예제 #1
int GUIPartitionList::Render(void)
		return 0;

	// First step, fill background
	gr_color(mBackgroundColor.red, mBackgroundColor.green, mBackgroundColor.blue, 255);
	gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY + mHeaderH, mRenderW, mRenderH - mHeaderH);

	// Next, render the background resource (if it exists)
	if (mBackground && mBackground->GetResource())
		mBackgroundX = mRenderX + ((mRenderW - mBackgroundW) / 2);
		mBackgroundY = mRenderY + ((mRenderH - mBackgroundH) / 2);
		gr_blit(mBackground->GetResource(), 0, 0, mBackgroundW, mBackgroundH, mBackgroundX, mBackgroundY);

	// This tells us how many lines we can actually render
	int lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight);
	int line;

	if (updateList) {
		PartitionManager.Get_Partition_List(ListType, &mList);
		updateList = false;
		if (ListType == "backup")

	int listSize = mList.size();
	int listW = mRenderW;

	if (listSize < lines) {
		lines = listSize;
		scrollingY = 0;
		mFastScrollRectX = mFastScrollRectY = -1;
	} else {
		if (lines < listSize)
		if (listSize >= lines)
			listW -= mFastScrollW; // space for fast scrollbar
			mFastScrollRectX = mFastScrollRectY = -1; // no fast scrollbar

	void* fontResource = NULL;
	if (mFont)  fontResource = mFont->GetResource();

	int yPos = mRenderY + mHeaderH + scrollingY;
	int fontOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mFontHeight) / 2);
	int currentIconHeight = 0, currentIconWidth = 0;
	int currentIconOffsetY = 0, currentIconOffsetX = 0;
	int UnselectedIconOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mUnselectedIconHeight) / 2), SelectedIconOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mSelectedIconHeight) / 2);
	int UnselectedIconOffsetX = (mIconWidth - mUnselectedIconWidth) / 2, SelectedIconOffsetX = (mIconWidth - mSelectedIconWidth) / 2;
	int actualSelection = mStart;

	if (isHighlighted) {
		int selectY = scrollingY;

		// Locate the correct line for highlighting
		while (selectY + actualLineHeight < startSelection) {
			selectY += actualLineHeight;
		if (hasHighlightColor) {
			// Highlight the area
			gr_color(mHighlightColor.red, mHighlightColor.green, mHighlightColor.blue, 255);
			int HighlightHeight = actualLineHeight;
			if (mRenderY + mHeaderH + selectY + actualLineHeight > mRenderH + mRenderY) {
				HighlightHeight = actualLineHeight - (mRenderY + mHeaderH + selectY + actualLineHeight - mRenderH - mRenderY);
			gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY + mHeaderH + selectY, mRenderW, HighlightHeight);

	for (line = 0; line < lines; line++)
		Resource* icon;
		std::string label;

		if (line + mStart >= listSize)

		label = mList.at(line + mStart).Display_Name;
		if (isHighlighted && hasFontHighlightColor && line + mStart == actualSelection) {
			// Use the highlight color for the font
			gr_color(mFontHighlightColor.red, mFontHighlightColor.green, mFontHighlightColor.blue, 255);
		} else {
			// Set the color for the font
			gr_color(mFontColor.red, mFontColor.green, mFontColor.blue, 255);

		if (mList.at(line + mStart).selected != 0)
			icon = mIconSelected;
			currentIconHeight = mSelectedIconHeight;
			currentIconWidth = mSelectedIconWidth;
			currentIconOffsetY = SelectedIconOffsetY;
			currentIconOffsetX = SelectedIconOffsetX;
			icon = mIconUnselected;
			currentIconHeight = mSelectedIconHeight;
			currentIconWidth = mSelectedIconWidth;
			currentIconOffsetY = SelectedIconOffsetY;
			currentIconOffsetX = SelectedIconOffsetX;

		if (icon && icon->GetResource())
			int rect_y = 0, image_y = (yPos + currentIconOffsetY);
			if (image_y + currentIconHeight > mRenderY + mRenderH)
				rect_y = mRenderY + mRenderH - image_y;
				rect_y = currentIconHeight;
			gr_blit(icon->GetResource(), 0, 0, currentIconWidth, rect_y, mRenderX + currentIconOffsetX, image_y);
		gr_textExWH(mRenderX + mIconWidth + 5, yPos + fontOffsetY, label.c_str(), fontResource, mRenderX + listW, mRenderY + mRenderH);

