static void S9xGlideInitTextures () { grColorCombine (GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); grTexCombine (GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE); grTexMipMapMode (GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_DISABLE, FXFALSE); grTexClampMode (GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_CLAMP); grTexFilterMode (GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR); /* XXX: trilinear */ grTexCombine (GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_BLEND_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOD_FRACTION, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_BLEND_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOD_FRACTION, FXFALSE, FXFALSE); texture_info.smallLod = GR_LOD_256; texture_info.largeLod = GR_LOD_256; texture_info.aspectRatio = GR_ASPECT_1x1; texture_info.format = GR_TEXFMT_RGB_565; Glide.texture.smallLod = GR_LOD_8; Glide.texture.largeLod = GR_LOD_8; Glide.texture.aspectRatio = GR_ASPECT_1x1; Glide.texture.format = GR_TEXFMT_RGB_565; Glide.texture_mem_size = grTexTextureMemRequired (GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &Glide.texture); Glide.texture_mem_start = grTexMinAddress (GR_TMU0); int texture_mem_size = grTexTextureMemRequired (GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texture_info); int address = grTexMinAddress (GR_TMU0); // At maximum SNES resolution (512x478) four seperate Voodoo textures will // be needed since the maximum texture size on Voodoo cards is 256x256. for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) { texture_mem_start [t] = address; address += texture_mem_size; } texture_download_buffer = (uint16 *) malloc (texture_mem_size); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Glide.sq [i].oow = 1.0; Glide.sq [i].ooz = 65535.0; Glide.sq [i].tmuvtx [0].oow = 1.0; } Glide.x_offset = 0.0; Glide.y_offset = 0.0; // XXX: Do this when the SNES screen resolution is known. Glide.x_scale = Glide.voodoo_width * 8.0 / 256; Glide.y_scale = Glide.voodoo_height * 8.0 / 224; }
void main( int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; FxBool scrgrab = FXFALSE; char filename[256]; int ftsize = 0; TlTexture baseTexture; unsigned long baseTextureAddr; GrVertex vtxA, vtxB, vtxC, vtxD; FxBool texchroma = FXFALSE; char *extstr; GrProc grTexChromaModeExt = NULL; GrProc grTexChromaRangeExt = NULL; GrColor_t min = 0x00, max = 0x007f7f7f; FxU8 mincolor = 0x00; FxU8 maxcolor = 0x7f; FxFloat red = 1.7f, green = 1.7f, blue = 1.7f; /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while( rv = tlGetOpt( argc, argv, "nrd", &match, &remArgs ) ) { if ( rv == -1 ) { printf( "Unrecognized command line argument\n" ); printf( "%s %s\n", name, usage ); printf( "Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList() ); return; } switch( match ) { case 'n': frames = atoi( remArgs[0] ); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant( remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); break; case 'd': scrgrab = FXTRUE; frames = 1; strcpy(filename, remArgs[0]); break; } } tlSetScreen( scrWidth, scrHeight ); version = grGetString( GR_VERSION ); printf( "%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose ); printf( "%s\n", version ); printf( "Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString( resolution ) ); if ( frames == -1 ) { printf( "Press A Key To Begin Test.\n" ); tlGetCH(); } /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert( hwconfig = tlVoodooType() ); grSstSelect( 0 ); assert( grSstWinOpen( 0, resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, 2, 1 ) ); tlConSet( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 60, 30, 0xffffff ); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_XY, GR_VERTEX_X_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_Q, GR_VERTEX_OOW_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_ST0, GR_VERTEX_SOW_TMU0_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE ); grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); { /* ** texChroma extension */ extension = grGetString(GR_EXTENSION); extstr = strstr(extension, "CHROMARANGE"); if (!strncmp(extstr, "CHROMARANGE", 11)) { grTexChromaModeExt = grGetProcAddress("grTexChromaModeExt"); grTexChromaRangeExt = grGetProcAddress("grTexChromaRangeExt"); } grTexChromaModeExt(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXCHROMA_DISABLE_EXT); grTexChromaRangeExt(0, min, max, GR_TEXCHROMARANGE_RGB_ALL_EXT); } assert( tlLoadTexture( "miro.3df", &, &baseTexture.tableType, &baseTexture.tableData ) ); /* Download texture data to TMU */ baseTextureAddr = grTexMinAddress( GR_TMU0 ); grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, baseTextureAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, & ); if ( baseTexture.tableType != NO_TABLE ) { grTexDownloadTable( baseTexture.tableType, &baseTexture.tableData ); } grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grTexSource( GR_TMU0, baseTextureAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, & ); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP); { vtxA.x = tlScaleX( 0.2f ); vtxA.y = tlScaleY( 0.2f ); vtxA.oow = 1.0f; vtxB.x = tlScaleX( 0.8f ); vtxB.y = tlScaleY( 0.2f ); vtxB.oow = 1.0f; vtxC.x = tlScaleX( 0.2f ); vtxC.y = tlScaleY( 0.8f ); vtxC.oow = 1.0f; vtxD.x = tlScaleX( 0.8f ); vtxD.y = tlScaleY( 0.8f ); vtxD.oow = 1.0f; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].sow = 0.f; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].tow = 0.f; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.f; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].tow = 0.f; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].sow = 0.f; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.f; vtxD.tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.f; vtxD.tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.f; } tlConOutput( "Press a key to quit\n" ); tlConOutput( "Press c to turn on/off texture chroma\n" ); tlConOutput( "Press {/} to change max color range\n" ); tlConOutput( "Press [/] to change min color range\n" ); while( frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { char string[256], tmpstr[64]; if (texchroma) strcpy(string, ""); else strcpy(string, ""); sprintf(tmpstr, " (%x,%x,%x) (%x,%x,%x) (%f %f %f) \r", mincolor, mincolor, mincolor, maxcolor, maxcolor, maxcolor,red,green,blue); strcat(string, tmpstr); tlConOutput( string ); if (hwconfig == TL_VOODOORUSH) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grBufferClear( 0x3f3f3f, 0, 0 ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxD ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxD, &vtxC ); tlConRender(); grBufferSwap( 1 ); /* grab the frame buffer */ if (scrgrab) { if (!tlScreenDump(filename, (FxU16)scrWidth, (FxU16)scrHeight)) printf( "Cannot open %s\n", filename); scrgrab = FXFALSE; } while( tlKbHit() ) { switch( tlGetCH() ) { case 'r': red -= 0.1f; guGammaCorrectionRGB(red, green, blue); break; case 'R': red += 0.1f; guGammaCorrectionRGB(red, green, blue); break; case 'g': green -= 0.1f; guGammaCorrectionRGB(red, green, blue); break; case 'G': green += 0.1f; guGammaCorrectionRGB(red, green, blue); break; case 'b': blue -= 0.1f; guGammaCorrectionRGB(red, green, blue); break; case 'B': blue += 0.1f; guGammaCorrectionRGB(red, green, blue); break; case 'c': case 'C': texchroma = !texchroma; if (texchroma) grTexChromaModeExt(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXCHROMA_ENABLE_EXT); else grTexChromaModeExt(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXCHROMA_DISABLE_EXT); break; case '{': if ((maxcolor > 0x00) && (maxcolor > mincolor)) maxcolor--; max = (maxcolor << 16) | (maxcolor << 8) | maxcolor; grTexChromaRangeExt(0, min, max, GR_TEXCHROMARANGE_RGB_ALL_EXT); break; case '}': if (maxcolor < 0xff) maxcolor++; max = (maxcolor << 16) | (maxcolor << 8) | maxcolor; grTexChromaRangeExt(0, min, max, GR_TEXCHROMARANGE_RGB_ALL_EXT); break; case '[': if (mincolor > 0x00) mincolor--; min = (mincolor << 16) | (mincolor << 8) | mincolor; grTexChromaRangeExt(0, min, max, GR_TEXCHROMARANGE_RGB_ALL_EXT); break; case ']': if ((mincolor < 0xff) && (mincolor < maxcolor)) mincolor++; min = (mincolor << 16) | (mincolor << 8) | mincolor; grTexChromaRangeExt(0, min, max, GR_TEXCHROMARANGE_RGB_ALL_EXT); break; default: frames = 0; break; } } } grGlideShutdown(); return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv = -1; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; FxBool scrgrab = FXFALSE; char filename[256]; FxU32 wrange[2]; FxU32 multiBaseMode = 0, minTexSize = 1, maxTexSize = 256; const TlVertex3D srcVerts[4] = { { -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, { -0.5f, 0.0f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }, { 0.5f, 0.0f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } }; /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); if ((hwconfig = tlVoodooType()) == 0) { printf("Error getting 3Dfx hw type.