예제 #1
void fullDemo() {
	int robotState = 0;
	uint16_t sensorPattern[5] = {0};	
	while(robotState != 6) {
		switch(robotState) {
			case 0:
				while(get_coord_x() < 200) {
				robotState = 1;
			case 1:
				while(get_coord_x() < 400) {
				robotState = 2;
			case 2:
				while(convertToDeg(get_theta()) > -90) {
				while(get_coord_y() < 120) {
				while(convertToDeg(get_theta()) < 0) {
				while(get_coord_x() < 600) {
				robotState = 3;
			case 3:
				while(get_coord_x() < 800) {
				robotState = 4;
			case 4:
				robotState = 5;
			case 5:
				robotState = 6;
예제 #2
void RegistrationResult::show(std::ostream &out) const {
  algebra::VectorD<4> quaternion = R_.get_quaternion();
  out << "Name: " << get_name() << " Image index: " << get_image_index()
      << " Projection index: " << get_projection_index()
      << " (Phi,Theta,Psi) = ( " << get_phi() << " , " << get_theta() << " , "
      << get_psi() << " ) | Shift (x,y) " << get_shift()
      << " CCC = " << get_ccc() << " Quaternion " << quaternion;
예제 #3
//! Writes a result line to a file
void RegistrationResult::write(std::ostream &out) const {
  algebra::VectorD<4> quaternion = R_.get_quaternion();
  char c = '|';
  out << get_image_index() << c << get_projection_index() << c << get_phi() << c
      << get_theta() << c << get_psi() << c << quaternion[0] << c
      << quaternion[1] << c << quaternion[2] << c << quaternion[3] << c
      << get_shift()[0] << c << get_shift()[1] << c << get_ccc() << c
      << std::endl;
예제 #4
  Print to stdout the values of the current visual feature.

  \param select : Selection of a subset of the possible 2D image point
  feature coordinates.
  - To print all the two polar coordinates \f$(\rho,\theta)\f$ used as 
  features use vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL. 
  - To print only one of the polar coordinate
  feature \f$(\rho,\theta)\f$ use one of the
  corresponding function selectRho() or selectTheta().

  // Creation of the current feature s
  vpFeaturePointPolar s;
  s.buildFrom(0.1, M_PI_2, 1.3);

  s.print(); // print all the 2 components of the image point feature
  s.print(vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL); // same behavior then previous line
  s.print(vpFeaturePointPolar::selectRho()); // print only the rho component
vpFeaturePointPolar::print(const unsigned int select ) const

  std::cout <<"Point:  Z=" << get_Z() ;
  if (vpFeaturePointPolar::selectRho() & select )
    std::cout << " rho=" << get_rho() ;
  if (vpFeaturePointPolar::selectTheta() & select )
    std::cout << " theta=" << get_theta() ;
  std::cout <<std::endl ;
예제 #5

  Display image point feature.

  \param cam : Camera parameters.
  \param I : Image.
  \param color : Color to use for the display
  \param thickness : Thickness of the feature representation.

vpFeaturePointPolar::display(const vpCameraParameters &cam,
                             const vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
                             const vpColor &color,
                             unsigned int thickness) const
  try {
    double rho,theta;
    rho   = get_rho();
    theta = get_theta();

    double x,y;
    x = rho*cos(theta);
    y = rho*sin(theta);

    vpFeatureDisplay::displayPoint(x, y, cam, I, color, thickness);
  catch(...) {
    vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ;
    throw ;
예제 #6
  Compute and return the interaction matrix \f$ L \f$ associated to a
  subset of the possible 2D image point features with polar
  coordinates \f$(\rho,\theta)\f$.

  L = \left[
  L_{\rho} \\
  \; \\
  \frac{-\cos \theta}{Z} & \frac{-\sin \theta}{Z}  &  \frac{\rho}{Z} & (1+\rho^2)\sin\theta  & -(1+\rho^2)\cos\theta &  0 \\
  \; \\
   \frac{\sin\theta}{\rho Z} & \frac{-\cos\theta}{\rho Z} &  0 &  \cos\theta /\rho &  \sin\theta/\rho & -1 \\

  where \f$Z\f$ is the 3D depth of the considered point.

  \param select : Selection of a subset of the possible polar
  point coordinate features.
  - To compute the interaction matrix for all the two 
    subset features \f$(\rho,\theta)\f$ use vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL. In
    that case the dimension of the interaction matrix is \f$ [2 \times
    6] \f$
  - To compute the interaction matrix for only one of the subset
    (\f$\rho,\theta\f$) use one of the corresponding function
    selectRho() or selectTheta(). In that case the returned
    interaction matrix is \f$ [1 \times 6] \f$ dimension.

