예제 #1
/* --------------------------
 * p_create_corpus_layer
 * --------------------------
 * create the corpus layer that builds the reference pattern
 * for the resynthesizer call. The reference pattern is built
 * as duplicate of the original image reduced to the area around the current selection.
 * (grown by corpus_border_radius)
 * Note that the duplicate image has a selection, that includes the gorwn area
 * around the orignal selection, but EXCLUDES the original selection
 * (that is the area holding the object that has to be replaced
 * by pattern of the surrounding area)
 * returns the layer_id of the reference pattern.
static gint32
p_create_corpus_layer(gint32 image_id, gint32 drawable_id, TransValues *val_ptr)
  gint32 dup_image_id;
  gint32 channel_id;
  gint32 channel_2_id;
  GimpRGB  bck_color;
  GimpRGB  white_opaque_color;
  /* gboolean has_selection; */
  gboolean non_empty;
  gint     x1, y1, x2, y2;
  gint32   active_layer_stackposition;
  gint32   active_dup_layer_id;

  active_layer_stackposition = gap_layer_get_stackposition(image_id, drawable_id);

  dup_image_id = gimp_image_duplicate(image_id);

  channel_id = gimp_selection_save(dup_image_id);
  gimp_selection_grow(dup_image_id, val_ptr->corpus_border_radius);

  channel_2_id = gimp_selection_save(dup_image_id);

  gimp_image_select_item(dup_image_id, GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, channel_id);

  gimp_rgba_set_uchar (&white_opaque_color, 255, 255, 255, 255);

  gimp_context_set_background(&bck_color);  /* restore original background color */



  /* has_selection  = */ gimp_selection_bounds(dup_image_id, &non_empty, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
  gimp_image_crop(dup_image_id, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1), x1, y1);

  active_dup_layer_id = gap_layer_get_id_by_stackposition(dup_image_id, active_layer_stackposition);

  if (1==0)
    /* debug code shows the duplicate image by adding a display */
  return (active_dup_layer_id);

}  /* end p_create_corpus_layer */
예제 #2
파일: screenshot.c 프로젝트: Minoos/gimp
static void
image_select_shape (gint32     image,
                    GdkRegion *shape)
  GdkRectangle *rects;
  gint          num_rects;
  gint          i;

  gimp_selection_none (image);

  gdk_region_get_rectangles (shape, &rects, &num_rects);

  for (i = 0; i < num_rects; i++)
      gimp_rect_select (image,
                        rects[i].x, rects[i].y, rects[i].width, rects[i].height,
                        GIMP_CHANNEL_OP_ADD, FALSE, 0);

  g_free (rects);

  gimp_selection_invert (image);