예제 #1
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

   int i;

   if (! gpe_application_init (&argc, &argv)) {
      exit (1);
   displaymigration_init ();
   gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

   for (i = 0; i < ROADMAP_MAX_IO; ++i) {
      RoadMapMainIo[i].io.os.file = -1;
      RoadMapMainIo[i].io.subsystem = ROADMAP_IO_INVALID;

   roadmap_start_subscribe (roadmap_start_event);
   roadmap_start (argc, argv);


   return 0;
예제 #2
// use unusual names for the parameters to avoid conflict with wxApp::arg[cv]
bool wxApp::Initialize(int& argc_, wxChar **argv_)
    if ( !wxAppBase::Initialize(argc_, argv_) )
        return false;

    if (!g_thread_supported())
#endif // wxUSE_THREADS

    // gtk+ 2.0 supports Unicode through UTF-8 strings
    wxConvCurrent = &wxConvUTF8;

#ifdef __UNIX__
    // decide which conversion to use for the file names

    // (1) this variable exists for the sole purpose of specifying the encoding
    //     of the filenames for GTK+ programs, so use it if it is set
    wxString encName(wxGetenv(wxT("G_FILENAME_ENCODING")));
    encName = encName.BeforeFirst(wxT(','));
    if (encName.CmpNoCase(wxT("@locale")) == 0)
#if wxUSE_INTL
    if (encName.empty())
        // (2) if a non default locale is set, assume that the user wants his
        //     filenames in this locale too
        encName = wxLocale::GetSystemEncodingName().Upper();

        // But don't consider ASCII in this case.
        if ( !encName.empty() )
            wxFontEncoding enc = wxFontMapperBase::GetEncodingFromName(encName);
            if ( enc == wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT )
#else // !wxUSE_FONTMAP
            if ( encName == wxT("US-ASCII") )
                // This means US-ASCII when returned from GetEncodingFromName().

        // (3) finally use UTF-8 by default
        if ( encName.empty() )
            encName = wxT("UTF-8");
        wxSetEnv(wxT("G_FILENAME_ENCODING"), encName);
    if (encName.empty())
        encName = wxT("UTF-8");

    // if wxUSE_INTL==0 it probably indicates that only "C" locale is supported
    // by the program anyhow so prevent GTK+ from calling setlocale(LC_ALL, "")
    // from gtk_init_check() as it does by default

#endif // wxUSE_INTL
    static wxConvBrokenFileNames fileconv(encName);
    wxConvFileName = &fileconv;
#endif // __UNIX__

    bool init_result;
    int i;

    // gtk_init() wants UTF-8, not wchar_t, so convert
    char **argvGTK = new char *[argc_ + 1];
    for ( i = 0; i < argc_; i++ )
        argvGTK[i] = wxStrdupA(wxConvUTF8.cWX2MB(argv_[i]));

    argvGTK[argc_] = NULL;

    int argcGTK = argc_;

#ifdef __WXGPE__
    init_result = true;  // is there a _check() version of this?
    gpe_application_init( &argcGTK, &argvGTK );
    init_result = gtk_init_check( &argcGTK, &argvGTK );

    if ( argcGTK != argc_ )
        // we have to drop the parameters which were consumed by GTK+
        for ( i = 0; i < argcGTK; i++ )
            while ( strcmp(wxConvUTF8.cWX2MB(argv_[i]), argvGTK[i]) != 0 )
                memmove(argv_ + i, argv_ + i + 1, (argc_ - i)*sizeof(*argv_));

        argc_ = argcGTK;
        argv_[argc_] = NULL;
    //else: gtk_init() didn't modify our parameters

    // free our copy
    for ( i = 0; i < argcGTK; i++ )

    delete [] argvGTK;
#else // !wxUSE_UNICODE
    // gtk_init() shouldn't actually change argv_ itself (just its contents) so
    // it's ok to pass pointer to it
    init_result = gtk_init_check( &argc_, &argv_ );

