/** * @brief Default requests hook. * @details Applications wanting to use the teensy HID debug driver can use * this function as requests hook in the USB configuration. * * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object * @return The hook status. * @retval true Message handled internally. * @retval false Message not handled. */ bool hidDebugRequestsHook(USBDriver *usbp) { const USBDescriptor *dp; /* Handle HID class specific requests */ /* Only GetReport is mandatory for HID devices */ if((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_TYPE_CLASS) { if(usbp->setup[1] == HID_GET_REPORT) { /* setup[3] (MSB of wValue) = Report ID (must be 0 as we * have declared only one IN report) * setup[2] (LSB of wValue) = Report Type (1 = Input, 3 = Feature) */ if((usbp->setup[3] == 0) && (usbp->setup[2] == 1)) { /* When do we get requests like this anyway? * (Doing it over ENDPOINT0) * just send some empty packet */ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); } } if(usbp->setup[1] == HID_SET_REPORT) { /* Not implemented (yet) */ } } /* Handle the Get_Descriptor Request for HID class (not handled by the default hook) */ if((usbp->setup[0] == 0x81) && (usbp->setup[1] == USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR)) { dp = usbp->config->get_descriptor_cb(usbp, usbp->setup[3], usbp->setup[2], get_hword(&usbp->setup[4])); if(dp == NULL) return false; usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)dp->ud_string, dp->ud_size, NULL); return true; } return false; }
/** * @brief Default EP0 IN callback. * @details This function is used by the low level driver as default handler * for EP0 IN events. * * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object * @param[in] ep endpoint number, always zero * * @notapi */ void _usb_ep0in(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) { size_t max; (void)ep; switch (usbp->ep0state) { case USB_EP0_TX: max = (size_t)get_hword(&usbp->setup[6]); /* If the transmitted size is less than the requested size and it is a multiple of the maximum packet size then a zero size packet must be transmitted.*/ if ((usbp->ep0n < max) && ((usbp->ep0n % usbp->epc[0]->in_maxsize) == 0U)) { usbPrepareTransmit(usbp, 0, NULL, 0); osalSysLockFromISR(); (void) usbStartTransmitI(usbp, 0); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_TX0; return; } /* Falls into, it is intentional.*/ case USB_EP0_WAITING_TX0: /* Transmit phase over, receiving the zero sized status packet.*/ usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_STS; #if (USB_EP0_STATUS_STAGE == USB_EP0_STATUS_STAGE_SW) usbPrepareReceive(usbp, 0, NULL, 0); osalSysLockFromISR(); (void) usbStartReceiveI(usbp, 0); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); #else usb_lld_end_setup(usbp, ep); #endif return; case USB_EP0_SENDING_STS: /* Status packet sent, invoking the callback if defined.*/ if (usbp->ep0endcb != NULL) { usbp->ep0endcb(usbp); } usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP; return; case USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP: case USB_EP0_WAITING_STS: case USB_EP0_RX: /* All the above are invalid states in the IN phase.*/ osalDbgAssert(false, "EP0 state machine error"); /* Falling through is intentional.*/ case USB_EP0_ERROR: /* Error response, the state machine goes into an error state, the low level layer will have to reset it to USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP after receiving a SETUP packet.*/ usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, 0); usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, 0); _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_STALLED); usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_ERROR; return; default: osalDbgAssert(false, "EP0 state machine invalid state"); } }
/** * @brief Default requests hook. * @details Applications wanting to use the USB HID driver can use * this function at the end of the application specific * requests hook. The HID_* requests handled here do not * transfer any data to the application. * The following requests are handled: * - HID_GET_IDLE. * - HID_GET_PROTOCOL. * - HID_SET_REPORT. * - HID_SET_IDLE. * - HID_SET_PROTOCOL. * - USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR. * . * * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object * @return The hook status. * @retval true Message handled internally. * @retval false Message not handled. */ bool hidRequestsHook(USBDriver *usbp) { const USBDescriptor *dp; if ((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_TYPE_CLASS) { switch (usbp->setup[1]) { case HID_GET_IDLE: usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; case HID_GET_PROTOCOL: return true; case HID_SET_REPORT: usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; case HID_SET_IDLE: usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; case HID_SET_PROTOCOL: return true; default: return false; } } /* GET_DESCRIPTOR from interface not handled by default so handle it here */ if (((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_DIR_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_DIR_DEV2HOST) && ((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE)) { switch (usbp->setup[1]) { case USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR: dp = usbp->config->get_descriptor_cb(usbp, usbp->setup[3], usbp->setup[2], get_hword(&usbp->setup[4])); if (dp == NULL) return false; usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)dp->ud_string, dp->ud_size, NULL); return true; default: return false; } } return false; }
