int boxcheck(int *board) { int i,j,d,sum,last,last2; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (d = 0;d < 9; d++) { sum=0; last=-1; last2=-1; for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if (board[boxind[i][j]] & allowbits[d]) { sum++; last2=last; last=boxind[i][j]; } else sum += ((board[boxind[i][j]] & Solve)==(d << 4)) ? 1: 0; } if (sum==0) return(0); if ((sum==1)&&(last>=0)) if (!setallowed(board,last,d)) return(0); if((sum == 2) && (last >= 0) && ( last2 >= 0) && (getrow(last) == getrow(last2))) { for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) { int c = rowind[getrow(last)][j]; if ((c != last)&&(c != last2)) { if (board[c] & allowbits[d]) { board[c] &= ~allowbits[d]; if ((board[c] & Allow)==0) return(0); } } } } if((sum == 2) && (last >= 0) && (last2 >= 0) && (getcol(last) == getcol(last2))) { for (j = 0;j <9;j++) { int c = colind[getcol(last)][j]; if ((c != last) && (c != last2)) { if (board[c] & allowbits[d]) { board[c] &= ~allowbits[d]; if ((board[c] & Allow) == 0) return(0); } } } } } } return(1); }
static int find_rlen(int pos, int plen) { int col; int pos0; col = getcol(pos); pos0 = pos; while(getcol(pos) == col && pos < plen) pos ++; return pos-pos0; }
int main() { int n = 23; int lda = 30; int nth = 3; double* a = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*lda*n); double* a2 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*lda*n); double** bb = (double**)malloc(sizeof(double*)*nth); double* b = 0; size_t bsz = address_tile_buf(bb, b, n, nth); b = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*(bsz)); address_tile_buf(bb, b, n, nth); for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) for(int j=0; j<=i; ++j) a[i*lda+j] = (int)((double)std::rand()/RAND_MAX*100); std::printf("from:\n"); for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ std::printf(" "); for(int j=0; j<=i; ++j) std::printf(" %3d", (int)a[i*lda+j]); std::printf("\n"); } for(int id=0; id<nth; ++id) convert_to_tile(n, a, lda, bb, id, nth); for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) getcol(i, a2+i*lda, bb, nth); std::printf("\n\nto:\n"); for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ std::printf(" "); for(int j=0; j<=i; ++j) std::printf(" %3d", (int)a2[i*lda+j]); std::printf("\n"); } free(b); free(bb); free(a2); free(a); return 0; }
void work() { // convert from rgb to lab for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { rgb2lab(getcol(img, i/h, i%h), ori[i]); res[i] = delta[i] = 0; } // calculate delta HANDLE thd[8]; now = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) thd[i] = CreateThread(0, 0, calcDelta, 0, 0, 0); for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) WaitForSingleObject(thd[i], INFINITE); // calculate result for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i) res[i] = ( delta[i] - delta[i-1] + n * res[i-1]) / n; double sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += res[i] - ori[i][0]; sum /= n; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) res[i] = res[i] - sum; // output img for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {<uchar>(Point(i/h, i%h)) = lab2rgb(res[i]); } }