		// Add the separator
		if (yPos + actualLineHeight < mRenderH + mRenderY) {
			gr_color(mSeparatorColor.red, mSeparatorColor.green, mSeparatorColor.blue, 255);
			gr_fill(mRenderX, yPos + actualLineHeight - mSeparatorH, listW, mSeparatorH);

		// Move the yPos
		yPos += actualLineHeight;

	// Render the Header (last so that it overwrites the top most row for per pixel scrolling)
	// First step, fill background
	gr_color(mHeaderBackgroundColor.red, mHeaderBackgroundColor.green, mHeaderBackgroundColor.blue, 255);
	gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mHeaderH);

	// Now, we need the header (icon + text)
	yPos = mRenderY;
		Resource* headerIcon;
		int mIconOffsetX = 0;

		// render the icon if it exists
		headerIcon = mHeaderIcon;
		if (headerIcon && headerIcon->GetResource())
			gr_blit(headerIcon->GetResource(), 0, 0, mHeaderIconWidth, mHeaderIconHeight, mRenderX + ((mHeaderIconWidth - mIconWidth) / 2), (yPos + (int)((mHeaderH - mHeaderIconHeight) / 2)));
			mIconOffsetX = mIconWidth;

		// render the text
		gr_color(mHeaderFontColor.red, mHeaderFontColor.green, mHeaderFontColor.blue, 255);
		gr_textExWH(mRenderX + mIconOffsetX + 5, yPos + (int)((mHeaderH - mFontHeight) / 2), mLastValue.c_str(), fontResource, mRenderX + mRenderW, mRenderY + mRenderH);

		// Add the separator
		gr_color(mHeaderSeparatorColor.red, mHeaderSeparatorColor.green, mHeaderSeparatorColor.blue, 255);
		gr_fill(mRenderX, yPos + mHeaderH - mHeaderSeparatorH, mRenderW, mHeaderSeparatorH);

	// render fast scroll
	lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight);
	if(mFastScrollW > 0 && listSize > lines)
		int startX = listW + mRenderX;
		int fWidth = mRenderW - listW;
		int fHeight = mRenderH - mHeaderH;

		// line
		gr_color(mFastScrollLineColor.red, mFastScrollLineColor.green, mFastScrollLineColor.blue, 255);
		gr_fill(startX + fWidth/2, mRenderY + mHeaderH, mFastScrollLineW, mRenderH - mHeaderH);

		// rect
		int pct = ((mStart*actualLineHeight - scrollingY)*100)/((listSize)*actualLineHeight-lines*actualLineHeight);
		mFastScrollRectX = startX + (fWidth - mFastScrollRectW)/2;
		mFastScrollRectY = mRenderY+mHeaderH + ((fHeight - mFastScrollRectH)*pct)/100;

		gr_color(mFastScrollRectColor.red, mFastScrollRectColor.green, mFastScrollRectColor.blue, 255);
		gr_fill(mFastScrollRectX, mFastScrollRectY, mFastScrollRectW, mFastScrollRectH);

	mUpdate = 0;
	return 0;
int GUIFileSelector::Render(void)
	// First step, fill background
	gr_color(mBackgroundColor.red, mBackgroundColor.green, mBackgroundColor.blue, 255);
	gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY + mHeaderH, mRenderW, mRenderH - mHeaderH);

	// Next, render the background resource (if it exists)
	if (mBackground && mBackground->GetResource())
		mBackgroundX = mRenderX + ((mRenderW - mBackgroundW) / 2);
		mBackgroundY = mRenderY + ((mRenderH - mBackgroundH) / 2);
		gr_blit(mBackground->GetResource(), 0, 0, mBackgroundW, mBackgroundH, mBackgroundX, mBackgroundY);

