std::string InputOutputException::get_message(ModelObject *o) const { std::ostringstream oss; switch (get_entity()) { case DERIVATIVE: if (o->get_model()->get_stage() == BEFORE_EVALUATING) { oss << "Derivatives cannot be read before evaluating."; break; } default: switch (get_operation()) { case GET: oss << "Not in input list."; break; case SET: case ADD: case REMOVE: oss << "Not in output list."; break; default: // should not exist oss << "Unknown read/write error"; } break; }; oss << " Violating object: \"" << o->get_name() << "\"."; if (particle_index_ >= 0) { oss << " Attribute " << get_key_name() << " of particle \"" << o->get_model() ->get_particle(ParticleIndex(get_particle_index())) ->get_name() << "\" with id " << get_particle_index(); } else { oss << "Container \"" << container_name_ << "\"."; } return oss.str(); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { struct address data[SIZE]; int i = 0, operation; while (1) { get_operation(&operation); if (operation == 2) { break; } else if (operation == 0){ if (i < SIZE){ data[i++] = input_address(); } else puts("\n\nDatensatz voll. Keine Aufnahme zusaetzlicher Daten moeglich.\n\n"); } else if (operation == 1){ if(i == 0){ puts("\n\nEs sind noch keine Datensaetze vorhanden. Geben Sie bitte erst welche ein.\n\n"); } else{ for (int j = 0; j < i ; j++) { print_address(&data[j]); } } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void Table::add_instruction ( std::string& predicate, std::string& operation, std::string& destination, std::string& operand1, std::string& operand2, std::string& shift_type, std::string& shamt ) { Instruction op; get_predicate(predicate, op); get_operation(operation, op); get_destination(destination, op); get_operand1(operand1, op); get_operand2(operand2, op); get_shift_type(shift_type, op); get_shamt(shamt, op); op.stop_bit = false; op.size = instruction_size[op.type]; op.address = address; address += op.size; instructions.push(op); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { get_operation(argc, argv); Cache cache; initialize_cache(&cache); read_file(&cache); printSummary(num_hit,num_miss,num_eviction); return 0; }
Word Solver :: find_best_M (std::string operation_name, int M_index) { Operation * operation; Add * adder; Word result; operation = get_operation(operation_name); adder = dynamic_cast<Add *>(operation); result = adder->best_adder(M[M_index]->g_name()); return result; }
/* Arg1 is program file, arg2 is codel size in pixels. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: piet <image> <codel size>\n"); return 1; } load_program(argv[1], atoi(argv[2])); if (!program.image) { fprintf(stderr, "Program not found/not valid\n"); return 1; } interp.dp = 0; = -1; interp.current.x = 0; interp.current.y = 0; get_codel_color(&interp.current); int found; do { struct codel next; if (interp.current.color == WHITE) { if (slide_white(&next)) interp.current = next; else break; } found = get_next_block(&next); if (found) { if (next.color == WHITE) { interp.current = next; } else { const struct operation *op = get_operation(&next); op->op(); interp.current = next; } } } while(found); free(program.image); return 0; }
/* * Load one action attribute. */ static int get_action_attribute( FILE * inFile, ABObj obj, ABObj module, ABObj action, AB_GIL_ATTRIBUTE attr ) { int return_value = 0; int rc = 0; /* r turn code */ if (abio_get_eof(inFile)) { return (abil_print_load_err(ERR_EOF), -1); } switch (attr) { case AB_GIL_FROM: rc = get_from(inFile, obj, module, action); break; case AB_GIL_ACTION: rc = get_operation(inFile, action); break; case AB_GIL_TO: rc = get_to(inFile, obj, module, action); break; case AB_GIL_WHEN: rc = get_when(inFile, obj, action); break; case AB_GIL_FUNCTION_TYPE: rc = get_function_type(inFile, action); break; case AB_GIL_ARG_TYPE: rc = get_arg_type(inFile, action); break; default: abil_print_load_err(ERR_UNKNOWN); } return return_value; }
void change_access_pattern(state_type *state, transaction_descriptor * transaction) { int l=0, di_id; // Get the client configuration from simulation state CLIENT_lp_state_type *pointer = &state->type.client_state; operation_descriptor * op= transaction->first_operation; do { op->object_key_id = -1; op=op->next; } while(op!=NULL); op= transaction->first_operation; do { do { di_id = RandomRange(0, state->cache_objects - 1); l = get_operation(transaction, di_id); } while (l); op->object_key_id=di_id; op=op->next; } while(op!=NULL); }
