std::vector<std::string> genericFilechooserWindow::getPathToFiles ( void ) { return (get_action() != Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER) ? get_filenames() : genericFeatures::listFiles(get_filenames().at(0)); }
static char * test_get_filename() { char **argv; char filename[FILENAME_MAX]; char fileout[FILENAME_MAX]; int argc, i, ret; printf("Testing %s\n", __FUNCTION__); /* malloc the argv */ argv = (char **) malloc (NUM_ARGS * sizeof(char *)); for (i=0; i<NUM_ARGS; i++) { /* give it a length of 30, and use calloc for memset */ argv[i] = (char *) calloc (30, sizeof(char)); } argc = i; /* give it some values */ strcpy(argv[0], "parse"); strcpy(argv[1], "filename.txt"); strcpy(argv[2], "fileout.txt"); ret = get_filenames(argc, argv, filename, fileout); mu_assert("error, ret != 0", ret == 0); /* filename should have "filename.txt" */ mu_assert("error, filename != \"filename.txt\"", strcmp(filename, "filename.txt") == 0); mu_assert("error, fileout != \"fileout.txt\"", strcmp(fileout, "fileout.txt") == 0); /* what if the num args are not right? */ argc = 1; /* there should be an error */ ret = get_filenames(argc, argv, filename, fileout); mu_assert("error, ret != ARGS_ERR", ret == ARGS_ERR); /* no output file */ argc = 2; /* there should be an error */ ret = get_filenames(argc, argv, filename, fileout); mu_assert("error, ret != ARGS_ERR", ret == ARGS_ERR); for (i=0; i<NUM_ARGS; i++) { free(argv[i]); } free(argv); return 0; }
std::vector<std::string> ArchiveManager::get_filenames(const std::string& zip_filename, const ArchiveLoader** loader_out) const { auto loader = find_loader_by_filename(zip_filename); if (!loader) { raise_exception(std::runtime_error, "failed to find loader for archive file: " << zip_filename); } else { try { if (loader_out) { *loader_out = loader; } return loader->get_filenames(zip_filename); } catch(const std::exception& err) { auto new_loader = find_loader_by_magic(zip_filename); if (!new_loader || new_loader == loader) { throw; return std::vector<std::string>(); } else { loader = new_loader; if (!loader) { raise_exception(std::runtime_error, "failed to find loader for archive file: " << zip_filename); } else { log_warning << err.what() << std::endl; if (loader_out) { *loader_out = loader; } return loader->get_filenames(zip_filename); } } } } }
void chan_post::print() const { std::cout << "Board = " << get_board() << "\n" << "Thread_id = " << get_thread_id() << "\n" << "Post_id = " << get_id() << "\n" << "Content = " << get_com().substr(0, 160) << "\n" << "Filenames = [" << std::endl; for (const auto &a : get_filenames()) { std::cout << a << "\n"; } std::cout << "]" << std::endl; }
MStatus OxDnaTranslator::reader (const MFileObject& file, const MString & options, MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode) { MStatus status; MString top_filename, conf_filename, vhelix_filename; get_filenames(file, top_filename, conf_filename, vhelix_filename); OxDnaImportWithAdvanceProgress importer; HMEVALUATE(status =, conf_filename.asChar(), vhelix_filename.asChar()), status); MProgressWindow::endProgress(); return status; }
bool chan_post::operator==(const chan_post &other) const { if (this->id != || this->sub != other.sub || this->thread_id != other.thread_id || this->com != { return false; } const auto &o = other.get_filenames(); for (const auto &a : get_filenames()) { if (std::find(o.begin(), o.end(), a) == o.end()) { return false; } } return true; }
int get_filenames(const std::string& dir, std::vector<std::string>& filenames) { fs::path path(dir); if (!fs::exists(path)) { return -1; } fs::directory_iterator end_iter; for (fs::directory_iterator iter(path); iter != end_iter; ++iter) { if (fs::is_regular_file(iter->status())) { filenames.push_back(iter->path().string()); } if (fs::is_directory(iter->status())) { get_filenames(iter->path().string(), filenames); } } return filenames.size(); }
