예제 #1
파일: gr.c 프로젝트: gameplayer22/d2x-1
void gr_restore_mode()
	int i;


#ifndef NOGRAPH
	gr_palette_fade_out( gr_palette, 32, 0 );
	if ( gr_saved_screen.video_mode == 3 )	{
		switch( gr_saved_screen.height )	  {
		case 43:	gr_set_text_43(); break;
		case 50:	gr_set_text_50(); break;
		default:	gr_set_text_25(); break;
	} else {
	if (gr_saved_screen.is_graphics==0)	{
		gr_palette_read( gr_pal_default );
		for (i=0; i < gr_saved_screen.width*gr_saved_screen.height; i++ )
		gr_setcursor( gr_saved_screen.cursor_x, gr_saved_screen.cursor_y, gr_saved_screen.cursor_sline, gr_saved_screen.cursor_eline );
		gr_palette_faded_out = 1;
		gr_palette_fade_in( gr_pal_default, 32, 0 );

예제 #2
파일: menu.c 프로젝트: osgcc/descent-mac
void joydef_menuset(int nitems, newmenu_item * items, int *last_key, int citem )
	*last_key = *last_key;

	if ( citem==2)	{
예제 #3
파일: menu.c 프로젝트: Ringdingcoder/d1x
void joydef_menuset(int nitems, newmenu_item * items, int *last_key, int citem )
	*last_key = *last_key;

	if ( citem==4)	{

	if ( Config_digi_volume != items[0].value )	{
		Config_digi_volume = items[0].value;
		digi_set_digi_volume( (Config_digi_volume*32768)/8 );
		digi_play_sample_once( SOUND_DROP_BOMB, F1_0 );

	if (Config_midi_volume != items[1].value )	{
		Config_midi_volume = items[1].value;
		digi_set_midi_volume( (Config_midi_volume*128)/8 );
예제 #4
int ReadConfigFile()
	PHYSFS_file *infile;
	char *line, *token, *value, *ptr;

	// set defaults
	GameCfg.DigiVolume = 8;
	GameCfg.MusicVolume = 8;
	GameCfg.ReverseStereo = 0;
	GameCfg.OrigTrackOrder = 0;
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
	GameCfg.MusicType = MUSIC_TYPE_REDBOOK;
	GameCfg.MusicType = MUSIC_TYPE_BUILTIN;
	GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPlayOrder = MUSIC_CM_PLAYORDER_CONT;
	GameCfg.CMLevelMusicTrack[0] = -1;
	GameCfg.CMLevelMusicTrack[1] = -1;
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
	GameCfg.OrigTrackOrder = 1;
	GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPlayOrder = MUSIC_CM_PLAYORDER_LEVEL;
	snprintf(GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath,				PATH_MAX, "%s", "descent.m3u");
	snprintf(GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_TITLE],		PATH_MAX, "%s%s", PHYSFS_getUserDir(), "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Insanity/Descent/02 Primitive Rage.mp3");
	snprintf(GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_BRIEFING],	PATH_MAX, "%s%s", PHYSFS_getUserDir(), "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Insanity/Descent/03 Outerlimits.mp3");
	snprintf(GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDLEVEL],	PATH_MAX, "%s%s", PHYSFS_getUserDir(), "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Insanity/Descent/04 Close Call.mp3");
	snprintf(GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDGAME],		PATH_MAX, "%s%s", PHYSFS_getUserDir(), "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Insanity/Descent/14 Insanity.mp3");
	snprintf(GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_CREDITS],		PATH_MAX, "%s%s", PHYSFS_getUserDir(), "Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Insanity/Descent/05 The Darkness Of Space.mp3");
	GameCfg.GammaLevel = 0;
	GameCfg.ResolutionX = 640;
	GameCfg.ResolutionY = 480;
	GameCfg.AspectX = 3;
	GameCfg.AspectY = 4;
	GameCfg.WindowMode = 0;
	GameCfg.TexFilt = 0;
	GameCfg.VSync = 0;
	GameCfg.Multisample = 0;
	GameCfg.FPSIndicator = 0;
	GameCfg.Grabinput = 1;

