예제 #1
void MCStack::constrain(intptr_t lp)
	uint32_t wstyle, exstyle;
	getstyle(wstyle, exstyle);
	RECT wrect = getwrect(rect, wstyle, exstyle);
	int4 dx = wrect.right - wrect.left - rect.width;
	int4 dy = wrect.bottom - wrect.top - rect.height;
	const MCDisplay *t_display;
	t_display = MCscreen -> getnearestdisplay(rect);

	if (mode < WM_MODAL)
		MCRectangle t_workarea, t_viewport;
		if (MCU_point_in_rect(t_display -> workarea, MCwbr . x, MCwbr . y))
			t_workarea = MCU_intersect_rect(MCwbr, t_display -> workarea);
			t_workarea = t_display -> workarea;
		t_viewport = t_display -> viewport;

		if (memcmp(&t_workarea, &t_display -> workarea, sizeof(MCRectangle)))
			MCU_reduce_rect(t_workarea, -dx / 2);

		mmptr -> ptMaxSize . x = MCU_min(maxwidth + dx, t_workarea . width);
		mmptr -> ptMaxSize . y = MCU_min(maxheight + dy, t_workarea . height);
		mmptr -> ptMaxPosition . x = t_workarea . x - t_viewport . x;
		mmptr -> ptMaxPosition . y = t_workarea . y - t_viewport . y;

	// MW-2007-07-27: In Windows 98 we need to clamp to 32767...
	mmptr -> ptMinTrackSize . x = minwidth + dx;
	mmptr -> ptMinTrackSize . y = minheight + dy;
	mmptr -> ptMaxTrackSize . x = MCU_min(32767, maxwidth + dx);
	mmptr -> ptMaxTrackSize . y = MCU_min(32767, maxheight + dy);

예제 #2
// IM-2013-09-23: [[ FullscreenMode ]] Factor out device-specific window sizing
MCRectangle MCStack::device_setgeom(const MCRectangle &p_rect)
	uint32_t wstyle, exstyle;
	getstyle(wstyle, exstyle);
	RECT newrect = getwrect(p_rect, wstyle, exstyle);
	RECT wrect;
	GetWindowRect((HWND)window->handle.window, &wrect);

	MCRectangle t_old_rect;
	t_old_rect = MCWinRectToMCRect(wrect);

	LONG t_width = newrect.right - newrect.left;
	LONG t_height = newrect.bottom - newrect.top;

	if (t_old_rect.x != p_rect.x || t_old_rect.y != p_rect.y
	        || t_old_rect.width != p_rect.width || t_old_rect.height != p_rect.height)
		state |= CS_NO_CONFIG;
		MoveWindow((HWND)window->handle.window, newrect.left, newrect.top, t_width, t_height, True);
		state &= ~CS_NO_CONFIG;

	return t_old_rect;
예제 #3
void MCStack::setgeom()
	if (MCnoui || !opened)

	// MW-2009-09-25: Ensure things are the right size when doing
	//   remote dialog/menu windows.
	if (window == DNULL)
		state &= ~CS_NEED_RESIZE;
		// MW-2011-08-18: [[ Redraw ]] Update to use redraw.
		resize(rect . width, rect . height);

	uint32_t wstyle, exstyle;
	getstyle(wstyle, exstyle);
	RECT newrect = getwrect(rect, wstyle, exstyle);
	RECT wrect;
	GetWindowRect((HWND)window->handle.window, &wrect);
	LONG cx = newrect.right - newrect.left;
	LONG cy = newrect.bottom - newrect.top;
	state &= ~CS_NEED_RESIZE;
	if (wrect.right - wrect.left != cx || wrect.bottom - wrect.top != cy
	        || newrect.left != wrect.left || newrect.top != wrect.top)
		state |= CS_NO_CONFIG;
		MoveWindow((HWND)window->handle.window, newrect.left, newrect.top, cx, cy, True);
		if (wrect.right - wrect.left != cx || wrect.bottom - wrect.top != cy)
			resize(uint2(wrect.right - wrect.left), uint2(wrect.bottom - wrect.top));
		state &= ~CS_NO_CONFIG;
예제 #4
void MCStack::realize()
	if (MCnoui)

	if (MCModeMakeLocalWindows())
		uint32_t wstyle, exstyle;
		getstyle(wstyle, exstyle);
		RECT wrect ;

