예제 #1
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *ff;
  char filename[300];
  int day_num;
//  char filename1[300];
  if(argc != 2) 
      printf("Usage: amp_length_normalize list_file_with_dayinfo\n");
  if((ff = fopen(argv[1], "r"))==NULL) {
    printf("Cannot open list.lst file. A file containing the names of");
    printf(" all cut files for getting spectral SNR is required to run spectral_snr*.\n");
  for(;;) {
    if(fscanf(ff,"%s %d",&(filename[0]),&day_num)==EOF)
//    sprintf(filename1,"/utera/tianye/data_ASN_TA/%s",filename);
return 1;
예제 #2
파일: driver_c.c 프로젝트: fieryoOo/code
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  static int n, npoints, nfin, nfout1, nfout2, ierr, nprpv;
  static double t0, dt, delta, vmin, vmax, tmin, tmax;
  static double snr, tresh, ffact, perc, taperl,fmatch,piover4;
  static float sei[16384], sei_p[32768], sei_n[16384];
  static double arr1[100][8],arr2[100][7];
  static double c_per[100],g_vel[100],amp_p[100],amp_n[100];
  static double tamp, ampo[32][32768], pred[2][300];
  static int nrow, ncol, npred;
  static double prpvper[300],prpvvel[300]; // phase vel prediction files

  double snr_p[64], snr_n[64];
  double f1,f2,f3,f4,dom_am;
  char  *p,name[160],name1[160],buf[200],str[160],phvelname[160],root[160];
  char  amp_name[100];
  FILE  *in, *fd, *inv, *fas;
  int   i, j, flag, k, len, n_am, i_am;
  int   nn,sac = 1; // =1 - SAC, =0 - ftat files

// input command line arguments treatment
  if(argc != 2) {
      printf("Usage: aftan_amp [parameter file]\n");
// open and read contents of parameter file
  if((in = fopen(argv[1],"r")) == NULL) {
      printf("Can not find file %s.\n",argv[1]);
  while((n = fscanf(in,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %s %d",
             name,&flag)) != EOF) { // start main loop
  p = strrchr(root,'.');
  *(p+1) = '\0';

      if(n == 0 || n != 12) break;

      printf("vmin= %lf, vmax= %lf, tmin= %lf, tmax= %lf\n",
// remove quotes from file names
      j = 0;
      for(i = 0; i < strlen(name); i++) {
          if(name[i] == '\'' || name[i] == '\"') continue;
          name[j] = name[i]; j++;
      name[j] = '\0';
      printf("Tresh= %lf, Filter factor= %lf, SNR= %lf, Match = %lf\nData file name=%s\n",
// if presents, read phase velocity prediction file
// ---
nprpv = -1;
 *  read phase velocity information
//    strtok(root,"_");
//    strcpy(sta1,strtok(NULL,"_"));
//    strcpy(sta2,strtok(NULL,"."));
//    sscanf(root, "%[A-Z,a-z,0-9]_%[A-Z,a-z,0-9].", sta1, sta2);
      sprintf(phvelname, "/home/tianye/code/Programs/head/scalifornia_avg_phvel.dat");
//    sprintf(phvelname, "%s/%s/%s_%s.dat",argv[2],sta1,sta1,sta2);
//    fprintf(stderr, "predicted phase velocity %s \n",phvelname);
//  if((inv = fopen(phvelname,"r")) == NULL) {
//      printf("Can not find file %s. Use the inversed path instead\n",phvelname);
//      sprintf(phvelname, "%s/%s/%s_%s.dat",argv[2],sta2,sta2,sta1);
      if((inv = fopen(phvelname,"r")) == NULL) {
         printf("Can not find file %s.\n",phvelname);
         nprpv = 0;
         //goto next;
//     }

  while(fgets(buf,200,inv) != NULL) {
         if(nprpv == -1) { nprpv++; continue; }
         if((n = sscanf(buf,"%lf %lf",&prpvper[nprpv],&prpvvel[nprpv])) < 2) break;
         printf("Phase velocity prediction file name= %s\n",phvelname);

