPW_LIST_INFO) * cnt)) == NULL) {
		printLog(HEAD, "ERR: Fatal Memory Alloc Fail\n") ;
		ret = E_MEM_ALLOC ;
		goto error_exit ;
	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(OPW_LIST_INFO) * cnt) ;

	for(i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++) {
		if((row = mydbc_next_row(&res_set)) == NULL) break;
		n = -1;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) buf[i].id = atoi(row[n]) ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) strncpy(buf[i].name, row[n], D_NAME_SIZE) ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) buf[i].pole = atoi(row[n]) ;
		if(buf[i].pole == 14) buf[i].pole = 1 ;		//: SK인천정유 주유소(14)->SK(1)
		if(buf[i].pole == 15) buf[i].pole = 7 ;		//: SK인천 GAS(15)->SK GAS(7)	
		if(row[++n] != NULL) {
			buf[i].g_price = atoi(row[n]) ;
			if((req->sort_opt == 6) && (buf[i].g_price == 0)) buf[i].g_price = ZERO_MAX_CONV ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) {
			buf[i].k_price = atoi(row[n]) ;
			if((req->sort_opt == 6) && (buf[i].k_price == 0)) buf[i].k_price = ZERO_MAX_CONV ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) {
			buf[i].d_price = atoi(row[n]) ;
			if((req->sort_opt == 6) && (buf[i].d_price == 0)) buf[i].d_price = ZERO_MAX_CONV ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) {
			buf[i].l_price = atoi(row[n]) ;
			if((req->sort_opt == 6) && (buf[i].l_price == 0)) buf[i].l_price = ZERO_MAX_CONV ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) buf[i].update_date = atoi(row[n]) ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) buf[i].update_time = atoi(row[n]) ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) buf[i].x = atoi(row[n]) ;
		if(row[++n] != NULL) buf[i].y = atoi(row[n]) ;
		//: 좌표로 검색인 경우
		if(hd->search_opt[0]=='A') {
			buf[i].distance = get_distance(req->x, req->y, buf[i].x, buf[i].y) ;

		//: 2007-05-28 valid data구함
		if((buf[i].x != 0) && (buf[i].y != 0)) valid_cnt++ ;

	if(req->sort_opt == 6) {
		qsort(buf, cnt, sizeof(OPW_LIST_INFO), sort_comp) ;

		for(i = 0 ; i <cnt ; i++) {
			if(buf[i].g_price == ZERO_MAX_CONV) buf[i].g_price = 0 ;
			if(buf[i].k_price == ZERO_MAX_CONV) buf[i].k_price = 0 ;
			if(buf[i].d_price == ZERO_MAX_CONV) buf[i].d_price = 0 ;
			if(buf[i].l_price == ZERO_MAX_CONV) buf[i].l_price = 0 ;

			printLog(HEAD, "[%d] id(%d)name(%.52s)pole(%d)g(%d)k(%d)d(%d)l(%d)date(%d)time(%d)x(%d)y(%d)distance(%d)\n",
					i, buf[i].id, buf[i].name, buf[i].pole, 
					buf[i].g_price, buf[i].k_price, buf[i].d_price, buf[i].l_price, 
					buf[i].update_date, buf[i].update_time, 
					buf[i].x, buf[i].y, buf[i].distance) ;

	//: 좌표로 검색인 경우이고 거리로 오름차순일때
	if((hd->search_opt[0]=='A') && (req->sort_opt == 5)) {
		qsort(buf, cnt, sizeof(OPW_LIST_INFO), (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) cmp_string_up) ;

	//: 최종 검색 데이타
	printLog(HEAD, "(%d): cnt(%d) valid_cnt[%d] req->start_pos(%d) req->search_num(%d)\n", 
			hd->mdn, cnt, valid_cnt, req->start_pos, req->search_num) ;

	//: 2007-05-28 valid한 데이타로 fetch count구함
//	if(cnt <= (req->start_pos)) {
	if(valid_cnt <= (req->start_pos)) {
		printLog(HEAD, "ERR: (%d) NO DATA(cnt:%d-valid_cnt:%d) more than start(%d)\n", hd->mdn, cnt, valid_cnt, req->start_pos) ;
		ret = E_NO_DATA ;
		goto error_exit ;

