void worm::render_flip(BITMAP* where, int frame, int _x, int _y) { int r,g,c,R,G,B,i; float h1,s1,v1,h,s,v; for (i=0;i<skin->img[frame]->w;i++) { for (r=0;r<skin->img[frame]->h;r++) { g=getpixel(skin->img[frame],i,r); c=getpixel(mask->img[frame],i,r); if(g!=makecol(255,0,255)) { if(c!=makecol(255,0,255)) { c=color; rgb_to_hsv(getr(c), getg(c), getb(c), &h1, &s1, &v1); R = getr(g); G = getg(g); B = getb(g); rgb_to_hsv(R, G, B, &h, &s, &v); h = h1; s = s1; v -= (1-v1)/1.4; if (v<0)v=0; hsv_to_rgb(h,s,v, &R, &G, &B); g = makecol(R,G,B); putpixel(where,_x+skin->img[frame]->w-1-i,_y+r,g); }else putpixel(where,_x+skin->img[frame]->w-1-i,_y+r,g); }; }; }; };
void draw_button(BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int col, const char *txt, bool selected, bool disabled) { int col1 = makecol( minf(255,getr(col)*1.3f), minf(255,getg(col)*1.3f), minf(255,getb(col)*1.3f) ); int col2 = makecol( getr(col)*0.7f, getg(col)*0.7f, getb(col)*0.7f ); int col3 = makecol( minf(255,getr(col)*1.7f), minf(255,getg(col)*1.7f), minf(255,getb(col)*1.7f) ); if(disabled) { col1 = makecol(130,130,130); col2 = makecol(50,50,50); col3 = makecol(170,170,170); col = makecol(100,100,100); } else if(selected) { rect(bmp, x-2,y-2, x+w+3,y+h+3, makecol(210,210,0)); rect(bmp, x-1,y-1, x+w+2,y+h+2, makecol(255,255,0)); col3 = makecol(255,255,255); } rectfill(bmp, x,y, x+w,y+h, col); line(bmp, x,y, x+w,y, col1); line(bmp, x+w,y, x+w,y+h, col1); line(bmp, x,y+1, x+w,y+1, col1); line(bmp, x+w+1,y, x+w+1,y+h, col1); line(bmp, x,y+h, x+w,y+h, col2); line(bmp, x,y, x,y+h, col2); line(bmp, x,y+h+1, x+w,y+h+1, col2); line(bmp, x+1,y, x+1,y+h, col2); textout_ex(bmp, font2, txt, x + (w/2) - (text_length(font2,txt)/2), y + (h/2) - (text_height(font2)/2), col3, -1); }
/* * Interpolate between two colors * Pass 0.0-1.0 for 100% color1 -> 100% color2 */ int aWgtInterpolateColor(float ratio, int color1, int color2) { int r1 = getr(color1); int g1 = getg(color1); int b1 = getb(color1); int r = +(int)(r1 + ((getr(color2) - r1) * ratio)); int g = +(int)(g1 + ((getg(color2) - g1) * ratio)); int b = +(int)(b1 + ((getb(color2) - b1) * ratio)); return makecol(r, g, b); }
int blend_color(int from, int to, double t) { int r = getr(from) + static_cast<int>((getr(to) - getr(from)) * t); int g = getg(from) + static_cast<int>((getg(to) - getg(from)) * t); int b = getb(from) + static_cast<int>((getb(to) - getb(from)) * t); int a = geta(from) + static_cast<int>((geta(to) - geta(from)) * t); return makeacol(MID(0, r, 255), MID(0, g, 255), MID(0, b, 255), MID(0, a, 255)); }
void main() { int color[4], myset[4], pix, d; BITMAP * caixa; allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); set_color_depth(32); set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0); myset[0] = 130; myset[1] = 195; myset[2] = 195; caixa = load_bitmap( "Default.bmp", NULL); for (int y = 0; y < caixa->h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < caixa->w; x++) { d = 0; pix = getpixel(caixa, x, y); color[0] = getr(pix); color[1] = getg(pix); color[2] = getb(pix); for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) d+=(color[i]-myset[i])*(color[i]-myset[i]); if (d<100) putpixel(caixa, x, y, 0); } draw_sprite(screen, caixa, 0, 0); while(!key[KEY_ESC]) rest(50); }
/* * Make a color brighter */ int aWgtHighlight(int color) { int r = MIN(255, getr(color) + frameHighlightAmount); int g = MIN(255, getg(color) + frameHighlightAmount); int b = MIN(255, getb(color) + frameHighlightAmount); return makecol(r, g, b); }
