예제 #1
enum tc_options_mode
tc_options_process(struct tc_options *opts, int argc, char **argv)
	void *opt = gopt_sort(&argc, (const char**)argv, opts_def);
	/* usage */
	if (gopt(opt, '?')) {
		opts->mode = TC_MODE_USAGE;
		goto done;
	/* version */
	if (gopt(opt, 'V')) {
		opts->mode = TC_MODE_VERSION;
		goto done;
	/* generate or verify */
	if (gopt_arg(opt, 'G', &opts->file)) {
		opts->mode = TC_MODE_GENERATE;
	} else
	if (gopt_arg(opt, 'W', &opts->file)) {
		opts->mode = TC_MODE_VERIFY;
	} else {
		opts->mode = TC_MODE_USAGE;
		goto done;
	opts->file_config = argv[1];
	return opts->mode;
예제 #2
파일: run.c 프로젝트: leanhd/rtmp_load
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    assert(setenv("TZ", "UTC", 1) == 0);

    // see http://www.purposeful.co.uk/software/gopt/
    void *options = gopt_sort(&argc, (const char **)argv, gopt_start(
        gopt_option('h', 0, gopt_shorts('h', '?'), gopt_longs("help", "HELP"))//,
        // gopt_option('t', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('t'), gopt_longs("thread-num")),
        // gopt_option('s', 0, gopt_shorts('s'), gopt_longs("silent", "quiet")),

    //TODO make customizable
    assert(setenv("LUA_PATH", "src/?.lua", 0) == 0);

    // const char usage[] = "usage: rtmp_load [--thread-num/-t N(default 1)] \"rtmp://example.com:1935/ app=app_name_or_empty playpath=path timeout=30\"\n";
    const char usage[] = "usage: rtmp_load test.lua\n";
    if (gopt(options, 'h')) {
        fprintf(stdout, usage);


    if (argc != 2) {
        // fprintf(stderr, "provide target rtmp string\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "provide test file\n");
        fprintf(stderr, usage);

    char *script_path = argv[1];

    lua_State *lua_state = luaL_newstate();
    assert(lua_state != NULL);
    lua_gc(lua_state, LUA_GCSTOP, 0);
    lua_gc(lua_state, LUA_GCRESTART, -1);
    int r = luaL_loadfile(lua_state, script_path);
    if (r != 0) {
        if (r == LUA_ERRSYNTAX) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error loading %s, syntax error: %s\n", script_path, lua_tostring(lua_state, -1));
        } else if (r == LUA_ERRFILE) {
            fprintf(stderr, "failed to open %s: %s\n", script_path, lua_tostring(lua_state, -1));
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "error loading %s, ret = %i\n", script_path, r);
    lua_call(lua_state, 0, 1);

    // av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_ERROR);
    // av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_INFO); //http://libav.org/doxygen/master/log_8h.html
    av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_VERBOSE); // for parsing lib log
    // av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG); // shows binary packet data

    //TODO http://libav.org/doxygen/master/librtmp_8c_source.html#l00080



    if (av_lockmgr_register(handle_av_lock) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "av_lockmgr_register failed\n");

    lua_call(lua_state, 0, 0);



    return 0;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    const char* argument;
    long int initial_timestamp;
    float initial_lat, initial_lng, initial_alt;
    float burst_alt, ascent_rate, drag_coeff, rmswinderror;
    int descent_mode;
    int scenario_idx, n_scenarios;
    int alarm_time;
    char* endptr;       // used to check for errors on strtod calls 
    wind_file_cache_t* file_cache;
    dictionary*        scenario = NULL;
    // configure command-line options parsing
    void *options = gopt_sort(&argc, argv, gopt_start(
        gopt_option('h', 0, gopt_shorts('h', '?'), gopt_longs("help")),
        gopt_option('z', 0, gopt_shorts(0), gopt_longs("version")),
        gopt_option('v', GOPT_REPEAT, gopt_shorts('v'), gopt_longs("verbose")),
        gopt_option('o', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('o'), gopt_longs("output")),
        gopt_option('k', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('k'), gopt_longs("kml")),
        gopt_option('t', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('t'), gopt_longs("start_time")),
        gopt_option('i', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('i'), gopt_longs("data_dir")),
        gopt_option('d', 0, gopt_shorts('d'), gopt_longs("descending")),
        gopt_option('e', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('e'), gopt_longs("wind_error")),
        gopt_option('a', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('a'), gopt_longs("alarm"))