int run_game(int game) { int err; /* copy some settings into easier-to-handle variables */ record = options.record; playback = options.playback; mame_debug = options.mame_debug; Machine->gamedrv = gamedrv = drivers[game]; Machine->drv = drv = gamedrv->drv; /* copy configuration */ if (options.color_depth == 16 || (options.color_depth != 8 && (Machine->gamedrv->flags & GAME_REQUIRES_16BIT))) Machine->color_depth = 16; else Machine->color_depth = 8; //if (options.vector_width == 0) options.vector_width = 640; //if (options.vector_height == 0) options.vector_height = 480; if (options.vector_width == 0) options.vector_width = 320; if (options.vector_height == 0) options.vector_height = 240; Machine->sample_rate = options.samplerate; /* get orientation right */ Machine->orientation = gamedrv->flags & ORIENTATION_MASK; Machine->ui_orientation = ROT0; if (options.norotate) Machine->orientation = ROT0; if (options.ror) { /* if only one of the components is inverted, switch them */ if ((Machine->orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_X || (Machine->orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) Machine->orientation ^= ROT180; Machine->orientation ^= ROT90; /* if only one of the components is inverted, switch them */ if ((Machine->ui_orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_X || (Machine->ui_orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) Machine->ui_orientation ^= ROT180; Machine->ui_orientation ^= ROT90; } if (options.rol) { /* if only one of the components is inverted, switch them */ if ((Machine->orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_X || (Machine->orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) Machine->orientation ^= ROT180; Machine->orientation ^= ROT270; /* if only one of the components is inverted, switch them */ if ((Machine->ui_orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_X || (Machine->ui_orientation & ROT180) == ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y) Machine->ui_orientation ^= ROT180; Machine->ui_orientation ^= ROT270; } if (options.flipx) { Machine->orientation ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_X; Machine->ui_orientation ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_X; } if (options.flipy) { Machine->orientation ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y; Machine->ui_orientation ^= ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y; } set_pixel_functions(); /* Do the work*/ err = 1; bailing = 0; #ifdef MESS if (get_filenames()) return err; #endif if (osd_init() == 0) { if (init_machine() == 0) { if (run_machine() == 0) err = 0; else if (!bailing) { bailing = 1; printf("Unable to start machine emulation\n"); } shutdown_machine(); } else if (!bailing) { bailing = 1; printf("Unable to initialize machine emulation\n"); } osd_exit(); } else if (!bailing) { bailing = 1; printf ("Unable to initialize system\n"); } return err; }
/* * See the header file for the use of this function */ EDITORCONFIG_EXPORT int editorconfig_parse(const char* full_filename, editorconfig_handle h) { handler_first_param hfp; char** config_file; char** config_files; int err_num; int i; struct editorconfig_handle* eh = (struct editorconfig_handle*)h; struct editorconfig_version cur_ver; struct editorconfig_version tmp_ver; /* get current version */ editorconfig_get_version(&cur_ver.major, &cur_ver.minor, &cur_ver.subminor); /* if version is set to 0.0.0, we set it to current version */ if (eh->ver.major == 0 && eh->ver.minor == 0 && eh->ver.subminor == 0) eh->ver = cur_ver; if (editorconfig_compare_version(&eh->ver, &cur_ver) > 0) return EDITORCONFIG_PARSE_VERSION_TOO_NEW; if (!eh->err_file) { free(eh->err_file); eh->err_file = NULL; } /* if eh->conf_file_name is NULL, we set ".editorconfig" as the default * conf file name */ if (!eh->conf_file_name) eh->conf_file_name = ".editorconfig"; if (eh->name_values) { /* free name_values */ for (i = 0; i < eh->name_value_count; ++i) { free(eh->name_values[i].name); free(eh->name_values[i].value); } free(eh->name_values); eh->name_values = NULL; eh->name_value_count = 0; } memset(&hfp, 0, sizeof(hfp)); hfp.full_filename = strdup(full_filename); /* return an error if file path is not absolute */ if (!is_file_path_absolute(full_filename)) { return EDITORCONFIG_PARSE_NOT_FULL_PATH; } #ifdef WIN32 /* replace all backslashes with slashes on Windows */ str_replace(hfp.full_filename, '\\', '/'); #endif array_editorconfig_name_value_init(&hfp.array_name_value); config_files = get_filenames(hfp.full_filename, eh->conf_file_name); for (config_file = config_files; *config_file != NULL; config_file++) { split_file_path(&hfp.editorconfig_file_dir, NULL, *config_file); if ((err_num = ini_parse(*config_file, ini_handler, &hfp)) != 0 && /* ignore error caused by I/O, maybe caused by non exist file */ err_num != -1) { eh->err_file = strdup(*config_file); free(*config_file); free(hfp.full_filename); free(hfp.editorconfig_file_dir); return err_num; } free(hfp.editorconfig_file_dir); free(*config_file); } /* value proprocessing */ /* For v0.9 */ SET_EDITORCONFIG_VERSION(&tmp_ver, 0, 9, 0); if (editorconfig_compare_version(&eh->ver, &tmp_ver) >= 0) { /* Set indent_size to "tab" if indent_size is not specified and * indent_style is set to "tab". Only should be done after v0.9 */ if (hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_style && !hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_size && !strcmp(hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_style->value, "tab")) array_editorconfig_name_value_add(&hfp.array_name_value, "indent_size", "tab"); /* Set indent_size to tab_width if indent_size is "tab" and tab_width is * specified. This behavior is specified for v0.9 and up. */ if (hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_size && hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.tab_width && !strcmp(hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_size->value, "tab")) array_editorconfig_name_value_add(&hfp.array_name_value, "indent_size", hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.tab_width->value); } /* Set tab_width to indent_size if indent_size is specified. If version is * not less than 0.9.0, we also need to check when the indent_size is set * to "tab", we should not duplicate the value to tab_width */ if (hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_size && !hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.tab_width && (editorconfig_compare_version(&eh->ver, &tmp_ver) < 0 || strcmp(hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_size->value, "tab"))) array_editorconfig_name_value_add(&hfp.array_name_value, "tab_width", hfp.array_name_value.spnvp.indent_size->value); eh->name_value_count = hfp.array_name_value.current_value_count; if (eh->name_value_count == 0) { /* no value is set, just return 0. */ free(hfp.full_filename); free(config_files); return 0; } eh->name_values = hfp.array_name_value.name_values; eh->name_values = realloc( /* realloc to truncate the unused spaces */ eh->name_values, sizeof(editorconfig_name_value) * eh->name_value_count); if (eh->name_values == NULL) { free(hfp.full_filename); return EDITORCONFIG_PARSE_MEMORY_ERROR; } free(hfp.full_filename); free(config_files); return 0; }
MStatus OxDnaTranslator::writer (const MFileObject& file, const MString& optionsString, MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode) { MStatus status; MObjectArray helices; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(status = Model::Helix::AllSelected(helices), status); if (helices.length() == 0) { HMEVALUATE_RETURN(status = Model::Helix::All(helices), status); } if (helices.length() == 0) { MGlobal::displayError("Nothing to export. Aborting..."); return MStatus::kSuccess; } if (!MProgressWindow::reserve()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Failed to reserve the progress window"); MProgressWindow::setTitle("oxDNA Exporter"); MProgressWindow::setProgressStatus("Identifying strands..."); MProgressWindow::setProgressRange(0, helices.length()); MProgressWindow::startProgress(); MVector minTranslation(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()), maxTranslation(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); // Since a strand is defined by any base along it, the same strand will be obtained multiple times if we don't track them. // This is pretty slow but, since it is only run once it should be ok. std::list<Model::Strand> strands; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < helices.length(); ++i) { Model::Helix helix(helices[i]); for (Model::Helix::BaseIterator it = helix.begin(); it != helix.end(); ++it) { MVector translation; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(status = it->getTranslation(translation, MSpace::kWorld), status); minTranslation.x = std::min(minTranslation.x, translation.x); minTranslation.y = std::min(minTranslation.y, translation.y); minTranslation.z = std::min(minTranslation.z, translation.z); maxTranslation.x = std::max(maxTranslation.x, translation.x); maxTranslation.y = std::max(maxTranslation.y, translation.y); maxTranslation.z = std::max(maxTranslation.z, translation.z); if (std::find_if(strands.begin(), strands.end(), std::bind2nd(std::ptr_fun(&Model::Strand::Contains_base), *it)) == strands.end()) strands.push_back(*it); } MProgressWindow::advanceProgress(1); } MProgressWindow::endProgress(); if (!MProgressWindow::reserve()) MGlobal::displayWarning("Failed to reserve the progress window"); MProgressWindow::setTitle("oxDNA Exporter"); MProgressWindow::setProgressStatus("Writing strands..."); MProgressWindow::setProgressRange(0, helices.length()); MProgressWindow::startProgress(); OxDnaExporterWithAdvanceProgress exporter; HMEVALUATE(std::for_each(strands.begin(), strands.end(), exporter.execute()), exporter.status()); MProgressWindow::endProgress(); if (!exporter.status()) return exporter.status(); MString top_filename, conf_filename, vhelix_filename; get_filenames(file, top_filename, conf_filename, vhelix_filename); HMEVALUATE_RETURN(status = exporter.write( top_filename.asChar(), conf_filename.asChar(), vhelix_filename.asChar(), minTranslation, maxTranslation), status); return status; }
void write_test_theta_file() { // first: merge processes to have the right input files //merge_processes(); TFile* of = new TFile("thetainput.root", "RECREATE"); TString dir = string("."); vector<TString> fnames = vector<TString>(); get_filenames(fnames); for (unsigned int i = 0;i < fnames.size();i++) { cout << "opening file " << fnames[i] << endl; TFile* f = new TFile(fnames[i], "READ"); /* TH1D* h = f->Get("Chi2_BTag/M_ttbar_rec"); of->cd(); TH1D* wh = (TH1D*) h->Clone(); TString name = get_full_name(fnames[i], "mu_btag_mttbar"); wh->SetName(name); TH1D* h2 = f->Get("Chi2_NoBTag/M_ttbar_rec"); of->cd(); TH1D* wh2 = (TH1D*) h2->Clone(); TString name = get_full_name(fnames[i], "mu_nobtag_mttbar"); wh2->SetName(name); */ TH1D* h = f->Get("t1__hyp_chi2min/M_ttbar_rec"); of->cd(); TH1D* wh = (TH1D*) h->Clone(); TString name = get_full_name(fnames[i], "mu_toptag_mttbar"); wh->SetName(name); TH1D* h2 = f->Get("t0b1__hyp_chi2min/M_ttbar_rec"); of->cd(); TH1D* wh2 = (TH1D*) h2->Clone(); TString name = get_full_name(fnames[i], "mu_notoptagbtag_mttbar"); // name.ReplaceAll("mu_toptagsumbtag1_mttbar", "mu_1top1btag_mttbar"); wh2->SetName(name); TH1D* h3 = f->Get("t0b0__hyp_chi2min/M_ttbar_rec"); of->cd(); TH1D* wh3 = (TH1D*) h3->Clone(); TString name = get_full_name(fnames[i], "mu_notoptagnobtag_mttbar"); // name.ReplaceAll("mu_toptagsumbtag2_mttbar", "mu_1top2btag_mttbar"); wh3->SetName(name); f->Close(); delete f; } cout << "\nwrote file " << of->GetName() << endl; of->Write(); of->Close(); delete of; }
int main( int argc, const char *argv[] ) { const int minargs = 4; // including command name int last_count = -1; struct Terrain_Progress_Callback progress = { print_progress, &last_count }; int argnum; const char *thisarg; char *endptr; char extension[4]; // 3 chars plus null terminator char *in_dat_name; char *in_hdr_name; char *in_prj_name; char *out_dat_name; char *out_hdr_name; char *out_prj_name; double detail; FILE *in_dat_file; FILE *in_hdr_file; FILE *in_prj_file; FILE *out_dat_file; FILE *out_hdr_file; FILE *out_prj_file; int nrows; int ncols; double xmin; double xmax; double ymin; double ymax; double xdim; double ydim; float *data; char *software; enum Terrain_Coord_Type coord_type; int proj_type; int has_nulls; int all_ints; double lat1 = 0.0; // default unless -merc option used double lat2 = 0.0; // default unless -merc option used double center_lat; double temp; int error; printf( "\nTerrain texture shading program - version %s, built %s\n", sw_version, sw_date ); // Validate parameters: // command_name = "TEXTURE"; command_name = get_command_name( argv ); if (argc == 1) { usage_exit( 0 ); } else if (argc < minargs) { usage_exit( "Not enough command-line parameters." ); } argnum = 1; thisarg = argv[argnum++]; if ( strchr( thisarg, '/' ) ) { // read fraction: integer/integer detail = (double)strtol( thisarg, &endptr, 10 ); if (endptr == thisarg || *endptr != '/' || endptr[1] < '1' || endptr[1] > '9') { usage_exit( "First parameter (detail) must be a number or fraction." ); } detail /= (double)strtol( endptr+1, &endptr, 10 ); } else { // read decimal number detail = strtod( thisarg, &endptr ); } if (endptr == thisarg || *endptr != '\0') { usage_exit( "First parameter (detail) must be a number or fraction." ); } software = (char *)malloc( strlen(sw_format) + strlen(sw_name) + strlen(sw_version) + strlen(sw_date) ); if (!software) { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Memory allocation error occurred.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } sprintf( software, sw_format, sw_name, sw_version, sw_date ); // Validate filenames and open files: strncpy( extension, "flt", 4 ); get_filenames( argv[argnum++], &in_dat_name, &in_hdr_name, &in_prj_name, extension ); strncpy( extension, "flt", 4 ); get_filenames( argv[argnum++], &out_dat_name, &out_hdr_name, &out_prj_name, extension ); if (!strcmp( in_hdr_name, out_hdr_name )) { usage_exit( "Input and outfile filenames must not be the same." ); } while (argnum < argc) { thisarg = argv[argnum++]; if (*thisarg != '-') { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Extra command-line parameter '%s' not recognized.\n", thisarg ); usage_exit( 0 ); } ++thisarg; if (strncmp( thisarg, "mercator", 4 ) == 0 || strncmp( thisarg, "Mercator", 4 ) == 0) { if (argnum+1 >= argc) { usage_exit( "Option -mercator must be followed by two numeric latitude values." ); } thisarg = argv[argnum++]; lat1 = strtod( thisarg, &endptr ); if (endptr == thisarg || *endptr != '\0') { usage_exit( "Option -mercator must be followed by two numeric latitude values." ); } thisarg = argv[argnum++]; lat2 = strtod( thisarg, &endptr ); if (endptr == thisarg || *endptr != '\0') { usage_exit( "Option -mercator must be followed by two numeric latitude values." ); } if (lat1 == lat2) { usage_exit( "Min & max mercator latitudes cannot be equal." ); } if (lat1 > lat2) { temp = lat1; lat1 = lat2; lat2 = temp; } if (lat1 <= -90.0 || lat2 >= 90.0) { usage_exit( "Mercator latitude limits must be between -90 and +90 (exclusive)." ); } } else if (strncmp( thisarg, "cellreg", 4 ) == 0 || strncmp( thisarg, "corner", 6 ) == 0) { // ignore flag - cellreg is currently assumed } else if (strncmp( thisarg, "gridreg", 4 ) == 0 || strncmp( thisarg, "center", 6 ) == 0) { fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "*** WARNING: " ); fprintf( stderr, "Option -%s is not yet implemented.\n", thisarg ); fprintf( stderr, "*** " ); fprintf( stderr, "Treating data as cell-registered (corner-aligned).\n" ); } else { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Command-line option '-%s' not recognized.\n", thisarg ); usage_exit( 0 ); } } in_hdr_file = fopen( in_hdr_name, "rb" ); // use binary mode for compatibility if (!in_hdr_file) { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Could not open input file '%s'.\n", in_hdr_name ); usage_exit( 0 ); } in_dat_file = fopen( in_dat_name, "rb" ); if (!in_dat_file) { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Could not open input file '%s'.\n", in_dat_name ); usage_exit( 0 ); } free( in_dat_name ); free( in_hdr_name ); out_hdr_file = fopen( out_hdr_name, "wb" ); // use binary mode for compatibility if (!out_hdr_file) { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Could not open output file '%s'.\n", out_hdr_name ); usage_exit( 0 ); } out_dat_file = fopen( out_dat_name, "wb" ); if (!out_dat_file) { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Could not open output file '%s'.\n", out_dat_name ); usage_exit( 0 ); } free( out_dat_name ); free( out_hdr_name ); // Read .flt and .hdr files: printf( "Reading input files...\n" ); fflush( stdout ); data = read_flt_hdr_files( in_dat_file, in_hdr_file, &nrows, &ncols, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &has_nulls, &all_ints, 0 ); fclose( in_dat_file ); fclose( in_hdr_file ); if (has_nulls) { fprintf( stderr, "*** WARNING: " ); fprintf( stderr, "Input .flt file contains void (NODATA) points.