		// IM-2013-09-23: [[ FullscreenMode ]] Don't change stack rect if fullscreen

		wrect = getwrect(rect, wstyle, exstyle);
		LONG x = wrect.left;
		LONG y = wrect.top;
		LONG width = wrect.right - wrect.left;
		LONG height = wrect.bottom - wrect.top;
		if (flags & F_WM_PLACE && !(state & CS_BEEN_MOVED))
		window = new _Drawable;
		window->type = DC_WINDOW;
		window->handle.window = 0; // protect against creation callbacks

		// MW-2011-02-15: [[ Bug 9396 ]] Tooltips should have a shadow on Windows.
		Boolean isxpmenu = (mode == WM_PULLDOWN || mode == WM_POPUP || mode == WM_CASCADE || mode == WM_TOOLTIP) \
		                   && (MCcurtheme && MCcurtheme->getthemeid() == LF_NATIVEWIN);

		// MW-2012-09-07: [[ Bug 10368 ]] If the 'no-shadow' bit is set, then we don't
		//   want to use the menu class.
		if (getflag(F_DECORATIONS) && (decorations & WD_NOSHADOW) != 0)
			isxpmenu = False;

		HWND t_parenthwnd = NULL;

		// MW-2007-07-06: [[ Bug 3226 ]] If the platform is NT always create a Unicode window
		if ((MCruntimebehaviour & RTB_NO_UNICODE_WINDOWS) == 0 && !isxpmenu && mode < WM_PULLDOWN)
			window -> handle . window = (MCSysWindowHandle)CreateWindowExW(exstyle, MC_WIN_CLASS_NAME_W, WideCString(getname_cstring()),wstyle | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, x, y, width, height,
		                 t_parenthwnd, NULL, MChInst, NULL);
			window->handle.window = (MCSysWindowHandle)CreateWindowExA(exstyle, isxpmenu? MC_MENU_WIN_CLASS_NAME: mode >= WM_PULLDOWN ? MC_POPUP_WIN_CLASS_NAME
		                 : MC_WIN_CLASS_NAME, getname_cstring(), wstyle | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, x, y, width, height,
		                 t_parenthwnd, NULL, MChInst, NULL);

		SetWindowLongA((HWND)window->handle.window, GWL_USERDATA, mode);
		if (flags & F_DECORATIONS && !(decorations & WD_SHAPE) && !(decorations & WD_CLOSE))
			EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu((HWND)window->handle.window, False), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);

		if (m_window_shape != nil && m_window_shape -> is_sharp)
			MCRegionRef t_region;
			t_region = (MCRegionRef)m_window_shape -> handle;
			MCRegionOffset(t_region, rect . x - wrect . left, rect . y - wrect . top);
			MCRegionSetAsWindowShape(t_region, window->handle.window);

			// The window now owns the region.
			m_window_shape -> handle = nil;

		if ((m_window_shape == NULL || m_window_shape -> is_sharp) && blendlevel != 100)
			setopacity(blendlevel * 255 / 100);
예제 #5
// MW-2006-03-20: Bug 3316 - There seems absolutely no way of preventing flicker
//   when transitioning from no alpha to alpha. Therefore, we need to create a new
//   window opened *behind* the current window; show it; redraw it; then delete
//   the existing window.
void MCStack::setopacity(uint1 p_level)
	// If the stack is not ours to open, then we do nothing ('runtime' mode/remoteable
	// window).
	if (!MCModeMakeLocalWindows())

	// Do nothing if not NT
	if (MCmajorosversion < 0x0500)

	if (m_window_shape != NULL && !m_window_shape -> is_sharp)
	else if (window != NULL)
		HWND t_old_window;
		t_old_window = NULL;

