예제 #1
	void Destroy() {
		if (m_texture_storage) {
			for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(m_pool); i++) {
				m_map[i] = NULL;
				m_offset[i] = 0;

				// Don't know if we must do it
				gl_BindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, m_pool[i]);
			gl_BindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0);
		gl_DeleteBuffers(countof(m_pool), m_pool);
예제 #2
	void UnbindPbo() {
		gl_BindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0);
예제 #3
	void BindPbo() {
		gl_BindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, m_pool[m_current_pbo]);
예제 #4
    void GLSLStaticViewer::render(const Camera& cam, const bouge::AffineMatrix& model) const
        // This is a small, but effective, optimization that unfortunately GCC doesn't do.
        static const std::string uModelViewProjectionMatrix = "uModelViewProjectionMatrix";
        static const std::string uModelViewMatrix = "uModelViewMatrix";
        static const std::string uNormalMatrix = "uNormalMatrix";
        static const std::string uAmbient = "uAmbient";
        static const std::string ambient = "ambient";
        static const std::string ambient2 = "uMaterialAmbient";
        static const std::string uDiffuse = "uDiffuse";
        static const std::string diffuse = "diffuse";
        static const std::string diffuse2 = "uMaterialDiffuse";
        static const std::string uSpecular = "uSpecular";
        static const std::string specular = "specular";
        static const std::string specular2 = "uMaterialSpecular";
        static const std::string uShininess = "uShininess";
        static const std::string shininess = "shininess";
        static const std::string uDiffTex = "uDiffTex";

        Viewer::render(cam, model);


        AffineMatrix mv = cam.view() * model;
        AffineMatrix id = mv * mv.inverse();
        m_shaderToUse->uniformMatrix4fv(uModelViewProjectionMatrix, 1, false, (cam.viewproj() * model).array16f());
        m_shaderToUse->uniformMatrix4fv(uModelViewMatrix, 1, false, mv.array16f());
        m_shaderToUse->uniformMatrix3fv(uNormalMatrix, 1, true, mv.array9fInverse());


        // Now, render each submesh of the mesh one after. It may need to get split
        // for example if it has too many bones.
        for(CoreHardwareMesh::iterator i = m_hwmesh->begin() ; i != m_hwmesh->end() ; ++i) {
            const CoreHardwareSubMesh& submesh = *i;

            // We set the per-submesh material options.

            // Here, we can assume the material exists, as we did the
            // "integrity checks" after the loading already.
            CoreMaterialPtr pMat = m_modelInst->materialForSubmesh(submesh.submeshName());

            if(pMat->hasProprety(ambient)) {
                m_shaderToUse->uniform3fv(uAmbient, 1, &pMat->propretyAsFvec(ambient)[0]);
            } else if(pMat->hasProprety(ambient2)) {
                m_shaderToUse->uniform3fv(uAmbient, 1, &pMat->propretyAsFvec(ambient2)[0]);

            if(pMat->hasProprety(diffuse)) {
                m_shaderToUse->uniform3fv(uDiffuse, 1, &pMat->propretyAsFvec(diffuse)[0]);
            } else if(pMat->hasProprety(diffuse2)) {
                m_shaderToUse->uniform3fv(uDiffuse, 1, &pMat->propretyAsFvec(diffuse2)[0]);

            if(pMat->hasProprety(specular)) {
                m_shaderToUse->uniform3fv(uSpecular, 1, &pMat->propretyAsFvec(specular)[0]);
                if(pMat->hasProprety(shininess)) {
                    m_shaderToUse->uniformf(uShininess, pMat->propretyAsFvec(shininess)[0]);
            } else if(pMat->hasProprety(specular2)) {
                m_shaderToUse->uniform3fv(uSpecular, 1, &pMat->propretyAsFvec(specular2)[0]);
                m_shaderToUse->uniformf(uShininess, pMat->propretyAsFvec(specular2)[3]);

            if(pMat->userData) {
                m_shaderToUse->uniformi(uDiffTex, 0);

            glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, submesh.faceCount() * m_hwmesh->indicesPerFace(), BOUGE_FACE_INDEX_TYPE_GL, (const GLvoid*)(submesh.startIndex()*sizeof(BOUGE_FACE_INDEX_TYPE)));

        gl_BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
        gl_BindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

