예제 #1
/* for each invoice, check the bill terms.  If the bill terms are
 * grandchildren, then fix them to point to the most senior child
static void
billterm_scrub_invoices (QofInstance * invoice_p, gpointer ht_p)
    GHashTable *ht = ht_p;
    GncInvoice *invoice = GNC_INVOICE(invoice_p);
    GncBillTerm *term, *new_bt;
    gint32 count;

    term = gncInvoiceGetTerms(invoice);
    if (term)
        if (billterm_is_grandchild(term))
            gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
            PWARN("Fixing i-billterm on invoice %s\n", guidstr);
            new_bt = billterm_find_senior(term);
            gncInvoiceSetTerms(invoice, new_bt);
            term = new_bt;
        if (term)
            count = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup(ht, term));
            g_hash_table_insert(ht, term, GINT_TO_POINTER(count));
예제 #2
static xmlNodePtr
invoice_dom_tree_create (GncInvoice* invoice)
    xmlNodePtr ret;
    Timespec ts;
    Transaction* txn;
    GNCLot* lot;
    Account* acc;
    GncBillTerm* term;
    GncOwner* billto;
    gnc_numeric amt;

    ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_invoice_string);
    xmlSetProp (ret, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST invoice_version_string);

    xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_guid_string,
                                        qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (invoice))));

    xmlAddChild (ret, text_to_dom_tree (invoice_id_string,
                                        gncInvoiceGetID (invoice)));

    xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_owner_string,
                                             gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice)));

    ts = gncInvoiceGetDateOpened (invoice);
    xmlAddChild (ret, timespec_to_dom_tree (invoice_opened_string, &ts));

    maybe_add_timespec (ret, invoice_posted_string,
                        gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (invoice));

    term = gncInvoiceGetTerms (invoice);
    if (term)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_terms_string,
                                            qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (term))));

    maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_billing_id_string,
                      gncInvoiceGetBillingID (invoice));
    maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_notes_string, gncInvoiceGetNotes (invoice));

    xmlAddChild (ret, int_to_dom_tree (invoice_active_string,
                                       gncInvoiceGetActive (invoice)));

    txn = gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn (invoice);
    if (txn)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_posttxn_string,
                                            xaccTransGetGUID (txn)));

    lot = gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (invoice);
    if (lot)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postlot_string,
                                            gnc_lot_get_guid (lot)));

    acc = gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (invoice);
    if (acc)
        xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postacc_string,
                                            qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (acc))));

     commodity_ref_to_dom_tree (invoice_currency_string,
                                gncInvoiceGetCurrency (invoice)));

    billto = gncInvoiceGetBillTo (invoice);
    if (billto && billto->owner.undefined != NULL)
        xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_billto_string, billto));

    amt = gncInvoiceGetToChargeAmount (invoice);
    if (! gnc_numeric_zero_p (amt))
        xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_numeric_to_dom_tree (invoice_tochargeamt_string, &amt));

    /* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */
    xmlAddChild (ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree (invoice_slots_string,
                                                      QOF_INSTANCE (invoice)));
    return ret;