\n"); exit(-1); } /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while(rv = tlGetOpt(argc, argv, "dmnrx", &match, &remArgs)) { if (rv == -1) { printf("Unrecognized command line argument\n"); printf("%s %s\n", name, usage); printf("Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList()); exit(-1); } switch(match) { case 'd': scrgrab = FXTRUE; if (scrgrab) { frames = 1; strcpy(filename, remArgs[0]); } break; case 'm': /* Do we want to test larger sizes if the hw supports it? */ if (!grGet(GR_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, sizeof(maxTexSize), (FxI32 *)&maxTexSize)) { printf("grGet(GR_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) failed.\n"); exit(-1); } break; case 'n': if (remArgs[0] != NULL) frames = atoi(remArgs[0]); break; case 'r': if (remArgs[0] != NULL) resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant(remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight); break; } } tlSetScreen(scrWidth, scrHeight); version = grGetString(GR_VERSION); printf("%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose); printf("%s\n", version); printf("Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString(resolution)); if (frames == -1) { printf("Press A Key To Begin Test.\n"); tlGetCH(); } grSstSelect(0); if (grSstWinOpen(tlGethWnd(), resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, 2, 1) == 0) { printf("grSstWinOpen failed.\n"); goto __errExit; } tlConSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 60, 30, 0xffffff); /* Set up Render State */ grGet(GR_WDEPTH_MIN_MAX, 8, (FxI32 *)wrange); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_XY, 0, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_Q, GR_VERTEX_OOW_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_ST0, GR_VERTEX_SOW_TMU0_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); grTexCombine(GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE); /* Generate texture */ { GrLOD_t largeLod, smallLod; FxU16* texData = NULL; FxU32 totalMapSize, curMapSize; /* There's some closed form of this series thing, but I forget * what it is and am way to lazy to actually go look it up. This * is only a glide test after all. */ totalMapSize = 0; curMapSize = maxTexSize; while(curMapSize > 0) { totalMapSize += (curMapSize * curMapSize) * sizeof(FxU16); curMapSize >>= 1; } texData = (FxU16*)malloc(totalMapSize * sizeof(*texData)); if (texData == NULL) { printf("Unable to allocate texture data.\n"); exit(-1); } /* Figure out the supported log2(lod size) */ largeLod = GR_LOD_LOG2_1; while((0x01UL << largeLod) != maxTexSize) largeLod++; smallLod = GR_LOD_LOG2_1; while((0x01UL << smallLod) != minTexSize) smallLod++; /* Build simple texture w/ a different color for each map to help * distinguish the different maps when mipmapping. Additionally, * add a 'border' so that we can see if the start of the texture * gets mucked up due to an incorrect start address. */ { FxU16 colorVal = 0xF800, *curTexPtr = texData; FxU32 i, j, colorShift = (16 / largeLod); curMapSize = maxTexSize; while(curMapSize > 0) { for(j = 0; j < curMapSize; j++) *curTexPtr++ = 0xFFFF; for(i = 1; i < curMapSize - 1; i++) { *curTexPtr++ = 0xFFFF; for(j = 1; j < curMapSize - 1; j++) { *curTexPtr++ = colorVal; } *curTexPtr++ = 0xFFFF; } for(j = 0; j < curMapSize; j++) *curTexPtr++ = 0xFFFF; curMapSize >>= 1; colorVal >>= colorShift; } } { GrTexInfo texInfo = { GR_LOD_LOG2_1, 0, GR_ASPECT_LOG2_1x1, GR_TEXFMT_RGB_565, 0 }; FxU32 curTexAddr = 0x00UL, texMultiBaseOffset; texInfo.largeLodLog2 = largeLod; = texData; /* Determine the hw texture alignment and generate some random * offset for the texture base addressing. */ { FxU32 texAlign, maxTexMem = grTexMaxAddress(GR_TMU0), maxTexSize = grTexTextureMemRequired(GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); if (!grGet(GR_TEXTURE_ALIGN, sizeof(texAlign), (FxI32 *)&texAlign)) { printf("grGet(GR_TEXTURE_ALIGN): Failed!\n"); exit(-1); } texAlign <<= 3UL; /* Get some offset that has to be smaller than the amount of * texxture space we have left divided by the # of times * that we're going to add it in. */ do { texMultiBaseOffset = rand(); } while ((texMultiBaseOffset < 0x1000UL) || (texMultiBaseOffset > ((maxTexMem - maxTexSize) / 4))); texMultiBaseOffset = (texMultiBaseOffset + texAlign) & ~(texAlign - 1UL); } /* Download the texture to the multibase address specified by * the current mode. We play a few games w/ offsetting the * texture start address by texMultiBaseOffset to try to make * sure that multi-base actually works inside of glide. */ /* Mmmm... multibase */ grTexMultibase(GR_TMU0, FXTRUE); /* Download and set the base addresses in descending map size * order offsetting by some dorky amount as we go. */ texInfo.smallLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_256; texInfo.largeLodLog2 = largeLod; grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); grTexMultibaseAddress(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXBASE_256, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); curTexAddr += (texMultiBaseOffset + grTexTextureMemRequired(GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo)); = (void*)((FxU8*) + grTexTextureMemRequired(GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo)); texInfo.smallLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_128; texInfo.largeLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_128; grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); grTexMultibaseAddress(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXBASE_128, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); curTexAddr += (texMultiBaseOffset + grTexTextureMemRequired(GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo)); = (void*)((FxU8*) + grTexTextureMemRequired(GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo)); texInfo.smallLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_64; texInfo.largeLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_64; grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); grTexMultibaseAddress(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXBASE_64, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); curTexAddr += (texMultiBaseOffset + grTexTextureMemRequired(GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo)); = (void*)((FxU8*) + grTexTextureMemRequired(GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo)); texInfo.smallLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_1; texInfo.largeLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_32; grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); grTexMultibaseAddress(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXBASE_32_TO_1, curTexAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); /* Source the whole texture. The large map start will reset * baseAddr0, but that should be fine since we did not adjust * its address because it came first. */ texInfo.smallLodLog2 = GR_LOD_LOG2_1; texInfo.largeLodLog2 = largeLod; grTexSource(GR_TMU0, 0x00UL, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo); } free((void*)texData); } grTexMipMapMode(GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE); tlConOutput("Press a key to quit\n"); while(frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { static float curOOW = 1.0f; if (hwconfig == TL_VOODOORUSH) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grBufferClear(0x808080, 0xFF, wrange[1]); { static float distance = 1.0f, dDelta = 0.1f; TlVertex3D xfVerts[4], prjVerts[4]; GrVertex vtxA, vtxB, vtxC, vtxD; /*---- A-B |\| C-D -----*/ vtxA.oow = 1.0f; vtxB = vtxC = vtxD = vtxA; #define MAX_DIST 30.5f #define MIN_DIST 1.0f distance += dDelta; if (distance > MAX_DIST || distance < MIN_DIST) { dDelta *= -1.0f; distance += dDelta; } tlSetMatrix(tlIdentity()); tlMultMatrix(tlXRotation(-20.0f)); tlMultMatrix(tlTranslation(0.0f, -0.3f, distance)); tlTransformVertices(xfVerts, srcVerts, 4); tlProjectVertices(prjVerts, xfVerts, 4); vtxA.x = tlScaleX(prjVerts[0].x); vtxA.y = tlScaleY(prjVerts[0].y); vtxA.