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "*** " ); fprintf( stderr, "Assuming these are ocean points - setting these elevations to 0.\n" ); } if (all_ints && detail > 0.0) { fprintf( stderr, "*** WARNING: " ); fprintf( stderr, "Input .flt file appears to contain only integer values.\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "*** " ); fprintf( stderr, "This may degrade the quality of the result.\n" ); } // Process data: xdim = (xmax - xmin) / (double)ncols; ydim = (ymax - ymin) / (double)nrows; // determine projection type proj_type = determine_projection( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xdim, ydim ); if (proj_type < 0) { coord_type = TERRAIN_DEGREES; center_lat = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax); printf( "\nInput data appears to be in lat/lon (geographic) coordinates.\n" ); fflush( stdout ); } else if (proj_type > 0) { coord_type = TERRAIN_METERS; center_lat = 0.0; // ignored when coord_type == TERRAIN_METERS printf( "\nInput data appears to be projected into linear coordinates " ); printf( "(easting/northing).\n" ); fflush( stdout ); } else { prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Unable to determine projection type from info in .hdr file.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (lat1 != lat2) { if (proj_type < 0) { usage_exit( "Option -mercator is invalid for data in geographic coordinates." ); } proj_type = 2; // indicate Mercator projection printf( "Assuming input data is in normal-aspect Mercator projection.\n" ); printf( "Latitude range %.3f deg %c to %.3f deg %c.\n", fabs(lat1), lat1>=0.0 ? 'N' : 'S', fabs(lat2), lat2>=0.0 ? 'N' : 'S' ); printf( "(NOTE: Do NOT use option -mercator with UTM projection.)\n\n" ); } // check pixel aspect ratio and size of map extent check_aspect( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xdim, ydim, proj_type ); if (detail <= 0.0 || detail > 2.0) { fprintf( stderr, "*** WARNING: " ); fprintf( stderr, "Unusual value for detail exponent. Is this correct?\n" ); } printf( "Processing %d column x %d row array using detail = %f...\n", ncols, nrows, detail ); fflush( stdout ); error = terrain_filter( data, detail, nrows, ncols, xdim, ydim, coord_type, center_lat, &progress ); if (error) { assert( error == TERRAIN_FILTER_MALLOC_ERROR ); prefix_error(); fprintf( stderr, "Memory allocation error occurred during processing of data.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (lat1 != lat2) { fix_mercator( data, detail, nrows, ncols, lat1, lat2 ); } // Write .flt and .hdr files: printf( "Writing output files...\n" ); fflush( stdout ); write_flt_hdr_files( out_dat_file, out_hdr_file, nrows, ncols, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, data, software ); fclose( out_dat_file ); fclose( out_hdr_file ); free( data ); free( software ); // Copy optional .prj file: in_prj_file = fopen( in_prj_name, "rb" ); // use binary mode for compatibility if (in_prj_file) { out_prj_file = fopen( out_prj_name, "wb" ); // use binary mode for compatibility if (!out_prj_file) { fprintf( stderr, "*** WARNING: " ); fprintf( stderr, "Could not open output file '%s'.\n", out_prj_name ); } else { // copy file and change any "ZUNITS" line to "ZUNITS NO" copy_prj_file( in_prj_file, out_prj_file ); fclose( out_prj_file ); } fclose( in_prj_file ); } free( in_prj_name ); free( out_prj_name ); printf( "DONE.\n" ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int filebrowser(void* scrbuf, char* file, char* title) { char currentdir[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; char* filenames[1024]; char filenameinput[FILENAME_MAX + 1] = ""; char blockc = '\0'; int focus_filenameinput = 1; int num_files; int filescroll = 0; int fileselected = 0; int i; int inputpause = 0; if (get_last_doc(currentdir) != 0) { getcwd(currentdir, FILENAME_MAX + 1); } else { *(strrchr(currentdir, '/') + 1) = '\0'; } num_files = get_filenames(currentdir, filenames); if (num_files == -1) return 1; wait_no_key_pressed(); while (1) { //disp: clearScreen(scrbuf); filledRect(scrbuf, 0, TITLE_Y, SCREEN_WIDTH, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0); dispStringColor(scrbuf, 4, (TITLE_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT) / 