예제 #5
    void GLSLStaticViewer::loadHardwareMesh(bool stride)
        gl_GenBuffers(dimension_of(m_VBOIds), m_VBOIds);
        gl_GenVertexArrays(dimension_of(m_VAOIds), m_VAOIds);

        m_hwmesh = CoreHardwareMeshPtr(new CoreHardwareMesh(m_model->mesh(), 0, 0, 3));

        // We allow two names for stuff just to be more compatible.
        std::string normal = m_hwmesh->hasAttrib("aVertexNormal") ? "aVertexNormal" : "normal";
        std::string texco = m_hwmesh->hasAttrib("aVertexTextureCo") ? "aVertexTextureCo" : "texcoord0";

        if(stride) {
            bool hasTexCo = m_hwmesh->hasAttrib(texco);
            m_shaderToUse = hasTexCo ? m_shaderWithTexture : m_shaderNoTexture;

            std::size_t coordsOffset = 0;
            std::size_t normalsOffset = m_hwmesh->coordsPerVertex();
            std::size_t texCoOffset = normalsOffset + m_hwmesh->attribCoordsPerVertex(normal);
            std::size_t floatsPerVertex = texCoOffset + (hasTexCo ? m_hwmesh->attribCoordsPerVertex(texco) : 0);

            m_stride = floatsPerVertex * sizeof(float);

            // Here, we compile all the vertex data into a single interleaved buffer.
            std::vector<float> data(floatsPerVertex * m_hwmesh->vertexCount());
            m_hwmesh->writeCoords(&data[coordsOffset], m_stride);
            m_hwmesh->writeAttrib(normal, &data[normalsOffset], m_stride);
                m_hwmesh->writeAttrib(texco, &data[texCoOffset], m_stride);

            // Upload that data into the VBO
            gl_BindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_VBOIds[1]);
            gl_BufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, data.size() * sizeof(float), &data[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);

            // And setup the vertex attribute positions.
            gl_VertexAttribPointer(m_shaderToUse->attrib("aVertex"), m_hwmesh->coordsPerVertex(), GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, m_stride, (const GLvoid*)(coordsOffset * sizeof(float)));

            if(m_shaderToUse->hasAttrib("aNormal")) {
                gl_VertexAttribPointer(m_shaderToUse->attrib("aNormal"), m_hwmesh->attribCoordsPerVertex(normal), GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, m_stride, (const GLvoid*)(normalsOffset * sizeof(float)));

            if(hasTexCo && m_shaderToUse->hasAttrib("aTexCo")) {
                gl_VertexAttribPointer(m_shaderToUse->attrib("aTexCo"), m_hwmesh->attribCoordsPerVertex(texco), GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, m_stride, (const GLvoid*)(texCoOffset * sizeof(float)));

        } else {
            // TODO use unstrided VBOs too.

        // Faces work in the same way, regardless the vertex format.
        // Here, we only support triangles.
        gl_BindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_VBOIds[0]);
        gl_BufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_hwmesh->faceCount() * m_hwmesh->indicesPerFace() * sizeof(BOUGE_FACE_INDEX_TYPE), &m_hwmesh->faceIndices()[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);


        std::cout << "The hardware mesh has " << m_hwmesh->vertexCount() << " vertices and " << m_hwmesh->faceCount() << " faces." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "It has been subdivided in the following " << m_hwmesh->submeshCount() << " submeshes:" << std::endl;
        for(CoreHardwareMesh::iterator i = m_hwmesh->begin() ; i != m_hwmesh->end() ; ++i) {
            std::cout << "  * submesh with " << i->faceCount() << " faces, " << i->boneCount() << " bones, start index: " << i->startIndex() << std::endl;