/* Extract the operation patterns from args START through ARGC - 1 of ARGV. */ void parse_operations (int argc, int start, char **argv) { int i = start; /* Index into ARGV. */ size_t field; enum operation op; while ( i < argc ) { op = get_operation (argv[i]); i++; if ( i >= argc ) error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("missing field number after " \ "operation '%s'"), argv[i-1] ); field = safe_get_field_number (op, argv[i]); i++; new_field_op (op, field); } }
Symmetry * sym_get_operation( SPGCONST Cell *cell, const double symprec ) { int i, j, num_sym; MatINT *rot; VecDBL *trans; Symmetry *symmetry; rot = mat_alloc_MatINT( cell->size * 48 ); trans = mat_alloc_VecDBL( cell->size * 48 ); num_sym = get_operation( rot->mat, trans->vec, cell, symprec ); #ifdef DEBUG debug_print("*** get_symmetry (found symmetry operations) *** \n"); debug_print("Lattice \n"); debug_print_matrix_d3(cell->lattice); for ( i = 0; i < num_sym; i++ ) { debug_print("--- %d ---\n", i + 1); debug_print_matrix_i3(rot->mat[i]); debug_print("%f %f %f\n", trans->vec[i][0], trans->vec[i][1], trans->vec[i][2]); } #endif symmetry = sym_alloc_symmetry( num_sym ); for ( i = 0; i < num_sym; i++ ) { mat_copy_matrix_i3(symmetry->rot[i], rot->mat[i]); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) symmetry->trans[i][j] = trans->vec[i][j]; } mat_free_MatINT( rot ); mat_free_VecDBL( trans ); return symmetry; }
/* Add PATH to the operations tree rooted at OPERATION, creating any intermediate nodes that are required. Here's what's expected for each action type: ACTION URL REV SRC-FILE PROPNAME ------------ ----- ------- -------- -------- ACTION_MKDIR NULL invalid NULL NULL ACTION_CP valid valid NULL NULL ACTION_PUT NULL invalid valid NULL ACTION_RM NULL invalid NULL NULL ACTION_PROPSET valid invalid NULL valid Node type information is obtained for any copy source (to determine whether to create a file or directory) and for any deleted path (to ensure it exists since svn_delta_editor_t->delete_entry doesn't return an error on non-existent nodes). */ static svn_error_t * build(struct editor_baton *eb, action_code_t action, const char *relpath, const char *url, svn_revnum_t rev, apr_hash_t *props, const char *src_file, svn_revnum_t head, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) { apr_array_header_t *path_bits = svn_path_decompose(relpath, scratch_pool); const char *path_so_far = ""; struct operation *operation = &eb->root; int i; /* We should only see PROPS when action is ACTION_PROPSET. */ SVN_ERR_ASSERT((props && action == ACTION_PROPSET) || (!props && action != ACTION_PROPSET) ); /* Look for any previous operations we've recognized for PATH. If any of PATH's ancestors have not yet been traversed, we'll be creating OP_OPEN operations for them as we walk down PATH's path components. */ for (i = 0; i < path_bits->nelts; ++i) { const char *path_bit = APR_ARRAY_IDX(path_bits, i, const char *); path_so_far = svn_relpath_join(path_so_far, path_bit, scratch_pool); operation = get_operation(path_so_far, operation, eb->edit_pool); } /* Handle property changes. */ if (props) { SVN_ERR(eb->fetch_kind_func(&operation->kind, eb->fetch_kind_baton, relpath, scratch_pool)); /* If we're not adding this thing ourselves, check for existence. */ if (! ((operation->operation == OP_ADD) || (operation->operation == OP_REPLACE))) { if ((operation->kind == svn_node_file) && (operation->operation == OP_OPEN)) operation->operation = OP_PROPSET; } operation->props = svn_prop_hash_dup(props, eb->edit_pool); if (!operation->rev) operation->rev = rev; return SVN_NO_ERROR; } if (action == ACTION_RM) operation->operation = OP_DELETE; /* Handle copy operations (which can be adds or replacements). */ else if (action == ACTION_CP) { operation->operation = operation->operation == OP_DELETE ? OP_REPLACE : OP_ADD; SVN_ERR(eb->fetch_kind_func(&operation->kind, eb->fetch_kind_baton, relpath, scratch_pool)); operation->url = url; operation->rev = rev; } /* Handle mkdir operations (which can be adds or replacements). */ else if (action == ACTION_MKDIR) { operation->operation = operation->operation == OP_DELETE ? OP_REPLACE : OP_ADD; operation->kind = svn_node_dir; } /* Handle put operations (which can be adds, replacements, or opens). */ else if (action == ACTION_PUT) { if (operation->operation == OP_DELETE) { operation->operation = OP_REPLACE; } else { SVN_ERR(eb->fetch_kind_func(&operation->kind, eb->fetch_kind_baton, relpath, scratch_pool)); if (operation->kind == svn_node_file) operation->operation = OP_OPEN; else if (operation->kind == svn_node_none) operation->operation = OP_ADD; else