예제 #1
void Graph::generateNavGraph() {
    int l = map->getLength();
    int h = map->getHeight();

    int xExcess = l % proximity;
    int yExcess = h % proximity;

    if ( xExcess == 0 )
        xExcess = proximity;
    if ( yExcess == 0 )
        yExcess = proximity;

    cout << "Generating navGraph... xExcess=" << xExcess << ", yExcess=" << yExcess << ", proximity=" << proximity << endl;

    // create nodes
    Node * n;
    int index = 0;
    for( int x = xExcess/2; x < l; x += proximity ) {
        for( int y = yExcess/2; y < h; y += proximity ) {
            n = new Node(index, x, y);

    // this is only for a grid graph where cost of edges can only be sides of a square or diagonal of it.
    // also it assumes the grid base is parallel to x and y axis. in short this is a really specific code
    // not generic!
    double longedge = get_euclidian_distance(0, 0, proximity, proximity);
    double shortedge = get_euclidian_distance(0, 0, proximity, 0 );

    // create edges
    vector<Node>::iterator iter;
    for( iter = nodes.begin(); iter != nodes.end(); iter++ ) {
        vector<Node> nbrs = getNeighbors(*iter);
        vector<Node>::iterator it;
        for( it = nbrs.begin(); it != nbrs.end(); it++ ) {
            Edge * e = new Edge( iter->getID(), it->getID() ) ;
            if ( iter->getX() == it->getX() || iter->getY() == it->getY() )
            if ( !isEdge(*e) )
예제 #2
double Graph::calcCost(Node n1, Node n2) {
    return get_euclidian_distance(n1.getX(), n1.getY(), n2.getX(), n2.getY());
예제 #3
void analyze_2d (BinaryData *binary)
	printf("Analyze 2D started (%s : %ld bytes)\n", binary->name, binary->size);

	// Pixel
	unsigned char pixel_pos[2];
	unsigned char pixel_last_pos[2];
	unsigned char pixel_color;

	// File Offsets
	long int cur_offset   = 0;
	long int start_offset = 0;
	int first_iteration   = 1;
	int first_curve_point = 1;
	unsigned int c;

	// Frame related
	unsigned int points_in_frame = 0;
	unsigned int points_far = 0;
	double frame_distance = 0.0;
	double frame_distance_square = 0.0;
	double last_distance = -1.0;
	// Distance curve
	double last_curve_progress   = 0.0;
	double last_curve_ecart_type = -1.0;
	double last_curve_moyenne    = -1.0;
	double last_curve_rsd        = -1.0;
	unsigned int points_in_curve = 0;
	double curve_distance_square = 0.0;
	double curve_distance        = 0.0;

	// Colors
	rgb_pixel_t red   = {0,   0,   255, 0};
	rgb_pixel_t blue  = {255, 128, 128, 0};
	rgb_pixel_t green = {128, 255, 128, 0};
	rgb_pixel_t black = {0,   0,   0,   0};

	printf ("     Offset       |    Distance\n");
	pixel_pos[1] = fgetc (binary->handler);
	while ((c = fgetc (binary->handler)) != EOF)
		// Cortesi algorithm
		pixel_pos[0] = pixel_pos[1];
		pixel_pos[1] = c;

		// Color computation
		double progress = ((double) cur_offset / binary->size);
		pixel_color = progress * 256;

		// Draw in bitmap
		rgb_pixel_t pixel = {255 - pixel_color, 128 - (pixel_color / 2.0), pixel_color, 0};
		binary_draw_pixel (binary, pixel_pos, pixel);

		// Get the distance from the last point
		if (first_iteration)
			pixel_last_pos[0] = pixel_pos[0];
			pixel_last_pos[1] = pixel_pos[1];

		double distance = get_euclidian_distance (pixel_pos[0], pixel_pos[1], pixel_last_pos[0], pixel_last_pos[1]);
		frame_distance += distance;
		frame_distance_square += pow (distance, 2);
		curve_distance += distance;
		curve_distance_square += pow (distance, 2);

		if (first_iteration)
			last_distance = distance;

		double moyenne        = compute_moyenne (frame_distance, points_in_frame);
		double ecart_type     = compute_ecart_type (moyenne, frame_distance_square, points_in_frame);
		double last_moyenne   = compute_moyenne (distance + last_distance, 2);

		// Draw frames
		if (last_moyenne > ecart_type * (moyenne / last_moyenne))
			long int maxsize = binary->size / 10;
			if (maxsize > 256 * 256)
				maxsize = 256 * 256;

			if (points_far++ > maxsize && frame_distance > 800000.0)
				printf ("%.8lx-%.8lx | %f\n", start_offset, cur_offset, frame_distance);
				binary_save (binary, start_offset, cur_offset);

				bresenham (binary,
					 (int)(progress * CURVE_WIDTH), CURVE_HEIGHT,
					 (int)(progress * CURVE_WIDTH), 0,

				points_in_frame = 0;
				frame_distance  = 0.0;
				frame_distance_square = 0.0;
				points_far = 0;
				start_offset = cur_offset;

		// Draw distance curve
		if ((int)(CURVE_WIDTH * progress) != (int)(CURVE_WIDTH * last_curve_progress))
			double curve_moyenne    = compute_moyenne (curve_distance, points_in_curve);
			double curve_ecart_type = compute_ecart_type (curve_moyenne, curve_distance_square, points_in_curve);
			double curve_rsd        = compute_rsd (curve_ecart_type, curve_moyenne) * (CURVE_HEIGHT / 2.0);

			if (first_curve_point)
				last_curve_ecart_type = curve_ecart_type;
				last_curve_moyenne    = curve_moyenne;
				last_curve_rsd        = curve_rsd;

			bresenham (binary,
				 (int)(last_curve_progress * CURVE_WIDTH), (int)(CURVE_HEIGHT - last_curve_ecart_type - 1),
				 (int)(progress            * CURVE_WIDTH), (int)(CURVE_HEIGHT - curve_ecart_type - 1),

			bresenham (binary,
				 (int)(last_curve_progress * CURVE_WIDTH), (int)(CURVE_HEIGHT - last_curve_moyenne - 1),
				 (int)(progress            * CURVE_WIDTH), (int)(CURVE_HEIGHT - curve_moyenne - 1),

			bresenham (binary,
				 (int)(last_curve_progress * CURVE_WIDTH), (int)(CURVE_HEIGHT - last_curve_rsd - 1),
				 (int)(progress            * CURVE_WIDTH), (int)(CURVE_HEIGHT - curve_rsd - 1),

			last_curve_ecart_type = curve_ecart_type;
			last_curve_moyenne    = curve_moyenne;
			last_curve_rsd        = curve_rsd;
			last_curve_progress   = progress;

			points_in_curve = 0;
			curve_distance  = 0.0;
			curve_distance_square = 0.0;
			first_curve_point = 0;

		// Final computation before next iteration
		pixel_last_pos[0] = pixel_pos[0];
		pixel_last_pos[1] = pixel_pos[1];
		last_distance = distance;
		first_iteration = 0;

	if (points_in_frame > 0)
		binary_save (binary, start_offset, cur_offset);

	bmp_save_distance_curve (binary);