    // update internal arg[cv] as GTK+ may have removed processed options:
    this->argc = argc_;
    this->argv = argv_;

    if ( m_traits )
        // if there are still GTK+ standard options unparsed in the command
        // line, it means that they were not syntactically correct and GTK+
        // already printed a warning on the command line and we should now
        // exit:
        wxArrayString opt, desc;
        m_traits->GetStandardCmdLineOptions(opt, desc);

        for ( i = 0; i < argc_; i++ )
            // leave just the names of the options with values
            const wxString str = wxString(argv_[i]).BeforeFirst('=');

            for ( size_t j = 0; j < opt.size(); j++ )
                // remove the leading spaces from the option string as it does
                // have them
                if ( opt[j].Trim(false).BeforeFirst('=') == str )
                    // a GTK+ option can be left on the command line only if
                    // there was an error in (or before, in another standard
                    // options) it, so abort, just as we do if incorrect
                    // program option is given
                    wxLogError(_("Invalid GTK+ command line option, use \"%s --help\""),
                    return false;

    if ( !init_result )
        wxLogError(_("Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly?"));
        return false;

    // we cannot enter threads before gtk_init is done

#if wxUSE_INTL

    // make sure GtkWidget type is loaded, idle hooks need it

    return true;
예제 #3
파일: app.cpp 프로젝트: SCP-682/Cities3D
bool wxApp::Initialize(int& argc, wxChar **argv)
    bool init_result;

    if (!g_thread_supported())

    wxgs_poll_func = g_main_context_get_poll_func(NULL);
    g_main_context_set_poll_func(NULL, wxapp_poll_func);
#endif // wxUSE_THREADS


    // We should have the wxUSE_WCHAR_T test on the _outside_
    // gtk+ 2.0 supports Unicode through UTF-8 strings
    wxConvCurrent = &wxConvUTF8;
#else // !wxUSE_WCHAR_T
    if (!wxOKlibc())
        wxConvCurrent = (wxMBConv*) NULL;
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T/!wxUSE_WCHAR_T

    // decide which conversion to use for the file names

    // (1) this variable exists for the sole purpose of specifying the encoding
    //     of the filenames for GTK+ programs, so use it if it is set
    wxString encName(wxGetenv(_T("G_FILENAME_ENCODING")));
    encName = encName.BeforeFirst(_T(','));
    if (encName.CmpNoCase(_T("@locale")) == 0)
#if wxUSE_INTL
    if (encName.empty())
        // (2) if a non default locale is set, assume that the user wants his
        //     filenames in this locale too
        encName = wxLocale::GetSystemEncodingName().Upper();
        // (3) finally use UTF-8 by default
        if (encName.empty() || encName == _T("US-ASCII"))
            encName = _T("UTF-8");
        wxSetEnv(_T("G_FILENAME_ENCODING"), encName);
    if (encName.empty())
        encName = _T("UTF-8");
#endif // wxUSE_INTL

    static wxConvBrokenFileNames fileconv(encName);
    wxConvFileName = &fileconv;
#endif // wxUSE_WCHAR_T

    // gtk_init() wants UTF-8, not wchar_t, so convert
    int i;
    char **argvGTK = new char *[argc + 1];
    for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
        argvGTK[i] = wxStrdupA(wxConvUTF8.cWX2MB(argv[i]));

    argvGTK[argc] = NULL;

    int argcGTK = argc;

#ifdef __WXGPE__
    init_result = true;  // is there a _check() version of this?
    gpe_application_init( &argcGTK, &argvGTK );
    init_result = gtk_init_check( &argcGTK, &argvGTK );

    if ( argcGTK != argc )
        // we have to drop the parameters which were consumed by GTK+
        for ( i = 0; i < argcGTK; i++ )
            while ( strcmp(wxConvUTF8.cWX2MB(argv[i]), argvGTK[i]) != 0 )
                memmove(argv + i, argv + i + 1, (argc - i)*sizeof(*argv));

        argc = argcGTK;
    //else: gtk_init() didn't modify our parameters

    // free our copy
    for ( i = 0; i < argcGTK; i++ )

    delete [] argvGTK;
#else // !wxUSE_UNICODE
    // gtk_init() shouldn't actually change argv itself (just its contents) so
    // it's ok to pass pointer to it
    init_result = gtk_init_check( &argc, &argv );

    if (!init_result) {
        wxLogError(wxT("Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly?"));
        return false;

    // update internal arg[cv] as GTK+ may have removed processed options:
    this->argc = argc;
    this->argv = argv;

    // we can not enter threads before gtk_init is done

    if ( !wxAppBase::Initialize(argc, argv) )

        return false;

    wxSetDetectableAutoRepeat( true );

#if wxUSE_INTL

    return true;