return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "'%s' is not a file", relpath); } operation->kind = svn_node_file; operation->src_file = src_file; } else { /* We shouldn't get here. */ SVN_ERR_MALFUNCTION(); } return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Operation operation; // operacie na vstupe, napr. select, min, max ... RangeFunction range_function; // range funkcia na vstupe, napr. row, col, ... int row_y0, row_y1, col_x0, col_x1 = -1; // pomocne premenne pre vyberove funkcie double double_tmp; // pomocna premenna pre typ double char word[MAX_LENGTH]; // obsah bunky int act_row = 1; // riadok, na ktorom sa momentalne nechadzam int act_col = 1; // stlpec, na ktorom sa momentalne nechadzam double result = 0.0; // priebezny a celkovy vysledok matematickych funkcii int count = 0; // pocet spracovanych cisel v matematickych funkciach int cell_in_area = FALSE; // kontrola ci sa nachadzam v zadanej oblasti if((strcmp("--help", argv[1]) == 0)) /* Ak je zadany parameter -- help tak vypise napovedu */ { printf("%s", HELPMSG); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* Spracovanie vstupnych parametrov */ if(argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Nebol zadany ziadny argument, pre napovedu spustite program v tvare ./proj1 -- help\n"); // ak uzivatel nezada ziadny parameter tak mu vypise hlasenie return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (argc > 7) fprintf(stderr,"CHYBA zadal si prilis mnoho argumentov \n"); // Operacia select, min, max ... if(get_operation(argv[1], &operation) == EXIT_FAILURE){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, pre napovedu spustite program v tvare ./proj1 -- help\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(argc < 2 + operation.required_parameters) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Malo paramterov pre operaciu \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Rozsah/vyber, napr. row, rows, col, ... if(get_range(argv[2], &range_function) == EXIT_FAILURE){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(argc < 3 + range_function.required_parameters) { printf("ERROR: Malo argumentov pre vyberovu funkciu \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Osetrenie vyberovych funkcii. Ak je pre vyberovu funkciu pozuitych vela argumentov, zoberiem prvy a ostatne ignorujem (napr.: `row 4 5', do row pojde 4 a 5 ignorujem). */ switch(range_function.function) { case row: if(is_number(argv[3], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { row_y0 = (int) double_tmp; row_y1 = row_y0; col_x0 = -1; col_x1 = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case col: if(is_number(argv[3], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { row_y0 = -1; row_y1 = -1; col_x0 = (int) double_tmp; col_x1 = col_x0; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case rows: col_x0 = -1; col_x1 = -1; if(is_number(argv[3], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { row_y0 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(is_number(argv[4], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { row_y1 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case cols: row_y0 = -1; row_y1 = -1; if(is_number(argv[3], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { col_x0 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(is_number(argv[4], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { col_x1 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case range: if(is_number(argv[3], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { row_y0 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(is_number(argv[4], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { row_y1 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(is_number(argv[5], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { col_x0 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(is_number(argv[6], &double_tmp) && (int) double_tmp > 0) { col_x1 = (int) double_tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Argumenty vyberovych funkcii musia byt kladne cele cisla okrem nuly!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"ERROR neznama akcias\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Kontrola, ci su hranice rozsahov vyberovych funkcii OK if(row_y1 < row_y0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:Index riadka Y musi byt vacsi ako index riadka X.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(col_x1 < col_x0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:Index stlpca B musi byt vacsi ako index stlpca A.