/** * @brief Standard requests handler. * @details This is the standard requests default handler, most standard * requests are handled here, the user can override the standard * handling using the @p requests_hook_cb hook in the * @p USBConfig structure. * * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object * @return The request handling exit code. * @retval false Request not recognized by the handler or error. * @retval true Request handled. */ static bool default_handler(USBDriver *usbp) { const USBDescriptor *dp; /* Decoding the request.*/ switch ((((uint32_t)usbp->setup[0] & (USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_MASK | USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK)) | ((uint32_t)usbp->setup[1] << 8U))) { case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_STATUS << 8): /* Just returns the current status word.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)&usbp->status, 2, NULL); return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE << 8): /* Only the DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP is handled here, any other feature number is handled as an error.*/ if (usbp->setup[2] == USB_FEATURE_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) { usbp->status &= ~2U; usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; } return false; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE << 8): /* Only the DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP is handled here, any other feature number is handled as an error.*/ if (usbp->setup[2] == USB_FEATURE_DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) { usbp->status |= 2U; usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; } return false; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS << 8): /* The SET_ADDRESS handling can be performed here or postponed after the status packed depending on the USB_SET_ADDRESS_MODE low driver setting.*/ #if USB_SET_ADDRESS_MODE == USB_EARLY_SET_ADDRESS if ((usbp->setup[0] == USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE) && (usbp->setup[1] == USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS)) { set_address(usbp); } usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); #else usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, set_address); #endif return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR << 8): /* Handling descriptor requests from the host.*/ dp = usbp->config->get_descriptor_cb(usbp, usbp->setup[3], usbp->setup[2], get_hword(&usbp->setup[4])); if (dp == NULL) { return false; } /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)dp->ud_string, dp->ud_size, NULL); /*lint -restore*/ return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_CONFIGURATION << 8): /* Returning the last selected configuration.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, &usbp->configuration, 1, NULL); return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION << 8): /* Handling configuration selection from the host only if it is different from the current configuration.*/ if (usbp->configuration != usbp->setup[2]) { /* If the USB device is already active then we have to perform the clear procedure on the current configuration.*/ if (usbp->state == USB_ACTIVE) { /* Current configuration cleared.*/ osalSysLockFromISR (); usbDisableEndpointsI(usbp); osalSysUnlockFromISR (); usbp->configuration = 0U; usbp->state = USB_SELECTED; _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_UNCONFIGURED); } if (usbp->setup[2] != 0U) { /* New configuration.*/ usbp->configuration = usbp->setup[2]; usbp->state = USB_ACTIVE; _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_CONFIGURED); } } usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_STATUS << 8): case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SYNCH_FRAME << 8): /* Just sending two zero bytes, the application can change the behavior using a hook..*/ /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)zero_status, 2, NULL); /*lint -restore*/ return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_STATUS << 8): /* Sending the EP status.*/ if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x80U) != 0U) { switch (usb_lld_get_status_in(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU)) { case EP_STATUS_STALLED: /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)halted_status, 2, NULL); /*lint -restore*/ return true; case EP_STATUS_ACTIVE: /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)active_status, 2, NULL); /*lint -restore*/ return true; case EP_STATUS_DISABLED: default: return false; } } else { switch (usb_lld_get_status_out(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU)) { case EP_STATUS_STALLED: /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)halted_status, 2, NULL); /*lint -restore*/ return true; case EP_STATUS_ACTIVE: /*lint -save -e9005 [11.8] Removing const is fine.*/ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)active_status, 2, NULL); /*lint -restore*/ return true; case EP_STATUS_DISABLED: default: return false; } } case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE << 8): /* Only ENDPOINT_HALT is handled as feature.*/ if (usbp->setup[2] != USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) { return false; } /* Clearing the EP status, not valid for EP0, it is ignored in that case.