/* * Compare this pathname with +other+. The comparison is string-based. * Be aware that two different paths (<tt>foo.txt</tt> and <tt>./foo.txt</tt>) * can refer to the same file. */ static VALUE path_eq(VALUE self, VALUE other) { if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_cPathname)) return Qfalse; return rb_str_equal(get_strpath(self), get_strpath(other)); }
/* * Provides a case-sensitive comparison operator for pathnames. * * Pathname.new('/usr') <=> Pathname.new('/usr/bin') * #=> -1 * Pathname.new('/usr/bin') <=> Pathname.new('/usr/bin') * #=> 0 * Pathname.new('/usr/bin') <=> Pathname.new('/USR/BIN') * #=> 1 * * It will return +-1+, +0+ or +1+ depending on the value of the left argument * relative to the right argument. Or it will return +nil+ if the arguments * are not comparable. */ static VALUE path_cmp(VALUE self, VALUE other) { VALUE s1, s2; char *p1, *p2; char *e1, *e2; if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(other, rb_cPathname)) return Qnil; s1 = get_strpath(self); s2 = get_strpath(other); p1 = RSTRING_PTR(s1); p2 = RSTRING_PTR(s2); e1 = p1 + RSTRING_LEN(s1); e2 = p2 + RSTRING_LEN(s2); while (p1 < e1 && p2 < e2) { int c1, c2; c1 = (unsigned char)*p1++; c2 = (unsigned char)*p2++; if (c1 == '/') c1 = '\0'; if (c2 == '/') c2 = '\0'; if (c1 != c2) { if (c1 < c2) return INT2FIX(-1); else return INT2FIX(1); } } if (p1 < e1) return INT2FIX(1); if (p2 < e2) return INT2FIX(-1); return INT2FIX(0); }
/* * Read symbolic link. * * See File.readlink. */ static VALUE path_readlink(VALUE self) { VALUE str; str = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("readlink"), 1, get_strpath(self)); return rb_class_new_instance(1, &str, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* * Returns all but the last component of the path. * * See File.dirname. */ static VALUE path_dirname(VALUE self) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); str = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("dirname"), 1, str); return rb_class_new_instance(1, &str, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* :nodoc: */ static VALUE path_inspect(VALUE self) { const char *c = rb_obj_classname(self); VALUE str = get_strpath(self); return rb_sprintf("#<%s:%"PRIsVALUE">", c, str); }
/* * Removes a file or directory, using File.unlink if +self+ is a file, or * Dir.unlink as necessary. */ static VALUE path_unlink(VALUE self) { VALUE eENOTDIR = rb_const_get_at(rb_mErrno, rb_intern("ENOTDIR")); VALUE str = get_strpath(self); return rb_rescue2(unlink_body, str, unlink_rescue, str, eENOTDIR, (VALUE)0); }
/* * call-seq: * pathname.untaint -> obj * * Untaints this Pathname. * * See Object.untaint. */ static VALUE path_untaint(VALUE self) { rb_call_super(0, 0); rb_obj_untaint(get_strpath(self)); return self; }
/* * call-seq: * pathname.freeze -> obj * * Freezes this Pathname. * * See Object.freeze. */ static VALUE path_freeze(VALUE self) { rb_call_super(0, 0); rb_str_freeze(get_strpath(self)); return self; }
/* :nodoc: */ static VALUE path_inspect(VALUE self) { const char *c = rb_obj_classname(self); VALUE str = get_strpath(self); return rb_sprintf("#<%s:%s>", c, RSTRING_PTR(str)); }
/* * Returns the real (absolute) pathname of +self+ in the actual filesystem. * * Does not contain symlinks or useless dots, +..+ and +.+. * * The last component of the real pathname can be nonexistent. */ static VALUE path_realdirpath(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE basedir, str; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &basedir); str = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("realdirpath"), 2, get_strpath(self), basedir); return rb_class_new_instance(1, &str, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* * Iterates over the entries (files and subdirectories) in the directory, * yielding a Pathname object for each entry. */ static VALUE path_each_entry(VALUE self) { VALUE args[1]; args[0] = get_strpath(self); return rb_block_call(rb_cDir, rb_intern("foreach"), 1, args, each_entry_i, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* * Opens the referenced directory. * * See Dir.open. */ static VALUE path_opendir(VALUE self) { VALUE args[1]; args[0] = get_strpath(self); return rb_block_call(rb_cDir, rb_intern("open"), 1, args, 0, 0); }