//	if((cnt - (req->start_pos)) < req->search_num) fetch_count = cnt - (req->start_pos) ;
	if((valid_cnt - (req->start_pos)) < req->search_num) fetch_count = valid_cnt - (req->start_pos) ;
	else fetch_count = req->search_num ;

	printLog(HEAD, "DEBUG: fetch_count(%d)\n", fetch_count) ;

	if((data = (OPW_LIST_INFO *) malloc (sizeof(OPW_LIST_INFO) * fetch_count)) == NULL) {
		printLog(HEAD, "ERR: Fatal Memory Alloc Fail\n") ;
		ret = E_MEM_ALLOC ;
		goto error_exit ;
	memset(data, 0, sizeof(OPW_LIST_INFO) * fetch_count) ;

//	for(i= 0, n=0 ; (i < fetch_count) && (n < cnt) ; n++) {
	for(i= 0, n=0 ; n < cnt ; n++) {

		// 2007-05-28 예외 사항 추가
		// x가 0 또는 y=0이면 패스
		if((buf[n].x == 0) || (buf[n].y == 0)) {
			k++ ;
			continue ;

		if(n < (req->start_pos + k)) continue ;
		else if(n >= (req->start_pos+fetch_count+k)) continue ;

		memcpy(&data[i], &buf[n], sizeof(OPW_LIST_INFO)) ;
		printLog(HEAD, "[%d] id(%d)name(%.52s)pole(%d)g(%d)k(%d)d(%d)l(%d)date(%d)time(%d)x(%d)y(%d)distance(%d)\n",
			i, data[i].id, data[i].name, data[i].pole, 
			data[i].g_price, data[i].k_price, data[i].d_price, data[i].l_price, 
			data[i].update_date, data[i].update_time, 
			data[i].x, data[i].y, data[i].distance) ;

		data[i].id = htonl(data[i].id) ;
		data[i].pole = htonl(data[i].pole) ;
		if(data[i].g_price < 100) data[i].g_price = 0 ;
		data[i].g_price = htons(data[i].g_price) ;
		if(data[i].k_price < 100) data[i].k_price = 0 ;
		data[i].k_price = htons(data[i].k_price) ;
		if(data[i].d_price < 100) data[i].d_price = 0 ;
		data[i].d_price = htons(data[i].d_price) ;
		if(data[i].l_price < 100) data[i].l_price = 0 ;
		data[i].l_price = htons(data[i].l_price) ;
		data[i].update_date = htonl(data[i].update_date) ;
		data[i].update_time = htonl(data[i].update_time) ;
		data[i].x = htonl(data[i].x) ;
		data[i].y = htonl(data[i].y) ;
		data[i].distance = htonl(data[i].distance) ;
		i++ ;

	*out = data;

//	mydbc_free_result(&res_set) ;
	mysql_free_result(res_set) ;

	if(buf != NULL) free(buf) ;
	buf = NULL ;

	rd->res_code = ret ;
//	rd->total_num = cnt ;
	rd->total_num = valid_cnt ;
	rd->search_num = fetch_count ;

	mysql_close(conn) ;
//	ret = mydbc_end(&conn);
//	if(ret != DB_SUCCESS) {
//		printLog(HEAD, "ERR: mydbc_end[%d]\n", ret);
//	}
	return ret ;
예제 #26
파일: utils.c 프로젝트: idaohang/gpsTest
double get_distance_out(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2)
    return 1.2 * (get_distance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2));
예제 #27
int seg_build_streamlines(SEGMENT *streams, SEGMENT *dirs,
			  SEGMENT *elevation, int number_of_streams)
    int r, c, i;
    int d, next_d;
    int prev_r, prev_c;
    int stream_num = 1, cell_num = 0;
    int contrib_cell;
    int border_dir;
    int streams_cell, dirs_cell;
    int dirs_prev_cell;
    float elevation_cell, elevation_prev_cell;

    stream_attributes =
	(STREAM *) G_malloc(number_of_streams * sizeof(STREAM));
    G_message(_("Finding inits..."));
    SA = stream_attributes;

    /* finding inits */
    for (r = 0; r < nrows; ++r)
	for (c = 0; c < ncols; ++c) {
	    Segment_get(streams, &streams_cell, r, c);

	    if (streams_cell)
		if (seg_trib_nums(r, c, streams, dirs) != 1) {	/* adding inits */
		    if (stream_num > number_of_streams)
			G_fatal_error(_("Error finding inits. Stream and direction maps probably do not match"));

		    SA[stream_num].stream = stream_num;
		    SA[stream_num].init = INDEX(r, c);