int fitstable_add_fits_columns_as_struct3(const fitstable_t* intab, fitstable_t* outtab, const sl* colnames, int c_offset) { int i, NC; int noc = ncols(outtab); NC = sl_size(colnames); for (i=0; i<NC; i++) { const qfits_col* qcol; fitscol_t* col; const char* name = sl_get_const(colnames, i); int j = fits_find_column(intab->table, name); int off; if (j == -1) { ERROR("Failed to find FITS column \"%s\"", name); return -1; } qcol = qfits_table_get_col(intab->table, j); // We give the offset of the column in the *input* table, so that // the resulting "outtab" can handle raw data from the "intab". off = fits_offset_of_column(intab->table, j); fitstable_add_read_column_struct(outtab, qcol->atom_type, qcol->atom_nb, c_offset + off, qcol->atom_type, qcol->tlabel, TRUE); // set the FITS column number. col = getcol(outtab, ncols(outtab)-1); col->col = noc + i; } return 0; }
/* * is_unique: return 1 if grid (r, c) not empty and * grid (r, c)'s number is unique among line r, col c and * the corresponding box. 0 if not. */ int is_unique(int r, int c, int puzzle[][9]) { int i, flag[9]; // make sure (r,c) not empty! if (!is_filled(puzzle, r, c)) return 0; for (i=0; i<9; i++) flag[i] = 0; i = puzzle[r-1][c-1]; puzzle[r-1][c-1] = 0; getbox(puzzle, r, c); getrow(puzzle, r, c); getcol(puzzle, r, c); puzzle[r-1][c-1] = i; flag[puzzle[r-1][c-1] - 1] = 1; for (i=0; i<9; i++) { if (box[i] >= 1 && box[i] <= 9) flag[box[i]-1]++; if (row[i] >= 1 && row[i] <= 9) flag[row[i]-1]++; if (col[i] >= 1 && col[i] <= 9) flag[col[i]-1]++; } for (i=0; i<9; i++) if (flag[i] > 1) return 0; return 1; }
int fitstable_write_one_column(fitstable_t* table, int colnum, int rowoffset, int nrows, const void* src, int src_stride) { anbool flip = TRUE; off_t foffset = 0; off_t start = 0; int i; char* buf = NULL; fitscol_t* col; int off; off = offset_of_column(table, colnum); if (!in_memory(table)) { foffset = ftello(table->fid); // jump to row start... start = get_row_offset(table, rowoffset) + off; if (fseeko(table->fid, start, SEEK_SET)) { SYSERROR("Failed to fseeko() to the start of the file."); return -1; } } col = getcol(table, colnum); if (col->fitstype != col->ctype) { int sz = col->fitssize * col->arraysize * nrows; buf = malloc(sz); fits_convert_data(buf, col->fitssize * col->arraysize, col->fitstype, src, src_stride, col->ctype, col->arraysize, nrows); src = buf; src_stride = col->fitssize * col->arraysize; } if (in_memory(table)) { for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) { memcpy(((char*)bl_access(table->rows, rowoffset + i)) + off, src, col->fitssize * col->arraysize); src = ((const char*)src) + src_stride; } } else { for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) { if (fseeko(table->fid, start + i * table->table->tab_w, SEEK_SET) || fits_write_data_array(table->fid, src, col->fitstype, col->arraysize, flip)) { SYSERROR("Failed to write row %i of column %i", rowoffset+i, colnum); return -1; } src = ((const char*)src) + src_stride; } } free(buf); if (!in_memory(table)) { if (fseeko(table->fid, foffset, SEEK_SET)) { SYSERROR("Failed to restore file offset."); return -1; } } return 0; }
void video_backspace(){ vidmem=(char *)MAIN_SCREEN_ADDRESS; if(maxpos>0){ vidmem[--writepos]=WHITE_TXT; vidmem[--writepos]=' '; } set_cursor(getrow(),getcol()); }
static void show_selection_position(int yanked) { #ifdef WMDTERSELECT if (!w_val(curwp, WMDTERSELECT)) { mlwrite("(%d,%d) thru (%d,%d) %s", line_no(selbufp, selregion.ar_region.r_orig.l), getcol(selregion.ar_region.r_orig, FALSE) + 1, line_no(selbufp, selregion.ar_region.r_end.l), getcol(selregion.ar_region.r_end, FALSE), yanked ? "yanked" : "selected"); } #endif /* WMDTERSELECT */ show_mark_is_set('<'); show_mark_is_set('>'); }