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[0].w; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[0].s * 255.0f * vtxA.oow; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[0].t * 255.0f * vtxA.oow; vtxB.x = tlScaleX(prjVerts[1].x); vtxB.y = tlScaleY(prjVerts[1].y); vtxB.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[1].w; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[1].s * 255.0f * vtxB.oow; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[1].t * 255.0f * vtxB.oow; vtxC.x = tlScaleX(prjVerts[2].x); vtxC.y = tlScaleY(prjVerts[2].y); vtxC.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[2].w; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[2].s * 255.0f * vtxC.oow; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[2].t * 255.0f * vtxC.oow; vtxD.x = tlScaleX(prjVerts[3].x); vtxD.y = tlScaleY(prjVerts[3].y); vtxD.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[3].w; vtxD.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[3].s * 255.0f * vtxD.oow; vtxD.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[3].t * 255.0f * vtxD.oow; grDrawTriangle(&vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxD); grDrawTriangle(&vtxA, &vtxD, &vtxC); } tlConRender(); grBufferSwap(1); /* grab the frame buffer */ if (scrgrab) { if (!tlScreenDump(filename, (FxU16)scrWidth, (FxU16)scrHeight)) printf("Cannot open %s\n", filename); scrgrab = FXFALSE; } if (tlKbHit()) { char curKey = tlGetCH(); switch(curKey) { default: frames = 0; break; } } } rv = 0; __errExit: grGlideShutdown(); return rv; }
void main( int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; TlTexture baseTexture; unsigned long baseTextureAddr; TlTexture lightTexture; unsigned long lightTextureAddr; int ftsize = 0; GrFog_t *fogtable = NULL; TlVertex3D srcVerts[4]; float distance, dDelta; FxU32 zrange[2]; /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while( rv = tlGetOpt( argc, argv, "nr", &match, &remArgs ) ) { if ( rv == -1 ) { printf( "Unrecognized command line argument\n" ); printf( "%s %s\n", name, usage ); printf( "Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList() ); return; } switch( match ) { case 'n': frames = atoi( remArgs[0] ); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant( remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); break; } } tlSetScreen( scrWidth, scrHeight ); version = grGetString( GR_VERSION ); printf( "%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose ); printf( "%s\n", version ); printf( "Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString( resolution ) ); if ( frames == -1 ) { printf( "Press A Key To Begin Test.\n" ); tlGetCH(); } /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert( hwconfig = tlVoodooType() ); grSstSelect( 0 ); assert( grSstWinOpen( 0, resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT, 2, 1 ) ); tlConSet( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 60, 15, 0xffffff ); /* Set up Render State - decal - bilinear - nearest mipmapping - fogging */ grGet(GR_ZDEPTH_MIN_MAX, 8, zrange); grGet(GR_FOG_TABLE_ENTRIES, 4, &ftsize); fogtable = malloc(sizeof(GrFog_t)*ftsize); assert(fogtable); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_XY, 0, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_Q, GR_VERTEX_OOW_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_ST0, GR_VERTEX_SOW_TMU0_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE ); grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); grFogColorValue( 0x404040 ); guFogGenerateExp( fogtable, .2f ); grFogTable( fogtable ); /* Load texture data into system ram */ assert( tlLoadTexture( "decal1.3df", &, &baseTexture.tableType, &baseTexture.tableData ) ); assert( tlLoadTexture( "light.3df", &, &lightTexture.tableType, &lightTexture.tableData ) ); /* Download texture data to TMU */ baseTextureAddr = grTexMinAddress( GR_TMU0 ); grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, baseTextureAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, & ); if ( baseTexture.tableType != NO_TABLE ) { grTexDownloadTable( baseTexture.tableType, &baseTexture.tableData ); } lightTextureAddr = baseTextureAddr + grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, & ); grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, lightTextureAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, & ); if ( lightTexture.tableType != NO_TABLE ) { grTexDownloadTable( lightTexture.tableType, &lightTexture.tableData ); } /* Initialize Source 3D data - Rectangle on X/Z Plane Centered about Y Axis 0--1 Z+ | | | 2--3 - X+ */ srcVerts[0].x = -0.5f, srcVerts[0].y = 0.0f, srcVerts[0].z = 0.5f, srcVerts[0].w = 1.0f; srcVerts[1].x = 0.5f, srcVerts[1].y = 0.0f, srcVerts[1].z = 0.5f, srcVerts[1].w = 1.0f; srcVerts[2].x = -0.5f, srcVerts[2].y = 0.0f, srcVerts[2].z = -0.5f, srcVerts[2].w = 1.0f; srcVerts[3].x = 0.5f, srcVerts[3].y = 0.0f, srcVerts[3].z = -0.5f, srcVerts[3].w = 1.0f; srcVerts[0].s = 0.0f, srcVerts[0].t = 0.0f; srcVerts[1].s = 1.0f, srcVerts[1].t = 0.0f; srcVerts[2].s = 0.0f, srcVerts[2].t = 1.0f; srcVerts[3].s = 1.0f, srcVerts[3].t = 1.0f; #define RED 0x000000ff #define BLUE 0x00ff0000 #define MAX_DIST 10.0f #define MIN_DIST 1.0f distance = 1.0f; dDelta = 0.05f; tlConOutput( "Press any key to quit\n\n" ); while( frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { GrVertex vtxA, vtxB, vtxC, vtxD; TlVertex3D xfVerts[4]; TlVertex3D prjVerts[4]; if (hwconfig == TL_VOODOORUSH) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grBufferClear( 0x00404040, 0, zrange[1] ); /* 3D Transformations */ /*---- A-B |\| C-D -----*/ vtxA.oow = 1.0f; vtxB = vtxC = vtxD = vtxA; distance += dDelta; if ( distance > MAX_DIST || distance < MIN_DIST ) { dDelta *= -1.0f; distance += dDelta; } tlSetMatrix( tlIdentity() ); tlMultMatrix( tlXRotation( -90.0f ) ); tlMultMatrix( tlTranslation( 0.0f, 0.0f, distance ) ); tlTransformVertices( xfVerts, srcVerts, 4 ); tlProjectVertices( prjVerts, xfVerts, 4 ); vtxA.x = tlScaleX( prjVerts[0].x ); vtxA.y = tlScaleY( prjVerts[0].y ); vtxA.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[0].w; vtxB.x = tlScaleX( prjVerts[1].x ); vtxB.y = tlScaleY( prjVerts[1].y ); vtxB.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[1].w; vtxC.x = tlScaleX( prjVerts[2].x ); vtxC.y = tlScaleY( prjVerts[2].y ); vtxC.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[2].w; vtxD.x = tlScaleX( prjVerts[3].x ); vtxD.y = tlScaleY( prjVerts[3].y ); vtxD.oow = 1.0f / prjVerts[3].w; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[0].s * 255.0f * vtxA.oow; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[0].t * 255.0f * vtxA.oow; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[1].s * 255.0f * vtxB.oow; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[1].t * 255.0f * vtxB.oow; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[2].s * 255.0f * vtxC.oow; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[2].t * 255.0f * vtxC.oow; vtxD.tmuvtx[0].sow = prjVerts[3].s * 255.0f * vtxD.oow; vtxD.tmuvtx[0].tow = prjVerts[3].t * 255.0f * vtxD.oow; /* Render First Pass */ grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grTexSource( GR_TMU0, baseTextureAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, & ); grFogMode( GR_FOG_ADD2 | GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_W ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxD ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxD, &vtxC ); /* Render Second Pass */ grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_PREFOG_COLOR, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grTexSource( GR_TMU0, lightTextureAddr, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, & ); grFogMode( GR_FOG_MULT2 | GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_W ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxD ); grDrawTriangle( &vtxA, &vtxD, &vtxC ); tlConRender(); grBufferSwap( 1 ); grFinish(); while( tlKbHit() ) { switch( tlGetCH() ) { default: frames = 0; break; } } } grGlideShutdown(); free(fogtable); return; }