//  next:
 *   read SAC or ascii data 

      if(flag==1) {
         for(k=0;k<=len;k++) sei_n[k]=sei_p[len-k]; 
         for(k=0;k<=len;k++) sei_p[k]=sei_p[len+k];
         for(k=0;k<=len;k++) sei[k]=(sei_p[k]+sei_n[k])/2.;
	 t0 += len*dt;
         for(k=0;k<n;k++) sei[k]=sei_p[k];
 * Read group velocity prediction file
//      strcpy(name1,root);
//      strcat(name1,"SAC_GRP");
//      sscanf(root, "%[A-Z,a-z,0-9]_%[A-Z,a-z,0-9].", sta1, sta2);
      //sprintf(name1, "/home/linf/California/PRED_DISP/COR_%s_%s.SAC_PRED", sta1, sta2);
      //printf("Group velocity prediction curve: %s\n",name1);
      //if((fd = fopen(name1,"r")) == NULL) {
      //    printf("Can not find file %s.\n",name1);
      //    exit(1);
      //i = 0;
      //while((nn = fscanf(fd,"%lf %lf",&pred[0][i],&pred[1][i])) == 2) i++;
      //npred = i;
/* ====================================================================
 * Parameters for aftanipg function:
 * Input parameters:
 * piover4 - phase shift = pi/4*piover4, for cross-correlation
 *           piover4 should be -1.0 !!!!     (double)
 * n       - number of input samples, (int)
 * sei     - input array length of n, (float)
 * t0      - time shift of SAC file in seconds, (double)
 * dt      - sampling rate in seconds, (double)
 * delta   - distance, km (double)
 * vmin    - minimal group velocity, km/s (double)
 * vmax    - maximal value of the group velocity, km/s (double)
 * tmin    - minimal period, s (double)
 * tmax    - maximal period, s (double)
 * tresh   - treshold, usually = 10, (double)
 * ffact   - factor to automatic filter parameter, (double)
 * perc    - minimal length of of output segment vs freq. range, % (double)
 * npoints - max number points in jump, (int)
 * taperl  - factor for the left end seismogram tapering,
 *           taper = taperl*tmax,    (double)
 * nfin    - starting number of frequencies, nfin <= 32, (int)
 * snr     - phase match filter parameter, spectra ratio to
 *           determine cutting point    (double)
 * fmatch  - factor to length of phase matching window
 * npred   - length of prediction table
 * pred    - prediction table: pred[0][] - periods in sec,
 *                             pred[1][] - pedicted velocity, km/s
 * flag    - Input file type: 0 for single-sided, 1 for double-sided
 * ==========================================================
 * Output parameters are placed in 2-D arrays arr1 and arr2,
 * arr1 contains preliminary results and arr2 - final.
 * ==========================================================
 * nfout1 - output number of frequencies for arr1, (int)
 * arr1   - the first nfout1 raws contain preliminary data,
 *          (double arr1[n][5], n >= nfout1)
 *          arr1[:,0] -  central periods, s (double)
 *          arr1[:,1] -  apparent periods, s (double)
 *          arr1[:,2] -  group velocities, km/s (double)
 *          arr1[:,3] -  phase velocities, km/s (double)
 *          arr1[:,4] -  amplitudes, Db (double)
 *          arr1[:,5] -  discrimination function, (double)
 *          arr1[:,6] -  signal/noise ratio, Db (double)
 *          arr1[:,7] -  maximum half width, s (double)
 * nfout2 - output number of frequencies for arr2, (int)
 *          If nfout2 == 0, no final result.
 * arr2   - the first nfout2 raws contains final data,
 *          (double arr2[n][5], n >= nfout2)
 *          arr2[:,0] -  central periods, s (double)
 *          arr2[:,1] -  apparent periods, s (double)
 *          arr2[:,2] -  group velocities, km/s (double)
 *          arr2[:,3] -  amplitudes, Db (double)
 *          arr2[:,4] -  signal/noise ratio, Db (double)
 *          arr2[:,5] -  maximum half width, s (double)
 *          tamp      -  time to the beginning of ampo table, s (double)
 *          nrow      -  number of rows in array ampo, (int)
 *          ncol      -  number of columns in array ampo, (int)
 *          ampo      -  Ftan amplitude array, Db, (double [32][32768])
 * ierr   - completion status, =0 - O.K.,           (int)
 *                             =1 - some problems occures
 *                             =2 - no final results