/* * Make a color darker */ int aWgtDarken(int color) { int r = MAX(0, getr(color) - frameDarkenAmount); int g = MAX(0, getg(color) - frameDarkenAmount); int b = MAX(0, getb(color) - frameDarkenAmount); return makecol(r, g, b); }
static char* getquoted(void) { int c; Rune r; Fmt fmt; c = getnsc(); if(c != '"') return nil; fmtstrinit(&fmt); for(;;) { r = getr(); if(r == '\n') { free(fmtstrflush(&fmt)); return nil; } if(r == '"') break; fmtrune(&fmt, r); } free(lastfmt); lastfmt = fmtstrflush(&fmt); return strdup(lastfmt); }
/* photon_clear_to_color: * Accelerated screen clear routine. */ static void photon_clear_to_color(BITMAP *bmp, int color) { struct Ph_rect dest_rect = { { bmp->cl + bmp->x_ofs, bmp->ct + bmp->y_ofs }, { bmp->x_ofs + bmp->cr, bmp->y_ofs + bmp->cb } }; struct BITMAP *parent; /* find parent */ parent = bmp; while (parent->id & BMP_ID_SUB) parent = (BITMAP *)parent->extra; /* set fill color */ /* if (bmp->vtable->color_depth == 8) PgSetFillColor(color); else */ PgSetFillColor(PgRGB(getr(color), getg(color), getb(color))); PhDCSetCurrent(BMP_EXTRA(parent)->context); PgDrawRect(&dest_rect, Pg_DRAW_FILL); if (parent == pseudo_screen) ph_update_window(&dest_rect); else PgFlush(); }
void CrayonLine(BITMAP* bmp, Vector start, Vector end, int colour, float wobble, float amplitude, int inner_radius, int outer_radius, float hardness) { Vector line_tangent = end - start; if (rand()%2 == 0) // If the normal is a randomised then it should result in the lines starting off on different direction wobbles crayon_line_normal = Vector(-line_tangent.Y(), line_tangent.X()); else crayon_line_normal = Vector(line_tangent.Y(), -line_tangent.X()); crayon_line_normal *= (1/crayon_line_normal.Mag()); prev_crayon_x = start.XInt(); prev_crayon_y = start.YInt(); crayon_line_wobble = wobble; crayon_line_wobble_amplitude = amplitude; crayon_line_inner_radius = inner_radius; crayon_line_outer_radius = outer_radius; int fg_r = getr(colour), fg_g = getg(colour), fg_b = getb(colour); int bg_r = (256 - fg_r)*hardness + fg_r, bg_g = (256 - fg_g)*hardness + fg_g, bg_b = (256 - fg_b)*hardness + fg_b; crayon_fade_colour = makecol(bg_r, bg_g, bg_b); points_down_line = 0; do_line(bmp, start.XInt(), start.YInt(), end.XInt(), end.YInt(), colour, CrayonBackLine); points_down_line = 0; prev_crayon_x = start.XInt(); prev_crayon_y = start.YInt(); do_line(bmp, start.XInt(), start.YInt(), end.XInt(), end.YInt(), colour, CrayonFrontLine); }
void RotatingLaser::calculate() { STACKTRACE; if ( !(mother && mother->exists()) ) { state = 0; mother = 0; return; } relangle += laser_turn_rate * frame_time; relative_angle = relangle; rel_pos = rotate(relpos, relangle); angle = normalize(mother->angle + mother->turn_step + relangle, PI2); // pos = mother->pos + rotate(relpos, angle+relangle-PI/2); // vel = mother->vel; double a = 1.0 - double(frame) / frame_count; length = default_length * a; int r, g, b; r = getr(default_color); g = getg(default_color); b = getb(default_color); r *= iround(a); b *= iround(a); color = makecol(r,g,b); Laser::calculate(); }
void PremultipleChannels() { for (int i = 0; i < skin.iWidth * skin.iHeight; i++) skin.colBits[i] = rgba( getr(skin.colBits[i])*geta(skin.colBits[i])/255, getg(skin.colBits[i])*geta(skin.colBits[i])/255, getb(skin.colBits[i])*geta(skin.colBits[i])/255, geta(skin.colBits[i])); }
int to_system(Color color) { if (is_transparent(color)) return -1; else return makecol(getr(color), getg(color), getb(color)); }