int getbox(int cell) { int row = getrow(cell); int col = getcol(cell); return 3*(row/3)+ col/3; }
void fitstable_print_columns(fitstable_t* tab) { int i; printf("Table columns:\n"); for (i=0; i<ncols(tab); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(tab, i); printf(" %i: %s: fits type %i, C type %i, arraysize %i, fitssize %i, C size %i, C offset %i (if in a struct), FITS column num: %i\n", i, col->colname, col->fitstype, col->ctype, col->arraysize, col->fitssize, col->csize, col->coffset, col->col); } }
void fitstable_clear_table(fitstable_t* tab) { int i; for (i=0; i<ncols(tab); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(tab, i); free(col->colname); free(col->units); } bl_remove_all(tab->cols); }
void make_P(double ** U, int NT, double * Press){ Press[0] = 1.; int i;for(i=1;i<NT-1;++i){ double Ui[3]; getcol(U, i, Ui); Press[i] = Pressure(Ui); //printf("Ui_%d %f %f P=%f\n", i, Ui[0], Ui[1], Press[i]); } Press[NT] = 0.1; //printf("%f\n", Press[NT]); }
void EffectsExporter::writeBlinn(COLLADASW::EffectProfile &ep, Material *ma) { COLLADASW::ColorOrTexture cot; ep.setShaderType(COLLADASW::EffectProfile::BLINN); // shininess ep.setShininess(ma->har, false, "shininess"); // specular cot = getcol(ma->specr, ma->specg, ma->specb, 1.0f); ep.setSpecular(cot, false, "specular"); }
void fitstable_print_missing(fitstable_t* tab, FILE* f) { int i; fprintf(f, "Missing required columns: "); for (i=0; i<ncols(tab); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(tab, i); if (col->col == -1 && col->required) { fprintf(f, "%s ", col->colname); } } }
void fitstable_add_fits_columns_as_struct(fitstable_t* tab) { int i; int off = 0; for (i=0; i<tab->table->nc; i++) { qfits_col* qcol = tab->table->col + i; fitscol_t* col; /* if (qcol->atom_type == TFITS_BIN_TYPE_X) { } */ fitstable_add_read_column_struct(tab, qcol->atom_type, qcol->atom_nb, off, qcol->atom_type, qcol->tlabel, TRUE); // set the FITS column number. col = getcol(tab, ncols(tab)-1); col->col = i; off += fitscolumn_get_size(getcol(tab, ncols(tab)-1)); } }
void fitstable_copy_columns(const fitstable_t* src, fitstable_t* dest) { int i; for (i=0; i<ncols(src); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(src, i); fitscol_t* newcol = fitstable_add_column(dest, col); // fix string fields... newcol->colname = strdup_safe(newcol->colname); newcol->units = strdup_safe(newcol->units); } }
void make_F(double ** U, double ** F, double **alpha, int NT, double * P){ double alphas[2]; F[0][0] = 0.; F[1][0] = 1.; F[2][0] = 0.; int i,j; for(i=1;i<NT;++i){ double Ui[3], Uimo[3]; getcol(U, i, Ui); getcol(U, i-1, Uimo); double Fimh[3]; Fi_mh(Ui, Uimo, Fimh, alphas, P[i], P[i-1]); for(j=0;j<2;++j){ if(i>0 && i<NT){ alpha[j][i-1]=alphas[j]; } //printf("alphas %f %f\n", alpha[j][i], alphas[j]); } for(j=0;j<3;++j){ if(i>0 && i<NT){ F[j][i] = Fimh[j]; } } // printf("Fi_%d = %f %f %f\n",i, F[0][i],F[1][i],F[2][i]); } }
static int offset_of_column(const fitstable_t* table, int colnum) { int i; int offset = 0; assert(colnum <= ncols(table)); for (i=0; i<colnum; i++) { fitscol_t* col; col = getcol(table, i); offset += fitscolumn_get_size(col); } return offset; }