2, title, WHITE_COLOR, 0); dispHorizLine(scrbuf, 0, DIR_Y + DIR_HEIGHT - 1, 320, 0); dispString(scrbuf, 4, DIR_Y + (DIR_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT) / 2, currentdir); dispHorizLine(scrbuf, 0, FILENAMEINPUT_Y, 320, 0); dispString(scrbuf, 4, FILENAMEINPUT_Y + (FILENAMEINPUT_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT) / 2, "Filename:"); dispString(scrbuf, 4 + 10 * CHAR_WIDTH, FILENAMEINPUT_Y + (FILENAMEINPUT_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT) / 2, filenameinput); if (focus_filenameinput)//if cursor is in the file name input field, disp an underline to show it putChar(scrbuf, 4 + (10 + strlen(filenameinput)) * CHAR_WIDTH, FILENAMEINPUT_Y + (FILENAMEINPUT_HEIGHT - CHAR_HEIGHT) / 2, '_'); for (i = filescroll; i < filescroll + FILES_SHOWN && i < num_files; i++) { //disp file symbol if (is_dir(filenames[i]) && strcmp(filenames[i], ".") && strcmp(filenames[i], "..")) putChar(scrbuf, CHAR_WIDTH * 2, DIRLIST_Y + (i - filescroll) * CHAR_HEIGHT, '\\'); //disp filename, filesize and selection if (i != fileselected || focus_filenameinput) { dispString(scrbuf, CHAR_WIDTH * 3, DIRLIST_Y + (i - filescroll) * CHAR_HEIGHT, filenames[i]); if (!is_dir(filenames[i])) { char size[16]; get_filesize(filenames[i], size); dispString(scrbuf, FILENAME_WIDTH, DIRLIST_Y + (i - filescroll) * CHAR_HEIGHT, size); } } else { filledRect(scrbuf, CHAR_WIDTH * 3, DIRLIST_Y + (i - filescroll) * CHAR_HEIGHT - 1, SCREEN_WIDTH - CHAR_WIDTH * 4, CHAR_HEIGHT + 2, MENU_SELECTION_COLOR); dispStringColor(scrbuf, CHAR_WIDTH * 3, DIRLIST_Y + (i - filescroll) * CHAR_HEIGHT, filenames[i], WHITE_COLOR, MENU_SELECTION_COLOR); if (!is_dir(filenames[i])) { char size[16]; get_filesize(filenames[i], size); dispStringColor(scrbuf, FILENAME_WIDTH, DIRLIST_Y + (i - filescroll) * CHAR_HEIGHT, size, WHITE_COLOR, MENU_SELECTION_COLOR); } } } showBuffer(scrbuf); //input if (!any_key_pressed()) inputpause = 0; else inputpause--; if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ESC)) break; if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_TAB)) { focus_filenameinput = !focus_filenameinput; wait_no_key_pressed(); } if (!focus_filenameinput) { if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ENTER) && (blockc != '\n' || inputpause <= 0)) { inputpause = INPUTPAUSE; blockc = '\n'; if (is_dir(filenames[fileselected])) { chdir(filenames[fileselected]); filescroll = 0; fileselected = 0; free_filenames(filenames); getcwd(currentdir, FILENAME_MAX + 1); num_files = get_filenames(currentdir, filenames); } else { strcpy(file, currentdir); strcat(file, filenames[fileselected]); free_filenames(filenames); printf("%s\n", file); return 0; } } else if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_UP) && (blockc != 0x1 || inputpause <= 0)) { inputpause = INPUTPAUSE; blockc = 0x1; fileselected--; if (fileselected < 0) { fileselected = num_files - 1; filescroll = num_files - FILES_SHOWN; if (filescroll < 0) filescroll = 0; } else if (fileselected - filescroll < 0) filescroll--; strcpy(filenameinput, filenames[fileselected]); } else if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_DOWN) && (blockc != 0x2 || inputpause <= 0)) { inputpause = INPUTPAUSE; blockc = 0x2; fileselected++; if (fileselected >= num_files) { fileselected = 0; filescroll = 0; } else if (fileselected - filescroll >= FILES_SHOWN) ++filescroll; strcpy(filenameinput, filenames[fileselected]); } } else { //focus_filenameinput char c = readc(); if (c == blockc && inputpause > 0) continue; if (c != '\0' && c != '\t' && c != '\n') { inputpause = INPUTPAUSE; blockc = c; if (c == '\b') { if (filenameinput[0] != '\0') filenameinput[strlen(filenameinput) - 1] = '\0'; } else { filenameinput[strlen(filenameinput)] = c; filenameinput[strlen(filenameinput) + 1] = '\0'; } } if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_UP) || isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_TAB)) { inputpause = INPUTPAUSE; focus_filenameinput = 0; } if (isKeyPressed(KEY_NSPIRE_ENTER)) { strcpy(file, currentdir); strcat(file, filenameinput); free_filenames(filenames); printf("%s\n", file); return 0; } } sleep(10); } free_filenames(filenames); return 1; }