	infile = PHYSFSX_openReadBuffered("descent.cfg");

	if (infile == NULL) {
		return 1;

	while (!PHYSFS_eof(infile))
		int max_len = PHYSFS_fileLength(infile); // to be fully safe, assume the whole cfg consists of one big line
		MALLOC(line, char, max_len);
		memset(line, 0, max_len);
		PHYSFSX_gets(infile, line);
		ptr = &(line[0]);
		while (isspace(*ptr))
		if (*ptr != '\0') {
			token = strtok(ptr, "=");
			value = strtok(NULL, "=");
			if (!value)
				value = "";
			if (!strcmp(token, DigiVolumeStr))
				GameCfg.DigiVolume = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, MusicVolumeStr))
				GameCfg.MusicVolume = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, ReverseStereoStr))
				GameCfg.ReverseStereo = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, OrigTrackOrderStr))
				GameCfg.OrigTrackOrder = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, MusicTypeStr))
				GameCfg.MusicType = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMLevelMusicPlayOrderStr))
				GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPlayOrder = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMLevelMusicTrack0Str))
				GameCfg.CMLevelMusicTrack[0] = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMLevelMusicTrack1Str))
				GameCfg.CMLevelMusicTrack[1] = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMLevelMusicPathStr))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath, value, PATH_MAX );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.CMLevelMusicPath, '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMMiscMusic0Str))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_TITLE], value, PATH_MAX );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_TITLE], '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMMiscMusic1Str))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_BRIEFING], value, PATH_MAX );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_BRIEFING], '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMMiscMusic2Str))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDLEVEL], value, PATH_MAX );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDLEVEL], '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMMiscMusic3Str))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDGAME], value, PATH_MAX );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_ENDGAME], '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, CMMiscMusic4Str))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_CREDITS], value, PATH_MAX );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.CMMiscMusic[SONG_CREDITS], '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, GammaLevelStr)) {
				GameCfg.GammaLevel = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
				gr_palette_set_gamma( GameCfg.GammaLevel );
			else if (!strcmp(token, LastPlayerStr))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.LastPlayer, value, CALLSIGN_LEN );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.LastPlayer, '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, LastMissionStr))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( GameCfg.LastMission, value, MISSION_NAME_LEN );
				p = strchr( GameCfg.LastMission, '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, ResolutionXStr))
				GameCfg.ResolutionX = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, ResolutionYStr))
				GameCfg.ResolutionY = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, AspectXStr))
				GameCfg.AspectX = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, AspectYStr))
				GameCfg.AspectY = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, WindowModeStr))
				GameCfg.WindowMode = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, TexFiltStr))
				GameCfg.TexFilt = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, VSyncStr))
				GameCfg.VSync = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, MultisampleStr))
				GameCfg.Multisample = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, FPSIndicatorStr))
				GameCfg.FPSIndicator = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, GrabinputStr))
				GameCfg.Grabinput = strtol(value, NULL, 10);


	if ( GameCfg.DigiVolume > 8 ) GameCfg.DigiVolume = 8;
	if ( GameCfg.MusicVolume > 8 ) GameCfg.MusicVolume = 8;

	if (GameCfg.ResolutionX >= 320 && GameCfg.ResolutionY >= 200)
		Game_screen_mode = SM(GameCfg.ResolutionX,GameCfg.ResolutionY);

	return 0;
예제 #5
int ReadConfigFile()
	FILE *infile;
	char line[80], *token, *value, *ptr;
	ubyte gamma;
	int joy_axis_min[4];
	int joy_axis_center[4];
	int joy_axis_max[4];
	int i;

	strcpy( config_last_player, "" );

	joy_axis_min[0] = joy_axis_min[1] = joy_axis_min[2] = joy_axis_min[3] = 0;
	joy_axis_max[0] = joy_axis_max[1] = joy_axis_max[2] = joy_axis_max[3] = 0;
	joy_axis_center[0] = joy_axis_center[1] = joy_axis_center[2] = joy_axis_center[3] = 0;
	joy_set_cal_vals(joy_axis_min, joy_axis_center, joy_axis_max);

	digi_driver_board = 0;
	digi_driver_port = 0;
	digi_driver_irq = 0;
	digi_driver_dma = 0;

	digi_midi_type = 0;
	digi_midi_port = 0;

