예제 #1
// calculate yaw for follow mode
float zz_camera_follow::calc_yaw ()
	// we should move camera and target
	vec3 displacement = final_.target_pos - last_.target_pos;

	final_.camera_pos = get_eye() + displacement;
	// camera to target
	final_.camera_dir = final_.target_pos - final_.camera_pos;	

	// ignore pitch
	final_.camera_dir.z = 0;

	// update target_dir

	float dot_val = dot(final_.target_dir, final_.camera_dir);

	dot_val = ZZ_MIN(dot_val, 1.0f);
	dot_val = ZZ_MAX(dot_val, -1.0f);

	float new_yaw = static_cast<float>(acos(dot_val));
	vec3 cross_vector;
	cross(cross_vector, final_.target_dir, final_.camera_dir);

	if (cross_vector.z < 0) // invert
		new_yaw = -new_yaw;
	return new_yaw;
예제 #2
파일: parser.c 프로젝트: jonquach/raytracer
int		init_value(t_all *all, char **tab)
  char		*str;

  if ((all->objects = malloc(sizeof(t_object) * get_size(tab))) == NULL)
    return (put_error_int("Error : malloc failed\n"));
  init_struct(all, get_size(tab));
  get_window(all, tab[0]);
  get_name(all, tab[1]);
  get_eye(all, tab[3]);
  init_get_object(all, tab + 5);
  init_get_light(all, tab + 5);
  /* printf("name %s eyex %G eyey%G eyez%G X%d Y%d\n", all->my.name, all->eye.x, all->eye.y, all->eye.z, all->my.x_size, all->my.y_size); */
int		init_value(t_all *all, char **tab)
  all->nb_obj = get_size(tab);
  if ((all->objects = malloc(sizeof(t_object) * get_size(tab))) == NULL)
    return (put_error_int("Error : malloc failed\n"));
  init_struct(all, get_size(tab));
  write(1, "\n", 1);
  get_window(all, tab[0]);
  write(1, "Z", 1);
  get_name(all, tab[1]);
  write(1, "Q", 1);
  get_eye(all, tab[3]);
  write(1, "S", 1);
  init_get_object(all, tab + 5);
  write(1, "D", 1);
  init_get_light(all, tab + 5);
  write(1, "W", 1);
  write(1, "\n", 1);
  return (0);
예제 #4
const ray& perspective_camera::generate_ray(ray& out, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int sx, const unsigned int sy)
	// maximum x is (get_display_width - 1)
	// maximum y is (get_display_height - 1)
	assert(x < get_display_width());
	assert(y < get_display_height());

	out.m_origin = get_eye();

	// calculate pixel coordinates by offsetting origin pixel
	point3 subpixel(m_origin_pixel.x + (m_pixel_pitch * x), m_origin_pixel.y - (m_pixel_pitch * y), -1.0);	// z = -1 because we are using the RH coordinate system
	subpixel.x = subpixel.x + ((m_subpixel_pitch * sx) + (m_subpixel_pitch * 0.5));
	subpixel.y = subpixel.y + ((m_subpixel_pitch * sy) + (m_subpixel_pitch * 0.5));

	out.m_direction = subpixel - out.m_origin;

	normalize(out.m_direction, out.m_direction);

	return out;
예제 #5
파일: rtv1.c 프로젝트: dmBART/raytracer
int		main(int ac, char **av)
  t_lum		*tab_lum;
  t_pos		test;
  t_win		mlxwin;

  ac != 4 ? exit (1) : 0;
  (mlxwin.mlx = mlx_init()) == NULL ? exit (1) : 0;
  (mlxwin.win = mlx_new_window(mlxwin.mlx, 1000, 1000, "RTV1")) == NULL ?\
    exit (1) : 0;
  (mlxwin.img = mlx_new_image(mlxwin.mlx, 1000, 1000)) == NULL ? exit (1) : 0;
  get_eye(&mlxwin, av[1]);
  mlxwin.tab_obj = get_obj(av[2]);
  mlxwin.tab_lum = get_lum(av[3]);
  mlx_key_hook(mlxwin.win, gere_key, &mlxwin);
  mlx_expose_hook(mlxwin.win, gere_expose, &mlxwin);
  return (0);
예제 #6
// attach target
bool zz_camera_follow::attach_target (zz_model * target_vis)
	if (!target_vis) {
		ZZ_LOG("camera_follow: attach_target() failed. target not found\n");
		return false;

	if (target_ == target_vis) return true;

	target_ = target_vis;

	look_at(final_.target_pos + INITIAL_CAMERA_POS_AT_ATTACH, final_.target_pos, vec3(0, 0, 1));
	newly_attached_ = true;
	final_.camera_pos = get_eye();
	last_.camera_pos = final_.camera_pos;
	last_.target_pos = final_.target_pos;
	is_dirty_ = true;
	return true;
예제 #7
// follow the target as near as possible
bool zz_camera_follow::update_lookmode (float follow_yaw_last)
	bool move_camera;
	// distance between last_target and current target position
	float target_diff = last_.target_pos.distance(final_.target_pos);

	// distance between camera and current target
	float target_dist = (target_) ? distance(target_) : get_position().distance(vec3_null);

	// update by camera-target difference
	// 1. we start moving camera position if the target_diff reaches a certain amount.
	// 2. we stop moving camera position if the target_diff is too small.
	if (now_following_) { // if we started moving camera position.
		if (target_diff > MIN_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) { // now moving
			move_camera = true; // should move
		else { // we are already very close to each other
			now_following_ = false; // quit following mode
			move_camera = true; // but keep in camera moving state for now
	else if (target_diff > MAX_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) { // we should start moving the camera position now.
		now_following_ = true;
		move_camera = true;
	else { // we do not need to move the camera position
		move_camera = false;

	// force moving the camera for test
	if (!znzin->get_use_time_weight()) move_camera = true;

	if (move_camera) { // if we should move camera and target
		vec3 displacement;
		float damp = (target_diff / MAX_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD);
		// get target displacement by last and current
		displacement = .5f*time_weight_*(final_.target_pos - last_.target_pos); // .5f to make slower than 1.0f
		// update last_target_pos
		last_.target_pos += displacement;
	//camera_dir = target_->get_position() - this->get_eye(); // update camera_dir for later use in update()	
	final_.camera_dir = last_.target_pos - get_eye();

	// recalc yaw, because eye position was changed in update_lookmode()
	// and, we need the difference between yaw and yaw_last
	float yaw_diff = final_.yaw - last_.yaw;
	current_.yaw = calc_yaw();
	final_.yaw = current_.yaw + yaw_diff;
	// and apply new_value
	current_.yaw += time_weight_*(final_.yaw - current_.yaw);

	apply_yaw(final_.camera_dir, current_.yaw, final_.target_dir);

	// save last_camera_dir(non-pitched) for back-mode
	last_.camera_dir = final_.camera_dir;

	// apply pitch
	apply_pitch(final_.camera_dir, current_.pitch);

	final_.camera_pos = last_.target_pos - current_.distance * final_.camera_dir;

	look_at(final_.camera_pos, last_.target_pos, vec3(0, 0, 1));
	last_.camera_pos = final_.camera_pos; // for back-mode

	return move_camera;