Rectangle Rectangle::quadrant( int q ) const { q %= 4; int qWidth = getwidth() / 2 - (getwidth() % 2 ? 0 : 1); int qHeight = getheight() / 2 - (getheight() % 2 ? 0 : 1); switch (q) { case 0: return Rectangle( a.get_x(), a.get_y(), a.get_x() + qWidth, a.get_y() + qHeight ); case 1: return Rectangle( b.get_x() - qWidth, a.get_y(), b.get_x(), a.get_y() + qHeight ); case 2: return Rectangle( a.get_x(), b.get_y() - qHeight, a.get_x() + qWidth, b.get_y() ); case 3: return Rectangle( b.get_x() - qWidth, b.get_y() - qHeight, b.get_x(), b.get_y() ); default: break; } // Error getting rectangle quadrant: assert(0); return Rectangle(); }
HelpWin::HelpWin(int rows, int cols) : NGroup(NRect(rows, cols, getmaxy(stdscr)/2-rows/2,getmaxx(stdscr)/2-cols/2)) { caption = strdup(" Hot keys list "); modalflag = true; resize(17,60); wattrset(win,getcolorpair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD); if(asciilinedraw == 1) wborder(win, '|', '|', '-', '-', '+', '+', '+', '+'); else box(win,0,0); mvwprintw(win,0,getwidth()/2-(strlen(caption)/2),caption); text1 = new NStaticText(NRect(getheight()-2,getwidth()-2,/*rect.begrow+*/1,/*rect.begcol+*/1)); int attr1 = getcolorpair(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD; int attr2 = getcolorpair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD; text1->setstring(attr1, "\n Common Controls:\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"N\" - Toogle between BOINC hosts\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"C\" - Edit configuration\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"Q\" - Quit boinctui\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"F9\" - Toogle main menu\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"PgUp\"/\"PgDn\" - Scroll Messages Window\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2,"\n"); text1->appendstring(attr1," Task Controls:\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"Up\"/\"Dn\" - Select task\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"S\" - Suspend selected running task\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"R\" - Resume selected suspended task\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"A\" - Abort selected task\n"); text1->appendstring(attr2," \"Enter\" - View selected task raw info\n"); insert(text1); }
static void dvojprujezd2(int starttime, char *text1, char *text2) { int pos = (getwidth(2) * strlen(text1) + 1); centerprint(-pos / 2 + (aa_imgwidth(context) + pos * 1.2) * STATE / (endtime - starttime), aa_imgheight(context) / 3, 2, 255, text1, 0); pos = (getwidth(2) * strlen(text2) + 1); centerprint(aa_imgwidth(context) + pos / 2 - (aa_imgwidth(context) + pos * 1.2) * STATE / (endtime - starttime), 2 * aa_imgheight(context) / 3, 2, 255, text2, 0); }
void getwidth(struct node* root,int con[],int level) { if(root) { con[level]++; getwidth(root->left,con,level+1); getwidth(root->right,con,level+1); } }
MainWin::MainWin(NRect rect/*, Config* cfg*/) : NGroup(rect) { //читаем опции из конфига если нет то создаем wtaskheightpercent = 5000; if (gCfg != NULL) { Item* rootcfg = gCfg->getcfgptr(); if (rootcfg != NULL) { Item* wtask_height_percent = rootcfg->findItem("wtask_height_percent"); if (wtask_height_percent == NULL) //создать { wtask_height_percent = new Item("wtask_height_percent"); wtask_height_percent->setivalue(wtaskheightpercent); rootcfg->addsubitem(wtask_height_percent); } wtaskheightpercent = wtask_height_percent->getivalue(); } } colname.push_back(" # "); colname.push_back("state "); colname.push_back(" done%%"); colname.push_back(" project "); colname.push_back(" est"); colname.push_back(" d/l"); colname.push_back(" application "); colname.push_back(" task"); tablheader = new NStaticText(NRect(1, rect.cols -2-(INFPANWIDTH)-1, 1, 1)); tablheader->setstring(getcolorpair(COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD," # state done%% project est d/l task"); int wtaskheight = getheight() * wtaskheightpercent / 10000.0; if (wtaskheight < 5) wtaskheight = 5; if (wtaskheight > getheight() - 10) wtaskheight = getheight() - 10; wtask = new TaskWin(NRect(wtaskheight/*getheight()/2*/, getwidth()-2-(INFPANWIDTH)-1, 2, 1)); //создаем окно процессов внутри wmain setcoltitle(); taskscrollbar = new NScrollBar(NRect(wtask->getheight()+2,1, wtask->getbegrow()-2, getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-2), ACS_TTEE | A_BOLD, 0, ACS_VLINE | A_BOLD); //скроллбар панели задач wtask->setscrollbar(taskscrollbar); wmsg = new MsgWin(NRect(getheight()-wtask->getheight()-4, getwidth()-2-(INFPANWIDTH+1), wtask->getheight()+3, 1)); //создаем окно евентов hline = new NHLine(NRect(1, getwidth()-2-(INFPANWIDTH+1), wtask->getheight()+2, 1), NULL); //горизонтальная линия // vline = new NVLine(NRect(wtask->getheight()+1/*getheight()-2*/, 1, 1, getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-2), NULL); //вертикальная линия msgscrollbar = new NScrollBar(NRect(wmsg->getheight()+2,1, wmsg->getbegrow()-1, getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-2/*vline->getbegcol()*/),/*ACS_RTEE*/ACS_VLINE | A_BOLD,ACS_BTEE | A_BOLD, ACS_VLINE | A_BOLD); //скроллбар панели сообщений wmsg->setscrollbar(msgscrollbar); panel1 = new InfoPanel(NRect(getheight()-2,INFPANWIDTH,1,getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-1)); caption = new NColorString(0,""); insert(tablheader); insert(wtask); insert(wmsg); insert(hline); // insert(vline); insert(taskscrollbar); insert(msgscrollbar); insert(panel1); }
static int tablewidth(Table *t, int tw, int sep) { Tablecell *c; int i, w, tmin, tmax, d; int *maxw, *minw; int totw; maxw = emalloc(sizeof(int)*t->ncol); minw = emalloc(sizeof(int)*t->ncol); for(c=t->cells; c!=nil; c=c->next){ if(dimenkind(c->wspec) != Dnone){ d = c->minw; c->minw = c->maxw = max(dimwidth(c->wspec, tw), c->minw); c->minw = d; } if(c->colspan != 1) continue; maxw[c->col] = max(maxw[c->col], c->maxw); minw[c->col] = max(minw[c->col], c->minw); } totw = 0; fixcols(t, maxw, sep, TRUE); tmax = getwidth(maxw, t->ncol); if(tmax <= tw){ d = 0; if(tw>tmax && dimenkind(t->width)!=Dnone && t->availw!=Tablemax) d = (tw-tmax)/t->ncol; for(i=0; i<t->ncol; i++){ t->cols[i].width = maxw[i] + d; totw += t->cols[i].width; } }else{ fixcols(t, minw, sep, FALSE); tmin = getwidth(minw, t->ncol); w = tw - tmin; d = tmax - tmin; for(i=0; i<t->ncol; i++){ if(w<=0 || d<=0) t->cols[i].width = minw[i]; else t->cols[i].width = minw[i] + (maxw[i] - minw[i])*w/d; totw += t->cols[i].width; } } free(minw); free(maxw); return totw; }