	Config_digi_volume = 4;
	Config_midi_volume = 4;
	Config_control_type = 0;
	Config_channels_reversed = 0;

	infile = fopen("descent.cfg", "rt");
	if (infile == NULL) {
		return 1;
	while (!feof(infile)) {
		memset(line, 0, 80);
		fgets(line, 80, infile);
		ptr = &(line[0]);
		while (isspace(*ptr))
		if (*ptr != '\0') {
			token = strtok(ptr, "=");
			value = strtok(NULL, "=");
			if (!strcmp(token, digi_dev_str))
				digi_driver_board = strtol(value, NULL, 16);
			else if (!strcmp(token, digi_port_str))
				digi_driver_port = strtol(value, NULL, 16);
			else if (!strcmp(token, digi_irq_str))
				digi_driver_irq = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, digi_dma_str))
				digi_driver_dma = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, digi_volume_str))
				Config_digi_volume = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, midi_dev_str))
				digi_midi_type = strtol(value, NULL, 16);
			else if (!strcmp(token, midi_port_str))
				digi_midi_port = strtol(value, NULL, 16);
			else if (!strcmp(token, midi_volume_str))
				Config_midi_volume = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, stereo_rev_str))
				Config_channels_reversed = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			else if (!strcmp(token, gamma_level_str)) {
				gamma = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
				gr_palette_set_gamma( gamma );
			else if (!strcmp(token, detail_level_str)) {
				Detail_level = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
				if (Detail_level == NUM_DETAIL_LEVELS-1) {
					int count,dummy,oc,od,wd,wrd,da,sc;

					count = sscanf (value, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",&dummy,&oc,&od,&wd,&wrd,&da,&sc);

					if (count == 7) {
						Object_complexity = oc;
						Object_detail = od;
						Wall_detail = wd;
						Wall_render_depth = wrd;
						Debris_amount = da;
						SoundChannels = sc;
			else if (!strcmp(token, joystick_min_str))	{
				sscanf( value, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &joy_axis_min[0], &joy_axis_min[1], &joy_axis_min[2], &joy_axis_min[3] );
			else if (!strcmp(token, joystick_max_str))	{
				sscanf( value, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &joy_axis_max[0], &joy_axis_max[1], &joy_axis_max[2], &joy_axis_max[3] );
			else if (!strcmp(token, joystick_cen_str))	{
				sscanf( value, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &joy_axis_center[0], &joy_axis_center[1], &joy_axis_center[2], &joy_axis_center[3] );
			else if (!strcmp(token, last_player_str))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( config_last_player, value, CALLSIGN_LEN );
				p = strchr( config_last_player, '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			else if (!strcmp(token, last_mission_str))	{
				char * p;
				strncpy( config_last_mission, value, MISSION_NAME_LEN );
				p = strchr( config_last_mission, '\n');
				if ( p ) *p = 0;
			} else if (!strcmp(token, config_vr_type_str)) {
				Config_vr_type = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
			} else if (!strcmp(token, config_vr_tracking_str)) {
				Config_vr_tracking = strtol(value, NULL, 10);


	i = FindArg( "-volume" );
	if ( i > 0 )	{
		i = atoi( Args[i+1] );
		if ( i < 0 ) i = 0;
		if ( i > 100 ) i = 100;
		Config_digi_volume = (i*8)/100;
		Config_midi_volume = (i*8)/100;

	if ( Config_digi_volume > 8 ) Config_digi_volume = 8;

	if ( Config_midi_volume > 8 ) Config_midi_volume = 8;

	joy_set_cal_vals(joy_axis_min, joy_axis_center, joy_axis_max);
	digi_set_volume( (Config_digi_volume*32768)/8, (Config_midi_volume*128)/8 );
	printf( "DigiDeviceID: 0x%x\n", digi_driver_board );
	printf( "DigiPort: 0x%x\n", digi_driver_port		);
	printf( "DigiIrq: 0x%x\n",  digi_driver_irq		);
	printf( "DigiDma: 0x%x\n",	digi_driver_dma	);
	printf( "MidiDeviceID: 0x%x\n", digi_midi_type	);
	printf( "MidiPort: 0x%x\n", digi_midi_port		);