//  t0      = 0.0;
  nfin    = 32;
  npoints = 10;        // only 3 points in jump
  perc    = 50.0;     // 50 % for output segment
//  taperl  = 2.0;      // factor to the left end tapering
  printf("pi/4 = %5.1lf, t0 = %9.3lf\n",piover4,t0);
  printf("#filters= %d, Perc= %6.2f %s, npoints= %d, Taper factor= %6.2f\n",
/* Call aftanipg function, FTAN + prediction         */

  // printf("FTAN + prediction curve\n");

  //ffact =2.0;
  //      &ffact,&perc,&npoints,&taperl,&nfin,&snr,&fmatch,&npred,pred,
  //      &nprpv,prpvper,prpvvel,
  //      &nfout1,arr1,&nfout2,arr2,&tamp,&nrow,&ncol,ampo,&ierr);
  //if(nfout2 == 0) continue;   // break aftan sequence
  //printf("Tamp = %9.3lf, nrow = %d, ncol = %d\n",tamp,nrow,ncol);

/* Pre-whiten and record the amp factor */
//  printf("%lf  %lf %lf\n",amp_rec[180],amp_rec[1000],amp_rec[1600]);
//  printf("%d  %lf\n",n_am/2+1,dom_am);
/* FTAN with phase match filter. First Iteration. */

  printf("FTAN - the first iteration\n");
  ffact =1.0;
//  printres(dt,nfout1,arr1,nfout2,arr2,tamp,nrow,ncol,ampo,ierr,name,"_1");
  if(nfout2 == 0) continue;   // break aftan sequence
  printf("Tamp = %9.3lf, nrow = %d, ncol = %d\n",tamp,nrow,ncol);

/* Make prediction based on the first iteration               */

  npred = nfout2;
  tmin = arr2[0][1];
  tmax = arr2[nfout2-1][1];
  for(i = 0; i < nfout2; i++) {
      pred[0][i] = arr2[i][1];   // apparent period // central periods
      pred[1][i] = arr2[i][2];   // group velocities

/* FTAN with phase with phase match filter. Second Iteration. */

  printf("FTAN - the second iteration (phase match filter)\n");
  ffact = 2.0;
  printf("Tamp = %9.3lf, nrow = %d, ncol = %d\n",tamp,nrow,ncol);
  for(i = 0; i < nfout2; i++) {
  if(flag==1) get_snr(sei_n,n,dt,delta,t0,c_per,g_vel,nfout2,amp_n,snr_n);
  if((fas=fopen(amp_name,"w"))==NULL) {
     printf("Cannot open file %s to write!\n");
     exit (1);
  if(flag==1) for(i = 0; i < nfout2; i++)
     fprintf(fas,"%8.4f   %.5g  %8.4f  %.5g  %8.4f\n",arr2[i][1],amp_p[i],snr_p[i],amp_n[i],snr_n[i]);
  else for(i = 0; i < nfout2; i++) 
     fprintf(fas,"%8.4f   %.5g  %8.4f\n",arr2[i][1],amp_p[i],snr_p[i]);
  return 0;
예제 #3
파일: bm3d.c 프로젝트: yxliang/BM3D
int bm3d (char* const infile, 			// name of input file
			 char* const kind, 				// kind of shrinkage (ht, wnr, avg)
			 int const block_size, 			// size of internal processed blocks
			 int const block_step, 			// step size between blocks
			 int const sigma, 				// standard deviation of noise
			 int const max_blocks,			// maximum number of block in one 3D array
			 int const h_search,				// horizontal width of search window
			 int const v_search, 			// vertical width of search window
			 double const th_2d,				// threshold for the 2D transformation
			 double const tau_match, 		// match value for block-matching
			 double const th_3d,				// threshold for the 3D transformtaion
			 int const block_marking) {	// indicates the action of block marking
	png_img img;								// noisy input image
	png_img org;								// temporary image for marking the blocks
	FILE* log = 0;								// log-file for all kinds of messages
	char logfile[30];							// name of the log-file including path
	char path[30];								// universally used path-name
	char prefix[20];							// universally used prefix-name
	char pure_name[30];
	int h_search_true;						// true value of horizontal search window size after validation
	int v_search_true;						// true value of vertical search window size after validation
	list_t y_list = 0;						// list of groups	of the y-channel
	list_t u_list = 0;						// list of groups of the u-channel
	list_t v_list = 0;						// list of groups of the v-channel
	clock_t start, end;						// time variables for counting durations
	double time;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	// obtain filename without path and extension
	if (exclude_extension(infile, pure_name) != 0) {
		return 1;