/* * call-seq: * pathname.sysopen([mode, [perm]]) -> fixnum * * See IO.sysopen. * */ static VALUE path_sysopen(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE args[3]; int n; args[0] = get_strpath(self); n = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &args[1], &args[2]); return rb_funcallv(rb_cIO, rb_intern("sysopen"), 1+n, args); }
/* * call-seq: * pathname.readlines(sep=$/ [, open_args]) -> array * pathname.readlines(limit [, open_args]) -> array * pathname.readlines(sep, limit [, open_args]) -> array * * Returns all the lines from the file. * * See IO.readlines. * */ static VALUE path_readlines(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE args[4]; int n; args[0] = get_strpath(self); n = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &args[1], &args[2], &args[3]); return rb_funcallv(rb_cIO, rb_intern("readlines"), 1+n, args); }
/* * Create the referenced directory. * * See Dir.mkdir. */ static VALUE path_mkdir(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); VALUE vmode; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &vmode) == 0) return rb_funcall(rb_cDir, rb_intern("mkdir"), 1, str); else return rb_funcall(rb_cDir, rb_intern("mkdir"), 2, str, vmode); }
/* * Tests the file is empty. * * See Dir#empty? and FileTest.empty?. */ static VALUE path_empty_p(VALUE self) { VALUE path = get_strpath(self); if (RTEST(rb_funcall(rb_mFileTest, rb_intern("directory?"), 1, path))) return rb_funcall(rb_cDir, rb_intern("empty?"), 1, path); else return rb_funcall(rb_mFileTest, rb_intern("empty?"), 1, path); }
/* * call-seq: * pathname.fnmatch(pattern, [flags]) -> string * pathname.fnmatch?(pattern, [flags]) -> string * * Return +true+ if the receiver matches the given pattern. * * See File.fnmatch. */ static VALUE path_fnmatch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); VALUE pattern, flags; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &pattern, &flags) == 1) return rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("fnmatch"), 2, pattern, str); else return rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("fnmatch"), 3, pattern, str, flags); }
/* * Returns the absolute path for the file. * * See File.expand_path. */ static VALUE path_expand_path(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); VALUE dname; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &dname) == 0) str = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("expand_path"), 1, str); else str = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("expand_path"), 2, str, dname); return rb_class_new_instance(1, &str, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* * Returns the last component of the path. * * See File.basename. */ static VALUE path_basename(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); VALUE fext; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &fext) == 0) str = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("basename"), 1, str); else str = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("basename"), 2, str, fext); return rb_class_new_instance(1, &str, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* * Returns the #dirname and the #basename in an Array. * * See File.split. */ static VALUE path_split(VALUE self) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); VALUE ary, dirname, basename; ary = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("split"), 1, str); ary = rb_check_array_type(ary); dirname = rb_ary_entry(ary, 0); basename = rb_ary_entry(ary, 1); dirname = rb_class_new_instance(1, &dirname, rb_obj_class(self)); basename = rb_class_new_instance(1, &basename, rb_obj_class(self)); return rb_ary_new3(2, dirname, basename); }
