예제 #1
 * remove:
 * Test that it is possible to remove data identified by the ID:
static void
remove (GimpTestFixture *f,
        gconstpointer    data)
  gint     ret_id            = gimp_id_table_insert (f->id_table, data1);
  void    *ret_data          = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id);
  gboolean remove_successful = gimp_id_table_remove (f->id_table, ret_id);
  void    *ret_data2         = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id);
  g_assert (remove_successful);
  g_assert (ret_data == data1);
  g_assert (ret_data2 == NULL);
예제 #2
 * insert_twice:
 * Test that two consecutive inserts generates different IDs.
static void
insert_twice (GimpTestFixture *f,
              gconstpointer    data)
  gint     ret_id    = gimp_id_table_insert (f->id_table, data1);
  gpointer ret_data  = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id);
  gint     ret_id2   = gimp_id_table_insert (f->id_table, data2);
  gpointer ret_data2 = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id2);

  g_assert (ret_id    != ret_id2);
  g_assert (ret_data  == data1);
  g_assert (ret_data2 == data2);
예제 #3
 * insert_with_id_existing:
 * Test that it is not possible to insert data with a specific ID if
 * that ID already is inserted.
static void
insert_with_id_existing (GimpTestFixture *f,
                         gconstpointer    data)
  const int id = 10;

  int      ret_id    = gimp_id_table_insert_with_id (f->id_table, id, data1);
  gpointer ret_data  = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id);
  int      ret_id2   = gimp_id_table_insert_with_id (f->id_table, id, data2);
  gpointer ret_data2 = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id2);

  g_assert (id        == ret_id);
  g_assert (ret_id2   == -1);
  g_assert (ret_data  == data1);
  g_assert (ret_data2 == NULL);
예제 #4
 * gimp_test_id_table_insert_and_lookup:
 * Test that insert and lookup works.
static void
gimp_test_id_table_insert_and_lookup (GimpTestFixture *f,
                                      gconstpointer    data)
  gint     ret_id   = gimp_id_table_insert (f->id_table, data1);
  gpointer ret_data = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id);

  g_assert (ret_data == data1);
예제 #5
 * insert_with_id:
 * Test that it is possible to insert data with a specific ID.
static void
insert_with_id (GimpTestFixture *f,
                gconstpointer    data)
  const int id = 10;

  int      ret_id   = gimp_id_table_insert_with_id (f->id_table, id, data1);
  gpointer ret_data = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, id);

  g_assert (ret_id   == id);
  g_assert (ret_data == data1);
예제 #6
 * remove_non_existing:
 * Tests that things work properly when trying to remove data with an
 * ID that doesn't exist.
static void
remove_non_existing (GimpTestFixture *f,
                     gconstpointer    data)
  const int id = 10;

  gboolean remove_successful = gimp_id_table_remove (f->id_table, id);
  void    *ret_data          = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, id);
  g_assert (! remove_successful);
  g_assert (ret_data == NULL);
예제 #7
 * replace:
 * Test that it is possible to replace data with a given ID with
 * different data.
static void
replace (GimpTestFixture *f,
         gconstpointer    data)
  int ret_id = gimp_id_table_insert (f->id_table, data1);
  gpointer ret_data;

  gimp_id_table_replace (f->id_table, ret_id, data2);
  ret_data = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, ret_id);

  g_assert (ret_data  == data2);
예제 #8
 * replace_as_insert:
 * Test that replace works like insert when there is no data to
 * replace.
static void
replace_as_insert (GimpTestFixture *f,
                   gconstpointer    data)
  const int id = 10;

  gpointer ret_data;

  gimp_id_table_replace (f->id_table, id, data1);
  ret_data = gimp_id_table_lookup (f->id_table, id);

  g_assert (ret_data  == data1);