예제 #1
plug_in_repeat_cmd_callback (GtkAction *action,
                             gint       value,
                             gpointer   data)
  GimpPlugInProcedure *procedure;
  Gimp                *gimp;
  GimpDisplay         *display;
  GimpRunMode          run_mode;
  return_if_no_gimp (gimp, data);
  return_if_no_display (display, data);

  run_mode = (GimpRunMode) value;

  procedure = gimp_plug_in_manager_history_nth (gimp->plug_in_manager, 0);

  if (procedure)
      GimpValueArray *args;
      gint            n_args;

      args = gimp_procedure_get_arguments (GIMP_PROCEDURE (procedure));

      g_value_set_int (gimp_value_array_index (args, 0), run_mode);

      n_args = plug_in_collect_display_args (action, display,
                                             GIMP_PROCEDURE (procedure)->args,
                                             args, 1);

      plug_in_procedure_execute (procedure, gimp, display, args, n_args);

      gimp_value_array_unref (args);
예제 #2
static void
plug_in_actions_history_changed (GimpPlugInManager *manager,
                                 GimpActionGroup   *group)
    GimpPlugInProcedure *proc;
    gint                 i;

    proc = gimp_plug_in_manager_history_nth (manager, 0);

    if (proc)
        GtkAction   *actual_action;
        const gchar *label;
        gchar       *repeat;
        gchar       *reshow;
        gboolean     sensitive = FALSE;

        /*  copy the sensitivity of the plug-in procedure's actual action
         *  instead of calling plug_in_actions_update() because doing the
         *  latter would set the sensitivity of this image's action on
         *  all images' actions. See bug #517683.
        actual_action = gtk_action_group_get_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (group),
                        GIMP_OBJECT (proc)->name);
        if (actual_action)
            sensitive = gtk_action_get_sensitive (actual_action);

        label = gimp_plug_in_procedure_get_label (proc);

        repeat = g_strdup_printf (_("Re_peat \"%s\""),  label);
        reshow = g_strdup_printf (_("R_e-Show \"%s\""), label);

        gimp_action_group_set_action_label (group, "plug-in-repeat", repeat);
        gimp_action_group_set_action_label (group, "plug-in-reshow", reshow);

        gimp_action_group_set_action_sensitive (group, "plug-in-repeat", sensitive);
        gimp_action_group_set_action_sensitive (group, "plug-in-reshow", sensitive);

        g_free (repeat);
        g_free (reshow);
        gimp_action_group_set_action_label (group, "plug-in-repeat",
                                            _("Repeat Last"));
        gimp_action_group_set_action_label (group, "plug-in-reshow",
                                            _("Re-Show Last"));

        gimp_action_group_set_action_sensitive (group, "plug-in-repeat", FALSE);
        gimp_action_group_set_action_sensitive (group, "plug-in-reshow", FALSE);

    for (i = 0; i < gimp_plug_in_manager_history_length (manager); i++)
        GtkAction *action;
        GtkAction *actual_action;
        gchar     *name      = g_strdup_printf ("plug-in-recent-%02d", i + 1);
        gboolean   sensitive = FALSE;

        action = gtk_action_group_get_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (group), name);
        g_free (name);

        proc = gimp_plug_in_manager_history_nth (manager, i);

        /*  see comment above  */
        actual_action = gtk_action_group_get_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (group),
                        GIMP_OBJECT (proc)->name);
        if (actual_action)
            sensitive = gtk_action_get_sensitive (actual_action);

        g_object_set (action,
                      "visible",   TRUE,
                      "sensitive", sensitive,
                      "procedure", proc,
                      "label",     gimp_plug_in_procedure_get_label (proc),
                      "stock-id",  gimp_plug_in_procedure_get_stock_id (proc),
                      "tooltip",   gimp_plug_in_procedure_get_blurb (proc),

    for (; i < gimp_plug_in_manager_history_size (manager); i++)
        GtkAction *action;
        gchar     *name = g_strdup_printf ("plug-in-recent-%02d", i + 1);

        action = gtk_action_group_get_action (GTK_ACTION_GROUP (group), name);
        g_free (name);

        g_object_set (action,
                      "visible",   FALSE,
                      "procedure", NULL,