int main(int argc, char **argv) { Camera *camera = NULL; int ret; GPContext *context; CameraWidget *rootwidget; char buf[200]; CameraText summary; gp_log_add_func(GP_LOG_DEBUG, errordumper, NULL); context = sample_create_context (); /* see context.c */ strcpy(buf,"usb:"); if (argc > 1) strcat (buf, argv[1]); fprintf(stderr,"setting path %s.\n", buf); ret = sample_open_camera (&camera, "USB PTP Class Camera", buf, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"camera %s not found.\n", buf); goto out; } ret = gp_camera_init (camera, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"No camera auto detected.\n"); goto out; } /* AFL PART STARTS HERE */ ret = recursive_directory(camera, "/", context, NULL); if (ret < GP_OK) { printf ("Could not recursive list files.\n"); goto out; } ret = gp_camera_get_summary (camera, &summary, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { printf ("Could not get summary.\n"); goto out; } #if 1 ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &rootwidget, context); if (ret < GP_OK) { fprintf (stderr,"Could not get config.\n"); goto out; } #endif printf ("OK, %s\n", summary.text); while (1) { CameraEventType evttype; void *data = NULL; ret = gp_camera_wait_for_event(camera, 1, &evttype, &data, context); if (ret < GP_OK) break; if (data) free (data); if (evttype == GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT) break; } /* AFL PART ENDS HERE */ out: gp_camera_exit (camera, context); gp_camera_free (camera); return 0; }
static gboolean get_thumbnail_idle (gpointer data) { GtkamList *list = GTKAM_LIST (data); GetThumbnailData *d; CameraFile *file; GtkWidget *s; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; GdkPixbufLoader *loader; int result; const char *fd; unsigned long fs; gfloat factor; d = list->priv->head; if (d == NULL) return (FALSE); s = gtkam_status_new (_("Downloading thumbnail of '%s' from " "folder '%s'..."), d->name, d->folder); g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (list), signals[NEW_STATUS], 0, s); gp_file_new (&file); result = gp_camera_file_get (d->camera->camera, d->folder, d->name, GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW, file, GTKAM_STATUS (s)->context->context); if (d->camera->multi) gp_camera_exit (d->camera->camera, NULL); if (result >= 0) { gp_file_get_data_and_size (file, &fd, &fs); loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new (); gdk_pixbuf_loader_write (loader, fd, fs, NULL); gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (loader, NULL); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf (loader); gtk_list_store_set (list->priv->store, d->iter, PREVIEW_ORIG_COLUMN, pixbuf, -1); factor = gtkam_list_get_zoom_factor (list); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (pixbuf, gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) * factor, gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) * factor, GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (loader)); gtk_list_store_set (list->priv->store, d->iter, PREVIEW_COLUMN, pixbuf, -1); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf)); } gp_file_unref (file); gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (s)); if (result == GP_ERROR_CAMERA_BUSY) return (TRUE); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (d->camera)); g_free (d->name); g_free (d->folder); gtk_tree_iter_free (d->iter); list->priv->head = d->next; g_free (d); if (!list->priv->head) list->priv->tail = NULL; gtk_widget_destroy (s); if (list->priv->head == NULL) return (FALSE); else return (TRUE); }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { std::cout<<"GP_OK = "<<GP_OK<<std::endl; GPContext *currentContext = NULL; gp_context_new(); Camera *camera=NULL; gp_camera_new (&camera); gp_camera_init (camera, currentContext); CameraAbilitiesList * abilitiesList; CameraAbilities abilities; CameraAbilities * ptr_abilities; ptr_abilities = &abilities; int haveListAbilities = gp_abilities_list_get_abilities (abilitiesList, 0, ptr_abilities); std::cout<<"haveListAbilities : "<< haveListAbilities<<std::endl; /* int haveAbilities = gp_camera_set_abilities(camera, abilities); std::cout<<"haveAbilities : "<< haveAbilities<<std::endl;*/ /* //in case camera driver can't figure out the current camera's speed //gp_camera_set_port_path or name => pas TROUVE int speed; //AURA BESOIN D4UNE VALEUR (???) int hasSpeed = gp_camera_set_port_speed (camera, speed); */ //to know port's camera GPPortInfo info; GPPortInfo * ptr_info; ptr_info = &info; /* int infoSetted = gp_camera_set_port_info (camera, info); std::cout<<"infoSetted : "<< infoSetted<<std::endl;*/ /// int infoGetted = gp_camera_get_port_info(camera, ptr_info); std::cout<<"infoGetted : "<< infoGetted<<std::endl; //To have a window with camera's config CameraWidget ** widget; CameraWidgetType type; const char *label; int widgetCreated = gp_widget_new (type, label, widget); std::cout<<"widgetCreated : "<< widgetCreated<<std::endl; //get config int configGetted = gp_camera_get_config (camera, widget, currentContext); std::cout<<"configGetted : "<< configGetted<<std::endl; //set the configuration's camera // int cameraSetted = gp_camera_set_config (camera, *widget, currentContext); // std::cout<<"cameraSetted : "<< cameraSetted<<std::endl; //HAVE TO FIND FUNCTION WHICH GET/SET THE PÄTH CameraFilePath * path; //IDEM CameraCaptureType typeCapture; CameraFileType typeFile; //mm type à priori //capture int captured = gp_camera_capture (camera, typeCapture, path, currentContext); std::cout<<"captured : "<< captured<<std::endl; //To get capture from camera to computer //folder on computer //TO COMPLETE const char *folder = "../pictures"; //TO COMPLETE //(devra être renseigné en fonction du numéro de la photoprécédente par ex) const char *file = "picture001"; //?? CameraFile * camera_file; int captureGetted = gp_camera_file_get(camera, folder, file, typeFile,camera_file, currentContext); std::cout<<"captureGetted : "<< captureGetted<<std::endl; int indiceCountCamera = gp_camera_unref (camera); //Before the end of using camera => better! int cameraExited = gp_camera_exit (camera, currentContext); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ Camera *camera; GPContext *context = gp_context_new(); int retval; CameraEventType evttype; void *evtdata; CameraFile *file; gp_camera_new(&camera); retval = gp_camera_init(camera, context); if(retval != GP_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(retval)); return 1; } do { retval = gp_camera_wait_for_event (camera, 10, &evttype, &evtdata, context); } while ((retval == GP_OK) && (evttype != GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT)); retval = gp_file_new(&file); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("gp_file_new: %d\n", retval); return 1; } /*retval = gp_camera_capture_preview(camera, file, context); */ if (retval != GP_OK) { printf("gp_camera_capture_preview: %d\n", retval); return 1; } gp_file_free (file); if(argc == 1) { retval = camera_auto_focus(camera, context, 1); if(retval != GP_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(retval)); return 1; } } else if(argc == 2) { int value = atoi(argv[1]); retval = camera_manual_focus(camera, value, context); if(retval != GP_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(retval)); return 1; } } do { retval = gp_camera_wait_for_event (camera, 10, &evttype, &evtdata, context); } while ((retval == GP_OK) && (evttype != GP_EVENT_TIMEOUT)); retval = camera_auto_focus(camera, context, 0); if(retval != GP_OK) { printf("Error: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(retval)); return 1; } gp_camera_exit(camera, context); return 0; }
~CameraController() { gp_camera_exit(camera, context); }
static GtkamCamera * gtkam_chooser_get_camera (GtkamChooser *chooser) { GtkWidget *dialog, *status; GPPortInfo info; Camera *camera; CameraAbilities abilities; const gchar *model, *port, *speed; gchar *port_path, *right, *tmp; int m, p, r; gboolean multi; GtkamCamera *c; model = gtk_entry_get_text (chooser->priv->entry_model); port = gtk_entry_get_text (chooser->priv->entry_port); speed = gtk_entry_get_text (chooser->priv->entry_speed); multi = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (chooser->priv->check_multi)->active; if (!port || !*port) port_path = g_strdup (_("None")); else { port_path = g_strdup (port); right = strrchr (port_path, ')'); *right = '\0'; tmp = g_strdup (strrchr (port_path, '(') + 1); g_free (port_path); port_path = tmp; } gp_camera_new (&camera); #ifdef HAVE_GP_CAMERA_SET_TIMEOUT_FUNCS gp_camera_set_timeout_funcs (camera, start_timeout_func, stop_timeout_func, NULL); #endif /* Model? */ m = gp_abilities_list_lookup_model (chooser->priv->al, model); gp_abilities_list_get_abilities (chooser->priv->al, m, &abilities); gp_camera_set_abilities (camera, abilities); /* Port? */ if (strcmp (port_path, _("None"))) { p = gp_port_info_list_lookup_path (chooser->priv->il, port_path); gp_port_info_list_get_info (chooser->priv->il, p, &info); gp_camera_set_port_info (camera, info); } /* Speed? */ if (strcmp (speed, _("Best"))) gp_camera_set_port_speed (camera, atoi (speed)); /* * Initialize the camera to check if it is really there. Exit * afterwards because other applications could need the camera, too. */ status = gtkam_status_new (_("Initializing camera...")); gtkam_dialog_add_status (GTKAM_DIALOG (chooser), status); r = gp_camera_init (camera, GTKAM_STATUS (status)->context->context); if (multi) gp_camera_exit (camera, NULL); switch (r) { case GP_OK: break; case GP_ERROR_CANCEL: g_free (port_path); break; default: g_free (port_path); dialog = gtkam_error_new (r, GTKAM_STATUS (status)->context, NULL, _("Could not initialize camera.")); gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GTK_WINDOW (chooser)); gtk_widget_show (dialog); gp_camera_unref (camera); camera = NULL; } gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (status)); c = gtkam_camera_new (camera, multi); gp_camera_unref (camera); return (c); }
int cameraFunction(int command) { int i, retval, ss, commandint; gp_camera_new(&canon); canoncontext = gp_context_new(); gp_log_add_func(GP_LOG_ERROR, errordumper, NULL); printf("Camera init. Takes about 3 seconds.\n"); retval = gp_camera_init(canon, canoncontext); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" Retval: %d\n", retval); exit(1); } else { printf("okay"); } canon_enable_capture(canon, TRUE, canoncontext); printf("ready to rock\n"); //i = getchar(); //getchar(); //commandint = atoi(command); switch (command) { case 'c': { capture(canon, canoncontext); break; } case 's': { ss = getchar(); getchar(); printf("ss is %c\n", ss); shutterchange(canon, canoncontext, ss); break; } case 'a': { int ap; ap = getchar(); getchar(); aperturechange(canon, canoncontext, ap); printf("aperture: %d", ap); break; } case 'i': { int iso; iso = getchar(); getchar(); isochange(canon, canoncontext, iso); printf("iso: %d", iso); break; } case 'l': { while (1) { liveview(canon, canoncontext); } break; } case 'q': { gp_camera_exit(canon, canoncontext); break; } default: capture(canon, canoncontext); return 0; } return 0; } //end of code
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Camera *canon; int i, retval; GPContext *canoncontext = sample_create_context(); gp_log_add_func(GP_LOG_ERROR, errordumper, 0); gp_camera_new(&canon); /* When I set GP_LOG_DEBUG instead of GP_LOG_ERROR above, I noticed that the * init function seems to traverse the entire filesystem on the camera. This * is partly why it takes so long. * (Marcus: the ptp2 driver does this by default currently.) */ printf("Camera init. Takes about 10 seconds.\n"); retval = gp_camera_init(canon, canoncontext); if (retval != GP_OK) { printf(" Retval: %d\n", retval); exit (1); } canon_enable_capture(canon, TRUE, canoncontext); retval = camera_eosviewfinder(canon,canoncontext,1); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"camera_eosviewfinder(1): %d\n", retval); exit(1); } /*set_capturetarget(canon, canoncontext);*/ printf("Taking 100 previews and saving them to snapshot-XXX.jpg ...\n"); for (i=0;i<100;i++) { CameraFile *file; char output_file[32]; fprintf(stderr,"preview %d\n", i); retval = gp_file_new(&file); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"gp_file_new: %d\n", retval); exit(1); } /* autofocus every 10 shots */ if (i%10 == 9) { camera_auto_focus (canon, canoncontext, 1); /* FIXME: wait a bit and/or poll events ? */ camera_auto_focus (canon, canoncontext, 0); } else { camera_manual_focus (canon, (i/10-5)/2, canoncontext); } #if 0 /* testcase for EOS zooming */ { char buf[20]; if (i<10) set_config_value_string (canon, "eoszoom", "5", canoncontext); sprintf(buf,"%d,%d",(i&0x1f)*64,(i>>5)*64); fprintf(stderr, "%d - %s\n", i, buf); set_config_value_string (canon, "eoszoomposition", buf, canoncontext); } #endif retval = gp_camera_capture_preview(canon, file, canoncontext); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"gp_camera_capture_preview(%d): %d\n", i, retval); exit(1); } sprintf(output_file, "snapshot-%03d.jpg", i); retval = gp_file_save(file, output_file); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"gp_camera_capture_preview(%d): %d\n", i, retval); exit(1); } gp_file_unref(file); /* sprintf(output_file, "image-%03d.jpg", i); capture_to_file(canon, canoncontext, output_file); */ } retval = camera_eosviewfinder(canon,canoncontext,0); if (retval != GP_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"camera_eosviewfinder(0): %d\n", retval); exit(1); } sleep(10); gp_camera_exit(canon, canoncontext); return 0; }