예제 #1
static void
graph_setup_chart (GogGraph *graph, CutRunContext *run_context)
    GogChart *chart;
    GogPlot *pie;
    GOData *data;
    GogSeries *series;
    gchar **legends;
    double *values;
    gint n = 0;

    chart = GOG_CHART(gog_object_get_child_by_name(GOG_OBJECT(graph), "Chart"));
    pie = gog_plot_new_by_name("GogPiePlot");
    gog_object_add_by_name(GOG_OBJECT(chart), "Plot", GOG_OBJECT(pie));

    legends = g_new0(gchar *, CUT_TEST_RESULT_LAST);
    values = g_new0(double, CUT_TEST_RESULT_LAST);

#define STATUS(status) (CUT_TEST_RESULT_ ## status)
#define SET_DATA(status, n_statuses) G_STMT_START                       \
{                                                                       \
    const gchar *name;                                                  \
    name = cut_test_result_status_to_signal_name(STATUS(status));       \
    legends[STATUS(status)] = g_strdup(name);                           \
    values[STATUS(status)] =                                            \
        cut_run_context_get_n_ ## n_statuses(run_context);              \
    n++;                                                                \
} G_STMT_END                                                            \

    SET_DATA(SUCCESS, successes);
    SET_DATA(NOTIFICATION, notifications);
    SET_DATA(OMISSION, omissions);
    SET_DATA(PENDING, pendings);
    SET_DATA(FAILURE, failures);
    SET_DATA(ERROR, errors);

#undef STATUS
#undef SET_DATA

    series = gog_plot_new_series(pie);
    data = go_data_vector_str_new((const gchar * const *)legends, n,
    gog_series_set_dim(series, 0, data, NULL);
    data = go_data_vector_val_new(values, n, g_free);
    gog_series_set_dim(series, 1, data, NULL);
    gog_object_add_by_name(GOG_OBJECT(chart), "Legend", NULL);
예제 #2
파일: gog-chart.c 프로젝트: GNOME/goffice
static gboolean
zx_grid_3d_can_add (GogObject const *parent)
	return (GOG_CHART (parent)->axis_set == GOG_AXIS_SET_XYZ &&
		NULL == gog_object_get_child_by_name (parent, "ZX-Backplane"));
예제 #3
파일: gog-chart.c 프로젝트: GNOME/goffice
static void
gog_chart_view_3d_process (GogView *view, GogViewAllocation *bbox)
	/* A XYZ axis set in supposed. If new sets (cylindrical, spherical or
	other are added, we'll need to change this code */
	GogViewAllocation tmp = *bbox;
	GogAxis *axisX, *axisY, *axisZ, *ref = NULL;
	GSList *axes;
	double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
	double o[3], x[3], y[3], z[3], tg, d;
	Gog3DBox *box;
	Gog3DBoxView *box_view;
	GogChart *chart = GOG_CHART (gog_view_get_model (view));
	GogObject *obj = gog_object_get_child_by_name (GOG_OBJECT (chart), "3D-Box");
	GSList *ptr;
	GogView *child;
	GogViewPadding padding;
	GogAxisMetrics xm, ym, zm;

	if (!obj) {
		obj = g_object_new (GOG_3D_BOX_TYPE, NULL);
		gog_object_add_by_name (GOG_OBJECT (chart), "3D-Box", obj);
	box = GOG_3D_BOX (obj);
	box_view = GOG_3D_BOX_VIEW (gog_view_find_child_view (view, obj));