	sprintf (logfile, "log/log_%s_%s[%d].txt", pure_name, kind, sigma);

	log = fopen (logfile, "a");

	if (log == NULL) {
		generate_error ("Unable to open log-file for writing ...");
		return 1;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// read input image
	if (png_read(&img, infile) != 0) {
		return 1;

	// read temporary image
	if (png_read(&org, infile) != 0) {
		return 1;

	// control color type
	if (img.color != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {
		generate_error ("Wrong color type...");
		return 1;

	// control number of channels
	if (img.channels != 3) {
		generate_error ("Wrong number of channels...");
		return 1;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// verify kind of shrinkage
	if (strcmp(kind, "none") && strcmp(kind, "avg") && strcmp(kind, "ht") && strcmp(kind, "wnr")) {
		generate_error ("Unknown kind of shrinkage...");
		return 1;

	// verify block size
	if ((block_size!=7) && (block_size!=9) && (block_size!=11) && (block_size!=13)) {
		generate_error ("Wrong value for block size...\nValid values: 7, 9, 11, 13");
		return 1;
	// verify block step
	if ((block_step<5) || (block_step>15)) {
		generate_error ("Block step is out of valid Range...\nValid range: 5..15");
		return 1;

	// control search window dimensions
	h_search_true = ((h_search > img.width) || (h_search <= 0)) ? img.width : h_search;
	v_search_true = ((v_search > img.height) || (v_search <= 0)) ? img.height : v_search;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	fprintf (log, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
	fprintf (log, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... image dimensions: %dx%d\n", img.width, img.height);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... kind of shrinkage: %s\n", kind);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... block size: %d\n", block_size);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... block step: %d\n", block_step);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... sigma: %d\n", sigma);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... maximum number of blocks: %d\n", max_blocks);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... horizontal search window size: %d\n", h_search_true);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... vertical search window size: %d\n", v_search_true);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... threshold 2D: %f\n", th_2d);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... tau-match 2D: %f\n", tau_match);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... threshold 3D: %f\n", th_3d);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... block marking: %s\n\n", block_marking ? "yes" : "no");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	printf ("[INFO] ... launch of color conversion...\n");
	rgb2yuv (&img);

	// write output image
	if (png_write(&img, "img/yuv/", "noisy_yuv", 0) != 0) {
		return 1;

	printf ("[INFO] ... end of color conversion...\n\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... converted colorspace of input image to YUV...\n\n");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	printf ("[INFO] ... launch of printing image as three separate value arrays...\n");

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... luminance channel...\n");
	img2array (&img, 0, "img/", "y_channel_before");

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 1...\n");
	img2array (&img, 1, "img/", "u_channel_before");

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 2...\n");
	img2array (&img, 2, "img/", "v_channel_before");

	printf ("[INFO] ... end of printing arrays...\n\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... printed every intput channel as array of values...\n\n");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	printf ("[INFO] ... launch of block-matching...\n");
	printf ("[INFO] ... ... luminance channel...\n");
	start = clock();

	if (block_matching(&img, &org, block_size, block_step, sigma, h_search_true, v_search_true, th_2d, tau_match, 0, block_marking, &y_list) != 0) {
		return 1;

	printf ("[INFO] ... end of block-matching...\n\n");

	end = clock();
	time = (end - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... block-matching accomplished...\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... ... elapsed time: %f\n", time);
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... ... number of groups in list: %d\n\n", list_length(&y_list));

	// print recognized groups to file
	sprintf (path, "grp/org/%s/y/", kind);
	if (print_list(y_list, path, "group") != 0) {
		return 1;