    if (gopt(options, 'h')) {
        // Help!
        // Print usage information
        printf("Usage: %s [options] [scenario files]\n", argv[0]);
        printf(" -h --help               Display this information.\n");
        printf(" --version               Display version information.\n");
        printf(" -v --verbose            Display more information while running,\n");
        printf("                           Use -vv, -vvv etc. for even more verbose output.\n");
        printf(" -t --start_time <int>   Start time of model, defaults to current time.\n");
        printf("                           Should be a UNIX standard format timestamp.\n");
        printf(" -o --output <file>      Output file for CSV data, defaults to stdout. Overrides scenario.\n");
        printf(" -k --kml <file>         Output KML file.\n");
        printf(" -d --descending         We are in the descent phase of the flight, i.e. after\n");
        printf("                           burst or cutdown. burst_alt and ascent_rate ignored.\n");
        printf(" -i --data_dir <dir>     Input directory for wind data, defaults to current dir.\n\n");
        printf(" -e --wind_error <err>   RMS windspeed error (m/s).\n");
        printf(" -a --alarm <seconds>    Use alarm() to kill pred incase it hangs.\n");
        printf("The scenario file is an INI-like file giving the launch scenario. If it is\n");
        printf("omitted, the scenario is read from standard input.\n");

    if (gopt(options, 'z')) {
      // Version information
      printf("Landing Prediction version: %s\nCopyright (c) CU Spaceflight 2009\n", VERSION);

    if (gopt_arg(options, 'a', &argument) && strcmp(argument, "-")) {
      alarm_time = strtol(argument, &endptr, 0);
      if (endptr == argument) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: invalid alarm length\n", argument);
    verbosity = gopt(options, 'v');
    if (gopt(options, 'd'))
        descent_mode = DESCENT_MODE_DESCENDING;
        descent_mode = DESCENT_MODE_NORMAL;
    if (gopt_arg(options, 'k', &argument) && strcmp(argument, "-")) {
      kml_file = fopen(argument, "wb");
      if (!kml_file) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: could not open KML file for output\n", argument);
      kml_file = NULL;

    if (gopt_arg(options, 't', &argument) && strcmp(argument, "-")) {
      initial_timestamp = strtol(argument, &endptr, 0);
      if (endptr == argument) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: invalid start timestamp\n", argument);
    } else {
      initial_timestamp = time(NULL);
    if (!(gopt_arg(options, 'i', &data_dir) && strcmp(data_dir, "-")))
      data_dir = "./";

    // populate wind data file cache
    file_cache = wind_file_cache_new(data_dir);

    // read in flight parameters
    n_scenarios = argc - 1;
    if(n_scenarios == 0) {
        // we'll parse from std in
        n_scenarios = 1;

    for(scenario_idx = 0; scenario_idx < n_scenarios; ++scenario_idx) {
        char* scenario_output = NULL;

        if(argc > scenario_idx+1) {
            scenario = iniparser_load(argv[scenario_idx+1]);
        } else {
            scenario = iniparser_loadfile(stdin);

        if(!scenario) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not parse scanario file.\n");

        if(verbosity > 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Parsed scenario file:\n");
            iniparser_dump_ini(scenario, stderr);

        scenario_output = iniparser_getstring(scenario, "output:filename", NULL);

        if (gopt_arg(options, 'o', &argument) && strcmp(argument, "-")) {
            if(verbosity > 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Writing output to file specified on command line: %s\n", argument);
            output = fopen(argument, "wb");
            if (!output) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: could not open CSV file for output\n", argument);
        } else if (scenario_output != NULL) {
            if(verbosity > 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Writing output to file specified in scenario: %s\n", scenario_output);
            output = fopen(scenario_output, "wb");
            if (!output) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: could not open CSV file for output\n", scenario_output);
        } else {
            if(verbosity > 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Writing output to stdout.\n");
            output = stdout;

        // write KML header
        if (kml_file)

        // The observant amongst you will notice that there are default values for
        // *all* keys. This information should not be spread around too well.
        // Unfortunately, this means we lack some error checking.

        initial_lat = iniparser_getdouble(scenario, "launch-site:latitude", 0.0);
        initial_lng = iniparser_getdouble(scenario, "launch-site:longitude", 0.0);
        initial_alt = iniparser_getdouble(scenario, "launch-site:altitude", 0.0);

        ascent_rate = iniparser_getdouble(scenario, "altitude-model:ascent-rate", 1.0);

