예제 #1
파일: contour.c 프로젝트: vleo/gr
void gr_draw_contours(int nx, int ny, int nh, double *px, double *py, double *h,
		      double *z, int major_h)
  double mmin, mmax, *cv;
  int ncv, *bitmap;
  int i, j, k, n = 0;
  int precision, max_precision;
  char *s, buffer[80];
  int eflag, error_ind = 0;
  int rotation, tilt, scale_options;
  double char_height;

  gks_inq_open_ws(1, &error_ind, &n, &contour_vars.wkid);

  /* Inquire current transformation */
  contour_vars.ndc = 0;
  gks_inq_current_xformno(&error_ind, &contour_vars.tnr);
  gks_inq_xform(contour_vars.tnr, &error_ind, contour_vars.wn, contour_vars.vp);

  contour_vars.scale_factor =
    (contour_vars.vp[1] - contour_vars.vp[0]) /
    (contour_vars.wn[1] - contour_vars.wn[0]);
  contour_vars.aspect_ratio =
    (contour_vars.vp[3] - contour_vars.vp[2]) /
    (contour_vars.wn[3] - contour_vars.wn[2]) / contour_vars.scale_factor;

  contour_vars.xdim = nx;
  contour_vars.ydim = ny;
  contour_vars.lblmjh = major_h;
  contour_vars.label_map = NULL;

  /* Don't label any lines if a 3D-transformation */
  /* or if any scale options are in effect.       */

  gr_inqspace(&contour_vars.zmin, &contour_vars.zmax, &rotation, &tilt);

  if ((rotation == 0) && (tilt == 90) &&
      (contour_vars.lblmjh > 0) && (scale_options == 0))
      contour_vars.txtflg = 1;

      /* Compute size of 'label_map' with respect to      */
      /* viewport-size and character-height.              */
      /* 'label_map' is used to store information about   */
      /* previously drawn label positions to avoid        */
      /* overlapping                                      */

      gks_inq_text_height(&error_ind, &char_height);
      if (char_height < contour_min_chh)
	  char_height = contour_min_chh;

      contour_vars.x_map_size = (int) (contour_map_rate *
	(contour_vars.vp[1] - contour_vars.vp[0]) / char_height) + 2;
      contour_vars.y_map_size =	(int) (contour_map_rate *
	(contour_vars.vp[3] - contour_vars.vp[2]) / char_height) + 2;
      contour_vars.label_map = (int *) xmalloc(contour_vars.x_map_size *
	contour_vars.y_map_size * sizeof(int));

      k = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < contour_vars.x_map_size; i++)
	for (j = 0; j < contour_vars.y_map_size; j++)
	    contour_vars.label_map[k] = 0;
      contour_vars.x_map_factor =
	(double) (contour_vars.x_map_size - 3) /
	(contour_vars.wn[1] - contour_vars.wn[0]);
      contour_vars.y_map_factor =
	(double) (contour_vars.y_map_size - 3) /
	(contour_vars.wn[3] - contour_vars.wn[2]);
      contour_vars.txtflg = 0;

  mmin = huge_value;
  mmax = -huge_value;
  contour_vars.z = z;
  k = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < ny; j++)
      for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
	  if (contour_vars.z[k] > mmax)
	    mmax = contour_vars.z[k];
	  else if (contour_vars.z[k] < mmin)
	    mmin = contour_vars.z[k];

  if (nh < 1)
      ncv = contour_lines;
      cv = (double *) xmalloc(ncv * sizeof(double));
      for (i = 0; i < ncv; i++)
	cv[i] = mmin + (double) (i) / (ncv - 1) * (mmax - mmin);
      ncv = nh;
      cv = h;

  / Find the maximum required precision for the labels and create the
  / appropriate format for 'sprintf'

  if (contour_vars.txtflg == 1)
      max_precision = 0;
      eflag = 0;

      for (i = 0; i < ncv; i++)
	if ((contour_vars.txtflg == 1) &&
	    ((contour_vars.lblmjh == 1) || ((i % contour_vars.lblmjh) == 1)))
	    sprintf(buffer, "%g", cv[i]);
	    if ((s = (char *) strchr(buffer, '.')) != 0)
		precision = strspn(s + 1, "0123456789");
		if (*(s + 1 + precision) != '\0')
		  eflag = 1;
		if (precision > max_precision)
		  max_precision = precision;

      sprintf(contour_vars.lblfmt, "%%.%d%c", max_precision,
	      eflag ? 'e' : 'f');

  bitmap = (int *) xmalloc(nx * ny * ncv * 2 * sizeof(int));
  contour_vars.xmin = px[0];
  contour_vars.ymin = py[0];
  contour_vars.dx = px[1] - contour_vars.xmin;
  contour_vars.dy = py[1] - contour_vars.ymin;

  calc_contours(contour_vars.z, nx, nx, ny, cv, ncv, mmax,
		bitmap, contour_vars.xmin, contour_vars.ymin,
		contour_vars.dx, contour_vars.dy);


  if (contour_vars.label_map != NULL)
  if (cv != h)
예제 #2
void FORTRAN(gr_inqscale)(int *options)