bool Rectangle2D::contains(const Rectangle2D &r) { //if the specified rectangle is inside this rectangle if ( ( x - getwidth()/2) < ( r.x - r.getwidth()/2 ) && ( x + getwidth()/2) > ( r.x + r.getwidth()/2 ) && ( y - getheight()/2) > ( r.y - r.getheight()/2 ) && ( y + getheight()/2) < ( r.y + r.getheight()/2 ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/* PROTO */ void get_screen_size(void) { #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__DJGPP__) || defined(PLAN9) #ifdef __MINGW32__ CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO p; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut, &p); screen_cols = (int) p.dwSize.X; screen_lines = (int) p.dwSize.Y; #endif #ifdef PLAN9 screen_cols = getwidth(); screen_lines = 25; #endif #ifdef __DJGPP__ struct text_info ti; gettextinfo(&ti); screen_cols = ti.screenwidth; screen_lines = ti.screenheight; #endif #else struct winsize scrsize; ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCGWINSZ, &scrsize); screen_cols = scrsize.ws_col; screen_lines = scrsize.ws_row; #endif }
void init(){ int i; int hei,wid,col; C = H = W = 0; for(i = 0 ;i < N; i++){ if(seq[i]){ Color[C++] = -1; Width[W++] = -1; Height[H++] = -1; }else{ col = getcolor(); wid = getwidth(); hei = getheight(); colcount[col] += (hei*2) + (wid*4) -3; } } i = -1; S = 0; while(++i < MCOL && colcount[i]) S += colcount[i]; K = i; }
int getprecision(const char **str) { int rslt; (*str)++; rslt = getwidth(str); return (rslt); }
void MessageDialog::on_dialog_init() { Gobang::set_font(font_family_.c_str(), font_size_, false, false, dialog_image_); putimage_withalpha(dialog_image_, dialog_icon_, icon_margin_, (height_ - button_area_height_ - getheight(dialog_icon_)) / 2); setcolor(BLACK, dialog_image_); static UINT text_format = DT_LEFT | DT_TOP | DT_EDITCONTROL | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS; text_rect_.left = icon_margin_ + getwidth(dialog_icon_) + text_margin_; = text_margin_; text_rect_.right = width_ - text_margin_; text_rect_.bottom = height_ - button_area_height_ - text_margin_; //rectangle(text_rect_.left,, text_rect_.right, text_rect_.bottom, dialog_image_); //计算文本高度 int text_height = DrawText(dialog_dc_, text_.c_str(), -1, &text_rect_, text_format | DT_CALCRECT); = (height_ - button_area_height_ - text_height) / 2; text_rect_.bottom = height_ - button_area_height_ - text_margin_; DrawText(dialog_dc_, text_.c_str(), -1, &text_rect_, text_format); setfillcolor(EGERGB(230, 230, 230), dialog_image_); bar(0, height_ - button_area_height_, width_, height_, dialog_image_); ok_listener_ = OkButtonListener(dialog_handle_); ok_button_->set_on_click_listener(&ok_listener_); }
int main() { initgraph(640, 480); //设置视口矩形区域为(200,100) - (330, 130) //最后一个参数为1表示出了这个区域的图形会被裁剪 //后面所绘画的图形的原点坐标(0,0),会映射到(200,100) setviewport(200, 100, 330, 130, 1); //画一些文字,注意文字会因区域被裁剪的效果 setcolor(EGERGB(0x0, 0xFF, 0x0)); setfontbkcolor(RGB(0x80, 0x00, 0x80)); setfont(18, 0, "宋体"); outtextxy(0, 0, "Hello EGE Graphics"); setbkmode(TRANSPARENT); outtextxy(0, 20, "Hello EGE Graphics"); //还原视口 setviewport(0, 0, getwidth(), getheight(), 1); outtextxy(0, 0, "Hello EGE Graphics"); getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
int main() { Bitree T=NULL; Bitree AVL=NULL; int taller; int BST_height=0; int AVL_height=0; int BST_width=0; int AVL_width=0; srand(time(0)); printf("please input treenode number:\n"); int n,i; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { insertBST(&T,rand()%1000); } for(i=0;i<=n;i++){ insertAVL(&AVL,rand()%1000,&taller); } printf("average binary tree:\n"); midordertraverse(AVL); printf("\n"); printf("preordertraverse,root->lchild->rchild.:\n"); preordertraverse(T); printf("\n"); printf("midordertraverse,lchild->root->rchild.:\n"); midordertraverse(T); printf("\n"); printf("postordertraverse,visit leaves firstly.lchild->rchild.:\n"); postordertraverse(T); printf("\n"); printf("delete element of tree...\n"); if(DeleteBST(&T,99)>0){ midordertraverse(T); printf("\n"); } else printf("element does not in this tree\n"); BST_height=getHeight(T); AVL_height=getHeight(AVL); printf("BST_height:%d\nAVL_height:%d\n",BST_height,AVL_height); BST_width=getwidth(T); AVL_width=getwidth(AVL); printf("BST_height:%d\nAVL_height:%d\n",BST_width,AVL_width); }