        // The 1.1045 comes from a magic constant buried in
        // ~cuspaceflight/public_html/predict/index.php.
        drag_coeff = iniparser_getdouble(scenario, "altitude-model:descent-rate", 1.0) * 1.1045;

        burst_alt = iniparser_getdouble(scenario, "altitude-model:burst-altitude", 1.0);

        rmswinderror = iniparser_getdouble(scenario, "atmosphere:wind-error", 0.0);
        if(gopt_arg(options, 'e', &argument) && strcmp(argument, "-")) {
            rmswinderror = strtod(argument, &endptr);
            if (endptr == argument) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: invalid RMS wind speed error\n", argument);

            int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
            year = iniparser_getint(scenario, "launch-time:year", -1);
            month = iniparser_getint(scenario, "launch-time:month", -1);
            day = iniparser_getint(scenario, "launch-time:day", -1);
            hour = iniparser_getint(scenario, "launch-time:hour", -1);
            minute = iniparser_getint(scenario, "launch-time:minute", -1);
            second = iniparser_getint(scenario, "launch-time:second", -1);

            if((year >= 0) && (month >= 0) && (day >= 0) && (hour >= 0)
                    && (minute >= 0) && (second >= 0)) 
                struct tm timeval = { 0 };
                time_t scenario_launch_time = -1;

                if(verbosity > 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Using launch time from scenario: "
                            "%i/%i/%i %i:%i:%i\n",
                            year, month, day, hour, minute, second);

                timeval.tm_sec = second;
                timeval.tm_min = minute;
                timeval.tm_hour = hour;
                timeval.tm_mday = day; /* 1 - 31 */
                timeval.tm_mon = month - 1; /* 0 - 11 */
                timeval.tm_year = year - 1900; /* f**k you Millenium Bug! */

#ifndef _BSD_SOURCE
#               warning This version of mktime does not allow explicit setting of timezone. 
                timeval.tm_zone = "UTC";

                scenario_launch_time = mktime(&timeval);
                if(scenario_launch_time <= 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Launch time in scenario is invalid\n");
                } else {
                    initial_timestamp = scenario_launch_time;

        if(verbosity > 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Scenario loaded:\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "    - Initial latitude  : %lf deg N\n", initial_lat);
            fprintf(stderr, "    - Initial longitude : %lf deg E\n", initial_lng);
            fprintf(stderr, "    - Initial altitude  : %lf m above sea level\n", initial_alt);
            fprintf(stderr, "    - Initial timestamp : %li\n", initial_timestamp);
            fprintf(stderr, "    - Drag coeff.       : %lf\n", drag_coeff);
            if(!descent_mode) {
                fprintf(stderr, "    - Ascent rate       : %lf m/s\n", ascent_rate);
                fprintf(stderr, "    - Burst alt.        : %lf m\n", burst_alt);
            fprintf(stderr, "    - Windspeed err.    : %f m/s\n", rmswinderror);
            // do the actual stuff!!
            altitude_model_t* alt_model = altitude_model_new(descent_mode, burst_alt, 
                                                             ascent_rate, drag_coeff);
            if(!alt_model) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: error initialising altitude profile\n");

            if (!run_model(file_cache, alt_model, 
                           initial_lat, initial_lng, initial_alt, initial_timestamp,
                           rmswinderror)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: error during model run!\n");


        // release the scenario
        // write footer to KML and close output files
        if (kml_file) {

        if (output != stdout) {

    // release gopt data, 

    // release the file cache resources.

    return 0;
예제 #4
enum tc_opt_mode tc_opt_init(struct tc_opt *opt, int argc, char **argv)
	/* usage */
	void *tc_options = gopt_sort(&argc, (const char**)argv, tc_options_def);
	if (gopt(tc_options, '?')) {
		opt->mode = TC_OPT_USAGE;
		goto done;

	/* version */
	if (gopt(tc_options, 'v')) {
		opt->mode = TC_OPT_VERSION;
		goto done;

	/* server host */
	gopt_arg(tc_options, 'h', &opt->host);
	if (opt->host == NULL)
		opt->host = TC_DEFAULT_HOST;

	/* server port */
	const char *arg = NULL;
	opt->port = 0;
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'p', &arg))
		opt->port = atoi(arg);

	/* server admin port */
	opt->port_admin = TC_DEFAULT_PORT_ADMIN;
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'a', &arg))
		opt->port_admin = atoi(arg);

	/* space */
	opt->space = 0;
	opt->space_set = 0;
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'S', &arg)) {
		opt->space = atoi(arg);
		opt->space_set = 1;

	/* from lsn */
	opt->lsn_from = 0;
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'F', &arg)) {
		opt->lsn_from = strtoll(arg, NULL, 10);
		opt->lsn_from_set = 1;