BITMAP* Resource::getBitmap(const std::string &filename, unsigned int color) { std::string key = filename + toString(color); if (mBitmaps.find(key) == mBitmaps.end()) { BITMAP* bitmap = load_bitmap(getRealFilename(filename).c_str(), NULL); if (bitmap == NULL) { throw std::string("Unable to load: ") + getRealFilename(filename); } unsigned int colorR = getr(color); unsigned int colorG = getg(color); unsigned int colorB = getb(color); unsigned int magicPink = makecol(255, 0, 255); for(int y = 0; y < bitmap->h; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < bitmap->w; ++x) { unsigned int c = getpixel(bitmap, x, y); if(c != magicPink) { unsigned int r = getr(c); unsigned int g = getg(c); unsigned int b = getb(c); r = (colorR * r) / 255; g = (colorG * g) / 255; b = (colorB * b) / 255; c = makecol(r, g, b); putpixel(bitmap, x, y, c); } } } mBitmaps[key] = bitmap; } return mBitmaps[key]; }
void foreground_set_color_from_rgb ( guint color ) { foreground_color.red = getr(color); foreground_color.red <<= 8; foreground_color.green = getg(color); foreground_color.green <<= 8; foreground_color.blue = getb(color); foreground_color.blue <<= 8; foreground_show (); /*g_debug("%s %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);*/ }
void fnt_ttf_draw_bitmap_blend( FT_Bitmap* fbitmap, BITMAP *b, FT_Int x, FT_Int y, int color) { // Simple render FT_Int i, j, p, q; FT_Int x_max = x + fbitmap->width; FT_Int y_max = y + fbitmap->rows; int pix; int bmc, bmr, bmg, bmb; // int bgr, bgg, bgb, fac; int pnr, png, pnb, opr, opg, opb, opc; pnr=getr(color); png=getg(color); pnb=getb(color); for ( i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++ ) { for ( j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++ ) { // if ( i >= WIDTH || j >= HEIGHT ) // continue; bmc=getpixel(b,i,j); bmr=getr(bmc); bmg=getg(bmc); bmb=getb(bmc); pix = fbitmap->buffer[q * fbitmap->width + p]; if(pix>0) { opr=fnt_blendfunc(bmr,pnr,pix); opg=fnt_blendfunc(bmg,png,pix); opb=fnt_blendfunc(bmb,pnb,pix); opc=makecol(opr,opg,opb); putpixel(b,i,j,opc); } } } //#ifdef USESDL //// if(b==screen) // SDL_UpdateRect(b,x,y,x_max-x,y_max-y); //#endif }
void Tanque::MovaDireita(BITMAP *db) { //aqui a mesma coisa ... so qe nao funciona nao pq nao tem o maldito if ;; int r = getr(getpixel(db, col+velocidade, lin)); int g = getg(getpixel(db, col+velocidade, lin)); int b = getb(getpixel(db, col+velocidade, lin)); // Verifica colisão com lateral col+=velocidade; if ( col >= (SCREEN_W - img->w + 4) ) col = SCREEN_W - img->w + 4; }
void Tanque::MovaCima(BITMAP *db) { // iden ... int r = getr(getpixel(db, col-velocidade, lin)); int g = getg(getpixel(db, col-velocidade, lin)); int b = getb(getpixel(db, col-velocidade, lin)); lin-=velocidade; //evia que o tanque saia da tela por cima if ( lin <= 50 ) lin = 50; }
void ColorizeBitmap() { if (!skin.colBits) return; GdiFlush(); int w = skin.iWidth; int h = skin.iHeight; // we should swap B and R channels when working with win32 COLORREF float koef1r = (255 - getb(opt.colBg)) / 128.0; float koef1g = (255 - getg(opt.colBg)) / 128.0; float koef1b = (255 - getr(opt.colBg)) / 128.0; int br = - 255 + 2 * getb(opt.colBg); int bg = - 255 + 2 * getg(opt.colBg); int bb = - 255 + 2 * getr(opt.colBg); float koef2r = (getb(opt.colBg)) / 128.0; float koef2g = (getg(opt.colBg)) / 128.0; float koef2b = (getr(opt.colBg)) / 128.0; for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { long alpha = geta(skin.colBits[i]); COLOR32 cl = alpha ? getr(skin.colBits[i])*255/alpha : 0; skin.colBits[i] = (cl > 128) ? rgba( PU_DIV255((koef1r * cl + br)*alpha), PU_DIV255((koef1g * cl + bg)*alpha), PU_DIV255((koef1b * cl + bb)*alpha), alpha): rgba( PU_DIV255(koef2r * cl * alpha), PU_DIV255(koef2g * cl * alpha), PU_DIV255(koef2b * cl * alpha), alpha); } }
