예제 #1
bool Log::logR ( int64_t now, int32_t type, const char *msg, bool forced ) {
	if ( ! g_loggingEnabled ) {
		return true;

	// return true if we should not log this
	if ( ! forced && ! shouldLog ( type , msg ) ) {
		return true;

	// get "msg"'s length
	int32_t msgLen = strlen ( msg );

	ScopedLock sl(s_lock);

	// do a timestamp, too. use the time synced with host #0 because
	// it is easier to debug because all log timestamps are in sync.
	if ( now == 0 ) now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobalNoCore();

	// . skip all logging if power out, we do not want to screw things up
	// . allow logging for 10 seconds after power out though
	if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn && now - g_process.m_powerOffTime >10000){
		return false;

	// chop off any spaces at the end of the msg.
	while ( is_wspace_a ( msg [ msgLen - 1 ] ) && msgLen > 0 ) msgLen--;

	// a tmp buffer
	char tt [ MAX_LINE_LEN ];
	char *p    = tt;

	if (m_logPrefix) {
		if ( m_logTimestamps ) {
			if( m_logReadableTimestamps ) {
				time_t now_t = (time_t)(now / 1000);
				struct tm tm_buf;
				struct tm *stm = localtime_r(&now_t,&tm_buf);

				p += sprintf ( p , "%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d-%03d %04" PRId32" ", stm->tm_year+1900,stm->tm_mon+1,stm->tm_mday,stm->tm_hour,stm->tm_min,stm->tm_sec,(int)(now%1000), g_hostdb.m_hostId );
			} else {
				if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() <= 999 )
					p += sprintf ( p , "%" PRIu64 " %03" PRId32 " ", (uint64_t)now , g_hostdb.m_hostId );
				else if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() <= 9999 )
					p += sprintf ( p , "%" PRIu64" %04" PRId32" ", (uint64_t)now , g_hostdb.m_hostId );
				else if ( g_hostdb.getNumHosts() <= 99999 )
					p += sprintf ( p , "%" PRIu64" %05" PRId32" ", (uint64_t)now , g_hostdb.m_hostId );

		// Get thread id. pthread_self instead?
		unsigned tid=(unsigned)syscall(SYS_gettid);
		p += sprintf(p, "%06u ", tid);

		// Log level
		p += sprintf(p, "%s ", getTypeString(type));

	// then message itself
	const char *x = msg;
	int32_t avail = (MAX_LINE_LEN) - (p - tt) - 1;
	if ( msgLen > avail ) msgLen = avail;
	if ( *x == ':' ) x++;
	if ( *x == ' ' ) x++;
	strncpy ( p , x , avail );
	// capitalize for consistency. no, makes grepping log msgs harder.
	//if ( is_alpha_a(*p) ) *p = to_upper_a(*p);
	p += strlen(p);
	// back up over spaces
	while ( p[-1] == ' ' ) p--;
	// end in period or ? or !
	//if ( p[-1] != '?' && p[-1] != '.' && p[-1] != '!' )
	//	*p++ = '.';
	*p ='\0';
	// the total length, not including the \0
	int32_t tlen = p - tt;

	// . filter out nasty chars from the message
	// . replace with ~'s
	char cs;
	char *ttp    = tt;
	char *ttpend = tt + tlen;
	for ( ; ttp < ttpend ; ttp += cs ) {
		cs = getUtf8CharSize ( ttp );
		if ( is_binary_utf8 ( ttp ) ) {
			for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < cs ; k++ ) *ttp++ = '.';
			// careful not to skip the already skipped bytes
			cs = 0;

	// . if filesize would be too big then make a new log file
	// . should make a new m_fd
	if ( m_logFileSize + tlen+1 > MAXLOGFILESIZE && g_conf.m_logToFile )

	if ( m_fd >= 0 ) {
		write ( m_fd , tt , tlen );
		write ( m_fd , "\n", 1 );
		m_logFileSize += tlen + 1;
	else {
		// print it out for now
		fprintf ( stderr, "%s\n", tt );

	return false;
bool Log::logR ( long long now , long type , char *msg , bool asterisk ,
		 bool forced ) {

	// filter if we should
	//if ( forced ) goto skipfilter;

	// return true if we should not log this
	if ( ! forced && ! shouldLog ( type , msg ) ) return true;
	// skipfilter:
	// can we log if we're a sig handler? don't take changes
	if ( g_inSigHandler ) 
		return logLater ( now , type , msg , NULL );
	//if ( g_inSigHandler ) return false;
	// get "msg"'s length
	long msgLen = gbstrlen ( msg );

	// lock for threads
	pthread_mutex_lock ( &s_lock );

	// do a timestamp, too. use the time synced with host #0 because
	// it is easier to debug because all log timestamps are in sync.
	if ( now == 0 ) now = gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobalNoCore();