    /* building streamline */
    for (i = 1; i < stream_num; ++i) {

	r = (int)SA[i].init / ncols;
	c = (int)SA[i].init % ncols;
	Segment_get(streams, &streams_cell, r, c);
	SA[i].order = streams_cell;
	SA[i].number_of_cells = 0;

	do {
	    Segment_get(dirs, &dirs_cell, r, c);

	    d = abs(dirs_cell);
	    if (NOT_IN_REGION(d) || d == 0)
	    r = NR(d);
	    c = NC(d);
	    Segment_get(streams, &streams_cell, r, c);
	} while (streams_cell == SA[i].order);

	SA[i].number_of_cells += 2;	/* add two extra points for point before init and after outlet */

    for (i = 1; i < number_of_streams; ++i) {

	SA[i].points = (unsigned long int *)
	    G_malloc((SA[i].number_of_cells) * sizeof(unsigned long int));
	SA[i].elevation = (float *)
	    G_malloc((SA[i].number_of_cells) * sizeof(float));
	SA[i].distance = (double *)
	    G_malloc((SA[i].number_of_cells) * sizeof(double));

	r = (int)SA[i].init / ncols;
	c = (int)SA[i].init % ncols;
	contrib_cell = seg_find_contributing_cell(r, c, dirs, elevation);
	prev_r = NR(contrib_cell);
	prev_c = NC(contrib_cell);

	/* add one point contributing to init to calculate parameters */
	/* what to do if there is no contributing points? */

	Segment_get(dirs, &dirs_cell, r, c);
	Segment_get(dirs, &dirs_prev_cell, prev_r, prev_c);
	Segment_get(elevation, &elevation_prev_cell, prev_r, prev_c);
	Segment_get(elevation, &elevation_cell, r, c);

	SA[i].points[0] = (contrib_cell == 0) ? -1 : INDEX(prev_r, prev_c);
	SA[i].elevation[0] = (contrib_cell == 0) ? -99999 :
	d = (contrib_cell == 0) ? dirs_cell : dirs_prev_cell;
	SA[i].distance[0] = (contrib_cell == 0) ? get_distance(r, c, d) :
	    get_distance(prev_r, prev_c, d);

	SA[i].points[1] = INDEX(r, c);
	SA[i].elevation[1] = elevation_cell;
	d = abs(dirs_cell);
	SA[i].distance[1] = get_distance(r, c, d);

	cell_num = 2;
	do {
	    Segment_get(dirs, &dirs_cell, r, c);
	    d = abs(dirs_cell);

	    if (NOT_IN_REGION(d) || d == 0) {
		SA[i].points[cell_num] = -1;
		SA[i].distance[cell_num] = SA[i].distance[cell_num - 1];
		SA[i].elevation[cell_num] =
		    2 * SA[i].elevation[cell_num - 1] -
		    SA[i].elevation[cell_num - 2];
		border_dir = convert_border_dir(r, c, dirs_cell);
		SA[i].last_cell_dir = border_dir;
	    r = NR(d);
	    c = NC(d);
	    Segment_get(dirs, &dirs_cell, r, c);
	    SA[i].last_cell_dir = dirs_cell;
	    SA[i].points[cell_num] = INDEX(r, c);
	    Segment_get(elevation, &SA[i].elevation[cell_num], r, c);
	    next_d = (abs(dirs_cell) == 0) ? d : abs(dirs_cell);
	    SA[i].distance[cell_num] = get_distance(r, c, next_d);
	    if (cell_num > SA[i].number_of_cells)
		G_fatal_error(_("To much points in stream line"));
	    Segment_get(streams, &streams_cell, r, c);
	} while (streams_cell == SA[i].order);

	if (SA[i].elevation[0] == -99999)
	    SA[i].elevation[0] = 2 * SA[i].elevation[1] - SA[i].elevation[2];