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Spracovanie stdin. Najprv zistim,ci sa bunka nachadza v pozadovanej oblasti a nasledne si nacitam jej obsah. Citam bunku aj ked sa nenachadza v pozadovanej oblasti */ while((cell_in_area = in_range(act_row, act_col, row_y0, row_y1, col_x0, col_x1), get_cell_value(word, &act_row, &act_col) != EXIT_FAILURE)) { if(cell_in_area) // ak sa bunka nachadza v pozadovanej oblasti, pokracujem v spracovani. { switch(operation.function) { case select: if(operation_select(word) == EXIT_SUCCESS) printf("\n"); else return EXIT_FAILURE; break; case min: count++; if(operation_min(word, &result, count) == EXIT_FAILURE) return EXIT_FAILURE; break; case max: count++; if(operation_max(word, &result, count) == EXIT_FAILURE) return EXIT_FAILURE; break; case sum: if(operation_sum(word, &result) == EXIT_FAILURE) return EXIT_FAILURE; break; case avg: count++; if(operation_sum(word, &result) == EXIT_FAILURE) return EXIT_FAILURE; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:Neznama operacia\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Ak dosiahnem hornu hranicu riadkov, koncim spracovanie. if(row_y1 != -1 && row_y1 < act_row){ break; } } // Osetrenie vynimok pri vypise vysledku. switch(operation.function) { case select: // Nerobim nic, len aby som sa nedostal do default break; case avg: result /= (double) count; default: printf("%.10g", result); printf("\n"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// real dispatch static inline const std::string dispatch(symtab::world_map& universe, std::vector<std::string> const& message) { static void* jump_table[] = { &&undefined, // 0 &&do_vector, // 1 &&do_vectorz, // 2 &&do_vectorr, // 3 &&do_vectoru, // 4 &&do_superpose, // 5 &&do_subtract, // 6 &&do_neighbourhood, // 7 &&do_density, // 8 &&do_similarity, // 9 &&do_inner, // 10 &&do_terms, // 11 &&do_load, // 12 &&do_train, // 13 &&do_lexicon, // 14 &&do_halt, // 15 &&do_inner, // 16 &&do_countsum, // 17 &&do_distance, // 18 &&do_world, // 19 &&do_drop, // 20 &&do_sparsity, // 21 &&do_mul, // 22 &&do_save, // 23 &&do_worlds, // 24 &&do_cardinality // 25 }; // fail if we don't have a function name and a world context if (message.size() < 2) throw dispatch_error("invalid operation: rpc message too short"); // get world context symtab::world_map::world_t* world = universe.get_world(message[WORLD]); // lookup the function descriptor fd const& op = get_operation(message[1]); // validate args if (message.size() < op.arity_min || message.size() > op.arity_max) throw dispatch_error(message[FNAME] + ": wrong number of arguments"); // i've always wanted to do this in c++ ;-) goto *jump_table[op.opcode]; { undefined: throw dispatch_error("undefined function:" + message[FNAME]); do_vector: { return utl::format_double(world->ensure_symbol2(message[2], message[3], symtab::symbol::type::NOP, 0)->density(), "density"); } do_vectorz: { return utl::format_double(world->ensure_symbol2(message[2], message[3], symtab::symbol::type::ZERO, 0)->density(), "density"); } do_vectorr: { if (message.size() == 5) { char* end; const char* start = message[4].c_str(); float p = strtof(start, &end); if (end == start || p < 0 || p > 1.) throw dispatch_error(message[FNAME] + ":sparsity not a valid real number in [0,1]"); return utl::format_double(world->ensure_symbol2(message[2], message[3], symtab::symbol::type::RAND, p)->density(), "density"); } else { return utl::format_double(world->ensure_symbol2(message[2], message[3], symtab::symbol::type::RAND)->density(), "density"); } } do_vectoru: { return utl::format_double(world->ensure_symbol2(message[2], message[3], symtab::symbol::type::UNIT)->density(), "density"); } do_superpose: return utl::format_double(world->add(message[2], message[3], message[4], message[5]), "density"); do_subtract: return utl::format_double(world->sub(message[2], message[3], message[4], message[5]), "density"); do_mul: return utl::format_double(world->mul(message[2], message[3], message[4], message[5]), "density"); do_neighbourhood: { char* end; const char* start = message[4].c_str(); float p = strtof(start, &end); if (end == start || p < 0 || p > 1.) throw dispatch_error(message[4] + " :sparsity not a valid real number in [0,1]"); start = message[5].c_str(); float d = strtof(start, &end); if (end == start || d < 0 || d > 1.) throw dispatch_error(message[5] + " :density not a valid real number in [0,1]"); start = message[6].c_str(); long n = strtol(start, &end, 10); if (end == start || n < 0) throw dispatch_error(message[6] + " :cardinality