/* * Return a pathname which is substituted by String#sub. * * path1 = Pathname.new('/usr/bin/perl') * path1.sub('perl', 'ruby') * #=> #<Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby> */ static VALUE path_sub(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); if (rb_block_given_p()) { str = rb_block_call(str, rb_intern("sub"), argc, argv, 0, 0); } else { str = rb_funcallv(str, rb_intern("sub"), argc, argv); } return rb_class_new_instance(1, &str, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* * Opens the file for reading or writing. * * See File.open. */ static VALUE path_open(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE args[4]; int n; args[0] = get_strpath(self); n = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &args[1], &args[2], &args[3]); if (rb_block_given_p()) { return rb_block_call(rb_cFile, rb_intern("open"), 1+n, args, 0, 0); } else { return rb_funcallv(rb_cFile, rb_intern("open"), 1+n, args); } }
/* * call-seq: * pathname.each_line {|line| ... } * pathname.each_line(sep=$/ [, open_args]) {|line| block } -> nil * pathname.each_line(limit [, open_args]) {|line| block } -> nil * pathname.each_line(sep, limit [, open_args]) {|line| block } -> nil * pathname.each_line(...) -> an_enumerator * * #each_line iterates over the line in the file. It yields a String object * for each line. * * This method is availabel since 1.8.1. */ static VALUE path_each_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE args[4]; int n; args[0] = get_strpath(self); n = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &args[1], &args[2], &args[3]); if (rb_block_given_p()) { return rb_block_call(rb_cIO, rb_intern("foreach"), 1+n, args, 0, 0); } else { return rb_funcall2(rb_cIO, rb_intern("foreach"), 1+n, args); } }
/* * Return the entries (files and subdirectories) in the directory, each as a * Pathname object. * * The results contains just the names in the directory, without any trailing * slashes or recursive look-up. * * pp Pathname.new('/usr/local').entries * #=> [#<Pathname:share>, * # #<Pathname:lib>, * # #<Pathname:..>, * # #<Pathname:include>, * # #<Pathname:etc>, * # #<Pathname:bin>, * # #<Pathname:man>, * # #<Pathname:games>, * # #<Pathname:.>, * # #<Pathname:sbin>, * # #<Pathname:src>] * * The result may contain the current directory <code>#<Pathname:.></code> and * the parent directory <code>#<Pathname:..></code>. * * If you don't want +.+ and +..+ and * want directories, consider Pathname#children. */ static VALUE path_entries(VALUE self) { VALUE klass, str, ary; long i; klass = rb_obj_class(self); str = get_strpath(self); ary = rb_funcall(rb_cDir, rb_intern("entries"), 1, str); ary = rb_convert_type(ary, T_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary"); for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { VALUE elt = RARRAY_AREF(ary, i); elt = rb_class_new_instance(1, &elt, klass); rb_ary_store(ary, i, elt); } return ary; }
/* * Return a pathname with +repl+ added as a suffix to the basename. * * If self has no extension part, +repl+ is appended. * * Pathname.new('/usr/bin/shutdown').sub_ext('.rb') * #=> #<Pathname:/usr/bin/shutdown.rb> */ static VALUE path_sub_ext(VALUE self, VALUE repl) { VALUE str = get_strpath(self); VALUE str2; long extlen; const char *ext; const char *p; StringValue(repl); p = RSTRING_PTR(str); extlen = RSTRING_LEN(str); ext = ruby_enc_find_extname(p, &extlen, rb_enc_get(str)); if (ext == NULL) { ext = p + RSTRING_LEN(str); } else if (extlen <= 1) { ext += extlen; } str2 = rb_str_subseq(str, 0, ext-p); rb_str_append(str2, repl); OBJ_INFECT(str2, str); return rb_class_new_instance(1, &str2, rb_obj_class(self)); }
/* * See FileTest.zero?. */ static VALUE path_zero_p(VALUE self) { return rb_funcall(rb_mFileTest, rb_intern("zero?"), 1, get_strpath(self)); }
/* * See FileTest.writable_real?. */ static VALUE path_writable_real_p(VALUE self) { return rb_funcall(rb_mFileTest, rb_intern("writable_real?"), 1, get_strpath(self)); }
/* * See FileTest.symlink?. */ static VALUE path_symlink_p(VALUE self) { return rb_funcall(rb_mFileTest, rb_intern("symlink?"), 1, get_strpath(self)); }
/* * See FileTest.size. */ static VALUE path_size(VALUE self) { return rb_funcall(rb_mFileTest, rb_intern("size"), 1, get_strpath(self)); }
/* * See FileTest.setgid?. */ static VALUE path_setgid_p(VALUE self) { return rb_funcall(rb_mFileTest, rb_intern("setgid?"), 1, get_strpath(self)); }