void main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Data ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char texFile[256]; char texFile_2[256]; FxU32 startAddress,nextAddress; FxU32 startAddress_2, nextAddress_2; GrTexInfo texInfo, texInfo_2; Gu3dfInfo info, info_2; GuNccTable nccTable, nccTable_2; GuTexPalette pal, pal_2; FxBool hasTable = FXFALSE, hasTable_2 = FXFALSE; FxBool hasPalette = FXFALSE, hasPalette_2 = FXFALSE; FxU32 numTmus = 1; FxU32 automate; FxU32 numFrames = -1; /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Glide State Initialization ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ grGlideInit(); grSstQueryHardware( &hwConfig ); grSstSelect( 0 ); grSstOpen( screenRes, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT, GR_SMOOTHING_ENABLE, 2 ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); if ( hwConfig.SSTs[0].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.nTexelfx == 2 ) { printf( "Detected 2 TMUs\n" ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU1, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); numTmus = 2; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Deal With Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( numTmus == 1 ) { if ( argc < 2 ) { puts( usage_1tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } else { if(strstr(argv[1], "-n")) { automate = 1; numFrames = atoi(argv[2]); if(argc >= 4) strcpy( texFile, argv[3] ); else { puts( usage_1tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } } else { strcpy( texFile, argv[1] ); if(argc > 3) if(strstr(argv[2], "-n")) { automate = 1; numFrames = atoi(argv[3]); } else { puts( usage_1tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } } } } else { if(argc >= 3) { if(strstr(argv[1], "-n")) { automate = 1; if(argc >= 5) { strcpy( texFile, argv[3] ); strcpy( texFile_2, argv[4] ); } else { puts( usage_2tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } } else { strcpy( texFile, argv[1] ); strcpy( texFile_2, argv[2] ); if(argc >= 4) if(strstr(argv[3], "-n")) automate = 1; else { puts( usage_2tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } } } else { puts( usage_2tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } } grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grDepthBufferMode( GR_DEPTHBUFFER_DISABLE ); grDepthBufferFunction( GR_CMP_LEQUAL ); grDepthMask( FXFALSE ); grCullMode( GR_CULL_DISABLE ); grBufferClear( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Load Texture(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( !gu3dfGetInfo( texFile, &info ) ) { printf( "Couldn't load %s.\n", texFile ); return; } = calloc( info.mem_required, 1 ); gu3dfLoad( texFile, &info ); texInfo.smallLod = info.header.small_lod; texInfo.largeLod = info.header.large_lod; texInfo.aspectRatio = info.header.aspect_ratio; texInfo.format = info.header.format; =; if ( texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_YIQ_422 || texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_AYIQ_8422 ) { puts( "*******************YIQ TEXTURE(TMU0)***************" ); nccTable = info.table.nccTable; hasTable = FXTRUE; } if ( texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_P_8 || texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_AP_88 ) { puts( "*******************PAL TEXTURE(TMU0)***************" ); pal = info.table.palette; hasPalette = FXTRUE; } if ( numTmus == 2 ) { if ( !gu3dfGetInfo( texFile_2, &info_2 ) ) { printf( "Couldn't load %s.\n", texFile_2 ); return; } = calloc( info_2.mem_required, 1 ); gu3dfLoad( texFile_2, &info_2 ); texInfo_2.smallLod = info_2.header.small_lod; texInfo_2.largeLod = info_2.header.large_lod; texInfo_2.aspectRatio = info_2.header.aspect_ratio; texInfo_2.format = info_2.header.format; =; if ( texInfo_2.format == GR_TEXFMT_YIQ_422 || texInfo_2.format == GR_TEXFMT_AYIQ_8422 ) { puts( "*******************YIQ TEXTURE(TMU1)***************" ); nccTable_2 = info_2.table.nccTable; hasTable_2 = FXTRUE; } if ( texInfo_2.format == GR_TEXFMT_P_8 || texInfo_2.format == GR_TEXFMT_AP_88 ) { puts( "*******************PAL TEXTURE(TMU1)***************" ); pal_2 = info_2.table.palette; hasPalette_2 = FXTRUE; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Allocate Texture RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ startAddress = nextAddress = grTexMinAddress( GR_TMU0 ); nextAddress = startAddress + grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo ); printf( "tex0: startAddress: %d nextAddress %d\n", startAddress, nextAddress ); if ( nextAddress > grTexMaxAddress( GR_TMU0 ) ) { printf( "Texture memory exhausted.\n" ); return; } if ( numTmus == 2 ) { startAddress_2 = nextAddress_2 = grTexMinAddress( GR_TMU1 ); nextAddress_2 = startAddress_2 + grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo_2 ); printf( "tex1: startAddress: %d nextAddress %d\n", startAddress_2, nextAddress_2 ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Texture(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, startAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo ); if ( hasTable ) { grTexNCCTable( GR_TMU0, GR_NCCTABLE_NCC1 ); grTexDownloadTable( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTABLE_NCC1, &nccTable ); } if ( hasPalette ) { grTexDownloadTable( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE, &pal ); } if ( numTmus == 2 ) { grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU1, startAddress_2, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo_2 ); if ( hasTable_2 ) { grTexNCCTable( GR_TMU1, GR_NCCTABLE_NCC0 ); grTexDownloadTable( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTABLE_NCC0, &nccTable_2 ); } if ( hasPalette_2 ) { grTexDownloadTable( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE, &pal_2 ); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Set up Texture Params and Set Texture As Current ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE ); grTexSource( GR_TMU0, startAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo ); if ( numTmus == 2 ) { grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU1, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE ); grTexSource( GR_TMU1, startAddress_2, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo_2 ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Render Triangles ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ puts("TEST39:\n"); puts("Tests the grTex routines\n"); if(!automate) { puts("Press any key to continue\n"); getch(); } while(numFrames) { square( 0.0f, 0.0f, 256.0f, 256.0f ); square( 255.0f, 0.0f, 128.0f, 128.0f ); square( 382.0f, 0.0f, 64.0f, 64.0f ); square( 445.0f, 0.0f, 32.0f, 32.0f ); square( 476.0f, 0.0f, 16.0f, 16.0f ); square( 491.0f, 0.0f, 8.0f, 8.0f ); square( 498.0f, 0.0f, 4.0f, 4.0f ); square( 501.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f ); square( 502.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); if ( numTmus == 2 ) { grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU1, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); square( 0.0f, 300.0f, 256.0f, 256.0f ); square( 255.0f, 300.0f, 128.0f, 128.0f ); square( 382.0f, 300.0f, 64.0f, 64.0f ); square( 445.0f, 300.0f, 32.0f, 32.0f ); square( 476.0f, 300.0f, 16.0f, 16.0f ); square( 491.0f, 300.0f, 8.0f, 8.0f ); square( 498.0f, 300.0f, 4.0f, 4.0f ); square( 501.0f, 300.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f ); square( 502.0f, 300.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); } grBufferSwap( 1 ); if(numFrames > 0) numFrames--; if(kbhit()) { getch(); break; } } grGlideShutdown(); return; }