int setallowed(int *board, int cc, int num) { int j, d; int row, col, box; board[cc] &= ~Allow; board[cc] = (board[cc] & ~Solve) | (num << 4); row = getrow(cc); for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if (board[rowind[row][j]] & allowbits[num]) { board[rowind[row][j]] &= ~allowbits[num]; if ((board[rowind[row][j]] & Allow) == 0) return(0); } } col = getcol(cc); for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if (board[colind[col][j]] & allowbits[num]) { board[colind[col][j]] &= ~allowbits[num]; if ((board[colind[col][j]] & Allow) == 0) return(0); } } box = getbox(cc); for (j = 0;j < 9;j++) { if (board[boxind[box][j]] & allowbits[num]) { board[boxind[box][j]] &= ~allowbits[num]; if ((board[boxind[box][j]] & Allow)==0) return(0); } } for (j = 0;j < 81; j++) for (d = 0; d < 9; d++) if ((board[j] & Allow) == allowbits[d]) if (!setallowed(board, j, d)) return(0); if (!boxcheck(board)||!rowcheck(board)||!colcheck(board)) return(0); for (j = 0; j < 81; j++) for (d = 0; d < 9; d++) if ((board[j] & Allow) == allowbits[d]) if (!setallowed(board, j, d)) return(0); return(1); }
void make_F(double ** U, double ** F, double **alpha, int NT, double * P){ double alphas[2]; int i,j; for(i=1;i<NT;++i){ double Ui[3], Uimo[3]; getcol(U, i, Ui); getcol(U, i-1, Uimo); double Fimh[3]; Fi_mh(Ui, Uimo, Fimh, alphas, P[i], P[i-1]); for(j=0;j<2;++j){ if(i>0 && i<NT-1){ alpha[j][i-1]=alphas[j]; } } for(j=0;j<3;++j){ if(i>0 && i<NT){ F[j][i] = Fimh[j]; } } } for(j=0;j<3;++j){ F[j][0] = F[j][NT-1]; F[j][NT] = F[j][1]; } }
int fitstable_remove_column(fitstable_t* tab, const char* name) { int i; for (i=0; i<ncols(tab); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(tab, i); if (strcasecmp(name, col->colname) == 0) { free(col->colname); free(col->units); bl_remove_index(tab->cols, i); return 0; } } return -1; }
int fitstable_close(fitstable_t* tab) { int i; int rtn = 0; if (!tab) return 0; if (is_writing(tab)) { if (fclose(tab->fid)) { SYSERROR("Failed to close output file %s", tab->fn); rtn = -1; } } if (tab->anq) { anqfits_close(tab->anq); } if (tab->readfid) { fclose(tab->readfid); } if (tab->primheader) qfits_header_destroy(tab->primheader); if (tab->header) qfits_header_destroy(tab->header); if (tab->table) qfits_table_close(tab->table); free(tab->fn); for (i=0; i<ncols(tab); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(tab, i); free(col->colname); free(col->units); } bl_free(tab->cols); if (tab->br) { buffered_read_free(tab->br); free(tab->br); } if (tab->rows) { bl_free(tab->rows); } if (tab->extensions) { for (i=0; i<bl_size(tab->extensions); i++) { fitsext_t* ext = bl_access(tab->extensions, i); if (ext->rows != tab->rows) bl_free(ext->rows); if (ext->header != tab->header) qfits_header_destroy(ext->header); if (ext->table != tab->table) qfits_table_close(ext->table); } bl_free(tab->extensions); } free(tab); return rtn; }
double Entropy(double ** U, int NT, double dx, double * sumv, double * sump){ double vsum = 0; double psum = 0; int i;for(i=1;i<NT-1;++i){ double Ui[3]; getcol(U, i, Ui); double P = Pressure(Ui); double V = Velocity(Ui); double Pi = Pressurei(Ui[0]); double Vi = Velocityi(Ui[0]); vsum += dx*fabs(V - Vi); psum += dx*fabs(P - Pi); } *sumv = vsum; *sump = psum; }
