예제 #1
css_error css__compose_min_width(const css_computed_style *parent,
		const css_computed_style *child,
		css_computed_style *result)
	css_fixed length = 0;
	css_unit unit = CSS_UNIT_PX;
	uint8_t type = get_min_width(child, &length, &unit);

	if (type == CSS_MIN_WIDTH_INHERIT) {
		type = get_min_width(parent, &length, &unit);

	return set_min_width(result, type, length, unit);
예제 #2
파일: sp_matrix.c 프로젝트: a1aks/Haystack
 * get_s_point
 * Retrieve the spoint with the given width and nsites.
 * \return A pointer to the apporpriate S_POINT object
S_POINT *get_s_point (
  SP_MATRIX *sp_mat, ///< The s_point matrix
  int width,         ///< The width the desired s_point
  int nsites         ///< The nsites of the desired s_point
) {
  S_POINT **matrix = get_sp_matrix(sp_mat);
  // get the minimum width and nsites
  int min_w = get_min_width(sp_mat);
  int min_ns = get_min_nsites(sp_mat);
  // adjust width and nsites index the correct position in the sp_matrix
  return &(matrix[width-min_w][nsites-min_ns]);
예제 #3
파일: sp_matrix.c 프로젝트: a1aks/Haystack
 * get_sp_arr
 * Retrieves a row from the spoint matrix. The row number is equal to the
 * width of the starting points/seeds considered in that row.
 * \return An array of all S_POINTS with the specified seed width.
S_POINT *get_sp_arr (
  SP_MATRIX *sp_mat, ///< The spoint matrix
  int seed_width     ///< The number of the desired row
) {
  S_POINT **matrix = get_sp_matrix(sp_mat);

  // Index in the matrix is found by calculating index of the specified width
  // relative to the smallest width:
  int row_idx = seed_width - (get_min_width(sp_mat));

  return matrix[row_idx];
예제 #4
파일: sp_matrix.c 프로젝트: a1aks/Haystack
 * search_matrix_partition
 * Searches the specified partition of the matrix, for the S_POINT with the
 * smallest significance value.
 * \return The S_POINT with the smallest significance value. Returns NULL if no
 * S_POINT (in the partition) had a significance less than BIG.
static S_POINT *search_matrix_partition (
  SP_MATRIX *sp_mat, ///< The matrix containing the partition of interest
  DATASET *data,     ///< Sequence dataset.
  MODEL *model,      ///< The nascent motif model. Contains parameters needed
                     ///< in order to calculate significance of scores
  PARTITION *part    ///< The coordinates of the partition within the matrix
) {
  // Consider each S_POINT in the partition. Find the S_POINT with the
  // smallest significance value...
  double curr_best_sig = BIG;
  S_POINT *curr_best_sp = NULL;
  int curr_w, curr_n;
  for (curr_w = part->min_w; curr_w <= part->max_w; curr_w++) {
    assert (curr_w <= get_max_width(sp_mat));
    for (curr_n = part->min_n; curr_n <= part->max_n; curr_n++) {
      assert (curr_n <= get_max_nsites(sp_mat));

      int w_idx = curr_w - get_min_width(sp_mat);
      int n_idx = curr_n - get_min_nsites(sp_mat);
      // Get the current S_POINT from the SP_MATRIX:
      S_POINT *curr_sp = get_spoint(sp_mat, w_idx, n_idx);

      // Only consider the current s_point if it has been initialised. Note
      // that (spoint initialised <==> contains non-empty cons0 string):
      double curr_sig = BIG; // s_point is non-significant by default.
      if ((curr_sp->cons0 != NULL) && (strcmp(curr_sp->cons0, "") != 0)) {
        curr_sig = get_log_sig(

        curr_sp->sig = curr_sig;

        if (curr_sig <= curr_best_sig) {
          curr_best_sig = curr_sig;
          curr_best_sp = curr_sp;
      } // Only considering s_point if initialised
    } // curr_n
  } // curr_w