  \return The interaction matrix computed from the 2D point
  polar coordinate features.

  \exception vpFeatureException::badInitializationError : If the point
  is behind the camera \f$(Z < 0)\f$, or if the 3D depth is null \f$(Z
  = 0)\f$, or if the \f$\rho\f$ polar coordinate of the point is null.

  The code below shows how to compute the interaction matrix associated to 
  the visual feature \f$s = (\rho,\theta)\f$.
  vpFeaturePointPolar s;
  double rho   = 0.3;
  double theta = M_PI;
  double Z     = 1;
  // Creation of the current feature s
  s.buildFrom(rho, theta, Z);
  // Build the interaction matrix L_s
  vpMatrix L = s.interaction();

  The interaction matrix could also be build by:
  vpMatrix L = s.interaction( vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL );

  In both cases, L is a 2 by 6 matrix. The first line corresponds to
  the \f$\rho\f$ visual feature while the second one to the
  \f$\theta\f$ visual feature.

  It is also possible to build the interaction matrix associated to
  one of the possible features. The code below shows how to consider
  only the \f$\theta\f$ component.

  vpMatrix L_theta = s.interaction( vpFeaturePointPolar::selectTheta() );

  In that case, L_theta is a 1 by 6 matrix.
vpFeaturePointPolar::interaction(const unsigned int select)
  vpMatrix L ;

  L.resize(0,6) ;

  if (deallocate == vpBasicFeature::user)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbParameters; i++)
      if (flags[i] == false)
        case 0:
          vpTRACE("Warning !!!  The interaction matrix is computed but rho was not set yet");
        case 1:
          vpTRACE("Warning !!!  The interaction matrix is computed but theta was not set yet");
        case 2:
          vpTRACE("Warning !!!  The interaction matrix is computed but Z was not set yet");
          vpTRACE("Problem during the reading of the variable flags");

  double rho   = get_rho() ;
  double theta = get_theta() ;
  double Z_    = get_Z() ;

  double c_ = cos(theta);
  double s_ = sin(theta);

  double rho2 = rho*rho;

  if (fabs(rho) < 1e-6) {
    vpERROR_TRACE("rho polar coordinate of the point is null") ;
    std::cout <<"rho = " << rho << std::endl ;

			     "rho polar coordinate of the point is null")) ;

  if (Z_ < 0)
    vpERROR_TRACE("Point is behind the camera ") ;
    std::cout <<"Z = " << Z_ << std::endl ;

			     "Point is behind the camera ")) ;

  if (fabs(Z_) < 1e-6)
    vpERROR_TRACE("Point Z coordinates is null ") ;
    std::cout <<"Z = " << Z_ << std::endl ;

			     "Point Z coordinates is null")) ;

  if (vpFeaturePointPolar::selectRho() & select )
    vpMatrix Lrho(1,6) ; Lrho = 0;

    Lrho[0][0] = -c_/Z_  ;
    Lrho[0][1] = -s_/Z_ ;
    Lrho[0][2] = rho/Z_ ;
    Lrho[0][3] = (1+rho2)*s_ ;
    Lrho[0][4] = -(1+rho2)*c_ ;
    Lrho[0][5] = 0 ;

//     printf("Lrho: rho %f theta %f Z %f\n", rho, theta, Z);
//     std::cout << "Lrho: " << Lrho << std::endl;

    L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,Lrho) ;

  if (vpFeaturePointPolar::selectTheta() & select )
    vpMatrix Ltheta(1,6) ; Ltheta = 0;

    Ltheta[0][0] = s_/(rho*Z_) ;
    Ltheta[0][1]  = -c_/(rho*Z_) ;
    Ltheta[0][2] = 0 ;
    Ltheta[0][3] = c_/rho ;
    Ltheta[0][4] = s_/rho ;
    Ltheta[0][5] = -1 ;