void init() { int g = TRUECOLORSIZE, m = (g_height<<16) | g_width; //initgraph(&g, &m, "碧波荡漾"); //setinitmode(3); initgraph(640, 480); g_width = getwidth(); g_height = getheight(); }
void clearx(int y, int offset) { int start = 0, end = getwidth(); if(offset < 0) { // from 0 to WIDTH-ABS(OFFSET) start = 0; end = getwidth() + offset; } else if(offset > 0) { // from OFFSET to WIDTH start = offset; end = getwidth(); } for(int x = start; x <= end; x++) { gotoxy(x, y); printf(" "); } }
// 主函数 int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { int i, ms_x = -1024, ms_y = -1024, exitflag = 0; int fps = 60; double dtime; int mode = preinit( argc, argv ); // 记录初始化模式 if ( mode < 0 ) return 0; randomize(); // 初始化随机种子 initgraph( -1, -1 ); // 打开图形窗口,以全屏模式 showmouse( mode ); sc_width = getwidth(); sc_heigh = getheight(); // 初始化所有星星 for ( i = 0; i < g_max; i++ ) { InitStar( i ); star[i].x = randomf(); } // 绘制星空,按任意键或移动鼠标退出 setfont( 12, 6, "宋体" ); setrendermode( RENDER_MANUAL ); dtime = fclock(); while ( kbmsg() ) getkey(); for ( ; !exitflag && is_run() && kbmsg() == 0; delay_fps( fps ) ) { //每秒画120帧,kbhit(1)是获取键盘任意键的消息,详见pdf // 如果有鼠标消息 while ( mousemsg() ) { mouse_msg msg = getmouse(); if ( ms_x <= -1024 ) { ms_x = msg.x; ms_y = msg.y; } // 处理鼠标,移动超出范围就退出 if ( mode == 0 ) { // 仅全屏模式才处理鼠标 int x = msg.x, y = msg.y; x -= ms_x; y -= ms_y; if ( x * x + y * y > 400 ) exitflag = 1; } } // 显示星星 double dt = 1.0 / fps; //fclock() - dtime; dtime += dt; for ( int i = 0; i < g_max; i++ ) { MoveStar( i, dt ); } // 显示FPS { char str[60]; sprintf( str, "%8.2f FPS", getfps()); outtextxy( 0, 0, str ); //显示fps } } closegraph(); // 关闭图形窗口 return 0; }
void MainWin::resize(int rows, int cols) { NGroup::resize(rows, cols); tablheader->resize(1, getwidth()-2-(INFPANWIDTH)-1); int wtaskheight = getheight() * wtaskheightpercent / 10000.0; if (wtaskheight < 5) wtaskheight = 5; if (wtaskheight > getheight() - 10) wtaskheight = getheight() - 10; wtask->resize(wtaskheight/*getheight()/2*/, getwidth()-2-(INFPANWIDTH)-1); //размер окна задач wmsg->resize(getheight()-wtask->getheight()-4, getwidth()-2-(INFPANWIDTH+1)); wmsg->move(wtask->getheight()+3, 1); hline->resize(1, getwidth()-2-(INFPANWIDTH+1)); //горизонтальная линия hline->move(wtask->getheight()+2, 1); // vline->resize(wtask->getheight()+1/*getheight()-2*/, 1); // vline->move(1 , getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-2); msgscrollbar->resize(wmsg->getheight()+2,1); msgscrollbar->move(wmsg->getbegrow()-1, getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-2/*vline->getbegcol()*/); taskscrollbar->resize(wtask->getheight()+2,1); taskscrollbar->move(wtask->getbegrow()-2, getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-2); panel1->resize(getheight()-2,INFPANWIDTH); panel1->move(1,getwidth()-INFPANWIDTH-1); }