	/* Only use the first of the axes. */
	axes = gog_chart_get_axes (chart, GOG_AXIS_X);
	axisX = GOG_AXIS (axes->data);
	xm = gog_axis_get_metrics (axisX);
		ref = gog_axis_get_ref_axis (axisX);
	g_slist_free (axes);
	gog_axis_get_bounds (axisX, &xmin, &xmax);
	axes = gog_chart_get_axes (chart, GOG_AXIS_Y);
	axisY = GOG_AXIS (axes->data);
	ym = gog_axis_get_metrics (axisY);
	if (ym != GOG_AXIS_METRICS_DEFAULT && ref == NULL)
		ref = gog_axis_get_ref_axis (axisY);
	g_slist_free (axes);
	gog_axis_get_bounds (axisY, &ymin, &ymax);
	axes = gog_chart_get_axes (chart, GOG_AXIS_Z);
	axisZ = GOG_AXIS (axes->data);
	zm = gog_axis_get_metrics (axisZ);
	if (zm != GOG_AXIS_METRICS_DEFAULT && ref == NULL)
		ref = gog_axis_get_ref_axis (axisZ);
	g_slist_free (axes);
	gog_axis_get_bounds (axisZ, &zmin, &zmax);
	/* define the 3d box */
	if (ref == NULL) {
		box_view->dz = tmp.h;
		if (ymax - ymin > xmax - xmin) {
			box_view->dy = tmp.w;
			box_view->dx = (xmax - xmin) / (ymax - ymin) * tmp.w;
		} else {
			box_view->dx = tmp.w;
			box_view->dy = (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin) * tmp.w;
	} else {
		double ref_length, ref_tick_dist, xspan, yspan, zspan;
		gog_axis_get_bounds (ref, &ref_length, &xspan);
		ref_length -= xspan;
		ref_tick_dist = gog_axis_get_major_ticks_distance (ref);
		xspan = xmax - xmin;
			double ratio, tick_dist = gog_axis_get_major_ticks_distance (axisX);
			g_object_get (axisX, "metrics-ratio", &ratio, NULL);
			xspan = (xmax - xmin) / tick_dist * ref_tick_dist * ratio;
		yspan = ymax - ymin;
			double ratio, tick_dist = gog_axis_get_major_ticks_distance (axisY);
			g_object_get (axisY, "metrics-ratio", &ratio, NULL);
			yspan = (ymax - ymin) / tick_dist * ref_tick_dist * ratio;
		zspan = zmax - zmin;
			double ratio, tick_dist = gog_axis_get_major_ticks_distance (axisZ);
			g_object_get (axisZ, "metrics-ratio", &ratio, NULL);
			zspan = (zmax - zmin) / tick_dist * ref_tick_dist * ratio;
		if (ref == axisZ) {
			gboolean xrel = FALSE;
			box_view->dz = tmp.h;
			switch (xm) {
				box_view->dx = xspan / zspan * tmp.h;
				if (box_view->dx > tmp.w) {
					box_view->dz *= tmp.w / box_view->dx;
					box_view->dx = tmp.w;
					xrel = TRUE;
				box_view->dx = tmp.w;
			switch (ym) {
				box_view->dy = yspan / zspan * box_view->dz;
				if (box_view->dy > tmp.w) {
					box_view->dz *= tmp.w / box_view->dy;
					if (xrel)
						box_view->dx *= tmp.w / box_view->dy;
					box_view->dy = tmp.w;
				box_view->dy = tmp.w;
		} else {
			if (yspan > xspan) {
				box_view->dy = tmp.w;
				box_view->dx = xspan / yspan * tmp.w;
			} else {
				box_view->dx = tmp.w;
				box_view->dy = yspan / xspan * tmp.w;
				box_view->dz = tmp.h;
				box_view->dz = (ref == axisX)?
								zspan / xspan * box_view->dx:
								zspan / yspan * box_view->dy;

