예제 #1
파일: Chat.cpp 프로젝트: OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2
// This method is the same as gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped.
// But this adjusts the initial Y coordinate depending of the number of lines.
int32_t chat_history_draw_string(rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi, void* args, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width)
    int32_t fontSpriteBase, lineHeight, lineY, numLines;

    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;

    gfx_draw_string(dpi, (char*)"", TEXT_COLOUR_255, dpi->x, dpi->y);
    char* buffer = gCommonStringFormatBuffer;
    format_string(buffer, 256, STR_STRING, args);

    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
    gfx_wrap_string(buffer, width, &numLines, &fontSpriteBase);
    lineHeight = font_get_line_height(fontSpriteBase);

    gCurrentFontFlags = 0;

    int32_t expectedY = y - (numLines * lineHeight);
    if (expectedY < 50)
        return (numLines * lineHeight); // Skip drawing, return total height.

    lineY = y;
    for (int32_t line = 0; line <= numLines; ++line)
        gfx_draw_string(dpi, buffer, TEXT_COLOUR_254, x, lineY - (numLines * lineHeight));
        buffer = get_string_end(buffer) + 1;
        lineY += lineHeight;
    return lineY - y;
예제 #2
void window_text_input_raw_open(rct_window* call_w, int call_widget, rct_string_id title, rct_string_id description, utf8string existing_text, int maxLength)
	_maxInputLength = maxLength;


	// Clear the text input buffer
	memset(text_input, 0, maxLength);

	// Enter in the the text input buffer any existing
	// text.
	if (existing_text != NULL)
		safe_strcpy(text_input, existing_text, maxLength);

	// In order to prevent strings that exceed the maxLength
	// from crashing the game.
	text_input[maxLength - 1] = '\0';

	// This is the text displayed above the input box
	input_text_description = description;

	// Work out the existing size of the window
	char wrapped_string[512];
	safe_strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input, 512);

	int no_lines = 0, font_height = 0;

	// String length needs to add 12 either side of box
	// +13 for cursor when max length.
	gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height);

	int height = no_lines * 10 + WH;

	// Window will be in the center of the screen
	rct_window* w = window_create_centred(

	w->widgets = window_text_input_widgets;
	w->enabled_widgets = (1 << WIDX_CLOSE) | (1 << WIDX_CANCEL) | (1 << WIDX_OKAY);

	window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_TITLE].image = title;

	// Save calling window details so that the information
	// can be passed back to the correct window & widget
	calling_class = call_w->classification;
	calling_number = call_w->number;
	calling_widget = call_widget;

	platform_start_text_input(text_input, maxLength);

	w->colours[0] = call_w->colours[0];
	w->colours[1] = call_w->colours[1];
	w->colours[2] = call_w->colours[2];
예제 #3
static void window_text_input_invalidate(rct_window *w)
	// Work out the existing size of the window
	char wrapped_string[512];
	safe_strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input, 512);

	int no_lines = 0, font_height = 0;

	// String length needs to add 12 either side of box
	// +13 for cursor when max length.
	gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height);

	int height = no_lines * 10 + WH;

	// Change window size if required.
	if (height != w->height) {
		window_set_resize(w, WW, height, WW, height);

	window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_OKAY].top = height - 21;
	window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_OKAY].bottom = height - 10;

	window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_CANCEL].top = height - 21;
	window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_CANCEL].bottom = height - 10;

	window_text_input_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = height - 1;
예제 #4
void window_tooltip_show(rct_string_id id, int x, int y)
	rct_window *w;
	int width, height;

	w = window_find_by_class(WC_ERROR);
	if (w != NULL)

	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x0142006C, sint32) = -1;

	format_string(buffer, id, (void*)0x013CE952);

	int tooltip_text_width;
	tooltip_text_width = gfx_get_string_width_new_lined(buffer);
	tooltip_text_width = min(tooltip_text_width, 196);


	int numLines, fontSpriteBase;
	tooltip_text_width = gfx_wrap_string(buffer, tooltip_text_width + 1, &numLines, &fontSpriteBase);

	width = tooltip_text_width + 3;
	height = ((numLines + 1) * font_get_line_height(RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_CURRENT_FONT_SPRITE_BASE, uint16))) + 4;
	window_tooltip_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].right = width;
	window_tooltip_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = height;

	memcpy(gTooltip_text_buffer, buffer, 512);

	x = clamp(0, x - (width / 2), RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_SCREEN_WIDTH, uint16) - width);

	int max_y = RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_SCREEN_HEIGHT, uint16) - height;
	y += 26; // Normally, we'd display the tooltip 26 lower
	if (y > max_y)
		// If y is too large, the tooltip could be forced below the cursor if we'd just clamped y,
		// so we'll subtract a bit more
		y -= height + 40;
	y = clamp(22, y, max_y);

	w = window_create(
	w->widgets = window_tooltip_widgets;