void MainWin::eventhandle(NEvent* ev) //обработчик событий { NGroup::eventhandle(ev); //предок if ( ev->done ) return; if (ev->type == NEvent::evKB) //клавиатурные { switch(ev->keycode) { case '-': //меняем размер окна логов case '+': //меняем размер окна логов { int wtaskheight = getheight() * wtaskheightpercent / 10000.0; //высота в строках //игнорировать событие если дошли до ограничителей if ((ev->keycode == '+')&&(wtaskheight < 5)) break; if ((ev->keycode == '-')&&(wtaskheight > getheight() -10)) break; //расчитать новый процентный размер окна int delta = 10000.0/getheight(); if (ev->keycode == '+') delta*=-1; wtaskheightpercent+=delta; if (wtaskheightpercent > 10000) wtaskheightpercent = 10000; wtaskheightpercent-=10; if (wtaskheightpercent < 0) wtaskheightpercent = 0; //сохранить новое значение в конфиге saveopttoconfig(); //ресайз и перерисовка resize(getheight(),getwidth()); refresh(); break; } } } if (ev->type == NEvent::evPROG) //прграммные { switch(ev->cmdcode) { case evCOLVIEWCH: //изменился набор колонок { setcoltitle(); tablheader->refresh(); wtask->refresh(); } } //switch } //событие таймера if (ev->type == NEvent::evTIMER) //таймер { updatecaption(); } }
NMessageBox::NMessageBox(const char* text) : NGroup(NRect(3, 40, 1, 1)) { //расчитать сколько строк нужно для отображения контента int contentheight = 0; int bsize = strlen(text); //количество байт int result = 0; //подсчитанное кол-во символов int nbytes = 0; //просмотренное кол-во байтов int nlines = 0; //количество экранных строк int col = getwidth() - 4; const char* p = text; do { col++; if ((col >= getwidth() - 4)||(*p == '\n')) { if (*p == '\n') col = 0; else col = 1; contentheight++; //след строка } int symlen = mblen(p,bsize-nbytes); nbytes = nbytes + symlen; result++; p = p + symlen; //адрес начала след символа } while ( (*p != 0)&&(nbytes < bsize) ); //дошли до конца //заполняем содержимое content = new NStaticText(NRect(contentheight, getwidth()-4, 2, 2)); content->setbgcolor(getcolorpair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK)); insert(content); content->appendstring(getcolorpair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD, text); modalflag = true; resize(contentheight + 6,getwidth()); wattrset(win,getcolorpair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD); if(asciilinedraw == 1) wborder(win, '|', '|', '-', '-', '+', '+', '+', '+'); else box(win,0,0); //content->setalign(1); move(getmaxy(stdscr)/2-getheight()/2,getmaxx(stdscr)/2-getwidth()/2); //центрируем }
int maxwidth(struct node *root) { if(root) { int h=hight(root); int *con=(int *)calloc(sizeof(int),h); int level=0; getwidth(root,con,level); return ma(con,h); } }
FloatImage *FloatImage::normalize() { int count = getwidth() * getheight(); FloatImage *newimage = new FloatImage(getwidth(), getheight()); /* find minimum and maximum values */ float min,max; get_extrema (min, max); if (max == min) min = max - 1; float scale = 255 * (max - min); float trans = -min; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) newimage->pixel(i) = (pixel(i) - min) / (max - min); return (newimage); }
AddProjectForm::AddProjectForm(int rows, int cols, Srv* srv, const char* projname, bool userexist) : NForm(rows,cols) { this->srv = srv; settitle(projname); this->projname = projname; this->userexist = userexist; Item* project = NULL; if (srv !=NULL) project = srv->findprojectbynamefromall(projname); int row = 1; //поля genfields(row,project); //пересчитываем высоту формы, чтобы влезли все поля и центрируем resize(row + 2,getwidth()); move(getmaxy(stdscr)/2-getheight()/2,getmaxx(stdscr)/2-getwidth()/2); set_form_fields(frm, fields); set_current_field(frm, fields[0]); //фокус на поле post_form(frm); this->refresh(); }
