예제 #1
static int
get_target_latlon(stateVector *st, double look, double *tlat, double *tlon)
  // satellite height, from the state vector
  double ht = vecMagnitude(st->pos);

  // earth radius, calculate from WGS84 values, and approx latitude
  double re = 6378137.0;
  double rp = 6356752.31414;
  double lat = asin(st->pos.z/ht);
  double er = re*rp/sqrt(rp*rp*cos(lat)*cos(lat)+re*re*sin(lat)*sin(lat));

  // calculate slant range by law of cosines
  // (where we know two sides, but not the angle between them)
  double D = er*er - ht*ht*sin(look)*sin(look);
  if (D < 0) 
    return 0; // can't see the Earth from here
  double sr1 = ht*cos(look) + sqrt(D);
  double sr2 = ht*cos(look) - sqrt(D);
  double sr = sr1>sr2 ? sr2 : sr1;

  // target position, first in inertial coords, then convert to lat/lon
  vector target;
  get_target_position(st, look, 0, sr, &target);

  double glat; // geocentric
  // tlon should be -180,180
  // tlat needs to be geodetic
  // both should be degrees
  *tlon *= R2D;
  if (*tlon < -180.) *tlon += 360.;

  *tlat = R2D*atan(tan(glat)*re*re/(rp*rp));

  return 1;
예제 #2
void KheperaView::print_targetInfo(){
	if (is_target_set()){
		Point targetCenter = get_target_position();
		View::print_targetInfo(_frame, get_height(), get_width(), targetCenter);