예제 #5
void window_tooltip_show(rct_string_id id, int32_t x, int32_t y)
    rct_window* w;
    int32_t width, height;

    w = window_find_by_class(WC_ERROR);
    if (w != nullptr)

    char* buffer = gCommonStringFormatBuffer;

    format_string(buffer, sizeof(gCommonStringFormatBuffer), id, gCommonFormatArgs);
    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;

    int32_t tooltip_text_width;
    tooltip_text_width = gfx_get_string_width_new_lined(buffer);
    buffer = gCommonStringFormatBuffer;
    tooltip_text_width = std::min(tooltip_text_width, 196);

    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;

    int32_t numLines, fontSpriteBase;
    tooltip_text_width = gfx_wrap_string(buffer, tooltip_text_width + 1, &numLines, &fontSpriteBase);

    _tooltipNumLines = numLines;
    width = tooltip_text_width + 3;
    height = ((numLines + 1) * font_get_line_height(gCurrentFontSpriteBase)) + 4;
    window_tooltip_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].right = width;
    window_tooltip_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = height;

    std::memcpy(_tooltipText, buffer, sizeof(_tooltipText));

    int32_t screenWidth = context_get_width();
    int32_t screenHeight = context_get_height();
    x = std::clamp(x - (width / 2), 0, screenWidth - width);

    // TODO The cursor size will be relative to the window DPI.
    //      The amount to offset the y should be adjusted.

    int32_t max_y = screenHeight - height;
    y += 26; // Normally, we'd display the tooltip 26 lower
    if (y > max_y)
        // If y is too large, the tooltip could be forced below the cursor if we'd just clamped y,
        // so we'll subtract a bit more
        y -= height + 40;
    y = std::clamp(y, 22, max_y);

    w = window_create(x, y, width, height, &window_tooltip_events, WC_TOOLTIP, WF_TRANSPARENT | WF_STICK_TO_FRONT);
    w->widgets = window_tooltip_widgets;

예제 #6
static rct_xy16 window_multiplayer_information_get_size()
	if (!_windowInformationSizeDirty) {
		return _windowInformationSize;

	sint32 width = 450;
	sint32 height = 110;
	sint32 numLines, fontSpriteBase;

	gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
	utf8 * buffer = _strdup(network_get_server_description());
	gfx_wrap_string(buffer, width, &numLines, &fontSpriteBase);

	sint32 lineHeight = font_get_line_height(fontSpriteBase);
	height += (numLines + 1) * lineHeight;

	_windowInformationSizeDirty = false;
	_windowInformationSize = (rct_xy16){ width, height };
	return _windowInformationSize;
예제 #7
// Wrap string without drawing, useful to get the height of a wrapped string.
// Almost the same as gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped
sint32 chat_string_wrapped_get_height(void *args, sint32 width)
    sint32 fontSpriteBase, lineHeight, lineY, numLines;

    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;

    char *buffer = gCommonStringFormatBuffer;
    format_string(buffer, 256, STR_STRING, args);

    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
    gfx_wrap_string(buffer, width, &numLines, &fontSpriteBase);
    lineHeight = font_get_line_height(fontSpriteBase);

    gCurrentFontFlags = 0;

    lineY = 0;
    for (sint32 line = 0; line <= numLines; ++line) {
        buffer = get_string_end(buffer) + 1;
        lineY += lineHeight;

    return lineY;
예제 #8
static LocationXY16 window_multiplayer_information_get_size()
    if (!_windowInformationSizeDirty) {
        return _windowInformationSize;

    sint32 width = 450;
    sint32 height = 60;
    sint32 minNumLines = 5;
    sint32 descNumLines, fontSpriteBase;

    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
    utf8 * buffer = _strdup(network_get_server_description());
    gfx_wrap_string(buffer, width, &descNumLines, &fontSpriteBase);

    sint32 lineHeight = font_get_line_height(fontSpriteBase);
    height += (minNumLines + descNumLines) * lineHeight;

    _windowInformationSizeDirty = false;
    _windowInformationSize = { (sint16)width, (sint16)height };
    return _windowInformationSize;
예제 #9
static void window_text_input_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

	int y = w->y + 25;

	int no_lines = 0;
	int font_height = 0;

	gfx_draw_string_centred(dpi, input_text_description, w->x + WW / 2, y, w->colours[1], &TextInputDescriptionArgs);

	y += 25;


	char wrapped_string[512];
	safe_strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input, 512);