void main( int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; float minColor = 10.f, /* Vertex min color */ maxColor = 245.f; /* Vertex max color */ GrVertex localVerts[VERT_COUNT], /* Vertices in world coordinates */ texVerts[4]; /* Texture vertices for background */ float alpha = 192.0f, /* Alpha for blending tringle over background */ y_angle = 0.0f; /* rotation amount */ int firstTime; /* Used for performance calculations */ FxBool plugging = FXFALSE, /* Show shameless plug */ printPerf = FXFALSE, /* Print performance numbers */ lines = FXFALSE, /* Draw lines instead of triangles */ blend = FXFALSE, /* Blend the triangle over the background */ texturing = FXFALSE, /* Texture the tiangle */ antialias = FXTRUE, /* Antialias the triangle? */ bilinear = FXTRUE, /* Perform bilinear filtering on the texture? */ render = FXTRUE, /* Draw? */ backbuffer = FXTRUE, /* Draw to backbuffer? */ background = FXTRUE; /* Draw background? */ GrOriginLocation_t origin = GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT; /* Origin */ FxU32 swapDelay = 1, /* Arg to grBufferSwap */ trisDrawn, /* # triangles drawn */ trisProcessed, /* # triangles through pipeline */ lastFrame, /* Number of last frame we did perf stats */ frameNum = 0L; /* id of each frame drawn */ GrCullMode_t cullMode = GR_CULL_DISABLE; /* backface culling */ FxU32 startAddress = 0, bgDecalAddress = 0, triDecalAddress = 0; GrTexInfo triDecal, /* Triangle decal texture */ bgDecal; /* Background decal texture */ Gu3dfInfo bgInfo, /* Info on background texture */ triInfo; /* Info on triangle texture */ GrColorCombineFnc_t ccFnc = GR_COLORCOMBINE_ITRGB; /* Start of w/ Gouraud shading */ char *bgFileName = NULL, /* Name of background texture file */ *triFileName = NULL; /* Name of triangle texture file */ int frameCount = 0; FxU32 wrange[2]; FxI32 state_size; void *oldState; /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert( hwconfig = tlVoodooType() ); /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while( rv = tlGetOpt( argc, argv, "nrbtea", &match, &remArgs ) ) { if ( rv == -1 ) { printf( "Unrecognized command line argument\n" ); printf( "%s %s\n", name, usage ); printf( "Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList() ); return; } switch( match ) { case 'n': frames = atoi( remArgs[0] ); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant( remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); break; case 'b': bgFileName = strdup( remArgs[0] ); break; case 't': triFileName = strdup( remArgs[0] ); break; case 'a': alpha = (float)atof( remArgs[0] ); break; } } tlSetScreen( scrWidth, scrHeight ); version = grGetString( GR_VERSION ); printf( "%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose ); printf( "%s\n", version ); printf( "Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString( resolution ) ); if ( frames == -1 ) { printf( "Press A Key To Begin Test.\n" ); tlGetCH(); } grSstSelect( 0 ); assert( grSstWinOpen(tlGethWnd(), resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, origin, 2, 1 ) ); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_XY, GR_VERTEX_X_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_RGB, GR_VERTEX_R_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_A, GR_VERTEX_A_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grGet(GR_WDEPTH_MIN_MAX, 8, wrange); grGet(GR_GLIDE_STATE_SIZE, 4, &state_size); oldState = malloc(state_size); tlConSet( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 80, 40, 0xffffff ); if(frames == -1) { doHelp(); } localVerts[0].x = 0.f; localVerts[0].y = 0.75f; localVerts[0].z = 0.0f; localVerts[0].tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.f; localVerts[0].tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.f; localVerts[0].oow = 1.f; localVerts[0].r = maxColor; localVerts[0].g = minColor; localVerts[0].b = minColor; localVerts[0].a = 255.f; localVerts[1].x = -0.75f; localVerts[1].y = -0.75f; localVerts[1].z = 0.0f; localVerts[1].tmuvtx[0].sow = 0.f; localVerts[1].tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.f; localVerts[1].oow = 1.f; localVerts[1].r = minColor; localVerts[1].g = maxColor; localVerts[1].b = minColor; localVerts[1].a = 255.f; localVerts[2].x = 0.75f; localVerts[2].y = -0.75f; localVerts[2].z = 0.0f; localVerts[2].tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.f; localVerts[2].tmuvtx[0].tow = 0.f; localVerts[2].oow = 1.f; localVerts[2].r = minColor; localVerts[2].g = minColor; localVerts[2].b = maxColor; localVerts[2].a = 255.f; texVerts[0].x = 0.f; texVerts[0].y = 0.f; texVerts[0].a = 255.f; texVerts[0].oow = 1.f; texVerts[0].tmuvtx[0].sow = 0.f * texVerts[0].oow; texVerts[0].tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.f * texVerts[0].oow; texVerts[1].x = scrWidth; texVerts[1].y = 0.f; texVerts[1].a = 255.f; texVerts[1].oow = 1.f; texVerts[1].tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.f * texVerts[1].oow; texVerts[1].tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.f * texVerts[1].oow; texVerts[2].x = scrWidth; texVerts[2].y = scrHeight; texVerts[2].a = 255.f; texVerts[2].oow = 1.f; texVerts[2].tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.f * texVerts[2].oow; texVerts[2].tmuvtx[0].tow = 0.f * texVerts[2].oow; texVerts[3].x = 0.f; texVerts[3].y = scrHeight; texVerts[3].a = 255.f; texVerts[3].oow = 1.f; texVerts[3].tmuvtx[0].sow = 0.f * texVerts[3].oow; texVerts[3].tmuvtx[0].tow = 0.f * texVerts[3].oow; if (bgFileName == NULL) bgFileName = "miro.3df"; if (triFileName == NULL) triFileName = "matt1.3df"; /* Read in background texture file */ if ( gu3dfGetInfo( bgFileName, &bgInfo ) ) { = malloc( bgInfo.mem_required ); if ( == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "out of memory for texture file %s\n", bgFileName ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } if ( !gu3dfLoad( bgFileName, &bgInfo ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "could not load texture file %s\n", bgFileName ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } bgDecal.smallLodLog2 = bgInfo.header.small_lod; bgDecal.largeLodLog2 = bgInfo.header.large_lod; bgDecal.aspectRatioLog2 = bgInfo.header.aspect_ratio; =; bgDecal.format = bgInfo.header.format; grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, startAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &bgDecal); grTexMipMapMode(GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXTRUE); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP); grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); bgDecalAddress = startAddress; startAddress += grTexCalcMemRequired ( bgDecal.smallLodLog2, bgDecal.largeLodLog2, bgDecal.aspectRatioLog2, bgDecal.format ); free( ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "could not get info on %s\n", bgFileName ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } if ( gu3dfGetInfo( triFileName, &triInfo ) ) { = malloc( triInfo.mem_required ); if ( == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "out of memory for texture file %s\n", triFileName ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } if ( !gu3dfLoad( triFileName, &triInfo ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "could not load texture file %s\n", triFileName ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } triDecal.smallLodLog2 = triInfo.header.small_lod; triDecal.largeLodLog2 = triInfo.header.large_lod; triDecal.aspectRatioLog2 = triInfo.header.aspect_ratio; =; triDecal.format = triInfo.header.format; grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, startAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &triDecal); grTexMipMapMode(GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXTRUE); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP); grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); triDecalAddress = startAddress; free( ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "could not get info on %s\n", triFileName ); grGlideShutdown(); exit( -1 ); } grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); grRenderBuffer(backbuffer == FXTRUE ? GR_BUFFER_BACKBUFFER : GR_BUFFER_FRONTBUFFER); /* Set up alpha blending for AA and compositing... */ grAlphaCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grAlphaTestFunction( GR_CMP_ALWAYS ); while ( 1 ) { Matrix rotm; GrVertex xformedVerts[VERT_COUNT]; int i; MatMakeYRot( rotm, DEG2RAD( y_angle ) ); if (resolution == GR_RESOLUTION_NONE) tlGetResolutionConstant("0", &scrWidth, &scrHeight ); for( i = 0; i < VERT_COUNT; i++ ) { PointMatMult( &xformedVerts[i], &localVerts[i], rotm ); xformedVerts[i].x = xformedVerts[i].x / ( xformedVerts[i].z + 2.0f ); xformedVerts[i].y = xformedVerts[i].y / ( xformedVerts[i].z + 2.0f ); xformedVerts[i].x *= scrWidth / 2.0f; xformedVerts[i].y *= scrHeight / 2.0f; xformedVerts[i].x += scrWidth / 2.0f; xformedVerts[i].y += scrHeight / 2.0f; xformedVerts[i].oow = 1.f / ((xformedVerts[i].z + 2) * scrHeight); xformedVerts[i].tmuvtx[0].sow *= xformedVerts[i].oow; xformedVerts[i].tmuvtx[0].tow *= xformedVerts[i].oow; SNAP_COORD( xformedVerts[i].x ); SNAP_COORD( xformedVerts[i].y ); } switch ( ccFnc ) { case GR_COLORCOMBINE_ITRGB: grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_NONE, FXFALSE ); break; case GR_COLORCOMBINE_DECAL_TEXTURE: grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); break; case GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_ITRGB: grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); break; } /* grLfbBypassMode(GR_LFBBYPASS_ENABLE); */ if (render == FXTRUE) { ++frameNum; if ((frameNum % NFRAMES) == 0) { if (printPerf) { if (!firstTime) { GrSstPerfStats_t pStats; FxU32 lfbWritePixels, nFrames = frameNum - lastFrame, fillPixels = nFrames * screenFulls[resolution], totFail; lastFrame = frameNum; grGet(GR_STATS_PIXELS_IN, 4, &pStats.pixelsIn); grGet(GR_STATS_PIXELS_CHROMA_FAIL, 4, &pStats.chromaFail); grGet(GR_STATS_PIXELS_DEPTHFUNC_FAIL, 4, &pStats.zFuncFail); grGet(GR_STATS_PIXELS_AFUNC_FAIL, 4, &pStats.aFuncFail); grGet(GR_STATS_PIXELS_OUT, 4, &pStats.pixelsOut); grGet(GR_STATS_TRIANGLES_IN, 4, &trisProcessed); grGet(GR_STATS_TRIANGLES_OUT, 4, &trisDrawn); totFail = pStats.chromaFail + pStats.zFuncFail + pStats.aFuncFail; lfbWritePixels = pStats.pixelsOut - pStats.pixelsIn - fillPixels; tlConOutput("In the last %d frames:\n", nFrames); tlConOutput(" Pixels Processed: %d\n", pStats.pixelsIn); tlConOutput(" Chroma Failures: %d\n", pStats.chromaFail); tlConOutput(" Z Compare Failures: %d\n", pStats.zFuncFail); tlConOutput(" Alpha Compare Failures: %d\n", pStats.aFuncFail); tlConOutput(" Fast Fill Pixels: %d\n", fillPixels); tlConOutput(" LFB Write Pixels: %d\n", lfbWritePixels); tlConOutput(" Total Pixels Drawn: %d\n", pStats.pixelsOut); tlConOutput(" Triangles Processed %d\n", trisProcessed); tlConOutput(" Triangles Drawn %d\n", trisDrawn); if ( (pStats.pixelsOut - lfbWritePixels - fillPixels - pStats.pixelsIn) != totFail) tlConOutput("Error: %d != %d\n", pStats.pixelsOut - lfbWritePixels - fillPixels, totFail); grReset(GR_STATS_PIXELS); } else { lastFrame = frameNum; grReset(GR_STATS_PIXELS); firstTime = 0; } } } grBufferClear( 0xffffffff, 0, (FxU16)wrange[1] ); if (background == FXTRUE) { texVerts[0].x = 0.f; texVerts[0].y = 0.f; texVerts[1].x = scrWidth; texVerts[1].y = 0.f; texVerts[1].x = scrWidth; texVerts[1].y = 0.f; texVerts[2].x = scrWidth; texVerts[2].y = scrHeight; texVerts[3].x = 0.f; texVerts[3].y = scrHeight; grGlideGetState(oldState); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_Q, GR_VERTEX_OOW_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_ST0, GR_VERTEX_SOW_TMU0_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); grTexSource( GR_TMU0, bgDecalAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &bgDecal ); for (i = 0; i < NTRIS; i++) { grDrawTriangle(&texVerts[0], &texVerts[1], &texVerts[2]); grDrawTriangle(&texVerts[2], &texVerts[3], &texVerts[0]); } grGlideSetState(oldState); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } if (texturing == FXTRUE) grTexSource( GR_TMU0, bgDecalAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &bgDecal ); if (texturing) grTexSource( GR_TMU0, triDecalAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &triDecal ); if (antialias == FXTRUE) { grEnable(GR_AA_ORDERED); if (lines == FXTRUE) { grDrawLine(&xformedVerts[0], &xformedVerts[1]); grDrawLine(&xformedVerts[1], &xformedVerts[2]); grDrawLine(&xformedVerts[2], &xformedVerts[0]); } else { grAADrawTriangle( &xformedVerts[0], &xformedVerts[1], &xformedVerts[2], FXTRUE, FXTRUE, FXTRUE ); } } else { grDisable(GR_AA_ORDERED); if (lines == FXTRUE) { grDrawLine(&xformedVerts[0], &xformedVerts[1]); grDrawLine(&xformedVerts[1], &xformedVerts[2]); grDrawLine(&xformedVerts[2], &xformedVerts[0]); } else { grDrawTriangle( &xformedVerts[0], &xformedVerts[1], &xformedVerts[2] ); } } if (plugging) grSplash(0.f, 0.f, scrWidth / 5.f, scrHeight / 5.f, frameNum); if (backbuffer) { tlConRender(); grBufferSwap( swapDelay ); } } if (tlKbHit()) { char c = (char) tlGetCH(); switch (c) { case 'a': case 'A': if (antialias == FXFALSE) { tlConOutput("Turning ON Antialiasing\n"); antialias = FXTRUE; } else { tlConOutput("Turning OFF Antialiasing\n"); antialias = FXFALSE; } break; case 'B': case 'b': if (bilinear == FXFALSE) { bilinear = FXTRUE; tlConOutput("Turning ON BiLinear blending\n"); grTexFilterMode ( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); } else { bilinear = FXFALSE; tlConOutput("Turning OFF BiLinear blending\n"); grTexFilterMode ( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_POINT_SAMPLED ); } break; case 'c': case 'C': if (blend == FXTRUE) { int i; blend = FXFALSE; for(i=0;i<VERT_COUNT;i++) localVerts[i].a = 255.0f; } else { int i; blend = FXTRUE; for(i=0;i<VERT_COUNT;i++) localVerts[i].a = alpha; } break; case 'd': case 'D': tlConOutput("vtxa = (%.2f, %.2f), vtxb = (%.2f, %.2f), vtxc = (%.2f, %.2f)\n", xformedVerts[0].x, xformedVerts[0].y, xformedVerts[1].x, xformedVerts[1].y, xformedVerts[2].x, xformedVerts[2].y ); break; case 'f': case 'F': if (backbuffer == FXTRUE) { backbuffer = FXFALSE; grRenderBuffer(GR_BUFFER_FRONTBUFFER); } else { backbuffer = FXTRUE; grRenderBuffer(GR_BUFFER_BACKBUFFER); } break; case 'g': case 'G': #if 0 grLfbBegin(); grLfbWriteMode(GR_LFBWRITEMODE_565); grLfbOrigin(GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT); grLfbGetReadPtr(GR_BUFFER_FRONTBUFFER); tlConOutput("Press a key to get front buffer\n"); while (!tlKbHit()); c = (char) tlGetCH(); guFbReadRegion(0,0,(int)wWidth,(int)scrHeight,scrnImage,(int)wWidth * sizeof(FxU16)); tlConOutput("Press a key to put image in back buffer and swap\n"); while (!tlKbHit()); tlGetCH(); grLfbGetWritePtr(GR_BUFFER_BACKBUFFER); guFbWriteRegion(0,0,(int)wWidth,(int)scrHeight,scrnImage,(int)wWidth * sizeof(FxU16)); grBufferSwap(swapDelay); tlConOutput("Press a key to continue...\n"); while (!tlKbHit()); tlGetCH(); grLfbEnd(); #endif break; case 'h': case 'H': case '?': doHelp(); break; case 'i': case 'I': if (background == FXTRUE) { background = FXFALSE; tlConOutput("Turning off background\n"); } else { tlConOutput("Turning on background\n"); background = FXTRUE; } break; case 'l': case 'L': if (lines == FXTRUE) { lines = FXFALSE; tlConOutput("Turning OFF lines\n"); } else { lines = FXTRUE; tlConOutput("Turning ON lines\n"); } break; case 'm': case 'M': ccFnc = GR_COLORCOMBINE_TEXTURE_TIMES_ITRGB; break; case 'n': case 'N': if (printPerf == FXFALSE) { printPerf = FXTRUE; firstTime = 1; grReset(GR_STATS_PIXELS); grReset(GR_STATS_TRIANGLES); } else { printPerf= FXFALSE; } break; case 'o': case 'O': if (origin == GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT) origin = GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT; else origin = GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT; grSstOrigin(origin); break; case 'p': case 'P': if (render == FXTRUE) render = FXFALSE; else render = FXTRUE; break; case 'q': case 'Q': case 27: grGlideShutdown(); exit(0); break; case 'r': case 'R': tlConOutput("Screen Resolution is %s\n", tlGetResolutionString( resolution ) ); break; case 'S': case 's': if (cullMode == GR_CULL_DISABLE) { cullMode = GR_CULL_NEGATIVE; tlConOutput("Turning ON backface culling (hidden Surface removal)\n"); } else { cullMode = GR_CULL_DISABLE; tlConOutput("Turning OFF backface culling (hidden Surface removal)\n"); } grCullMode(cullMode); break; case 'T': case 't': if (texturing == FXFALSE) { tlConOutput("Turning ON texturing\n"); ccFnc = GR_COLORCOMBINE_DECAL_TEXTURE; texturing = FXTRUE; grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_Q, GR_VERTEX_OOW_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_ST0, GR_VERTEX_SOW_TMU0_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_ENABLE); } else { tlConOutput("Turning OFF texturing\n"); ccFnc = GR_COLORCOMBINE_ITRGB; texturing = FXFALSE; grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_Q, GR_VERTEX_OOW_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_DISABLE); grVertexLayout(GR_PARAM_ST0, GR_VERTEX_SOW_TMU0_OFFSET << 2, GR_PARAM_DISABLE); } break; case 'u': case 'U': if (plugging == FXTRUE) { plugging = FXFALSE; grDisable(GR_SHAMELESS_PLUG); } else { plugging = FXTRUE; grEnable(GR_SHAMELESS_PLUG); } break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0': { char str[256]; swapDelay = (int) c - 0x30; sprintf(str, "Swapdelay = %d\n", swapDelay); tlConOutput(str); } break; } } if (render) { y_angle += 2.f; if( y_angle > 360.0f ) y_angle -= 360.0f; } frameCount++; if(frameCount < 0) frameCount = 0; if(frames == frameCount) break; } grGlideShutdown(); }