void fitstable_error_report_missing(fitstable_t* tab) { int i; sl* missing = sl_new(4); char* mstr; for (i=0; i<ncols(tab); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(tab, i); if (col->col == -1 && col->required) sl_append(missing, col->colname); } mstr = sl_join(missing, ", "); sl_free2(missing); ERROR("Missing required columns: %s", mstr); free(mstr); }
void fitstable_close_table(fitstable_t* tab) { int i; if (tab->table) { qfits_table_close(tab->table); tab->table = NULL; } for (i=0; i<ncols(tab); i++) { fitscol_t* col = getcol(tab, i); col->col = -1; col->fitssize = 0; col->arraysize = 0; col->fitstype = fitscolumn_any_type(); } }
void fillsquare(int x,int y,int w,int h) { // printf("fs\n"); // b->setrectangle(indent+x,y,w,h,myrnd()*255); // b->writetoscreen(); if (key[KEY_SPACE]) exit(0); int nwcol=getcol(x,y); int necol=getcol(x+w,y); int swcol=getcol(x,y+h); int secol=getcol(x+w,y+h); int cx=x+w/2; int cy=y+h/2; int ave=(nwcol+necol+swcol+secol)/4; int m=max(max(diff(nwcol,ave),diff(necol,ave)),max(diff(swcol,ave),diff(secol,ave))); if (m<coldifftol || max(w,h)<=res) { b->interpolate(indent+x,y,indent+x+w,y+h,nwcol,necol,swcol,secol); // b->writetoscreen(); } else { fillsquare(x,y,w/2,h/2); fillsquare(cx,y,w/2,h/2); fillsquare(x,cy,w/2,h/2); fillsquare(cx,cy,w/2,h/2); } }
void fitstable_endian_flip_row_data(fitstable_t* table, void* data) { int i; char* cursor; if (!need_endian_flip()) return; cursor = data; for (i=0; i<ncols(table); i++) { int j; fitscol_t* col = getcol(table, i); for (j=0; j<col->arraysize; j++) { endian_swap(cursor, col->fitssize); cursor += col->fitssize; } } }
void drawcellCB(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer calld) { double *datap; EditPoints *ep = (EditPoints *) client_data; static char buf[128]; int i, j; XbaeMatrixDrawCellCallbackStruct *cs = (XbaeMatrixDrawCellCallbackStruct *) calld; i = cs->row; j = cs->column; datap = getcol(ep->gno, ep->setno, j); sprintf(buf, scformat[(ep->cformat[j])], ep->cprec[j], datap[i]); cs->type = XbaeString; cs->string = XtNewString(buf); }
void EffectsExporter::exportEffects(Scene *sce) { this->scene = sce; if (this->export_settings->export_texture_type == BC_TEXTURE_TYPE_MAT) { if (hasEffects(sce)) { MaterialFunctor mf; openLibrary(); mf.forEachMaterialInExportSet<EffectsExporter>(sce, *this, this->export_settings->export_set); closeLibrary(); } } else { std::set<Object *> uv_textured_obs = bc_getUVTexturedObjects(sce, !this->export_settings->active_uv_only); std::set<Image *> uv_images = bc_getUVImages(sce, !this->export_settings->active_uv_only); if (uv_images.size() > 0) { openLibrary(); std::set<Image *>::iterator uv_images_iter; for (uv_images_iter = uv_images.begin(); uv_images_iter != uv_images.end(); uv_images_iter++) { Image *ima = *uv_images_iter; std::string key(id_name(ima)); key = translate_id(key); COLLADASW::Sampler sampler(COLLADASW::Sampler::SAMPLER_TYPE_2D, key + COLLADASW::Sampler::SAMPLER_SID_SUFFIX, key + COLLADASW::Sampler::SURFACE_SID_SUFFIX); sampler.setImageId(key); openEffect(key + "-effect"); COLLADASW::EffectProfile ep(mSW); ep.setProfileType(COLLADASW::EffectProfile::COMMON); ep.setShaderType(COLLADASW::EffectProfile::PHONG); ep.setDiffuse(createTexture(ima, key, &sampler), false, "diffuse"); COLLADASW::ColorOrTexture cot = getcol(0, 0, 0, 1.0f); ep.setSpecular(cot, false, "specular"); ep.openProfile(); ep.addProfileElements(); ep.addExtraTechniques(mSW); ep.closeProfile(); closeEffect(); } closeLibrary(); } } }