void make_pickup_message(char *string,BITMAP *pic,int time) { int i,j; int color; int val; int r,g,b; if(pickup.buffer==NULL) { pickup.buffer = create_bitmap(480, 50); } clear_to_color(pickup.buffer, makecol(255,0,255)); //text_mode(-1); textprintf_centre_ex(pickup.buffer, font_avalon->dat,241,1,makecol(0,0,0),-1,"%s",string); textprintf_centre_ex(pickup.buffer, font_avalon->dat,240,0,makecol(255,255,255),-1,"%s",string); pickup.ready = 1; pickup.alpha = PICKUP_MESSAGE_ALPHA; pickup.time = time; if(pic!=NULL) { if(pickup.pic!=NULL) destroy_bitmap(pickup.pic); pickup.pic = create_bitmap(pic->w,pic->h); clear_to_color(pickup.pic,makecol(255,0,255)); for(i=0;i<pic->w;i++) for(j=0;j<pic->h;j++) { color = getpixel(pic,i,j); r = getr(color);g = getg(color);b = getb(color); if(color==MASK_COLOR_16) { } else { val = ((r+g+b)/3); putpixel(pickup.pic,i,j,makecol(val,val,val)); } } } else { pickup.pic = NULL; } }
void Tanque::MovaEsquerda(BITMAP *db) { //o tanqu nao sai da agua pelo lado esquerdo .. int r = getr(getpixel(db, col-velocidade, lin)); int g = getg(getpixel(db, col-velocidade, lin)); int b = getb(getpixel(db, col-velocidade, lin)); //essas 3 ultimas linhas ficam verificando a cor do lado do tanque ,, //se nao for o azul, nao deixa o tanque andar mais if (r != 131 || g != 255 || b != 255) col-=velocidade; }
void Animation::saveFrame(BITMAP* bmp, int delay, PACKFILE* f) throw (WriteError) { for (int y = 0; y < bmp->h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < bmp->w; x++) { int p = getpixel(bmp, x, y); int r = getr(p); int g = getg(p); int b = getb(p); my_pack_putc(r, f); my_pack_putc(g, f); my_pack_putc(b, f); } } iputl(delay, f); }
void randpoint (void) { int i = 0; for(i = 0;i < POINT;i ++) { tempmap[i][0] = ((double)rand() % (2 * ACCURACY) - ACCURACY) / ACCURACY; tempmap[i][1] = ((double)rand() % (2 * ACCURACY) - ACCURACY) / ACCURACY; if(iscoincided(i)) { i --; continue; } tempmap[i][2] = getr(i); } }
void osd_get_pen(int pen,unsigned char *red, unsigned char *green, unsigned char *blue) { if (video_depth != 8 && modifiable_palette == 0) { *red = getr(pen); *green = getg(pen); *blue = getb(pen); } else { *red = current_palette[3*pen+0]; *green = current_palette[3*pen+1]; *blue = current_palette[3*pen+2]; } }
Color OpenLayerImage::getPixel(int x, int y) { if (mAllegroBitmap == NULL && mOpenLayerBitmap == NULL) { throw FCN_EXCEPTION("Trying to get a pixel from a non loaded image."); } if (mOpenLayerBitmap == NULL) { int color = getpixel(mAllegroBitmap, x, y); return Color(getr(color), getg(color), getb(color), 255); } return Color(mOpenLayerBitmap->GetPixelPacked(x, y)); }
/* ========================================================================== DIN_DrawBumpedFrame Draws passed frames as peturbed by psuedo-bump map ========================================================================== */ static void DIN_DrawBumpedFrame( int frame , float lightX ,float lightY ) { int w=devIntroFrames[0]->w*4-1, // ???? something to do with address mode... h=devIntroFrames[0]->h-1, r=0,g=0,b=0; int deltaX=0,deltaY=0,intensity=1; float normal=0; for( int y=1;y<h;y++ ) { for( int x=1;x<w;x++ ) { // compute slope of vector at x,y using the data stored in bumpmap deltaX = devIntroFrames[ frame + DEV_INTRO_FRAMES ]->line[ y ][ x + 1 ] - devIntroFrames[ frame + DEV_INTRO_FRAMES ]->line[ y ][ x ]; deltaY = devIntroFrames[ frame + DEV_INTRO_FRAMES ]->line[ y + 1 ][ x ] - devIntroFrames[ frame + DEV_INTRO_FRAMES ]->line[ y ][ x ]; // clamp delta values if( deltaX < 0 || deltaX > w || ((deltaX + (w/2)) > w)) { deltaX = 1; } if( deltaY < 0 || deltaY > h || ((deltaY +(h/2)) > h )) { deltaY = 1; } // using calculated normal, compute the intensity of the light using the lightmap intensity = devLightMap->line[ deltaY + (h/2) ][ deltaX + ( w/2 ) ]; r = getr( devIntroFrames[ frame ]->line[ y ][ x ] ); g = getg( devIntroFrames[ frame ]->line[ y ][ x ] ); b = getb( devIntroFrames[ frame ]->line[ y ][ x ] ); r += intensity; g += intensity; b += intensity; pageOne->line[ y + DEV_INTRO_Y_OFFSET*2][ x ] = makecol( r , g , b ); //_putpixel16( pageOne , x , y , makecol( r , g ,b ) ); } } }