not a valid +ve integer"); return utl::format_scores(world->neighbours(message[2], message[3], p, d, n)); } do_density: return utl::format_double(world->get_density(message[2], message[3]), "density"); do_similarity: return utl::format_double(world->similarity(message[2], message[3], message[4], message[5]), "similarity"); do_inner: return utl::format_double(world->inner(message[2], message[3], message[4], message[5]), "inner"); do_countsum: return utl::format_double(world->countsum(message[2], message[3], message[4], message[5]), "countsum"); do_distance: return utl::format_double(world->distance(message[2], message[3], message[4], message[5]), "distance"); do_terms: return utl::format_list(world->get_names(message[2]), "terms"); do_load: world->restore(); return utl::format_string(world->name, "worldname"); do_train: throw dispatch_error("unimplemented function: " + message[FNAME]); //return utl::format_string(world->load_tuples(message[2]), "path"); do_lexicon: return utl::format_string(world->load_lexicon(message[2]), "path"); do_world: { char* end; const char* start = message[3].c_str(); long n = strtol(start, &end, 10); if (end == start || n < 0) throw dispatch_error(message[3] + " :reservation not a +ve integer"); universe.make_world(message[2], n, universe); return utl::format_string(message[2], "worldname"); } do_drop: { universe.delete_world(message[2]); return utl::format_string(message[2], "worldname"); } do_sparsity: { char* end; const char* start = message[2].c_str(); float p = strtof(start, &end); if (end == start || p < 0 || p > 1.) throw dispatch_error(message[2] + ":sparsity not a real number in [0,1]"); world->set_sparsity(p); return utl::format_double(world->standard_sparsity, "sparsity"); } do_halt: throw user_abort("halted"); } do_save: { world->save(); return utl::format_string(world->name, "worldname"); } do_cardinality: { return utl::format_integer(universe.get_world(message[2])->cardinality(), "cardinality"); } do_worlds: { return utl::format_list(universe.get_worlds(), "worldnames"); } } };
// funzione per creare una transazione ed accodarla transaction_descriptor *create_new_synthetic_transaction(state_type *state, int tx_id, double data_items_zipf_const) { // Get the client configuration from simulation state CLIENT_lp_state_type *pointer = &state->type.client_state; operation_descriptor *op = NULL; int number_of_operations = 0; int i, j; int tx_class_id = -1; double val; int local_access; transaction_descriptor *tx_descr = (transaction_descriptor *) malloc(sizeof(transaction_descriptor)); tx_descr->tx_id = tx_id; tx_descr->next = NULL; tx_descr->first_operation = NULL; tx_descr->last_operation = NULL; tx_descr->current_operation = NULL; if (pointer->configuration.tlm_verbose) { printf("creazione nuova transazione tx_id %i\n", tx_id); } //crea le operazioni // seleziona la classe transazionale double rand_number = Random(); float sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < pointer->configuration.number_of_tx_classes; i++) { sum += pointer->configuration.tx_class_probability[i]; if (rand_number < sum) { tx_class_id = i; break; } } tx_descr->tx_class_id = tx_class_id; // seleziona la lunghezza delle transazioni in operazioni switch (pointer->configuration.transaction_length_type) { case FIXED: number_of_operations = pointer->configuration.tx_class_length[tx_class_id]; //number_of_operations=5; //TODO rimettere la lungezza delle transazioni in modo corretto break; case UNIFORM: //number_of_operations=5; number_of_operations = RandomRange(0, pointer->configuration.tx_class_length[tx_class_id] - 1) + 1; break; case ZIPF: case SINGLE_BAR: default: fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported value %d at %s:%d\n", pointer->configuration.transaction_length_type, __FILE__, __LINE__); } for (j = 1; j <= number_of_operations; j++) { if (pointer->configuration.tlm_verbose) { printf("\tcreo operazione %i\n", j); } //crea l'operazione op = (operation_descriptor *) malloc(sizeof(operation_descriptor)); op->op_number = j; // seleziona il tipo di accesso double r; do { r = Random(); } while (r == 1); if (r <= pointer->configuration.tx_class_write_probability[tx_class_id]) { op->op_type = TX_PUT; } else { op->op_type = TX_GET; } operation_descriptor *l; //selezione distribuzione accesso ai data items //TODO switch (pointer->configuration.object_access_distribution_type[tx_class_id]) { //int dist=UNIFORM; //switch (dist) { case UNIFORM: // seleziona #pointer->cache_objects diversi do { op->object_key_id = RandomRange(0, state->cache_objects - 1); l = get_operation(tx_descr, op->object_key_id); } while (l); break; case LOCALITY: local_access=0; do { r = Random(); } while (r == 1); if (r <= 1) { local_access=1; } do { do { op->object_key_id = RandomRange(0, state->cache_objects - 1); l = get_operation(tx_descr, op->object_key_id); } while (l); } while ( local_access && !is_owner(op->object_key_id, get_server(state), state->num_servers, state->num_clients, state->object_replication_degree) || !local_access && is_owner(op->object_key_id, get_server(state), state->num_servers, state->num_clients, state->object_replication_degree) ); break; case TOPKEYS: rand_number = Random(); //printf("Random: %f\n", rand_number); float * objects_access_probability; op->object_key_id = -1; int id_item; int number_of_top_keys = 0; long double no_tk_probability; long double sum_tk = 0; bool top_key = false; //printf("%d - %d\n",op->op_type, TX_PUT); if (op->op_type == TX_GET) { objects_access_probability = pointer->configuration.topkeys_cache_objects_get_probability; number_of_top_keys = pointer->configuration.number_of_gets_topkeys; } else { objects_access_probability = pointer->configuration.topkeys_cache_objects_put_probability; number_of_top_keys = pointer->configuration.number_of_puts_topkeys; } for (id_item = 0; id_item < number_of_top_keys; id_item++) { sum_tk += objects_access_probability[id_item]; //printf("sum: %f\n",sum); if (rand_number < sum_tk) { top_key = true; op->object_key_id = id_item; break; } } if (!top_key) { no_tk_probability = (1 - sum_tk) / (state->cache_objects - number_of_top_keys); for (; id_item < state->cache_objects; id_item++) { sum_tk += no_tk_probability; //printf("sum-no_tk: %f\n",sum); if (rand_number < sum_tk) { op->object_key_id = id_item; break; } } } break; //printf("Scelto: %d\n",op->object_key_id); case ZIPF: op->object_key_id = Zipf(data_items_zipf_const, state->cache_objects); break; case SINGLE_BAR: val = Random(); if (val < 0.8) { // TODO: Alessandro: parametrizzare in una macro?! op->object_key_id = RandomRange(0, 10 - 1); //TODO va sul 20% dei data_item } else { op->object_key_id = RandomRange(0, state->cache_objects - 10 - 1) + 10; //restante 80% } break; } if (pointer->configuration.tlm_verbose) { printf("\t\ttipo %i\n", op->op_type); printf("\t\tdata_item %i\n", op->object_key_id); } op->next = NULL; enqueue_operation(tx_descr, op); } //resetta lo stato della transazione reset_transaction_state(tx_descr); return tx_descr; }
/* Add PATH to the operations tree rooted at OPERATION, creating any intermediate nodes that are required. Here's what's expected for each action type: ACTION URL REV SRC-FILE PROPNAME ------------ ----- ------- -------- -------- ACTION_MKDIR NULL invalid NULL NULL ACTION_CP valid valid NULL NULL ACTION_PUT NULL invalid valid NULL ACTION_RM NULL invalid NULL NULL ACTION_PROPSET valid invalid NULL valid ACTION_PROPDEL valid invalid NULL valid Node type information is obtained for any copy source (to determine whether to create a file or directory) and for any deleted path (to ensure it exists since svn_delta_editor_t->delete_entry doesn't return an error on non-existent nodes). */ static svn_error_t * build(action_code_t action, const char *path, const char *url, svn_revnum_t rev, const char *prop_name, const char *prop_value, const char *src_file, svn_revnum_t head, const char *anchor, svn_ra_session_t *session, struct operation *operation, apr_pool_t *pool) { apr_array_header_t *path_bits = svn_path_decompose(path, pool); const char *path_so_far = ""; const char *copy_src = NULL; svn_revnum_t copy_rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM; int i; /* Look for any previous operations we've recognized for PATH. If any of PATH's ancestors have not yet been traversed, we'll be creating OP_OPEN operations for them as we walk down PATH's path components. */ for (i = 0; i < path_bits->nelts; ++i) { const char *path_bit = APR_ARRAY_IDX(path_bits, i, const char *); path_so_far = svn_path_join(path_so_far, path_bit, pool); operation = get_operation(path_so_far, operation, pool); /* If we cross a replace- or add-with-history, remember the source of those things in case we need to lookup the node kind of one of their children. And if this isn't such a copy, but we've already seen one in of our parent paths, we just need to extend that copy source path by our current path component. */ if (operation->url && SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(operation->rev) && (operation->operation == OP_REPLACE || operation->operation == OP_ADD)) { copy_src = subtract_anchor(anchor, operation->url, pool); copy_rev = operation->rev; } else if (copy_src) { copy_src = svn_path_join(copy_src, path_bit, pool); } } /* Handle property changes. */ if (prop_name) { if (operation->operation == OP_DELETE) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "cannot set properties on a location being" " deleted ('%s')", path); SVN_ERR(svn_ra_check_path(session, copy_src ? copy_src : path, copy_src ? copy_rev : head, &operation->kind, pool)); if (operation->kind == svn_node_none) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "propset: '%s' not found", path); else if ((operation->kind == svn_node_file) && (operation->operation == OP_OPEN)) operation->operation = OP_PROPSET; apr_table_set(operation->props, prop_name, prop_value); if (!operation->rev) operation->rev = rev; return SVN_NO_ERROR; } /* We won't fuss about multiple operations on the same path in the following cases: - the prior operation was, in fact, a no-op (open) - the prior operation was a propset placeholder - the prior operation was a deletion Note: while the operation structure certainly supports the ability to do a copy of a file followed by a put of new contents for the file, we don't let that happen (yet). */ if (operation->operation != OP_OPEN && operation->operation != OP_PROPSET && operation->operation != OP_DELETE) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "unsupported multiple operations on '%s'", path); /* For deletions, we validate that there's actually something to delete. If this is a deletion of the child of a copied directory, we need to remember to look in the copy source tree to verify that this thing actually exists. */ if (action == ACTION_RM) { operation->operation = OP_DELETE; SVN_ERR(svn_ra_check_path(session, copy_src ? copy_src : path, copy_src ? copy_rev : head, &operation->kind, pool)); if (operation->kind == svn_node_none) { if (copy_src && strcmp(path, copy_src)) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "'%s' (from '%s:%ld') not found", path, copy_src, copy_rev); else return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "'%s' not found", path); } } /* Handle copy operations (which can be adds or replacements). */ else if (action == ACTION_CP) { if (rev > head) return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, "Copy source revision cannot be younger " "than base revision"); operation->operation = operation->operation == OP_DELETE ? OP_REPLACE : OP_ADD; if (operation->operation == OP_ADD) { /* There is a bug in the current version of mod_dav_svn which incorrectly replaces existing directories. Therefore we need to check if the target exists and raise an error here. */ SVN_ERR(svn_ra_check_path(session, copy_src ? copy_src : path, copy_src ? copy_rev : head, &operation->kind, pool)); if (operation->kind != svn_node_none) { if (copy_src && strcmp(path, copy_src)) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "'%s' (from '%s:%ld') already exists", path, copy_src, copy_rev); else return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "'%s' already exists", path); } } SVN_ERR(svn_ra_check_path(session, subtract_anchor(anchor, url, pool), rev, &operation->kind, pool)); if (operation->kind == svn_node_none) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "'%s' not found", subtract_anchor(anchor, url, pool)); operation->url = url; operation->rev = rev; } /* Handle mkdir operations (which can be adds or replacements). */ else if (action == ACTION_MKDIR) { operation->operation = operation->operation == OP_DELETE ? OP_REPLACE : OP_ADD; operation->kind = svn_node_dir; } /* Handle put operations (which can be adds, replacements, or opens). */ else if (action == ACTION_PUT) { if (operation->operation == OP_DELETE) { operation->operation = OP_REPLACE; } else { SVN_ERR(svn_ra_check_path(session, copy_src ? copy_src : path, copy_src ? copy_rev : head, &operation->kind, pool)); if (operation->kind == svn_node_file) operation->operation = OP_OPEN; else if (operation->kind == svn_node_none) operation->operation = OP_ADD; else return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_BAD_URL, NULL, "'%s' is not a file", path); } operation->kind = svn_node_file; operation->src_file = src_file; } else { /* We shouldn't get here. */ abort(); } return SVN_NO_ERROR; }