  return curr_best_sp;
} // search_matrix_partition
예제 #5
파일: sp_matrix.c 프로젝트: a1aks/Haystack
 * create_partitions
 * Generate a list of PARTITION objects, which store the coordinates of blocks
 * in the matrix. These blocks can then be considered in the future - eg
 * for the purpose of choosing a list of EM starts from the matrix. The
 * array of partitions objects is referenced by the sp_matrix.
static void create_partitions (
  SP_MATRIX *sp_mat  ///< The sp_matrix object
  ///< Currently no parameters. May allow user manipulation later.
) {
  /* For every central s_point (ie s_point with central w and n) in the
   * matrix, calculate the boundaries of the current partition and then
   * generate a partition that fits within those bounds... */
  int *central_widths = get_central_ws(sp_mat);
  int *central_nsites = get_central_ns(sp_mat);

  int w_idx;
  int n_partitions = 0;
  PARTITION **part_array = NULL;
  for (w_idx = 0; w_idx < get_num_central_widths(sp_mat); w_idx++) {
    int n_idx;
    for (n_idx = 0; n_idx < get_num_central_nsites(sp_mat); n_idx++) {
      int curr_w = central_widths[w_idx];
      int curr_n = central_nsites[n_idx];

      /* Calculate the boundaries within which the current partition must
       * be located. The boundaries are half way between the current
       * value and the adjacent value, unless there is no adjacent value
       * (in which case the boundary IS the current value):
      double min_w_bounds, max_w_bounds, min_n_bounds, max_n_bounds;
      if (curr_w == get_min_width(sp_mat)) {
        min_w_bounds = curr_w;
      } else {
        int prev_w = central_widths[w_idx - 1];
        min_w_bounds = (curr_w + prev_w)/(double)2;
      if (curr_w == get_max_width(sp_mat)) {
        max_w_bounds = curr_w;
      } else {
        int next_w = central_widths[w_idx + 1];
        max_w_bounds = (curr_w + next_w)/(double)2;

      if (curr_n == get_min_nsites(sp_mat)) {
        min_n_bounds = curr_n;
      } else {
        int prev_n = central_nsites[n_idx - 1];
        min_n_bounds = (curr_n + prev_n)/(double)2;
      if (curr_n == get_max_nsites(sp_mat)) {
        max_n_bounds = curr_n;
      } else {
        int next_n = central_nsites[n_idx + 1];
        max_n_bounds = (curr_n + next_n)/(double)2;

      /* Calculate the minimum and maximum w and n values which define the
         current partition. The minimum value is the smallest integer that is
         >= the minimum boundary. The maximum value is the largest integer that
         is < the maximum boundary, unless the maximum boundary is the max
         value in the sp_matrix (in which case the maximum value is the
         maximum boundary itself). This ensures that every s_point in the
         matrix will be assigned to a partition.
      int part_min_w, part_max_w, part_min_n, part_max_n;
      part_min_w = (int)ceil(min_w_bounds);
      part_min_n = (int)ceil(min_n_bounds);

      if (curr_w == get_max_width(sp_mat)) {
        part_max_w = curr_w;
      } else {
        // Largest integer LESS than max bounds:
        if (max_w_bounds == ceil(max_w_bounds)) {
          part_max_w = (int)max_w_bounds - 1;
        } else {
          part_max_w = (int)floor(max_w_bounds);

      if (curr_n == get_max_nsites(sp_mat)) {
        part_max_n = curr_n;
      } else {
        // Largest integer LESS than max bounds:
        if (max_n_bounds == ceil(max_n_bounds)) {
          part_max_n = (int)max_n_bounds - 1;
        } else {
          part_max_n = (int)floor(max_n_bounds);

      // Generate the current partition and add it to the growing array:
      PARTITION *curr_part = new_partition(part_min_w, part_max_w, curr_w,
                                           part_min_n, part_max_n, curr_n);
      Resize(part_array, n_partitions, PARTITION *);
      part_array[(n_partitions) - 1] = curr_part;
    } // n_idx
  } // w_idx

  assert(sp_mat->partitions == NULL);
  sp_mat->partitions = part_array;
  sp_mat->n_parts = n_partitions;
} // create_partitions
예제 #6
파일: sp_matrix.c 프로젝트: a1aks/Haystack
 * sp_get_num_rows
 * \return The number of different widths encompassed by this matrix. This
 * is equal to the number of rows in the matrix.
int sp_get_num_rows (
  SP_MATRIX *sp_mat
) {
  return (get_max_width(sp_mat) - get_min_width(sp_mat) + 1);