	// trim groups to maximal number of blocks
	printf ("[INFO] ... trimming groups to maximum size...\n\n");
	if (trim_list(&y_list, max_blocks) != 0) {
		return 1;

	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... trimmed groups to maximum size of blocks...\n\n");

	// obtain the pixel values from the u- and v-channel of the image
	printf ("[INFO] ... extracting blocks from chrominance channels...\n");
	printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 1...\n");
	if (get_chrom(&img, &y_list, &u_list, 1)) {
		return 1;

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 2...\n\n");
	if (get_chrom(&img, &y_list, &v_list, 2)) {
		return 1;

	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... extracted values from chrominance channels...\n\n");

	// print trimmed groups to file
	sprintf (path, "grp/trm/%s/y/", kind);

	if (print_list(y_list, path, "group") != 0) {
		return 1;

	sprintf (path, "grp/trm/%s/u/", kind);

	if (print_list(u_list, path, "group") != 0) {
		return 1;

	sprintf (path, "grp/trm/%s/v/", kind);

	if (print_list(v_list, path, "group") != 0) {
		return 1;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	printf ("[INFO] ... launch of shrinkage...\n");
	start = clock();

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... luminance channel...\n");
	if (shrinkage(kind, &y_list, sigma, th_3d, 0) != 0) {
		return 1;

	// printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 1...\n");
	// if (shrinkage(kind, &u_list, sigma, th_3d, 1) != 0) {
	// 	return 1;
	// }

	// printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 2...\n");
	// if (shrinkage(kind, &v_list, sigma, th_3d, 1) != 0) {
	// 	return 1;
	// }

	printf ("[INFO] ... end of shrinkage...\n\n");

	end = clock();
	time = (end - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... accomplished shrinkage...\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... ... elapsed time: %f\n\n", time);

	sprintf (path, "grp/est/%s/y/", kind);

	if (print_list(y_list, path, "group") != 0) {
		return 1;

	sprintf (path, "grp/est/%s/u/", kind);

	if (print_list(u_list, path, "group") != 0) {
		return 1;

	sprintf (path, "grp/est/%s/v/", kind);

	if (print_list(v_list, path, "group") != 0) {
		return 1;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	printf ("[INFO] ... launch of aggregation...\n");
	start = clock();

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... luminance channel...\n");
	if (aggregate(kind, &img, &y_list, 0) != 0) {
		return 1;

	// printf ("[INFO] ...       chrominance channel 1...\n");
	// if (aggregate(kind, &img, &u_list, 1) != 0) {
	// 	return 1;
	// }

	// printf ("[INFO] ...       chrominance channel 2...\n");
	// if (aggregate(kind, &img, &v_list, 2) != 0) {
	// 	return 1;
	// }

	printf ("[INFO] ... end of aggregation...\n\n");

	end = clock();
	time = (end - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... accomplished aggregation...\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... ... elapsed time: %f\n\n", time);

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	printf ("[INFO] ... launch of printing image as three separate value arrays...\n");

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... luminance channel...\n");
	img2array (&img, 0, "img/", "y_channel_after");

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 1...\n");
	img2array (&img, 1, "img/", "u_channel_after");

	printf ("[INFO] ... ... chrominance channel 2...\n");
	img2array (&img, 2, "img/", "v_channel_after");

	printf ("[INFO] ... end of printing arrays...\n\n");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	printf ("[INFO] ... launch of color conversion...\n");
	yuv2rgb (&img);

	sprintf (prefix, "denoised_rgb_%s_%s", pure_name, kind);

	// write output image
	if (png_write(&img, "img/rgb/", prefix, sigma) != 0) {
		return 1;

	printf ("[INFO] ... end of color conversion...\n\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... converted colorspace of output image to RGB...\n\n");
	fprintf (log, "[INFO] ... PSNR after denoising: %fdB\n", get_snr(&org, &img));
	fprintf (log, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
	fprintf (log, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n");

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	free_list (&y_list);
	free_list (&u_list);
	free_list (&v_list);
	png_free_mem (&img);
	png_free_mem (&org);
	fclose (log);

	return 0;