	/* to lsn */
	opt->lsn_to = 0;
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'T', &arg)) {
		opt->lsn_to = strtoll(arg, NULL, 10);
		opt->lsn_to_set = 1;

	/* output format */
	opt->raw = 0;
	opt->format = NULL;
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'M', &arg))
		opt->format = arg;

	opt->raw_with_headers = 0;
	if (gopt(tc_options, 'H'))
		opt->raw_with_headers = 1;

	/* string instead of num and num64 */
	opt->str_instead_int = 0;
	if (gopt(tc_options, 'B'))
		opt->str_instead_int = 1;

	/* set delimiter on start */
	opt->delim = "";
	opt->delim_len = 0;
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'D', &opt->delim))
		opt->delim_len = strlen(opt->delim);

	/* replica mode */
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'R', &arg)) {
		opt->mode = TC_OPT_RPL;
		opt->lsn = strtoll(arg, NULL, 10);
		goto done;

	/* wal-cat mode */
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'C', &opt->file)) {
		opt->mode = TC_OPT_WAL_CAT;
		if (strcmp(opt->file, "-") == 0)
			opt->file = NULL;
		goto done;

	/* wal-play mode */
	if (gopt_arg(tc_options, 'P', &opt->file)) {
		opt->mode = TC_OPT_WAL_PLAY;
		goto done;

	/* default */
	if (argc >= 2) {
		opt->cmdv = argv + 1;
		opt->cmdc = argc - 1;
		opt->mode = TC_OPT_CMD;
	} else {
		opt->mode = TC_OPT_INTERACTIVE;
	return opt->mode;
bool check_args(int argc, char* argv[], nabto_main_setup *nms)
    const char *address;
    const char *basestationAddress;
    const char *preSharedKey;
    const char *localPortStr;
    const char *bufferSizeStr;
    const char *idParam;
    const char *interfaceParam;
    const char *htmlddurloverride;
    uint32_t addr;
    const char *progname;
#ifdef WIN32
    char modulename[MAX_PATH];

    const char x0s[] = "h?";     const char* x0l[] = { "help", "HELP", 0 };
    const char x1s[] = "a";      const char* x1l[] = { "localAddress", 0 };
    const char x2s[] = "d";      const char* x2l[] = { "deviceName", 0 };
    const char x3s[] = "l";      const char* x3l[] = { "log", 0 };
    const char x4s[] = "A";      const char* x4l[] = { "controllerAddress", 0 };
    const char x5s[] = "p";      const char* x5l[] = { "localport", 0 };
    const char x6s[] = "b";      const char* x6l[] = { "buffersize", 0 };
    const char x7s[] = "k";      const char* x7l[] = { "presharedkey", 0 };
    const char x8s[] = "s";      const char* x8l[] = { "securedevice", 0 };
    const char x9s[] = "n";      const char* x9l[] = { "datanullencrypted", 0 };
    const char x10s[] = "i";     const char* x10l[] = { "interface", 0 };
    const char x11s[] = "U";     const char* x11l[] = { "htmlddurloverride", 0 };
    const char x12s[] = "V";     const char* x12l[] = { "version", 0 };
    const char x13s[] = "C";     const char* x13l[] = { "config", 0 };
    const char x14s[] = "S";     const char* x14l[] = { "size", 0 };

    const struct { int k; int f; const char *s; const char*const* l; } opts[] = {
        { 'h', 0,           x0s, x0l },
        { 'a', GOPT_ARG,    x1s, x1l },
        { 'd', GOPT_ARG,    x2s, x2l },
        { 'l', GOPT_REPEAT, x3s, x3l },
        { 'A', GOPT_ARG,    x4s, x4l },
        { 'p', GOPT_ARG,    x5s, x5l },
        { 'b', GOPT_ARG,    x6s, x6l },
        { 'k', GOPT_ARG,    x7s, x7l },
        { 's', 0,           x8s, x8l },
        { 'n', 0,           x9s, x9l },
        { 'i', GOPT_ARG,    x10s, x10l },
        { 'U', GOPT_ARG,    x11s, x11l },
        { 'V', GOPT_NOARG,  x12s, x12l },
        { 'C', GOPT_NOARG,  x13s, x13l },
        { 'S', GOPT_NOARG,  x14s, x14l },
        { 0,0,0,0 }

    void *options = gopt_sort( & argc, (const char**)argv, opts);