TIMESTAMP complex_assert::commit(TIMESTAMP t1, TIMESTAMP t2) { // handle once mode if ( once==ONCE_TRUE) { once_value = value; once = ONCE_DONE; } else if ( once==ONCE_DONE) { if ( once_value.Re()==value.Re() && once_value.Im()==value.Im() ) { gl_verbose("Assert skipped with ONCE logic"); return TS_NEVER; } else { once_value = value; } } // get the target property gld_property target_prop(get_parent(),get_target()); if ( !target_prop.is_valid() || target_prop.get_type()!=PT_complex ) { gl_error("Specified target %s for %s is not valid.",get_target(),get_parent()->get_name()); /* TROUBLESHOOT Check to make sure the target you are specifying is a published variable for the object that you are pointing to. Refer to the documentation of the command flag --modhelp, or check the wiki page to determine which variables can be published within the object you are pointing to with the assert function. */ return 0; } // test the target value complex x; target_prop.getp(x); if ( status==ASSERT_TRUE ) { if ( operation==FULL || operation==REAL || operation==IMAGINARY ) { complex error = x - value; double real_error = error.Re(); double imag_error = error.Im(); if ( ( _isnan(real_error) || fabs(real_error)>within ) && ( operation==FULL || operation==REAL ) ) { gl_error("Assert failed on %s: real part of %s %g not within %f of given value %g", get_parent()->get_name(), get_target(), x.Re(), within, value.Re()); return 0; } if ( ( _isnan(imag_error) || fabs(imag_error)>within ) && ( operation==FULL || operation==IMAGINARY ) ) { gl_error("Assert failed on %s: imaginary part of %s %+gi not within %f of given value %+gi", get_parent()->get_name(), get_target(), x.Im(), within, value.Im()); return 0; } } else if ( operation==MAGNITUDE ) { double magnitude_error = x.Mag() - value.Mag(); if ( _isnan(magnitude_error) || fabs(magnitude_error)>within ) { gl_error("Assert failed on %s: Magnitude of %s (%g) not within %f of given value %g", get_parent()->get_name(), get_target(), x.Mag(), within, value.Mag()); return 0; } } else if (get_operation() == ANGLE) { double angle_error = x.Arg() - value.Arg(); if ( _isnan(angle_error) || fabs(angle_error)>within ) { gl_error("Assert failed on %s: Angle of %s (%g) not within %f of given value %g", get_parent()->get_name(), get_target(), x.Arg(), within, value.Arg()); return 0; } } } else if (get_status() == ASSERT_FALSE) { complex error = x - value; double real_error = error.Re(); double imag_error = error.Im(); if ( ( _isnan(real_error) || fabs(real_error)<within ) || ( _isnan(imag_error) || fabs(imag_error)<within ) ) { if ( _isnan(real_error) || fabs(real_error)<within ) { gl_error("Assert failed on %s: real part of %s %g is within %f of %g", get_parent()->get_name(), get_target(), x.Re(), within, value.Re()); } if ( _isnan(imag_error) || fabs(imag_error)<within ) { gl_error("Assert failed on %s: imaginary part of %s %+gi is within %f of %gi", get_parent()->get_name(), get_target(), x.Im(), within, value.Im()); } return 0; } } else { gl_verbose("Assert test is not being run on %s", get_parent()->get_name()); return TS_NEVER; } gl_verbose("Assert passed on %s",get_parent()->get_name()); return TS_NEVER; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int operation; g_type_init(); ecore_init(); if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "1:set(db), 2:set(file), 3:set(memory), 4:set(gconf_d), 5:set(gconf_l) \n"); fprintf(stderr, "6:get(db), 7:get(file), 8:get(memory), 9:get(gconf_d), 10:get(gconf_l) \n"); fprintf(stderr, "11:unset(db), 12:unset(file), 13:unset(memory), 14:unset(gconf_d), 15:unset(gconf_l) \n"); return -1; } operation = atoi(argv[1]); switch(operation) { case 1: set_operation(0); break; case 2: set_operation(1); break; case 3: set_operation(2); break; case 4: set_operation(3); break; case 5: set_operation(4); break; case 6: get_operation(0, "db/timetest"); break; case 7: get_operation(1, "file/timetest"); break; case 8: get_operation(2, "memory/timetest"); break; case 9: get_operation(3, "gconf_l/timetest"); break; case 10: get_operation(4, "gconf_d/timetest"); break; case 11: unset_operation(0); break; case 12: unset_operation(1); break; case 13: unset_operation(2); break; case 14: unset_operation(3); break; case 15: unset_operation(4); break; case 16: vconf_notify_key_changed(vconfkeys[0][1], test_cb2, NULL); vconf_notify_key_changed(vconfkeys[1][1], test_cb2, NULL); vconf_notify_key_changed(vconfkeys[2][1], test_cb2, NULL); vconf_notify_key_changed(vconfkeys[3][1], test_cb2, NULL); vconf_notify_key_changed(vconfkeys[4][1], test_cb2, NULL); //ecore_main_loop_begin(); GMainLoop *event_loop; event_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); g_main_loop_run(event_loop); break; } return 0; }