void hud::render(void){ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Select The Projection Matrix glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Projection Matrix glOrtho(0.0f,(GLfloat)getwidth(),(GLfloat)getheight(),0.0f,-1.0f,1.0f); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Select The Modelview Matrix glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Modelview Matrix for(uint c=0;c<this->getchildren().size();c++){ widget* w = this->getchildren()[c]; w->render(); } printinputline(); glFlush(); }
QuestionDialog::QuestionDialog(int width, int height, QuestionDialog::IconType type) : Dialog(width, height), yes_button_listener_(NULL, NULL, response_none), no_button_listener_(NULL, NULL, response_none) { if (!icon_question_) { icon_question_ = newimage(); getimage_mem(icon_question_, binary_dialog_icon_question_png, sizeof(binary_dialog_icon_question_png)); } if (!icon_warning_) { icon_warning_ = newimage(); getimage_mem(icon_warning_, binary_dialog_icon_warning_png, sizeof(binary_dialog_icon_warning_png)); } switch (type) { case QuestionDialog::icon_question: dialog_icon_ = icon_question_; break; case QuestionDialog::icon_warning: dialog_icon_ = icon_warning_; break; } if (!yes_button_) { yes_button_ = new Button(button_width_, button_height_); yes_button_->set_text("确定"); static PIMAGE icon_ok = newimage(); getimage_mem(icon_ok, binary_dialog_button_ok_png, sizeof(binary_dialog_button_ok_png)); yes_button_->set_icon(icon_ok); } if (!no_button_) { no_button_ = new Button(button_width_, button_height_); no_button_->set_text("取消"); static PIMAGE icon_cancel = newimage(); getimage_mem(icon_cancel, binary_dialog_button_cancel_png, sizeof(binary_dialog_button_cancel_png)); no_button_->set_icon(icon_cancel); } no_button_->set_position(width_ - button_margin_ - button_width_, height_ - button_margin_ - button_height_); yes_button_->set_position(width_ - button_margin_ * 2 - button_width_ * 2, height_ - button_margin_ - button_height_); text_rect_.left = icon_margin_ + getwidth(dialog_icon_) + text_margin_; = text_margin_; text_rect_.right = width - text_margin_; text_rect_.bottom = height_ - button_area_height_ - text_margin_; text_ = "A question message."; }
void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int lineset; int ifd; lineset = 0; Binit(&bout, 1, OWRITE); while(argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-'){ --argc; argv++; switch(argv[0][1]){ case '\0': colonflag = 1; break; case 't': tabflag = 0; break; default: linewidth = atoi(&argv[0][1]); if(linewidth <= 1) linewidth = WIDTH; lineset = 1; break; } } if(lineset == 0) getwidth(); cbuf = cbufp = malloc(ALLOC_QUANTA*(sizeof *cbuf)); word = malloc(WORD_ALLOC_QUANTA*(sizeof *word)); if(word == 0 || cbuf == 0) error("out of memory"); if(argc == 1) readbuf(0); else{ for(i = 1; i < argc; i++){ if((ifd = open(*++argv, OREAD)) == -1) fprint(2, "mc: can't open %s (%r)\n", *argv); else{ readbuf(ifd); Bflush(&bin); close(ifd); } } } columnate(); Bflush(&bout); threadexitsall(0); }