	// String length needs to add 12 either side of box
	// +13 for cursor when max length.
	gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height);

	gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, w->x + 10, y, w->x + WW - 10, y + 10 * (no_lines + 1) + 3, w->colours[1], 0x60);

	y += 1;

	char* wrap_pointer = wrapped_string;
	int char_count = 0;
	uint8 cur_drawn = 0;

	int cursorX, cursorY;
	for (int line = 0; line <= no_lines; line++) {
		gfx_draw_string(dpi, wrap_pointer, w->colours[1], w->x + 12, y);

		int string_length = get_string_size(wrap_pointer) - 1;

		if (!cur_drawn && (gTextInput.selection_offset <= (size_t)(char_count + string_length))) {
			// Make a copy of the string for measuring the width.
			char temp_string[512] = { 0 };
			memcpy(temp_string, wrap_pointer, gTextInput.selection_offset - char_count);
			cursorX = w->x + 13 + gfx_get_string_width(temp_string);
			cursorY = y;

			int width = 6;
			if ((uint32)gTextInput.selection_offset < strlen(text_input)){
				// Make a new 1 character wide string for measuring the width
				// of the character that the cursor is under.
				temp_string[1] = '\0';
				temp_string[0] = text_input[gTextInput.selection_offset];
				width = max(gfx_get_string_width(temp_string) - 2, 4);

			if (w->frame_no > 15){
				uint8 colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light;
				gfx_fill_rect(dpi, cursorX, y + 9, cursorX + width, y + 9, colour + 5);


		wrap_pointer += string_length + 1;

		if (text_input[char_count + string_length] == ' ')char_count++;
		char_count += string_length;

		y += 10;

	if (!cur_drawn) {
		cursorX = gLastDrawStringX;
		cursorY = y - 10;

	// IME composition
	if (gTextInputCompositionActive) {
		int compositionWidth = gfx_get_string_width(gTextInputComposition);
		int x = cursorX - (compositionWidth / 2);
		int y = cursorY + 13;
		int w = compositionWidth;
		int h = 10;

		gfx_fill_rect(dpi, x - 1, y - 1, x + w + 1, y + h + 1, 12);
		gfx_fill_rect(dpi, x, y, x + w, y + h, 0);
		gfx_draw_string(dpi, gTextInputComposition, 12, x, y);
예제 #10
static void window_text_input_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

	sint32 y = w->y + 25;

	sint32 no_lines = 0;
	sint32 font_height = 0;

	gfx_draw_string_centred(dpi, input_text_description, w->x + WW / 2, y, w->colours[1], &TextInputDescriptionArgs);

	y += 25;

	gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
	gCurrentFontFlags = 0;

	char wrapped_string[512];
	safe_strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input, 512);

	// String length needs to add 12 either side of box
	// +13 for cursor when max length.
	gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height);

	gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, w->x + 10, y, w->x + WW - 10, y + 10 * (no_lines + 1) + 3, w->colours[1], INSET_RECT_F_60);

	y += 1;

	char* wrap_pointer = wrapped_string;
	size_t char_count = 0;
	uint8 cur_drawn = 0;

	sint32 cursorX = 0, cursorY = 0;
	for (sint32 line = 0; line <= no_lines; line++) {
		gfx_draw_string(dpi, wrap_pointer, w->colours[1], w->x + 12, y);

		size_t string_length = get_string_size(wrap_pointer) - 1;

		if (!cur_drawn && (gTextInput.selection_offset <= char_count + string_length)) {
			// Make a copy of the string for measuring the width.
			char temp_string[512] = { 0 };
			memcpy(temp_string, wrap_pointer, gTextInput.selection_offset - char_count);
			cursorX = w->x + 13 + gfx_get_string_width(temp_string);
			cursorY = y;

			sint32 width = 6;
			if (gTextInput.selection_offset < strlen(text_input)){
				// Make a 1 utf8-character wide string for measuring the width
				// of the currently selected character.
				utf8 tmp[5] = { 0 }; // This is easier than setting temp_string[0..5]
				uint32 codepoint = utf8_get_next(text_input + gTextInput.selection_offset, NULL);
				utf8_write_codepoint(tmp, codepoint);
				width = max(gfx_get_string_width(tmp) - 2, 4);

			if (w->frame_no > 15){
				uint8 colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light;
				gfx_fill_rect(dpi, cursorX, y + 9, cursorX + width, y + 9, colour + 5);


		wrap_pointer += string_length + 1;

		if (text_input[char_count + string_length] == ' ')char_count++;
		char_count += string_length;

		y += 10;

	if (!cur_drawn) {
		cursorX = gLastDrawStringX;
		cursorY = y - 10;