*/ if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU) != 0U) { if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x80U) != 0U) { usb_lld_clear_in(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU); } else { usb_lld_clear_out(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU); } } usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_ENDPOINT | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE << 8): /* Only ENDPOINT_HALT is handled as feature.*/ if (usbp->setup[2] != USB_FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT) { return false; } /* Stalling the EP, not valid for EP0, it is ignored in that case.*/ if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU) != 0U) { if ((usbp->setup[4] & 0x80U) != 0U) { usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU); } else { usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, usbp->setup[4] & 0x0FU); } } usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return true; case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR << 8): case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE << 8): case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE << 8): case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_GET_INTERFACE << 8): case (uint32_t)USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE | ((uint32_t)USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE << 8): /* All the above requests are not handled here, if you need them then use the hook mechanism and provide handling.*/ default: return false; } }
/** * @brief Default EP0 SETUP callback. * @details This function is used by the low level driver as default handler * for EP0 SETUP events. * * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object * @param[in] ep endpoint number, always zero * * @notapi */ void _usb_ep0setup(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) { size_t max; usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP; usbReadSetup(usbp, ep, usbp->setup); /* First verify if the application has an handler installed for this request.*/ /*lint -save -e9007 [13.5] No side effects, it is intentional.*/ if ((usbp->config->requests_hook_cb == NULL) || !(usbp->config->requests_hook_cb(usbp))) { /*lint -restore*/ /* Invoking the default handler, if this fails then stalls the endpoint zero as error.*/ /*lint -save -e9007 [13.5] No side effects, it is intentional.*/ if (((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK) != USB_RTYPE_TYPE_STD) || !default_handler(usbp)) { /*lint -restore*/ /* Error response, the state machine goes into an error state, the low level layer will have to reset it to USB_EP0_WAITING_SETUP after receiving a SETUP packet.*/ usb_lld_stall_in(usbp, 0); usb_lld_stall_out(usbp, 0); _usb_isr_invoke_event_cb(usbp, USB_EVENT_STALLED); usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_ERROR; return; } } #if (USB_SET_ADDRESS_ACK_HANDLING == USB_SET_ADDRESS_ACK_HW) if (usbp->setup[1] == USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS) { /* Zero-length packet sent by hardware */ return; } #endif /* Transfer preparation. The request handler must have populated correctly the fields ep0next, ep0n and ep0endcb using the macro usbSetupTransfer().*/ max = (size_t)get_hword(&usbp->setup[6]); /* The transfer size cannot exceed the specified amount.*/ if (usbp->ep0n > max) { usbp->ep0n = max; } if ((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_DIR_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_DIR_DEV2HOST) { /* IN phase.*/ if (usbp->ep0n != 0U) { /* Starts the transmit phase.*/ usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_TX; osalSysLockFromISR(); usbStartTransmitI(usbp, 0, usbp->ep0next, usbp->ep0n); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); } else { /* No transmission phase, directly receiving the zero sized status packet.*/ usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_WAITING_STS; #if (USB_EP0_STATUS_STAGE == USB_EP0_STATUS_STAGE_SW) osalSysLockFromISR(); usbStartReceiveI(usbp, 0, NULL, 0); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); #else usb_lld_end_setup(usbp, ep); #endif } } else { /* OUT phase.*/ if (usbp->ep0n != 0U) { /* Starts the receive phase.*/ usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_RX; osalSysLockFromISR(); usbStartReceiveI(usbp, 0, usbp->ep0next, usbp->ep0n); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); } else { /* No receive phase, directly sending the zero sized status packet.*/ usbp->ep0state = USB_EP0_SENDING_STS; #if (USB_EP0_STATUS_STAGE == USB_EP0_STATUS_STAGE_SW) osalSysLockFromISR(); usbStartTransmitI(usbp, 0, NULL, 0); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); #else usb_lld_end_setup(usbp, ep); #endif } } }