void _xgetwidth(void) { eucwidth_t _eucwidth; *_cswidth = 1; /* set to 1 when called */ getwidth(&_eucwidth); if (_eucwidth._eucw1 <= 4) _cswidth[1] = _eucwidth._eucw1; if (_eucwidth._eucw2 <= 4) _cswidth[2] = _eucwidth._eucw2; if (_eucwidth._eucw3 <= 4) _cswidth[3] = _eucwidth._eucw3; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int xcoord; int ycoord; xcoord= atoi(argv[3]); ycoord= atoi(argv[4]); ip= fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if(!ip){ goto error; } op= fopen(argv[2], "wb"); if(!op){ goto error; } pinsimp= (simple*) malloc(sizeof(simple)); poutsimp= (simple*) malloc(sizeof(simple)); pinsimp->w=getwidth(ip); pinsimp->h=getheight(ip); poutsimp->w = atoi(argv[5]); poutsimp->h = atoi(argv[6]); if(xcoord+poutsimp->w>pinsimp->w||ycoord+poutsimp->h>pinsimp->h){ goto error; } pinsimp= (simple*) realloc( pinsimp, sizeof(simple) * sizeof(unsigned char) * pinsimp->w * pinsimp->h); poutsimp= (simple*) realloc(poutsimp, sizeof(simple) * sizeof(unsigned char) * poutsimp->w * poutsimp->w); pinsimp->matrix= (pixel**) malloc(pinsimp->w*sizeof(pixel*)); for(i=0; i<pinsimp->w; i++){ pinsimp->matrix[i]= (pixel*) malloc(pinsimp->h * sizeof(pixel)); } poutsimp->matrix= (pixel**) malloc(poutsimp->w*sizeof(pixel*)); for(i=0; i<poutsimp->w; i++){ poutsimp->matrix[i]= (pixel*) malloc(poutsimp->h * sizeof(pixel)); } converttopixels(ip); for(j=0;j<poutsimp->h;j++){ for(i=0;i<poutsimp->w;i++){ poutsimp->matrix[i][j]=pinsimp->matrix[i+xcoord][j+ycoord]; } } convertfromoutsimp(poutsimp); free(pinsimp); free(poutsimp); return 0; error: printf("there was a problem opening the file or with the dimensions used as arguments, the process was not completed as intended! :("); }
static void gwinLabelDefaultDraw(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param) { coord_t w, h; (void) param; w = (gw->g.flags & GLABEL_FLG_WAUTO) ? getwidth(gw->text, gw->g.font, gdispGetWidth() - gw->g.x) : gw->g.width; h = (gw->g.flags & GLABEL_FLG_HAUTO) ? getheight(gw->text, gw->g.font, gdispGetWidth() - gw->g.x) : gw->g.height; if (gw->g.width != w || gw->g.height != h) { gwinResize(&gw->g, w, h); return; } gdispFillStringBox(gw->g.x, gw->g.y, gw->g.width, gw->g.height, gw->text, gw->g.font, (gw->g.flags & GWIN_FLG_ENABLED) ? gw->pstyle->enabled.text : gw->pstyle->disabled.text, gw->pstyle->background, justifyLeft); }
void FloatImage::get_extrema(float& min, float& max) { int count = getwidth() * getheight(); /* find minimum and maximum values */ min = pixel(0); max = pixel(0); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (pixel(i) < min) min = pixel(i); if (pixel(i) > max) max = pixel(i); } }
static void editorprint(control m) { printer lpr; font f; textbox t = getdata(m); const char *contents = gettext(t); char msg[LF_FACESIZE + 128]; char *linebuf = NULL; int cc, rr, fh, page, linep, i, j, istartline; int top, left; if (!(lpr = newprinter(0.0, 0.0, ""))) return; f = gnewfont(lpr, strcmp(fontname, "FixedFont") ? fontname : "Courier New", fontsty, pointsize, 0.0, 1); top = devicepixelsy(lpr) / 5; left = devicepixelsx(lpr) / 5; fh = fontheight(f); rr = getheight(lpr) - top; cc = getwidth(lpr) - 2*left; linep = rr; /* line in printer page */ page = 1; i = 0; while (i < strlen(contents)) { if ( linep + fh >= rr ) { /* new page */ if (page > 1) nextpage(lpr); snprintf(msg, LF_FACESIZE + 128, "Page %d", page++); gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(cc - gstrwidth(lpr, f, msg) - 1, top), msg); linep = top + 2*fh; } j = 0; istartline = i; while (contents[i] != '\n' && contents[i] != '\0') { ++i; ++j; } linebuf = realloc(linebuf, (j+1)*sizeof(char)); strncpy(linebuf, &contents[istartline], j); linebuf[j] = '\0'; gdrawstr(lpr, f, Black, pt(left, linep), linebuf); linep += fh; ++i; } free(linebuf); if (f != FixedFont) del(f); del(lpr); }