    return 0;
예제 #28
파일: gpx.cpp 프로젝트: ynamiki/gpxinfo
double track_segment::get_avg_speed()
	return (get_distance() / get_duration());
예제 #29
// return distance in centimeters to between two locations
uint32_t get_distance_cm(const struct Location &loc1, const struct Location &loc2)
    return get_distance(loc1, loc2) * 100;
  update navigation for landing
bool AP_Landing_Deepstall::verify_land(const Location &prev_WP_loc, Location &next_WP_loc, const Location &current_loc,
        const float height, const float sink_rate, const float wp_proportion, const uint32_t last_flying_ms,
        const bool is_armed, const bool is_flying, const bool rangefinder_state_in_range)
    switch (stage) {
        if (get_distance(current_loc, landing_point) > fabsf(2 * landing.aparm.loiter_radius)) {
            landing.nav_controller->update_waypoint(current_loc, landing_point);
            return false;
        loiter_sum_cd = 0; // reset the loiter counter
        landing.nav_controller->update_loiter(landing_point, landing.aparm.loiter_radius, landing_point.flags.loiter_ccw ? -1 : 1);
        if (!landing.nav_controller->reached_loiter_target() || (fabsf(height) > DEEPSTALL_LOITER_ALT_TOLERANCE)) {
            // wait until the altitude is correct before considering a breakout
            return false;
        // only count loiter progress when within the target altitude
        int32_t target_bearing = landing.nav_controller->target_bearing_cd();
        int32_t delta = wrap_180_cd(target_bearing - last_target_bearing);
        delta *= (landing_point.flags.loiter_ccw ? -1 : 1);
        if (delta > 0) { // only accumulate turns in the correct direction
            loiter_sum_cd += delta;
        last_target_bearing = target_bearing;
        if (loiter_sum_cd < 36000) {
            // wait until we've done at least one complete loiter at the correct altitude
            return false;
        loiter_sum_cd = 0; // reset the loiter counter
        // rebuild the approach path if we have done less then a full circle to allow it to be
        // more into the wind as the estimator continues to refine itself, and allow better
        // compensation on windy days. This is limited to a single full circle though, as on
        // a no wind day you could be in this loop forever otherwise.
        if (loiter_sum_cd < 36000) {
        if (!verify_breakout(current_loc, arc_entry, height)) {
            int32_t target_bearing = landing.nav_controller->target_bearing_cd();
            int32_t delta = wrap_180_cd(target_bearing - last_target_bearing);
            if (delta > 0) { // only accumulate turns in the correct direction
                loiter_sum_cd += delta;
            last_target_bearing = target_bearing;
            landing.nav_controller->update_loiter(landing_point, landing.aparm.loiter_radius, landing_point.flags.loiter_ccw ? -1 : 1);
            return false;
        memcpy(&breakout_location, &current_loc, sizeof(Location));
        if (get_distance(current_loc, arc_entry) > 2 * landing.aparm.loiter_radius) {
            landing.nav_controller->update_waypoint(breakout_location, arc_entry);
            return false;
        stage = DEEPSTALL_STAGE_ARC;
        Vector2f groundspeed = landing.ahrs.groundspeed_vector();
        if (!landing.nav_controller->reached_loiter_target() ||
            (fabsf(wrap_180(target_heading_deg -
                            degrees(atan2f(-groundspeed.y, -groundspeed.x) + M_PI))) >= 10.0f)) {
            landing.nav_controller->update_loiter(arc, landing.aparm.loiter_radius, landing_point.flags.loiter_ccw ? -1 : 1);
            return false;
        Location entry_point;
        landing.nav_controller->update_waypoint(arc_exit, extended_approach);

        float relative_alt_D;

        const float travel_distance = predict_travel_distance(landing.ahrs.wind_estimate(), -relative_alt_D, false);

        memcpy(&entry_point, &landing_point, sizeof(Location));
        location_update(entry_point, target_heading_deg + 180.0, travel_distance);

        if (!location_passed_point(current_loc, arc_exit, entry_point)) {
            if (location_passed_point(current_loc, arc_exit, extended_approach)) {
                // this should never happen, but prevent against an indefinite fly away
                stage = DEEPSTALL_STAGE_FLY_TO_LANDING;
            return false;
        predict_travel_distance(landing.ahrs.wind_estimate(), -relative_alt_D, true);
        stage = DEEPSTALL_STAGE_LAND;
        stall_entry_time = AP_HAL::millis();

        const SRV_Channel* elevator = SRV_Channels::get_channel_for(SRV_Channel::k_elevator);
        if (elevator != nullptr) {
            // take the last used elevator angle as the starting deflection
            // don't worry about bailing here if the elevator channel can't be found
            // that will be handled within override_servos
            initial_elevator_pwm = elevator->get_output_pwm();
        // while in deepstall the only thing verify needs to keep the extended approach point sufficently far away
        landing.nav_controller->update_waypoint(current_loc, extended_approach);
        return false;
        return true;