/* Callback for SETUP request on the endpoint 0 (control) */ static bool usb_request_hook_cb(USBDriver *usbp) { const USBDescriptor *dp; /* usbp->setup fields: * 0: bmRequestType (bitmask) * 1: bRequest * 2,3: (LSB,MSB) wValue * 4,5: (LSB,MSB) wIndex * 6,7: (LSB,MSB) wLength (number of bytes to transfer if there is a data phase) */ /* Handle HID class specific requests */ if(((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_TYPE_CLASS) && ((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE)) { switch(usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_DIR_MASK) { case USB_RTYPE_DIR_DEV2HOST: switch(usbp->setup[1]) { /* bRequest */ case HID_GET_REPORT: switch(usbp->setup[4]) { /* LSB(wIndex) (check MSB==0?) */ case KEYBOARD_INTERFACE: #ifdef NKRO_ENABLE case NKRO_INTERFACE: #endif /* NKRO_ENABLE */ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)&keyboard_report_sent, sizeof(keyboard_report_sent), NULL); return TRUE; break; #ifdef MOUSE_ENABLE case MOUSE_INTERFACE: usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)&mouse_report_blank, sizeof(mouse_report_blank), NULL); return TRUE; break; #endif /* MOUSE_ENABLE */ #ifdef EXTRAKEY_ENABLE case EXTRAKEY_INTERFACE: if(usbp->setup[3] == 1) { /* MSB(wValue) [Report Type] == 1 [Input Report] */ switch(usbp->setup[2]) { /* LSB(wValue) [Report ID] */ case REPORT_ID_SYSTEM: extra_report_blank[0] = REPORT_ID_SYSTEM; usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)extra_report_blank, sizeof(extra_report_blank), NULL); return TRUE; break; case REPORT_ID_CONSUMER: extra_report_blank[0] = REPORT_ID_CONSUMER; usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)extra_report_blank, sizeof(extra_report_blank), NULL); return TRUE; break; default: return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } break; #endif /* EXTRAKEY_ENABLE */ default: usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return TRUE; break; } break; case HID_GET_PROTOCOL: if((usbp->setup[4] == KEYBOARD_INTERFACE) && (usbp->setup[5] == 0)) { /* wIndex */ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, &keyboard_protocol, 1, NULL); return TRUE; } break; case HID_GET_IDLE: usbSetupTransfer(usbp, &keyboard_idle, 1, NULL); return TRUE; break; } break; case USB_RTYPE_DIR_HOST2DEV: switch(usbp->setup[1]) { /* bRequest */ case HID_SET_REPORT: switch(usbp->setup[4]) { /* LSB(wIndex) (check MSB==0 and wLength==1?) */ case KEYBOARD_INTERFACE: #ifdef NKRO_ENABLE case NKRO_INTERFACE: #endif /* NKRO_ENABLE */ /* keyboard_led_stats = <read byte from next OUT report> * keyboard_led_stats needs be word (or dword), otherwise we get an exception on F0 */ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)&keyboard_led_stats, 1, NULL); return TRUE; break; } break; case HID_SET_PROTOCOL: if((usbp->setup[4] == KEYBOARD_INTERFACE) && (usbp->setup[5] == 0)) { /* wIndex */ keyboard_protocol = ((usbp->setup[2]) != 0x00); /* LSB(wValue) */ #ifdef NKRO_ENABLE keymap_config.nkro = !!keyboard_protocol; if(!keymap_config.nkro && keyboard_idle) { #else /* NKRO_ENABLE */ if(keyboard_idle) { #endif /* NKRO_ENABLE */ /* arm the idle timer if boot protocol & idle */ osalSysLockFromISR(); chVTSetI(&keyboard_idle_timer, 4*MS2ST(keyboard_idle), keyboard_idle_timer_cb, (void *)usbp); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); } } usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return TRUE; break; case HID_SET_IDLE: keyboard_idle = usbp->setup[3]; /* MSB(wValue) */ /* arm the timer */ #ifdef NKRO_ENABLE if(!keymap_config.nkro && keyboard_idle) { #else /* NKRO_ENABLE */ if(keyboard_idle) { #endif /* NKRO_ENABLE */ osalSysLockFromISR(); chVTSetI(&keyboard_idle_timer, 4*MS2ST(keyboard_idle), keyboard_idle_timer_cb, (void *)usbp); osalSysUnlockFromISR(); } usbSetupTransfer(usbp, NULL, 0, NULL); return TRUE; break; } break; } } /* Handle the Get_Descriptor Request for HID class (not handled by the default hook) */ if((usbp->setup[0] == 0x81) && (usbp->setup[1] == USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR)) { dp = usbp->config->get_descriptor_cb(usbp, usbp->setup[3], usbp->setup[2], get_hword(&usbp->setup[4])); if(dp == NULL) return FALSE; usbSetupTransfer(usbp, (uint8_t *)dp->ud_string, dp->ud_size, NULL); return TRUE; } for (int i=0;i<NUM_USB_DRIVERS;i++) { if (drivers.array[i].config.int_in) { // NOTE: Assumes that we only have one serial driver return qmkusbRequestsHook(usbp); } } return FALSE; } /* Start-of-frame callback */ static void usb_sof_cb(USBDriver *usbp) { kbd_sof_cb(usbp); osalSysLockFromISR(); for (int i=0; i<NUM_USB_DRIVERS;i++) { qmkusbSOFHookI(&drivers.array[i].driver); } osalSysUnlockFromISR(); } /* USB driver configuration */ static const USBConfig usbcfg = { usb_event_cb, /* USB events callback */ usb_get_descriptor_cb, /* Device GET_DESCRIPTOR request callback */ usb_request_hook_cb, /* Requests hook callback */ usb_sof_cb /* Start Of Frame callback */ }; /* * Initialize the USB driver */ void init_usb_driver(USBDriver *usbp) { for (int i=0; i<NUM_USB_DRIVERS;i++) { QMKUSBDriver* driver = &drivers.array[i].driver; drivers.array[i].in_ep_config.in_state = &drivers.array[i].in_ep_state; drivers.array[i].out_ep_config.out_state = &drivers.array[i].out_ep_state; drivers.array[i].int_ep_config.in_state = &drivers.array[i].int_ep_state; qmkusbObjectInit(driver, &drivers.array[i].config); qmkusbStart(driver, &drivers.array[i].config); } /* * Activates the USB driver and then the USB bus pull-up on D+. * Note, a delay is inserted in order to not have to disconnect the cable * after a reset. */ usbDisconnectBus(usbp); wait_ms(1500); usbStart(usbp, &usbcfg); usbConnectBus(usbp); chVTObjectInit(&keyboard_idle_timer); } /* --------------------------------------------------------- * Keyboard functions * --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* keyboard IN callback hander (a kbd report has made it IN) */ void kbd_in_cb(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep) { /* STUB */ (void)usbp; (void)ep; }