static int login_job(int sd, struct packet_st *pkt_r, int recv_len, struct sockaddr_in *hisend) { uint32_t id; struct shadow_st sdw; int ret; int id_exist; struct packet_st pkt; struct database_record_st record, *recordp; debug("call %s\n", __func__); char ip_buf[32]; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &hisend->sin_addr, ip_buf, 32); debug("in %s(), hisip: %s, hisport: %d\n", __func__, ip_buf, ntohs(hisend->sin_port)); /* check minor */ id = ntohl(pkt_r->id); id_exist = get_shadow(id, &sdw); debug("in %s(), %d, %s\n%s\n", __func__,, sdw.salt, sdw.encrypt); ret = snprintf(pkt.salt, PADSIZE, "%s", sdw.salt); pkt.major = MAJOR_LOGIN; pkt.minor = 2; /* timeout ? */ debug("in %s(), will sendto, ret = %d\n", __func__, ret); ret = sendto(sd, &pkt, ret + 2, 0, (struct sockaddr *)hisend, sizeof(*hisend)); debug("in %s(), sendto() return %d\n", __func__, ret); perror("sendto()"); ret = recvfrom(sd, &pkt, sizeof(pkt), 0, NULL, NULL); /* check src addr, major, minor */ pkt.encrypt[ret - 2] = '\0'; debug("%s\n%s\n", pkt.encrypt, sdw.encrypt); if (id_exist == 0 || strcmp(pkt.encrypt, sdw.encrypt) != 0) { /* fail */ pkt.major = MAJOR_LOGIN; pkt.minor = 4; pkt.ack = 1; sendto(sd, &pkt, 3, 0, (struct sockaddr *)hisend, sizeof(*hisend)); } else { /* success */ pkt.major = MAJOR_LOGIN; pkt.minor = 4; pkt.ack = 0; /* update database */ recordp = database_find(id); if (recordp == NULL) { = id; memcpy(&record.addr, hisend, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); record.last = time(NULL); = 1; database_insert(&record); /* if error */ } else { memcpy(&recordp->addr, hisend, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); recordp->last = time(NULL); recordp->online = 1; } sendto(sd, &pkt, 3, 0, (struct sockaddr *)hisend, sizeof(*hisend)); } return 0; }
/** * \brief Tell if the element must be displayed with a shadow. */ bool bear::visual::scene_element::has_shadow() const { return ( (get_shadow().x != 0) || (get_shadow().y != 0) ) && (get_shadow_opacity() != 0); } // scene_element::has_shadow()
/************************************************************************ * This is the recursive ray tracer - you need to implement this! * You should decide what arguments to use. ************************************************************************/ vec3 recursive_ray_trace(vec3 eye, vec3 ray, int num, bool inobj) { // // do your thing here // if(num>step_max) return null_clr; vec3 hit; int isplane; void *sph = intersect_scene(eye, ray, scene, &hit, &isplane); vec3 color = null_clr; if(sph==NULL) { return background_clr; } vec3 lightvec = light1 - hit; vec3 lightvec_normal = normalize(lightvec); vec3 lighthit; int lightisplane; void * light_sph = intersect_scene(hit, lightvec_normal, scene, &lighthit, &lightisplane); vec3 surf_normal = isplane?vec3(0,1,0):sphere_normal(hit, (Spheres*)sph); if(light_sph==NULL) { color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane); } else { if(!shadow_on) { color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane); } else { color += get_shadow(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane); } } if(reflect_on) { vec3 reflect_vector = 2*dot(-1*ray, surf_normal)*surf_normal + ray; reflect_vector = normalize(reflect_vector); if(isplane) { color += ((struct plane*)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector,num+1, inobj); } else if(!isplane) color += ((Spheres *)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector, num+1, inobj); } if(refract_on) { vec3 outlightvector; if(refraction(hit, -1*ray, sph, isplane, inobj, &outlightvector)) { if(!isplane) { // printf("refraction point\n"); Spheres * refractsph = (Spheres *)sph; color += refractsph->refr*recursive_ray_trace(hit, outlightvector, num+1, !inobj); } } } if(diffuse_reflection_on && num<2) { int i; for (i=0;i<DIFFUSE_REFLECTION;i++) { float xtheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0; float ytheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0; float ztheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0; vec3 dfray; dfray = rotateX(xtheta*M_PI,surf_normal); dfray = rotateY(ytheta*M_PI,dfray); dfray = rotateZ(ztheta*M_PI,dfray); color += (0.1/DIFFUSE_REFLECTION)*recursive_ray_trace(hit, dfray, num+1, inobj); } } return color; }