#ifdef WIN32
    modulename[0] = 0;
    GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, modulename, sizeof(modulename));
    progname = strrchr(modulename, '\\');
    if (!progname)
        progname = modulename;
    progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
    if (!progname)
        progname = argv[0];

    if( gopt( options, 'h')) {
        help("Help", progname);
        return false;
    if (gopt(options, 'V')) {
        fprintf(stdout, "%d.%d\n", RELEASE_MAJOR, RELEASE_MINOR);
        return false;

    if( gopt( options, 'C')) {
        unabto_printf_unabto_config(stdout, progname);
        return false;
    if (gopt(options, 'S')) {
        unabto_printf_memory_sizes(stdout, progname);
        return false;

    if( gopt_arg( options, 'a', & address ) ){
        addr = inet_addr(address);
        if (addr == INADDR_NONE) {
            help("Illegal local address", progname);
            return false;
		nms->ipAddress = htonl(addr);

    if( gopt_arg( options, 'd', &idParam ) ){
        nms->id = strdup(idParam);
    } else {
        help("You must specify an id for your uNabto device", progname);
        return false;

    if( gopt_arg( options, 'p', &localPortStr) ){
		nms->localPort = atoi(localPortStr);

    if( gopt_arg( options, 'b', &bufferSizeStr) ){
        nms->bufsize = (size_t)atoi(bufferSizeStr);

    if( gopt_arg( options, 'A', & basestationAddress ) ){
        addr = inet_addr(basestationAddress);
        if (addr == INADDR_NONE) {
            help("Illegal basestation address", progname);
            return false;
        nms->controllerArg.addr = htonl(addr);

    if ( gopt_arg( options, 'k', &preSharedKey)) {
        size_t i;
        size_t pskLen = strlen(preSharedKey);
        // read the pre shared key as a hexadecimal string.
        for (i = 0; i < pskLen/2 && i < 16; i++) {
            sscanf_s(preSharedKey+(2*i), "%02hhx", &nms->presharedKey[i]);

    if (gopt(options, 's')) {
        nms->secureAttach= true;
        nms->secureData = true;
        nms->cryptoSuite = CRYPT_W_AES_CBC_HMAC_SHA256;
    if (gopt(options, 'n')) {
        nms->secureData = false;

    if (gopt_arg(options, 'i', &interfaceParam)) {
        nms->interfaceName = strdup(interfaceParam);

    if (gopt_arg(options, 'U', &htmlddurloverride)) {
        nms->url = strdup(htmlddurloverride);

    return true;
예제 #6
파일: client.c 프로젝트: jonas-p/volnoti
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    void *options = gopt_sort(&argc, argv, gopt_start(
            gopt_option('h', 0, gopt_shorts('h', '?'), gopt_longs("help", "HELP")),
            gopt_option('m', 0, gopt_shorts('m'), gopt_longs("mute")),
            gopt_option('v', GOPT_REPEAT, gopt_shorts('v'), gopt_longs("verbose")),
            gopt_option('i', GOPT_ARG, gopt_shorts('i'), gopt_longs("icon"))));
    int help = gopt(options, 'h');
    int debug = gopt(options, 'v');
    int muted = gopt(options, 'm');
	const char *icon;

	if (gopt_arg(options, 'i', &icon) == 0) {
		icon = "speaker";


    if (help)
        print_usage(argv[0], FALSE);  

    gint volume;
    if (muted) {
        if (argc > 2) {
            print_usage(argv[0], TRUE);
        } else if (argc == 2) {
            if (sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &volume) != 1)
                print_usage(argv[0], TRUE);

            if (volume > 100 || volume < 0)
                print_usage(argv[0], TRUE);
        } else {
            volume = 0;
    } else {
        if (argc != 2)
            print_usage(argv[0], TRUE);

        if (sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &volume) != 1)
            print_usage(argv[0], TRUE);

        if (volume > 100 || volume < 0)
            print_usage(argv[0], TRUE);

    // round volume
    volume = (int)(round(volume / 5.0) * 5.0);

    DBusGConnection *bus = NULL;
    DBusGProxy *proxy = NULL;
    GError *error = NULL;

    // initialize GObject

    // connect to D-Bus
    print_debug("Connecting to D-Bus...", debug);
    bus = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
    if (error != NULL)
        handle_error("Couldn't connect to D-Bus",

    // get the proxy
    print_debug("Getting proxy...", debug);
    proxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(bus,
    if (proxy == NULL)
        handle_error("Couldn't get a proxy for D-Bus",

    print_debug("Sending volume...", debug);
    uk_ac_cam_db538_VolumeNotification_notify(proxy, volume, muted, icon, &error);
    if (error !=  NULL) {
        handle_error("Failed to send notification", error->message, FALSE);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;