예제 #1
static void
gnc_date_cell_leave (BasicCell *bcell)
    Timespec ts;
    PopBox *box = bcell->gui_private;

    date_picker_disconnect_signals ((DateCell *) bcell);

    gnc_item_edit_set_popup (box->item_edit, NULL, NULL,
                             NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    box->calendar_popped = FALSE;

    /* Refresh the date to expand any shortcuts. */
    gnc_date_cell_get_date ((DateCell *)bcell, &ts);
    gnc_date_cell_set_value_secs ((DateCell *)bcell, ts.tv_sec);
static void
gnc_split_register_save_due_date_cell (BasicCell * cell,
                                       gpointer save_data,
                                       gpointer user_data)
    SRSaveData *sd = save_data;
    const char *value;
    Timespec ts;

    g_return_if_fail (gnc_basic_cell_has_name (cell, DDUE_CELL));

    value = gnc_basic_cell_get_value (cell);

    /* commit any pending changes */
    gnc_date_cell_commit ((DateCell *) cell);

    DEBUG ("DATE: %s", value ? value : "(null)");

    gnc_date_cell_get_date ((DateCell *) cell, &ts);

    xaccTransSetDateDueTS (sd->trans, &ts);
예제 #3
static char * get_date_help (VirtualLocation virt_loc, gpointer user_data)
    GncEntryLedger *ledger = user_data;
    BasicCell *cell;
    char string[1024];
    struct tm tm;
    Timespec ts;
    time64 tt;

    cell = gnc_table_get_cell (ledger->table, virt_loc);
    if (!cell)
        return NULL;

    if (!cell->value || *cell->value == '\0')
        return NULL;

    gnc_date_cell_get_date ((DateCell *) cell, &ts);
    tt = ts.tv_sec;
    gnc_localtime_r (&tt, &tm);
    qof_strftime (string, sizeof(string), "%A %d %B %Y", &tm);

    return g_strdup (string);