	// IME composition
	if (gTextInputCompositionActive) {
		draw_ime_composition(dpi, cursorX, cursorY);
예제 #11
 *  rct2: 0x0066792F
 * bx: title
 * dx: message
void window_error_open(rct_string_id title, rct_string_id message)
	utf8 *dst;
	char *args;
	int numLines, fontHeight, x, y, width, height, maxY;
	rct_window *w;

	dst = _window_error_text;
	args = (char*)0x0013CE952;

	// Format the title
	dst = utf8_write_codepoint(dst, FORMAT_BLACK);
	if (title != (rct_string_id)STR_NONE) {
		format_string(dst, title, args);
		dst = get_string_end(dst);

	// Format the message
	if (message != (rct_string_id)STR_NONE) {
		dst = utf8_write_codepoint(dst, FORMAT_NEWLINE);
		format_string(dst, message, args);
		dst = get_string_end(dst);

	log_verbose("show error, %s", _window_error_text + 1);

	// Check if there is any text to display
	if (dst == _window_error_text + 1)

	width = gfx_get_string_width_new_lined(_window_error_text);
	width = min(196, width);

	gfx_wrap_string(_window_error_text, width + 1, &numLines, &fontHeight);

	_window_error_num_lines = numLines;
	width = width + 3;
	height = (numLines + 1) * 10 + 4;

	window_error_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].right = width;
	window_error_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = height;

	x = RCT2_GLOBAL(0x0142406C, sint32) - (width / 2);
	x = clamp(0, x, RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_SCREEN_WIDTH, uint16));

	y = RCT2_GLOBAL(0x01424070, sint32) + 26;
	y = max(22, y);
	maxY = RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_SCREEN_HEIGHT, uint16) - height;
	if (y > maxY) {
		y = y - height - 40;
		y = min(y, maxY);

	w = window_create(x, y, width, height, &window_error_events, WC_ERROR, WF_STICK_TO_FRONT | WF_TRANSPARENT | WF_RESIZABLE);
	w->widgets = window_error_widgets;
	w->error.var_480 = 0;
	if (!(RCT2_GLOBAL(0x009A8C29, uint8) & 1))
		sound_play_panned(SOUND_ERROR, 0, w->x + (w->width / 2), 0, 0);
예제 #12
static void window_text_input_paint(){
	rct_window *w;
	rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi;

	window_paint_get_registers(w, dpi);

	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

	int y = w->y + 25;
	int no_lines = 0;
	int font_height = 0;

	gfx_draw_string_centred(dpi, input_text_description, w->x + WW / 2, y, w->colours[1], &TextInputDescriptionArgs);

	y += 25;


	char wrapped_string[512];
	strcpy(wrapped_string, text_input);

	// String length needs to add 12 either side of box
	// +13 for cursor when max length.
	gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, WW - (24 + 13), &no_lines, &font_height);

	gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, w->x + 10, y, w->x + WW - 10, y + 10 * (no_lines + 1) + 3, w->colours[1], 0x60);

	y += 1;

	char* wrap_pointer = wrapped_string;
	int char_count = 0;
	uint8 cur_drawn = 0;

	for (int line = 0; line <= no_lines; ++line){
		gfx_draw_string(dpi, wrap_pointer, w->colours[1], w->x + 12, y);

		int string_length = get_string_length(wrap_pointer);

		if (!cur_drawn && (gTextInputCursorPosition <= char_count + string_length)){
			// Make a copy of the string for measuring the width.
			char temp_string[512] = { 0 };
			memcpy(temp_string, wrap_pointer, gTextInputCursorPosition - char_count);
			int cur_x = w->x + 13 + gfx_get_string_width(temp_string);

			int width = 6;
			if ((uint32)gTextInputCursorPosition < strlen(text_input)){
				// Make a new 1 character wide string for measuring the width
				// of the character that the cursor is under.
				temp_string[1] = '\0';
				temp_string[0] = text_input[gTextInputCursorPosition];
				width = max(gfx_get_string_width(temp_string) - 2, 4);

			if (w->frame_no > 15){
				uint8 colour = RCT2_ADDRESS(0x0141FC48, uint8)[w->colours[1] * 8];
				gfx_fill_rect(dpi, cur_x, y + 9, cur_x + width, y + 9, colour + 5);

		wrap_pointer += string_length + 1;

		if (text_input[char_count + string_length] == ' ')char_count++;
		char_count += string_length;

		y += 10;
예제 #13
static void widget_text_box_draw(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex)
    sint32 no_lines = 0;
    sint32 font_height = 0;
    char wrapped_string[TEXT_INPUT_SIZE];