	// This tells us how many lines we can actually render
	int lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight);
	int line;

	int folderSize = mShowFolders ? mFolderList.size() : 0;
	int fileSize = mShowFiles ? mFileList.size() : 0;

	if (folderSize + fileSize < lines) {
		lines = folderSize + fileSize;
		scrollingY = 0;
	} else {
		if (lines < folderSize + fileSize)

	void* fontResource = NULL;
	if (mFont)  fontResource = mFont->GetResource();

	int yPos = mRenderY + mHeaderH + scrollingY;
	int fontOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mFontHeight) / 2);
	int currentIconHeight = 0, currentIconWidth = 0;
	int currentIconOffsetY = 0, currentIconOffsetX = 0;
	int folderIconOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mFolderIconHeight) / 2), fileIconOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mFileIconHeight) / 2);
	int folderIconOffsetX = (mIconWidth - mFolderIconWidth) / 2, fileIconOffsetX = (mIconWidth - mFileIconWidth) / 2;

	for (line = 0; line < lines; line++)
		Resource* icon;
		std::string label;

		// Set the color for the font
		gr_color(mFontColor.red, mFontColor.green, mFontColor.blue, 255);

		if (line + mStart < folderSize)
			icon = mFolderIcon;
			label = mFolderList.at(line + mStart).fileName;
			currentIconHeight = mFolderIconHeight;
			currentIconWidth = mFolderIconWidth;
			currentIconOffsetY = folderIconOffsetY;
			currentIconOffsetX = folderIconOffsetX;
		else if (line + mStart < folderSize + fileSize)
			icon = mFileIcon;
			label = mFileList.at((line + mStart) - folderSize).fileName;
			currentIconHeight = mFileIconHeight;
			currentIconWidth = mFileIconWidth;
			currentIconOffsetY = fileIconOffsetY;
			currentIconOffsetX = fileIconOffsetX;
		} else {

		if (icon && icon->GetResource())
			int rect_y = 0, image_y = (yPos + currentIconOffsetY);
			if (image_y + currentIconHeight > mRenderY + mRenderH)
				rect_y = mRenderY + mRenderH - image_y;
				rect_y = currentIconHeight;
			gr_blit(icon->GetResource(), 0, 0, currentIconWidth, rect_y, mRenderX + currentIconOffsetX, image_y);
		gr_textExWH(mRenderX + mIconWidth + 5, yPos + fontOffsetY, label.c_str(), fontResource, mRenderX + mRenderW, mRenderY + mRenderH);

		// Add the separator
		if (yPos + actualLineHeight < mRenderH + mRenderY) {
			gr_color(mSeparatorColor.red, mSeparatorColor.green, mSeparatorColor.blue, 255);
			gr_fill(mRenderX, yPos + actualLineHeight - mSeparatorH, mRenderW, mSeparatorH);

		// Move the yPos
		yPos += actualLineHeight;

	// Render the Header (last so that it overwrites the top most row for per pixel scrolling)
	// First step, fill background
	gr_color(mHeaderBackgroundColor.red, mHeaderBackgroundColor.green, mHeaderBackgroundColor.blue, 255);
	gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mHeaderH);

	// Now, we need the header (icon + text)
	yPos = mRenderY;
		Resource* headerIcon;
		int mIconOffsetX = 0;

		// render the icon if it exists
		headerIcon = mHeaderIcon;
		if (headerIcon && headerIcon->GetResource())
			gr_blit(headerIcon->GetResource(), 0, 0, mHeaderIconWidth, mHeaderIconHeight, mRenderX + ((mHeaderIconWidth - mIconWidth) / 2), (yPos + (int)((mHeaderH - mHeaderIconHeight) / 2)));
			mIconOffsetX = mIconWidth;

		// render the text
		gr_color(mHeaderFontColor.red, mHeaderFontColor.green, mHeaderFontColor.blue, 255);
		gr_textExWH(mRenderX + mIconOffsetX + 5, yPos + (int)((mHeaderH - mFontHeight) / 2), mLastValue.c_str(), fontResource, mRenderX + mRenderW, mRenderY + mRenderH);

		// Add the separator
		gr_color(mHeaderSeparatorColor.red, mHeaderSeparatorColor.green, mHeaderSeparatorColor.blue, 255);
		gr_fill(mRenderX, yPos + mHeaderH - mHeaderSeparatorH, mRenderW, mHeaderSeparatorH);

	mUpdate = 0;
	return 0;