void main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char texFile[256], texFile1[256], texFile2[256]; float theta; FxU32 numTmus = 1; FxBool paused = FXFALSE; Gu3dfInfo info, info2; FxU32 numFrames = 0xffffffff; puts("TEST44: Tests complex, multi-tmu textures\n"); puts("Press a key to continue...\n"); getch(); puts("Press q to quit\n"); /* Glide State Initialization */ grGlideInit(); grSstQueryHardware( &hwConfig ); grSstSelect( 0 ); grSstOpen( screenRes, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_LOWER_LEFT, GR_SMOOTHING_ENABLE, 2 ); grColorCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); grAlphaCombine( GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); if ( hwConfig.SSTs[0].sstBoard.VoodooConfig.nTexelfx == 2 ) { printf( "Detected 2 TMUs\n" ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU1, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ZERO, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); numTmus = 2; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Deal With Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( numTmus == 1 ) { if ( argc < 2 ) { printf( "%s ", argv[0] ); puts( usage_1tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } argc--;argv++; while(argc) { if(strcmp(argv[0], "-n") == 0) { argc--;argv++; if(argc) numFrames = atoi(argv[0]); else { puts( usage_1tmu ); return; } } strcpy( texFile, argv[0] ); strcpy( texFile1, argv[1] ); argc--;argv++; argc--;argv++; } } else { if ( argc < 4 ) { printf( "%s ", argv[0] ); puts( usage2tmu ); grGlideShutdown(); return; } argc--;argv++; while(argc) { if(strcmp(argv[0], "-n") == 0) { argc--;argv++; if(argc) numFrames = atoi(argv[0]); else { puts( usage_1tmu ); return; } } strcpy( texFile, argv[0] ); strcpy( texFile1, argv[1]); strcpy( texFile2, argv[2] ); argc -= 3; argv += 3; } } grAlphaBlendFunction( GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO ); grDepthBufferMode( GR_DEPTHBUFFER_DISABLE ); grDepthBufferFunction( GR_CMP_LEQUAL ); grDepthMask( FXFALSE ); grCullMode( GR_CULL_DISABLE ); grBufferClear( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Load Texture(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( !gu3dfGetInfo( texFile, &info ) ) { printf( "Couldn't load %s.\n", texFile ); return; } = calloc( info.mem_required, 1 ); gu3dfLoad( texFile, &info ); texInfo.smallLod = info.header.small_lod; texInfo.largeLod = info.header.large_lod; texInfo.aspectRatio = info.header.aspect_ratio; texInfo.format = info.header.format; =; if ( texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_YIQ_422 || texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_AYIQ_8422 ) { puts( "*******************YIQ TEXTURE(TMU0)***************" ); nccTable = info.table.nccTable; hasTable = FXTRUE; } if ( texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_P_8 || texInfo.format == GR_TEXFMT_AP_88 ) { puts( "*******************PAL TEXTURE(TMU0)***************" ); pal0 = info.table.palette; hasPalette = FXTRUE; } /* ++++ */ if ( !gu3dfGetInfo( texFile1, &info ) ) { printf( "Couldn't load %s.\n", texFile1 ); return; } = calloc( info.mem_required, 1 ); gu3dfLoad( texFile1, &info ); texInfo1.smallLod = info.header.small_lod; texInfo1.largeLod = info.header.large_lod; texInfo1.aspectRatio = info.header.aspect_ratio; texInfo1.format = info.header.format; =; if ( texInfo1.format == GR_TEXFMT_YIQ_422 || texInfo1.format == GR_TEXFMT_AYIQ_8422 ) { puts( "*******************YIQ TEXTURE(TMU0)***************" ); nccTable = info.table.nccTable; hasTable = FXTRUE; } if ( texInfo1.format == GR_TEXFMT_P_8 || texInfo1.format == GR_TEXFMT_AP_88 ) { puts( "*******************PAL TEXTURE(TMU0)***************" ); pal0 = info.table.palette; hasPalette1 = FXTRUE; } /* ++++ */ if ( numTmus == 2 ) { if ( !gu3dfGetInfo( texFile2, &info2 ) ) { printf( "Couldn't load %s.\n", texFile2 ); return; } = calloc( info2.mem_required, 1 ); gu3dfLoad( texFile2, &info2 ); texInfo2.smallLod = info2.header.small_lod; texInfo2.largeLod = info2.header.large_lod; texInfo2.aspectRatio = info2.header.aspect_ratio; texInfo2.format = info2.header.format; =; if ( texInfo2.format == GR_TEXFMT_YIQ_422 || texInfo2.format == GR_TEXFMT_AYIQ_8422 ) { puts( "*******************YIQ TEXTURE(TMU1)***************" ); nccTable2 = info2.table.nccTable; hasTable2 = FXTRUE; } if ( texInfo2.format == GR_TEXFMT_P_8 || texInfo2.format == GR_TEXFMT_AP_88 ) { puts( "*******************PAL TEXTURE(TMU1)***************" ); pal2 = info2.table.palette; hasPalette2 = FXTRUE; } } grHints(GR_HINT_STWHINT, GR_STWHINT_W_DIFF_TMU0 | GR_STWHINT_ST_DIFF_TMU0 | GR_STWHINT_W_DIFF_TMU1 | GR_STWHINT_ST_DIFF_TMU1); /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Allocate Texture RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ tmu0Tex0Address = startAddress = nextAddress = grTexMinAddress( GR_TMU0 ); tmu0Tex1Address = nextAddress = startAddress + grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo ); printf( "tex0: tmu0Tex0Address: %d tmu0Tex1Address %d\n", tmu0Tex0Address, tmu0Tex1Address); if ( nextAddress > grTexMaxAddress( GR_TMU0 ) ) { printf( "Texture memory exhausted.\n" ); return; } if ( numTmus == 2 ) { startAddress2 = nextAddress2 = grTexMinAddress( GR_TMU1 ); nextAddress2 = startAddress2 + grTexTextureMemRequired( GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo2 ); printf( "tex1: startAddress: %d nextAddress %d\n", startAddress2, nextAddress2 ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Texture(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, tmu0Tex0Address, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo ); /* ---- */ grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU0, tmu0Tex1Address, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo1 ); /* ---- */ if ( numTmus == 2 ) { grTexDownloadMipMap( GR_TMU1, startAddress2, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo2 ); if ( hasTable2 ) { grTexNCCTable( GR_TMU1, GR_NCCTABLE_NCC0 ); grTexDownloadTable( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTABLE_NCC0, &nccTable2 ); } if ( hasPalette2 ) { grTexDownloadTable( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTABLE_PALETTE, &pal2 ); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Set up Texture Params and Set Texture As Current ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE ); grTexSource( GR_TMU0, startAddress, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo ); if ( numTmus == 2 ) { grTexFilterMode( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR ); grTexClampMode( GR_TMU1, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP, GR_TEXTURECLAMP_WRAP ); grTexMipMapMode( GR_TMU1, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE ); grTexSource( GR_TMU1, startAddress2, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &texInfo2 ); } if ( numTmus == 2 ) { grTexCombine( GR_TMU1, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); grTexCombine( GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_ADD_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_ADD_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE ); } #define INC 0.5f theta = 0.f; while (1 && numFrames) { if (paused == FXFALSE) { theta += INC; if (theta > 180.f) theta -= 180.f; } square(0.f, 0.f, 640.3f, 480.f, DEG2RAD(theta)); grBufferSwap( 1 ); if (kbhit()) { char c; c = getch(); switch (c) { case '-': theta -= INC; break; case '+': theta += INC; break; case 'd': case 'D': printf("theta = %3.1f\n", theta); break; case 'P': case 'p': if (paused == FXFALSE) paused = FXTRUE; else paused = FXFALSE; break; case 'q': case 'Q': case 27: grGlideShutdown(); exit(0); break; } } /* input switch */ if(numFrames != -1) numFrames--; } /* render loop */ }/* main */
