static void event_help( void ) { grEvent dummy_event; FTDemo_Display_Clear( display ); grSetLineHeight( 10 ); grGotoxy( 0, 0 ); grSetMargin( 2, 1 ); grGotobitmap( display->bitmap ); grWriteln( "FreeType String Viewer - part of the FreeType test suite" ); grLn(); grWriteln( "This program is used to display a string of text using" ); grWriteln( "the new convenience API of the FreeType 2 library." ); grLn(); grWriteln( "Use the following keys :" ); grLn(); grWriteln( " F1 or ? : display this help screen" ); grLn(); grWriteln( " a : toggle anti-aliasing" ); grWriteln( " b : toggle embedded bitmaps (and disable rotation)" ); grWriteln( " f : toggle forced auto-hinting" ); grWriteln( " h : toggle outline hinting" ); grLn(); grWriteln( " 1-2 : select rendering mode" ); grWriteln( " k : cycle through kerning modes" ); grWriteln( " t : cycle through kerning degrees" ); grWriteln( " V : toggle vertical rendering" ); grLn(); grWriteln( " G : toggle gamma correction" ); grWriteln( " g : increase gamma by 0.1" ); grWriteln( " v : decrease gamma by 0.1" ); grLn(); grWriteln( " n : next font" ); grWriteln( " p : previous font" ); grLn(); grWriteln( " Up : increase pointsize by 1 unit" ); grWriteln( " Down : decrease pointsize by 1 unit" ); grWriteln( " Page Up : increase pointsize by 10 units" ); grWriteln( " Page Down : decrease pointsize by 10 units" ); grLn(); grWriteln( " Right : rotate counter-clockwise" ); grWriteln( " Left : rotate clockwise" ); grWriteln( " F7 : big rotate counter-clockwise" ); grWriteln( " F8 : big rotate clockwise" ); grLn(); grWriteln( "press any key to exit this help screen" ); grRefreshSurface( display->surface ); grListenSurface( display->surface, gr_event_key, &dummy_event ); }
int main( void ) { FTDemo_Display* display; grEvent dummy; display = FTDemo_Display_New( gr_pixel_mode_rgb24 ); if ( !display ) { PanicZ( "could not allocate display surface" ); } grSetTitle( display->surface, "FreeType Gamma Matcher" ); Render_GammaGrid( display->bitmap ); grRefreshSurface( display->surface ); grListenSurface( display->surface, 0, &dummy ); exit( 0 ); /* for safety reasons */ return 0; /* never reached */ }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { grEvent event; /* Initialize engine */ handle = FTDemo_New(); parse_cmdline( &argc, &argv ); handle->encoding = status.encoding; handle->use_sbits = 0; FTDemo_Update_Current_Flags( handle ); for ( ; argc > 0; argc--, argv++ ) { error = FTDemo_Install_Font( handle, argv[0], 0 ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, "failed to install %s", argv[0] ); if ( error == FT_Err_Invalid_CharMap_Handle ) fprintf( stderr, ": missing valid charmap\n" ); else fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } } if ( handle->num_fonts == 0 ) PanicZ( "could not open any font file" ); display = FTDemo_Display_New( gr_pixel_mode_gray, status.width, status.height ); display->back_color.value = 0; display->fore_color.value = 0xff; if ( !display ) PanicZ( "could not allocate display surface" ); grSetTitle( display->surface, "FreeType String Viewer - press ? for help" ); event_gamma_change( 0 ); event_font_change( 0 ); status.header = 0; for ( ;; ) { FTDemo_Display_Clear( display ); switch ( status.render_mode ) { case RENDER_MODE_STRING: = 1L << 15; error = FTDemo_String_Draw( handle, display, &, display->bitmap->width / 2, display->bitmap->rows / 2 ); break; case RENDER_MODE_KERNCMP: { FTDemo_String_Context sc =; FT_Int x, y; FT_Int height; x = 55; height = ( status.ptsize * status.res / 72 + 32 ) >> 6; if ( height < CELLSTRING_HEIGHT ) height = CELLSTRING_HEIGHT; /* First line: none */ = 0; sc.kerning_mode = 0; sc.kerning_degree = 0; sc.vertical = 0; sc.matrix = NULL; y = CELLSTRING_HEIGHT * 2 + display->bitmap->rows / 4 + height; grWriteCellString( display->bitmap, 5, y - ( height + CELLSTRING_HEIGHT ) / 2, "none", display->fore_color ); error = FTDemo_String_Draw( handle, display, &sc, x, y ); /* Second line: track kern only */ sc.kerning_degree =; y += height; grWriteCellString( display->bitmap, 5, y - ( height + CELLSTRING_HEIGHT ) / 2, "track", display->fore_color ); error = FTDemo_String_Draw( handle, display, &sc, x, y ); /* Third line: track kern + pair kern */ sc.kerning_mode =; y += height; grWriteCellString( display->bitmap, 5, y - ( height + CELLSTRING_HEIGHT ) / 2, "both", display->fore_color ); error = FTDemo_String_Draw( handle, display, &sc, x, y ); } break; } if ( !error && ) gamma_ramp_draw( status.gamma_ramp, display->bitmap ); write_header( error ); status.header = 0; grListenSurface( display->surface, 0, &event ); if ( Process_Event( &event ) ) break; } printf( "Execution completed successfully.\n" ); FTDemo_Display_Done( display ); FTDemo_Done( handle ); exit( 0 ); /* for safety reasons */ /* return 0; */ /* never reached */ }