//     printf("Ltheta: rho %f theta %f Z %f\n", rho, theta, Z);
//     std::cout << "Ltheta: " << Ltheta << std::endl;
    L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,Ltheta) ;
  return L ;
예제 #7
double vert(coordinate d, double f, double R, double t, double r, double g){
    double s;
    double tmp;
    double rt = R-t;    //안쪽 반지름
    char st;    //첫 gap(삼각형일때)
    double tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2;  //임시변수
    double th;  //각도
    double savedx = d.x;
    s = 0;
    st = 1;
    while(d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y < rt*rt){
        if((d.y+g)*(d.y+g)+(d.x+g)*(d.x+g) > rt*rt){
            if((d.x+g)*(d.x+g)+d.y*d.y > rt*rt){
                    tx1 = get_x(d.y, rt);
                    ty1 = rt / sqrt(2);
                    tx2 = get_x(ty1, rt);
                    th = get_theta(tx1, d.y, tx2, ty1, rt);
                    tmp = ((ty1 - d.y)*(tx1 - d.x) / 2.0); // 삼각형 면적
                    tmp += area_arc(th, rt);
                    st = 0;
                    if((d.y+g)*(d.y+g)+d.x*d.x > rt*rt){
                        tx1 = get_x(d.y, rt);
                        ty1 = get_y(d.x, rt);
                        th = get_theta(tx1, d.y, d.x, ty1, rt);
                        tmp = (tx1-d.x)*(ty1-d.y)/2 + area_arc(th, rt);
                        double a1, a2;
                        tx1 = get_x(d.y, rt);
                        a1 = (tx1-d.x)*g/2.0;
                        tx2 = get_x(d.y+g, rt);
                        a2 = (tx2-d.x)*g/2.0;
                        tmp = a1+a2;
                        th = get_theta(tx1, d.y, tx2, d.y+g, rt);
                        tmp += area_arc(th, rt);
                    double a1, a2, a3;
                    tx1 = d.x+g;
                    ty2 = rt/sqrt(2.0);
                    tx2 = get_x(ty2, rt);
                    ty1 = get_y(tx1, rt);
                    a1 = (tx2 - d.x)*(ty2-d.y)/2.0;
                    a2 = (ty1-d.y)*(tx1-tx2);
                    a3 = (ty2-ty1)*(tx1-tx2)/2.0;
                    th = get_theta(tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, rt);
                    tmp = a1+a2+a3+area_arc(th, rt);
                    st = 0;
                    double a1, a2, a3;
                    tx1 = d.x+g;
                    ty1 = get_y(tx1, rt);
                    ty2 = d.y+g;
                    tx2 = get_x(ty2, rt);
                    a1 = (tx2-d.x)*g;
                    a2 = (ty1-d.y)*(d.x+g-tx2);
                    a3 = (ty2-ty1)*(tx1-tx2)/2.0;
                    th = get_theta(tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, rt);
                    tmp = a1+a2+a3+area_arc(th, rt);
        } else{
                tmp = g*g/2.0;
                st = 0;
                tmp = g*g;
        d.x += g+2*r;
        s += tmp;
    d.x = savedx;
    return s;
예제 #8
파일: train.c 프로젝트: Hongyuy/sbrlmod
pred_model_t   *
train(data_t *train_data, int initialization, int method, params_t *params)
	int chain, default_rule;
	pred_model_t *pred_model;
	ruleset_t *rs, *rs_temp;
	double max_pos, pos_temp, null_bound;

	pred_model = NULL;
	rs = NULL;
	if (compute_pmf(train_data->nrules, params) != 0)
		goto err;
	compute_cardinality(train_data->rules, train_data->nrules);

	if (compute_log_gammas(train_data->nsamples, params) != 0)
		goto err;

	if ((pred_model = calloc(1, sizeof(pred_model_t))) == NULL)
		goto err;

	default_rule = 0;
	if (ruleset_init(1,
	    train_data->nsamples, &default_rule, train_data->rules, &rs) != 0)
	    	goto err;

	max_pos = compute_log_posterior(rs, train_data->rules,
	    train_data->nrules, train_data->labels, params, 1, -1, &null_bound);
	if (permute_rules(train_data->nrules) != 0)
		goto err;

	for (chain = 0; chain < params->nchain; chain++) {
		rs_temp = run_mcmc(params->iters,
		    train_data->nsamples, train_data->nrules,
		    train_data->rules, train_data->labels, params, max_pos);
		pos_temp = compute_log_posterior(rs_temp, train_data->rules,
		    train_data->nrules, train_data->labels, params, 1, -1,

		if (pos_temp >= max_pos) {
			rs = rs_temp;
			max_pos = pos_temp;
		} else {

	pred_model->theta =
	    get_theta(rs, train_data->rules, train_data->labels, params);
	pred_model->rs = rs;
	rs = NULL;

	 * THIS IS INTENTIONAL -- makes error handling localized.
	 * If we branch to err, then we want to free an allocated model;
	 * if we fall through naturally, then we don't.
	if (0) {
		if (pred_model != NULL)
			free (pred_model);
	/* Free allocated memory. */
	if (log_lambda_pmf != NULL)
	if (log_eta_pmf != NULL)
	if (rule_permutation != NULL)
	if (log_gammas != NULL)
	if (rs != NULL)
	return (pred_model);