	Config_midi_type = digi_midi_type;
	Config_digi_type = digi_driver_board;

	// HACK!!! 
	//Hack to make the Crytal Lake look like Microsoft Sound System
	if ( digi_driver_board == 0xe200 )	{
		ubyte tmp;
		tmp = CrystalLakeReadMCP( CL_MC1 );
		if ( !(tmp & 0x80) )
			atexit( CrystalLakeSetSB );		// Restore to SB when done.
		digi_driver_board = 0;//_MICROSOFT_8_ST;<was this microsoft thing, but its irrelevant, because we have no sound here yet,being that its also undefined, I set it to 0 -KRB

	return 0;
예제 #6
파일: gr.c 프로젝트: gameplayer22/d2x-1
int gr_init(void)
	int org_gamma;
	int retcode;
        int mode = SM(320,200);

	// Only do this function once!
	if (gr_installed==1)
                return 3;

#ifdef __DJGPP__
	if (!__djgpp_nearptr_enable()) {
		printf("nearptr enable=%x\n", __dpmi_error);
		return 10;
#ifndef SAVEGR
	gr_video_memory = (unsigned char *)(__djgpp_conventional_base + 0xa0000);
	gr_video_memory=(unsigned char *)-1;
	pVideoMode =  (volatile ubyte *)(__djgpp_conventional_base+0x449);
	pNumColumns = (volatile ushort *)(__djgpp_conventional_base+0x44a);
	pNumRows = (volatile ubyte *)(__djgpp_conventional_base+0x484);
	pCharHeight = (volatile ushort *)(__djgpp_conventional_base+0x485);
	pCursorPos = (volatile ushort *)(__djgpp_conventional_base+0x450);
	pCursorType = (volatile ushort *)(__djgpp_conventional_base+0x460);
	pTextMemory = (volatile ushort *)(__djgpp_conventional_base+0xb8000);
#ifndef __DJGPP__
	if (gr_init_A0000())
		return 10;

	// Save the current text screen mode
	if (gr_save_mode()==1)
                return 2;

#ifndef NOGRAPH
	// Save the current palette, and fade it out to black.
	gr_palette_read( gr_pal_default );
	gr_palette_faded_out = 0;
	org_gamma = gr_palette_get_gamma();
	gr_palette_set_gamma( 0 );
	gr_palette_fade_out( gr_pal_default, 32, 0 );
	gr_palette_set_gamma( org_gamma );

#ifdef __DJGPP__
#ifdef SAVEGR

	MALLOC( grd_curscreen,grs_screen,1 );
	memset( grd_curscreen, 0, sizeof(grs_screen));

	// Set the mode.
	if ((retcode=gr_set_mode(mode)))
		return retcode;

	// Set all the screen, canvas, and bitmap variables that
	// aren't set by the gr_set_mode call:
	grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_color = 0;
	grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_drawmode = 0;
	grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font = NULL;
	grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font_fg_color = 0;
	grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font_bg_color = 0;
	gr_set_current_canvas( &grd_curscreen->sc_canvas );

#if 0
	if (!dpmi_allocate_selector( &gr_fade_table, 256*GR_FADE_LEVELS, &gr_fade_table_selector ))
		Error( "Error allocating fade table selector!" );

	if (!dpmi_allocate_selector( &gr_palette, 256*3, &gr_palette_selector ))
		Error( "Error allocating palette selector!" );

//	if (!dpmi_allocate_selector( &gr_inverse_table, 32*32*32, &gr_inverse_table_selector ))
//		Error( "Error allocating inverse table selector!" );

	// Set flags indicating that this is installed.
	gr_installed = 1;
#ifdef __GNUC__

	atexit((void (*)) gr_close);
	return 0;