예제 #1
파일: logger.c 프로젝트: roa/thea
void logger_init()
    Logger *l = &logger;
    l->fname  = get_logdir();
    l->fd     = open(l->fname, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY, 0777);
    if (l->fd < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "could not open logger fh: %s", strerror(errno));
    logger_log("logger initialized");
예제 #2
파일: suuid.c 프로젝트: sunny256/suuid
int usage(const int retval)
	char *logdir;

	if (retval != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\nType \"%s --help\" for help screen. "
		                "Returning with value %d.\n",
		                progname, retval);
		return retval;

	logdir = get_logdir(NULL);

	if (verbose_level(0) >= 1) {
	printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", progname);
	printf("Generates one or more UUIDs and stores it to a log file with "
	       "optional \n"
	       "comment or tag/category.\n");
	printf("  -c x, --comment x\n"
	       "    Store comment x in the log file. If \"-\" is specified as "
	       "comment, the \n"
	       "    program will read the comment from stdin. Two hyphens "
	       "(\"--\") as a \n"
	       "    comment opens the editor defined in the environment "
	       "variable \n"
	       "    %s to edit the message. If %s is "
	       "not defined, \n"
	       "    EDITOR is read, if not defined, \"%s\" is called, it "
	       "should exist \n"
	       "    everywhere. It may not, but it should.\n",
	printf("  -h, --help\n"
	       "    Show this help.\n");
	printf("  --license\n"
	       "    Print the software license.\n");
	printf("  -l x, --logdir x\n"
	       "    Store log files in directory x.\n"
	       "    If the %s environment variable is defined, "
	       "that value is \n"
	       "    used. Otherwise the value \"$HOME/uuids\" is used.\n"
	       "    Current default: %s\n", ENV_LOGDIR, logdir);
	printf("  -m, --random-mac\n"
	       "    Don't use the hardware MAC address, generate a random "
	       "address field.\n");
	printf("  -n x, --count x\n"
	       "    Print and store x UUIDs.\n");
	printf("  -q, --quiet\n"
	       "    Be more quiet. Can be repeated to increase silence.\n");
	printf("  --raw\n"
	       "    Don't convert <txt> element to XML. When using this "
	       "option, it is \n"
	       "    expected that the value of the -c/--comment option is "
	       "valid XML, \n"
	       "    otherwise it will create corrupted log files.\n");
	printf("  --rcfile X\n"
	       "    Use file X instead of '%s/%s'.\n",
	       getenv("HOME"), STD_RCFILE);
	printf("  --self-test\n"
	       "    Run various internal self tests and exit.\n");
	printf("  -t x, --tag x\n"
	       "    Use x as tag (category).\n");
	printf("  -v, --verbose\n"
	       "    Increase level of verbosity. Can be repeated.\n");
	printf("  --version\n"
	       "    Print version information.\n");
	printf("  -w x, --whereto x\n"
	       "    x is a string which decides where the UUID will be "
	       "      The string contains 'e' - stderr\n"
	       "      The string contains 'o' - stdout\n"
	       "    All other characters will be ignored. Examples:\n"
	       "      e\n"
	       "        Send to stderr.\n"
	       "      eo\n"
	       "        Send to both stdout and stderr.\n"
	       "      a\n"
	       "        Synonym for eo.\n"
	       "      n\n"
	       "        Don't output anything.\n"
	       "    Default: \"o\"\n");
	printf("If the %s environment variable is defined by "
	       "sess(1) or another \n"
	       "program, the value is logged if it is an UUID.\n", ENV_SESS);
	printf("A different hostname can be specified in the environment "
	       "variable \n"
	       "%s, or in the rc file %s/%s with the format \n"
	       "\"hostname = xxx\".\n",
	       ENV_HOSTNAME, getenv("HOME"), STD_RCFILE);
	printf("To use a specific MAC address all the time, add it to the rc "
	       "file using \n"
	       "the format \"macaddr = xxxxxxxxxxxx\".\n");


	return retval;