	/* now compute the position of each vertex, ignoring the fov */
	go_matrix3x3_transform (&box->mat, -box_view->dx, -box_view->dy, -box_view->dz, o, o + 1, o + 2);
	go_matrix3x3_transform (&box->mat, box_view->dx, -box_view->dy, -box_view->dz, x, x + 1, x + 2);
	go_matrix3x3_transform (&box->mat, -box_view->dx, box_view->dy, -box_view->dz, y, y + 1, y + 2);
	go_matrix3x3_transform (&box->mat, -box_view->dx, -box_view->dy, box_view->dz, z, z + 1, z + 2);
	/* for each diagonal, we need to take the vertex closer to the view point */
	if (o[1] > 0) {
		o[0] = -o[0];
		o[1] = -o[1];
		o[2] = -o[2];
	if (x[1] > 0) {
		x[0] = -x[0];
		x[1] = -x[1];
		x[2] = -x[2];
	if (y[1] > 0) {
		y[0] = -y[0];
		y[1] = -y[1];
		y[2] = -y[2];
	if (z[1] > 0) {
		z[0] = -z[0];
		z[1] = -z[1];
		z[2] = -z[2];
	/* if the fov is positive, calculate the position of the viewpoint */
	if (box->fov > 0.) {
		tg = tan (box->fov / 2.);
		box_view->r = -sqrt (o[0] * o[0] + o[2] * o[2]) / tg + o[1];
		d = -sqrt (x[0] * x[0] + x[2] * x[2]) / tg + x[1];
		if (d < box_view->r)
			box_view->r = d;
		d = -sqrt (y[0] * y[0] + y[2] * y[2]) / tg + y[1];
		if (d < box_view->r)
			box_view->r = d;
		d = -sqrt (z[0] *z[0] + z[2] * z[2]) / tg + z[1];
		if (d < box_view->r)
			box_view->r = d;
		/* also calculate the reduction factor we need to make things fit in the bbox */
		xmax = fabs (o[0]) / (1. - o[1] / box_view->r);
		zmax = fabs (o[2]) / (1. - o[1] / box_view->r);
		d = fabs (x[0]) / (1. - x[1] / box_view->r);
		if (d > xmax)
			xmax = d;
		d = fabs (x[2]) / (1. - x[1] / box_view->r);
		if (d > zmax)
			zmax = d;
		d = fabs (y[0]) / (1. - y[1] / box_view->r);
		if (d > xmax)
			xmax = d;
		d = fabs (y[2]) / (1. - y[1] / box_view->r);
		if (d > zmax)
			zmax = d;
		d = fabs (z[0]) / (1. - z[1] / box_view->r);
		if (d > xmax)
			xmax = d;
		d = fabs (z[2]) / (1. - z[1] / box_view->r);
		if (d > zmax)
			zmax = d;
	} else {
	    /* calculate the reduction factor we need to make things fit in the bbox */
		xmax = fabs (o[0]);
		zmax = fabs (o[2]);
		d = fabs (x[0]);
		if (d > xmax)
			xmax = d;
		d = fabs (x[2]);
		if (d > zmax)
			zmax = d;
		d = fabs (y[0]);
		if (d > xmax)
			xmax = d;
		d = fabs (y[2]);
		if (d > zmax)
			zmax = d;
		d = fabs (z[0]);
		if (d > xmax)
			xmax = d;
		d = fabs (z[2]);
		if (d > zmax)
			zmax = d;
	/* use d and tg as x and z ratios, respectively */
	d = xmax / tmp.w;
	tg = zmax / tmp.h;
	box_view->ratio = (d > tg)? d: tg;

	gog_view_padding_request (view, bbox, &padding);

	if (!chart->is_plot_area_manual) {
		bbox->x += padding.wl;
		bbox->w -= padding.wl + padding.wr;
		bbox->y += padding.ht;
		bbox->h -= padding.ht + padding.hb;
	} else {
		tmp.x -= padding.wl;
		tmp.w += padding.wl + padding.wr;
		tmp.y -= padding.ht;
		tmp.h += padding.ht + padding.hb;

	/* Recalculating ratio */
	d = xmax / bbox->w;
	tg = zmax / bbox->h;
	box_view->ratio = (d > tg)? d: tg;

	for (ptr = view->children; ptr != NULL ; ptr = ptr->next) {
		child = ptr->data;
		if (GOG_POSITION_IS_PADDING (child->model->position)) {
			gog_view_size_allocate (child, &tmp);

	/* by default, overlay all GOG_POSITION_SPECIAL children in residual */
	for (ptr = view->children; ptr != NULL ; ptr = ptr->next) {
		child = ptr->data;
		if (GOG_POSITION_IS_SPECIAL (child->model->position))
			gog_view_size_allocate (child, bbox);