void main(int argc, char **argv) { char match; char **remArgs; int rv; GrScreenResolution_t resolution = GR_RESOLUTION_640x480; float scrWidth = 640.0f; float scrHeight = 480.0f; int frames = -1; FxBool scrgrab = FXFALSE; char filename[256]; FxU8 subframe = 0; TlTexture texture; FxU32 zrange[2]; GrContext_t gc = 0; FxU32 pixelformat = 0x0003; /* 16 bit 565 */ static FxBool useCCExt = 1; char textureFile[256]; int bigTex = 0; FxBool needToLoadNewTexture = FXFALSE; FxBool umaIsEnabled = FXFALSE; float xLeft, xRight, yTop, yBottom; /* Process Command Line Arguments */ while(rv = tlGetOpt(argc, argv, "nrdxp", &match, &remArgs)) { if (rv == -1) { printf("Unrecognized command line argument\n"); printf("%s %s\n", name, usage); printf("Available resolutions:\n%s\n", tlGetResolutionList()); return; } switch(match) { case 'n': frames = atoi(remArgs[0]); break; case 'r': resolution = tlGetResolutionConstant(remArgs[0], &scrWidth, &scrHeight); break; case 'd': scrgrab = FXTRUE; frames = 5; strcpy(filename, remArgs[0]); break; case 'p': pixelformat = tlGetPixelFormat( remArgs[0] ); break; } } tlSetScreen(scrWidth, scrHeight); version = grGetString(GR_VERSION); printf("%s:\n%s\n", name, purpose); printf("%s\n", version); printf("Resolution: %s\n", tlGetResolutionString(resolution)); if (frames == -1) { printf("Press A Key To Begin Test.\n"); tlGetCH(); } /* Initialize Glide */ grGlideInit(); assert(hwconfig = tlVoodooType()); grGet(GR_ZDEPTH_MIN_MAX, 8, (FxI32 *)zrange); grSstSelect(0); tlInitGlideExt(&glideext); if (!glideext.combineext) { printf("Could not use COMBINE extension.\n"); useCCExt = 0; } if (glideext.canDo32BitTexture) { printf("Using TEXFMT 32-bit extension.\n"); strcpy(textureFile, "t256x32.3df"); /* 32 bits deep */ } else { printf("Could not use TEXFMT 32-bit extension.\n"); strcpy(textureFile, "miro.3df"); /* 16 bits deep */ } if (glideext.umaExt) { printf("Using TEXUMA extension.\n"); grEnable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); umaIsEnabled = FXTRUE; } else { printf("Could not use TEXUMA extension.\n"); grDisable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); umaIsEnabled = FXFALSE; } if (glideext.grSstWinOpen) { gc = glideext.grSstWinOpen(tlGethWnd(), resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, pixelformat, 2, 1); } else { gc = grSstWinOpen(tlGethWnd(), resolution, GR_REFRESH_60Hz, GR_COLORFORMAT_ABGR, GR_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT, 2, 1); } if (!gc) { printf("Could not allocate glide fullscreen context.\n"); goto __errExit; } tlVertexLayout(); tlConSet(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 60, 15, 0xffffff); /* Load texture data into system ram */ assert(tlLoadTexture(textureFile, &, &texture.tableType, &texture.tableData)); /* Download texture data to TMU */ grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &; if (texture.tableType != NO_TABLE) { grTexDownloadTable(texture.tableType, &texture.tableData); } /* Select Texture As Source of all texturing operations */ grTexSource(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &; /* Enable Bilinear Filtering + Mipmapping */ grTexFilterMode(GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR); grTexMipMapMode(GR_TMU0, GR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, FXFALSE); xLeft = tlScaleX( 0.2f ); xRight = tlScaleX( 0.8f ); yTop = tlScaleY( 0.2f ); yBottom = tlScaleY( 0.8f ); while(frames-- && tlOkToRender()) { GrVertex vtxA, vtxB, vtxC, vtxD; static TextureMode textureMode; if (hwconfig == TL_VOODOORUSH) { tlGetDimsByConst(resolution, &scrWidth, &scrHeight); grClipWindow(0, 0, (FxU32) scrWidth, (FxU32) scrHeight); } grBufferClear(0x00, 0, zrange[1]); tlConOutput( "m : change lighting mode\n"); tlConOutput( "e : toggle combine extension\n"); tlConOutput( "b : big textures (if TEXFMT extension is available)\n"); tlConOutput( "u : toggle UMA (if TEXUMA extension is available)\n"); tlConOutput("Press any other key to quit\n"); tlConOutput("Current Texture Mode: %s\n", textureModeNames[textureMode]); tlConOutput("COMBINE extension %s\n", cmodeName[useCCExt]); if (needToLoadNewTexture) { /* * This is only true if TEXFMT extension is available, which * implies 2k texture capability. Also, this is only true if * the user has just hit 'b' for big texture testing. */ assert(bigTex <= TEX_MAX); strcpy(textureFile, texFileNames[bigTex]); /* Redo all the texture loading stuff. */ /* Load texture data into system ram */ assert(tlLoadTexture(textureFile, &, &texture.tableType, &texture.tableData)); /* Download texture data to TMU */ grTexDownloadMipMap(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &; if (texture.tableType != NO_TABLE) { grTexDownloadTable(texture.tableType, &texture.tableData); } /* Select Texture As Source of all texturing operations */ grTexSource(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &; needToLoadNewTexture = FXFALSE; } if (useCCExt) { #ifdef FX_GLIDE_NAPALM glideext.grTexColorCombineExt(GR_TMU0, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_LOCAL_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_B, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); switch(textureMode) { case DECAL: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXTRUE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case FLATLIT: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_CONSTANT_COLOR, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case RGBLIT: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ITRGB, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case WHITELIT: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_ZERO, GR_CMBX_B, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); glideext.grAlphaCombineExt(GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXTRUE, GR_CMBX_ALOCAL, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; case SPECALPHA: glideext.grColorCombineExt(GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_ZERO, GR_CMBX_ITRGB, FXFALSE, GR_CMBX_B, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); glideext.grAlphaCombineExt(GR_CMBX_ITALPHA, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, GR_FUNC_MODE_X, GR_CMBX_ZERO, FXTRUE, GR_CMBX_ALOCAL, FXFALSE, 0, FXFALSE); break; } #endif } else { /* Set up Render State - Decal Texture - color combine set in render loop */ grTexCombine(GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE); switch(textureMode) { case DECAL: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case FLATLIT: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_CONSTANT, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case RGBLIT: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case WHITELIT: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL_ALPHA, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); grAlphaCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; case SPECALPHA: grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER_ADD_LOCAL_ALPHA, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); grAlphaCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_ITERATED, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); break; } } /*---- A-B |\| C-D -----*/ vtxA.oow = 1.0f; vtxB = vtxC = vtxD = vtxA; vtxA.x = vtxC.x = xLeft; vtxB.x = vtxD.x = xRight; vtxA.y = vtxB.y = yTop; vtxC.y = vtxD.y = yBottom; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].sow = vtxC.tmuvtx[0].sow = 0.0f; vtxB.tmuvtx[0].sow = vtxD.tmuvtx[0].sow = 255.0f; vtxA.tmuvtx[0].tow = vtxB.tmuvtx[0].tow = 0.0f; vtxC.tmuvtx[0].tow = vtxD.tmuvtx[0].tow = 255.0f; vtxA.r = 255.0f, vtxA.g = 0.0f, vtxA.b = 0.0f, vtxA.a = 255.0f; vtxB.r = 0.0f, vtxB.g = 255.0f, vtxB.b = 0.0f, vtxB.a = 128.0f; vtxC.r = 0.0f, vtxC.g = 0.0f, vtxC.b = 255.0f, vtxC.a = 128.0f; vtxD.r = 0.0f, vtxD.g = 0.0f, vtxD.b = 0.0f, vtxD.a = 0.0f; grConstantColorValue(0xFF0000FFUL); grTexSource(GR_TMU0, grTexMinAddress(GR_TMU0), GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &; grDrawTriangle(&vtxA, &vtxD, &vtxC); grDrawTriangle(&vtxA, &vtxB, &vtxD); tlConRender(); tlConClear(); grBufferSwap(1); grFinish(); /* grab the frame buffer */ if (scrgrab) { char fname[256], tmp[32]; FxU16 cnt; cnt = strcspn(filename, "."); strncpy(fname, filename, cnt); fname[cnt] = 0; sprintf(tmp,"_%d\0", subframe); strcat(fname, tmp); strcat(fname, filename+cnt); if (!tlScreenDump(fname, (FxU16)scrWidth, (FxU16)scrHeight)) printf("Cannot open %s\n", filename); /* cycle through all mode */ textureMode++; if (textureMode > SPECALPHA) textureMode = DECAL; subframe++; } while(tlKbHit()) { const char curKey = tlGetCH(); switch(curKey) { case 'e': case 'E': useCCExt = (!useCCExt); if (!glideext.combineext) useCCExt = 0; break; case 'm': case 'M': textureMode++; if (textureMode > SPECALPHA) textureMode = DECAL; break; case 'b': case 'B': /* Cycle through some texture sizes */ if (glideext.canDo2kTexture) { needToLoadNewTexture = FXTRUE; bigTex = (bigTex + 1) % (TEX_MAX + 1); /* [0,...,TEX_MAX] */ printf ("%s", texWidthString[bigTex]); } break; case 'u': case 'U': if (glideext.umaExt) { /* Toggle UMA on/off */ if (umaIsEnabled) { grDisable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); printf ("UMA extension is disabled.\n"); umaIsEnabled = FXFALSE; } else { grEnable(GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT); printf ("UMA extension is enabled.\n"); umaIsEnabled = FXTRUE; } } break; default: frames = 0; break; } } } __errExit: grGlideShutdown(); }