예제 #1
// auto_disarm_check - disarms the copter if it has been sitting on the ground in manual mode with throttle low for at least 15 seconds
void Copter::auto_disarm_check()
    uint32_t tnow_ms = millis();
    uint32_t disarm_delay_ms = 1000*constrain_int16(g.disarm_delay, 0, 127);

    // exit immediately if we are already disarmed, or if auto
    // disarming is disabled
    if (!motors->armed() || disarm_delay_ms == 0 || control_mode == THROW) {
        auto_disarm_begin = tnow_ms;

    // if the rotor is still spinning, don't initiate auto disarm
    if (motors->rotor_speed_above_critical()) {
        auto_disarm_begin = tnow_ms;

    // always allow auto disarm if using interlock switch or motors are Emergency Stopped
    if ((ap.using_interlock && !motors->get_interlock()) || ap.motor_emergency_stop) {
        // use a shorter delay if using throttle interlock switch or Emergency Stop, because it is less
        // obvious the copter is armed as the motors will not be spinning
        disarm_delay_ms /= 2;
    } else {
        bool sprung_throttle_stick = (g.throttle_behavior & THR_BEHAVE_FEEDBACK_FROM_MID_STICK) != 0;
        bool thr_low;
        if (flightmode->has_manual_throttle() || !sprung_throttle_stick) {
            thr_low = ap.throttle_zero;
        } else {
            float deadband_top = get_throttle_mid() + g.throttle_deadzone;
            thr_low = channel_throttle->get_control_in() <= deadband_top;

        if (!thr_low || !ap.land_complete) {
            // reset timer
            auto_disarm_begin = tnow_ms;

    // disarm once timer expires
    if ((tnow_ms-auto_disarm_begin) >= disarm_delay_ms) {
        auto_disarm_begin = tnow_ms;
예제 #2
// get_pilot_desired_climb_rate - transform pilot's throttle input to climb rate in cm/s
// without any deadzone at the bottom
float Copter::get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(float throttle_control)
    // throttle failsafe check
    if( failsafe.radio ) {
        return 0.0f;

    if (g2.toy_mode.enabled()) {
        // allow throttle to be reduced after throttle arming and for
        // slower descent close to the ground
    float desired_rate = 0.0f;
    float mid_stick = get_throttle_mid();
    float deadband_top = mid_stick + g.throttle_deadzone;
    float deadband_bottom = mid_stick - g.throttle_deadzone;

    // ensure a reasonable throttle value
    throttle_control = constrain_float(throttle_control,0.0f,1000.0f);

    // ensure a reasonable deadzone
    g.throttle_deadzone = constrain_int16(g.throttle_deadzone, 0, 400);

    // check throttle is above, below or in the deadband
    if (throttle_control < deadband_bottom) {
        // below the deadband
        desired_rate = get_pilot_speed_dn() * (throttle_control-deadband_bottom) / deadband_bottom;
    }else if (throttle_control > deadband_top) {
        // above the deadband
        desired_rate = g.pilot_speed_up * (throttle_control-deadband_top) / (1000.0f-deadband_top);
        // must be in the deadband
        desired_rate = 0.0f;

    return desired_rate;