	// . skip all logging if power out, we do not want to screw things up
	// . allow logging for 10 seconds after power out though
	if ( ! g_process.m_powerIsOn && now - g_process.m_powerOffTime >10000){
		pthread_mutex_unlock ( &s_lock );
		return false;

	//if ( now == 0 ) now  = g_nowApprox;
	// chop off any spaces at the end of the msg.
	while ( is_wspace_a ( msg [ msgLen - 1 ] ) && msgLen > 0 ) msgLen--;
	// get this pid
	pid_t pid = getpidtid();
	// a tmp buffer
	char tt [ MAX_LINE_LEN ];
	char *p    = tt;
	char *pend = tt + MAX_LINE_LEN;
	// print timestamp, hostid, type
	if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts <= 999 ) 
		sprintf ( p , "%llu %03li %s ",
			  now , g_hostdb.m_hostId , getTypeString(type) );
	else if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts <= 9999 ) 
		sprintf ( p , "%llu %04li %s ",
			  now , g_hostdb.m_hostId , getTypeString(type) );
	else if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts <= 99999 ) 
		sprintf ( p , "%llu %05li %s ",
			  now , g_hostdb.m_hostId , getTypeString(type) );

	// print timestamp, hostid, type

	if ( m_logTimestamps ) {
		if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts <= 999 ) 
			sprintf ( p , "%llu %03li ",
				  now , g_hostdb.m_hostId );
		else if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts <= 9999 ) 
			sprintf ( p , "%llu %04li ",
				  now , g_hostdb.m_hostId );
		else if ( g_hostdb.m_numHosts <= 99999 ) 
			sprintf ( p , "%llu %05li ",
				  now , g_hostdb.m_hostId );
		p += gbstrlen ( p );

	// msg resource
	char *x = msg;
	long cc = 7;
	// the first 7 bytes or up to the : must be ascii
	//while ( p < pend && *x && is_alnum_a(*x) ) { *p++ = *x++; cc--; }
	// space pad
	//while ( cc-- > 0 ) *p++ = ' ';
	// ignore the label for now...
	while ( p < pend && *x && is_alnum_a(*x) ) { x++; cc--; }
	// thread id if in "thread"
	if ( pid != s_pid && s_pid != -1 ) {
		//sprintf ( p , "[%li] " , (long)getpid() );
		sprintf ( p , "[%lu] " , (unsigned long)pid );
		p += gbstrlen ( p );
	// then message itself
	long avail = (MAX_LINE_LEN) - (p - tt) - 1;
	if ( msgLen > avail ) msgLen = avail;
	if ( *x == ':' ) x++;
	if ( *x == ' ' ) x++;
	strncpy ( p , x , avail );
	// capitalize for consistency. no, makes grepping log msgs harder.
	//if ( is_alpha_a(*p) ) *p = to_upper_a(*p);
	p += gbstrlen(p);
	// back up over spaces
	while ( p[-1] == ' ' ) p--;
	// end in period or ? or !
	//if ( p[-1] != '?' && p[-1] != '.' && p[-1] != '!' )
	//	*p++ = '.';
	*p ='\0';
	// the total length, not including the \0
	long tlen = p - tt;

	// call sprintf, but first make sure we have room in m_buf and in
	// the arrays. who know how much room the sprintf is going to need???
	// NOTE: TODO: this is shaky -- fix it!
	if ( m_bufPtr + tlen  >= 1024 * 32 ||  m_numErrors  >= MAX_LOG_MSGS){
		// this sets m_bufPtr to 0
		if ( ! dumpLog ( ) ) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Log::log: could not dump to file!\n");
			pthread_mutex_unlock ( &s_lock );
			return false;
	// . filter out nasty chars from the message
	// . replace with ~'s
	char cs;
	char *ttp    = tt;
	char *ttpend = tt + tlen;
	for ( ; ttp < ttpend ; ttp += cs ) {
		cs = getUtf8CharSize ( ttp );
		if ( is_binary_utf8 ( ttp ) ) {
			for ( long k = 0 ; k < cs ; k++ ) *ttp++ = '.';
			// careful not to skip the already skipped bytes
			cs = 0;
		// convert \n's and \r's to spaces
		if ( *ttp == '\n' ) *ttp = ' ';
		if ( *ttp == '\r' ) *ttp = ' ';
		if ( *ttp == '\t' ) *ttp = ' ';

	if ( m_fd >= 0 ) {
		write ( m_fd , tt , tlen );
		write ( m_fd , "\n", 1 );
	else {
		// print it out for now
		fprintf ( stderr, "%s\n", tt );

	// set the stuff in the array
	m_errorMsg      [m_numErrors] = msg;
	m_errorMsgLen   [m_numErrors] = msgLen;
	m_errorTime     [m_numErrors] = now;
	m_errorType     [m_numErrors] = type;
	// increase the # of errors

	// unlock for threads
	pthread_mutex_unlock ( &s_lock );
	return false;
time_t getTimeGlobalNoCore() {
	return gettimeofdayInMillisecondsGlobalNoCore() / 1000;