		DWORD t_old_long, t_new_long;
		t_old_long = GetWindowLong((HWND)window -> handle . window, GWL_EXSTYLE);

		if (p_level == 255)
			t_new_long = t_old_long & ~WS_EX_LAYERED;
			t_new_long = t_old_long | WS_EX_LAYERED;

		if (t_new_long != t_old_long)
			if (IsWindowVisible((HWND)window -> handle . window) && (t_new_long & WS_EX_LAYERED) != 0)
				t_old_window = (HWND)window -> handle . window;
				SetWindowLong((HWND)window -> handle . window, GWL_EXSTYLE, t_new_long);

		if (t_old_window != NULL)
			uint32_t t_style, t_ex_style;
			getstyle(t_style, t_ex_style);

			// MW-2006-07-27: [[ Bug 3690 ]] - Make sure layered attribute is set if we need it
			t_ex_style = (t_ex_style & ~WS_EX_LAYERED) | (t_new_long & WS_EX_LAYERED);

			RECT t_rect;
			t_rect = getwrect(rect, t_style, t_ex_style);

			Bool t_is_xp_menu;
			t_is_xp_menu = (mode == WM_PULLDOWN || mode == WM_POPUP || mode == WM_CASCADE) && (MCcurtheme && MCcurtheme->getthemeid() == LF_NATIVEWIN);

			if (!t_is_xp_menu && mode < WM_PULLDOWN)
				window -> handle . window = (MCSysWindowHandle)CreateWindowExW(t_ex_style, MC_WIN_CLASS_NAME_W, WideCString(getname_cstring()), t_style | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, t_rect . left, t_rect . top, t_rect . right - t_rect . left, t_rect . bottom - t_rect . top, NULL, NULL, MChInst, NULL);
				window -> handle . window = (MCSysWindowHandle)CreateWindowExA(t_ex_style, t_is_xp_menu ? MC_MENU_WIN_CLASS_NAME : mode >= WM_PULLDOWN ? MC_POPUP_WIN_CLASS_NAME : MC_WIN_CLASS_NAME, getname_cstring(), t_style | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, t_rect . left, t_rect . top, t_rect . right - t_rect . left, t_rect . bottom - t_rect . top, NULL, NULL, MChInst, NULL);
			// MW-2010-10-22: [[ Bug 8151 ]] Make sure we update the title string.
			if (titlestring != nil)
				MCscreen -> setname(window, titlestring);

			SetWindowLongA((HWND)window->handle.window, GWL_USERDATA, mode);
			if (flags & F_DECORATIONS && !(decorations & WD_SHAPE) && !(decorations & WD_CLOSE))
				EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu((HWND)window->handle.window, False), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);
			if (m_window_shape != nil && m_window_shape -> is_sharp)
				MCRegionRef t_region;
				t_region = (MCRegionRef)m_window_shape -> handle;
				MCRegionOffset(t_region, rect . x - t_rect . left, rect . y - t_rect . top);
				MCRegionSetAsWindowShape(t_region, window->handle.window);

				// The window now owns the region.
				m_window_shape -> handle = nil;

			CoLockObjectExternal(droptarget, FALSE, TRUE);
			droptarget -> setstack(NULL);

			droptarget -> setstack(this);
			CoLockObjectExternal(droptarget, TRUE, TRUE);
			RegisterDragDrop((HWND)window -> handle . window, droptarget);

			SetWindowPos((HWND)window -> handle . window, t_old_window, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOREDRAW | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);

			MCPlayer *t_player;
			for(t_player = MCplayers; t_player != NULL; t_player = t_player -> getnextplayer())
				if (t_player -> getstack() == this)
					t_player -> changewindow((MCSysWindowHandle)t_old_window);

		if (p_level < 255)
			SetLayeredWindowAttributes((HWND)window -> handle . window, 0, p_level, LWA_ALPHA);

		if (t_old_window != NULL)
			RedrawWindow((HWND)window -> handle . window, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_UPDATENOW);