void cMouseDrawer::drawToolTipBackground() { cGameControlsContext * context = player->getGameControlsContext(); int width = getWidthToolTip(); int height = getHeightToolTip(); int x = getDrawXToolTip(width); int y = getDrawYToolTip(height); int color = player->getMinimapColor(); if (context->isMouseOverStructure()) { cAbstractStructure * theStructure = context->getStructurePointerWhereMouseHovers(); color = theStructure->getPlayer()->getMinimapColor(); // TODO: Think about this, it does not really look nice to me, rather see house color // // make grey when not our own // if (theStructure->getPlayer()->getId() != player->getId()) { // red = 64; // green = 64; // blue = 64; // } } int red = getr(color); int green = getg(color); int blue = getb(color); // tone down a bit cSimpleCalculator simpleCalculator; red = simpleCalculator.substractWithFloor(red, 64, 0); green = simpleCalculator.substractWithFloor(green, 64, 0); blue = simpleCalculator.substractWithFloor(blue, 64, 0); color = makecol(red, green, blue); // fblend_rect_trans(bmp_screen, x, y, width, height, makecol(0,0,0), 128); rect(bmp_screen, x, y, x+(width-1), y + (height-1), makecol(255,255,255)); fblend_rect_trans(bmp_screen, x, y, width, height, color, 128); int shadowX = x + width; int shadowY = y + height; fblend_rect_trans(bmp_screen, x + 4, shadowY, (width - 4), 4, makecol(0,0,0), 128); fblend_rect_trans(bmp_screen, shadowX, y + 4, 4, height, makecol(0,0,0), 128); }
void draw_window(BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y, int w, int h, int col) { for(int yy=2; yy < h-2; yy++) { float bri = 1 - ((float)yy / (float)(h)) + 0.3f; int ccol = makecol( getr(col)*bri, getg(col)*bri, getb(col)*bri ); for(int xx=2; xx < w-2; xx++) { if(xx % 2 == yy % 2 && xx+yy > 7) { putpixel(bmp, x+xx,y+yy, ccol); } } } draw_outline(bmp, x-1,y-1, w,h, makecol(230,230,230)); draw_outline(bmp, x,y, w,h, makecol(200,200,200)); draw_outline(bmp, x+1,y+1, w,h, makecol(128,128,128)); }
int start_kernel(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int rc; int reg[16]; int cpsr; const int timer_irq = 49; cpsr = get_cpsr(); cpsr &= ~(1<<6 | 1<<7); /* enable irq & fiq */ cpsr = set_cpsr(cpsr); printk("starting kernel...\n"); printk("starting timer1...\n"); avic_init_irq((void *)0x80000000, 128); mxs_enable_fiq_functionality(1); icoll_unmask_irq(timer_irq); start_timer(0, 0, 0, 0); waitMsec(1000); printk("CPSR: [%08X]\n", getcpsr()); getr(reg); for(i=0; i<16; i++){ printk("register [%d]: [%X]\n", i, reg[i]); } printk("Hello World!\n"); while(1) { printk("E"); waitMsec(1000); } return 0; }
TileType::TileType(BITMAP *tileBitmap, const char *tileName) { bitmap = tileBitmap; name = (char*)malloc(ustrsizez(tileName)); ustrcpy(name, tileName); int x, y; unsigned long r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; unsigned long pixels = tileBitmap->w * tileBitmap->h; // Calculate average color for (x = 0; x < tileBitmap->w; x++) { for (y = 0; y < tileBitmap->h; y++) { int c = getpixel(tileBitmap, x, y); r += getr(c); g += getg(c); b += getb(c); } } color = makecol(r / pixels, g / pixels, b / pixels); }