    // Get the widget
    rct_widget *widget = &w->widgets[widgetIndex];

    // Resolve the absolute ltrb
    sint32 l = w->x + widget->left;
    sint32 t = w->y + widget->top;
    sint32 r = w->x + widget->right;
    sint32 b = w->y + widget->bottom;

    // Get the colour
    uint8 colour = w->colours[widget->colour];

    bool active = w->classification == gCurrentTextBox.window.classification &&
        w->number == gCurrentTextBox.window.number &&
        widgetIndex == gCurrentTextBox.widget_index;

    //gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, l, t, r, b, colour, 0x20 | (!active ? 0x40 : 0x00));
    gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, l, t, r, b, colour, INSET_RECT_F_60);

    gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
    gCurrentFontFlags = 0;

    if (!active || gTextInput == NULL) {

        if (w->widgets[widgetIndex].text != 0) {
            safe_strcpy(wrapped_string, w->widgets[widgetIndex].string, 512);
            gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, r - l - 5, &no_lines, &font_height);
            gfx_draw_string(dpi, wrapped_string, w->colours[1], l + 2, t);

    safe_strcpy(wrapped_string, gTextBoxInput, TEXT_INPUT_SIZE);

    // String length needs to add 12 either side of box
    // +13 for cursor when max length.
    gfx_wrap_string(wrapped_string, r - l - 5 - 6, &no_lines, &font_height);

    gfx_draw_string(dpi, wrapped_string, w->colours[1], l + 2, t);

    size_t string_length = get_string_size(wrapped_string) - 1;

    // Make a copy of the string for measuring the width.
    char temp_string[TEXT_INPUT_SIZE] = { 0 };
    memcpy(temp_string, wrapped_string, min(string_length, gTextInput->SelectionStart));
    sint32 cur_x = l + gfx_get_string_width(temp_string) + 3;

    sint32 width = 6;
    if ((uint32)gTextInput->SelectionStart < strlen(gTextBoxInput)){
        // Make a new 1 character wide string for measuring the width
        // of the character that the cursor is under.
        temp_string[1] = '\0';
        temp_string[0] = gTextBoxInput[gTextInput->SelectionStart];
        width = max(gfx_get_string_width(temp_string) - 2, 4);

    if (gTextBoxFrameNo <= 15){
        colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[1]].mid_light;
        gfx_fill_rect(dpi, cur_x, t + 9, cur_x + width, t + 9, colour + 5);
예제 #14
파일: error.c 프로젝트: CraigCraig/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x0066792F
 * bx: title
 * dx: message
void window_error_open(rct_string_id title, rct_string_id message)
	utf8 *dst;
	sint32 numLines, fontHeight, x, y, width, height, maxY;
	rct_window *w;

	dst = _window_error_text;

	// Format the title
	dst = utf8_write_codepoint(dst, FORMAT_BLACK);
	if (title != STR_NONE) {
		format_string(dst, 512 - (dst - _window_error_text), title, gCommonFormatArgs);
		dst = get_string_end(dst);

	// Format the message
	if (message != STR_NONE) {
		dst = utf8_write_codepoint(dst, FORMAT_NEWLINE);
		format_string(dst, 512 - (dst - _window_error_text), message, gCommonFormatArgs);
		dst = get_string_end(dst);

	log_verbose("show error, %s", _window_error_text + 1);

	// Check if there is any text to display
	if (dst == _window_error_text + 1)

	gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
	width = gfx_get_string_width_new_lined(_window_error_text);
	width = min(196, width);

	gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
	gfx_wrap_string(_window_error_text, width + 1, &numLines, &fontHeight);

	_window_error_num_lines = numLines;
	width = width + 3;
	height = (numLines + 1) * 10 + 4;

	window_error_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].right = width;
	window_error_widgets[WIDX_BACKGROUND].bottom = height;

	x = gCursorState.x - (width / 2);
	x = clamp(0, x, gScreenWidth);

	y = gCursorState.y + 26;
	y = max(22, y);
	maxY = gScreenHeight - height;
	if (y > maxY) {
		y = y - height - 40;
		y = min(y, maxY);

	w = window_create(x, y, width, height, &window_error_events, WC_ERROR, WF_STICK_TO_FRONT | WF_TRANSPARENT | WF_RESIZABLE);
	w->widgets = window_error_widgets;
	w->error.var_480 = 0;
	if (!gDisableErrorWindowSound) {
		audio_play_sound_panned(SOUND_ERROR, 0, w->x + (w->width / 2), 0, 0);