예제 #1
/** 1D simplex noise with derivative.
 * If the last argument is not null, the analytic derivative
 * is also calculated.
float sdnoise1( float x, float *dnoise_dx)
  int i0 = FASTFLOOR(x);
  int i1 = i0 + 1;
  float x0 = x - i0;
  float x1 = x0 - 1.0f;

  float gx0, gx1;
  float n0, n1;
  float t20, t40, t21, t41;
  float x20 = x0*x0;
  float t0 = 1.0f - x20;
//  if(t0 < 0.0f) t0 = 0.0f; // Never happens for 1D: x0<=1 always
  t20 = t0 * t0;
  t40 = t20 * t20;
  grad1(perm[i0 & 0xff], &gx0);
  n0 = t40 * gx0 * x0;

  float x21 = x1*x1;
  float t1 = 1.0f - x21;
//  if(t1 < 0.0f) t1 = 0.0f; // Never happens for 1D: |x1|<=1 always
  t21 = t1 * t1;
  t41 = t21 * t21;
  grad1(perm[i1 & 0xff], &gx1);
  n1 = t41 * gx1 * x1;

/* Compute derivative according to:
 *  *dnoise_dx = -8.0f * t20 * t0 * x0 * (gx0 * x0) + t40 * gx0;
 *  *dnoise_dx += -8.0f * t21 * t1 * x1 * (gx1 * x1) + t41 * gx1;
  *dnoise_dx = t20 * t0 * gx0 * x20;
  *dnoise_dx += t21 * t1 * gx1 * x21;
  *dnoise_dx *= -8.0f;
  *dnoise_dx += t40 * gx0 + t41 * gx1;
  *dnoise_dx *= 0.25f; /* Scale derivative to match the noise scaling */

  // The maximum value of this noise is 8*(3/4)^4 = 2.53125
  // A factor of 0.395 would scale to fit exactly within [-1,1], but
  // to better match classic Perlin noise, we scale it down some more.
  return 0.25f * (n0 + n1);
예제 #2
// compute gradient magnitude and orientation at each location (uses sse)
void gradMag( float *I, float *M, float *O, int h, int w, int d, bool full ) {
    int x, y, y1, c, h4, s;
    float *Gx, *Gy, *M2;
    __m128 *_Gx, *_Gy, *_M2, _m;
    float *acost = acosTable(), acMult = 10000.0f;
    // allocate memory for storing one column of output (padded so h4%4==0)
    h4 = (h % 4 == 0) ? h : h - (h % 4) + 4;
    s = d * h4 * sizeof(float);
    M2 = (float*) alMalloc(s, 16);
    _M2 = (__m128*) M2;
    Gx = (float*) alMalloc(s, 16);
    _Gx = (__m128*) Gx;
    Gy = (float*) alMalloc(s, 16);
    _Gy = (__m128*) Gy;
    // compute gradient magnitude and orientation for each column
    for ( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
        // compute gradients (Gx, Gy) with maximum squared magnitude (M2)
        for (c = 0; c < d; c++) {
            grad1( I + x * h + c * w * h, Gx + c * h4, Gy + c * h4, h, w, x );
            for ( y = 0; y < h4 / 4; y++ ) {
                y1 = h4 / 4 * c + y;
                _M2[y1] = ADD(MUL(_Gx[y1], _Gx[y1]), MUL(_Gy[y1], _Gy[y1]));
                if ( c == 0 ) { continue; }
                _m = CMPGT( _M2[y1], _M2[y] );
                _M2[y] = OR( AND(_m, _M2[y1]), ANDNOT(_m, _M2[y]) );
                _Gx[y] = OR( AND(_m, _Gx[y1]), ANDNOT(_m, _Gx[y]) );
                _Gy[y] = OR( AND(_m, _Gy[y1]), ANDNOT(_m, _Gy[y]) );
        // compute gradient mangitude (M) and normalize Gx
        for ( y = 0; y < h4 / 4; y++ ) {
            _m = MINsse( RCPSQRT(_M2[y]), SET(1e10f) );
            _M2[y] = RCP(_m);
            if (O) { _Gx[y] = MUL( MUL(_Gx[y], _m), SET(acMult) ); }
            if (O) { _Gx[y] = XOR( _Gx[y], AND(_Gy[y], SET(-0.f)) ); }
        memcpy( M + x * h, M2, h * sizeof(float) );
        // compute and store gradient orientation (O) via table lookup
        if ( O != 0 ) for ( y = 0; y < h; y++ ) { O[x * h + y] = acost[(int)Gx[y]]; }
        if ( O != 0 && full ) {
            y1 = ((~size_t(O + x * h) + 1) & 15) / 4;
            y = 0;
            for ( ; y < y1; y++ ) { O[y + x * h] += (Gy[y] < 0) * PI; }
            for ( ; y < h - 4; y += 4 ) STRu( O[y + x * h],
                                                  ADD( LDu(O[y + x * h]), AND(CMPLT(LDu(Gy[y]), SET(0.f)), SET(PI)) ) );
            for ( ; y < h; y++ ) { O[y + x * h] += (Gy[y] < 0) * PI; }
예제 #3
void GameWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
    QPainter p(this);

    if (m_bShowSoser)
        p.drawPixmap(m_soserX, 0, m_soser);

    for(TShips::const_iterator sit = m_ships.constBegin(); sit != m_ships.constEnd(); ++sit)
        p.drawPixmap(sit->x, sit->y, *sit->pix);

    QRadialGradient grad1(0, 0, 7);
    grad1.setColorAt(1, QColor(0,0,0));
    grad1.setColorAt(0, QColor(255,255,255));
    QPen pen1(QColor(0,0,0));
    QRadialGradient grad2(0, 0, 7);
    grad2.setColorAt(1, QColor(255,0,0));
    grad2.setColorAt(0, QColor(255,200,200));
    QPen pen2(QColor(255,0,0));
    int lastL = 1;

    for(TShots::const_iterator it = m_shots.constBegin(); it != m_shots.constEnd(); ++it)
        int x = it->x, y = it->y, l = it->level;
        if (l != lastL)
            lastL = l;
        p.setBrushOrigin(x, y);
        p.drawEllipse(x - 7, y - 7, 14, 14);

    p.drawPixmap(m_gunX-32, m_gunY, PicBucket::instance().getPic(1, 2).pixmap);
    m_shotspreg = QRegion();

    if (m_lives == 0)
        p.drawRect(0, 0, sizeX, sizeY);
예제 #4
/* 1D simplex noise */
GLfloat _slang_library_noise1 (GLfloat x)
  int i0 = FASTFLOOR(x);
  int i1 = i0 + 1;
  float x0 = x - i0;
  float x1 = x0 - 1.0f;
  float t1 = 1.0f - x1*x1;
  float n0, n1;

  float t0 = 1.0f - x0*x0;
/*  if(t0 < 0.0f) t0 = 0.0f; // this never happens for the 1D case */
  t0 *= t0;
  n0 = t0 * t0 * grad1(perm[i0 & 0xff], x0);

/*  if(t1 < 0.0f) t1 = 0.0f; // this never happens for the 1D case */
  t1 *= t1;
  n1 = t1 * t1 * grad1(perm[i1 & 0xff], x1);
  /* The maximum value of this noise is 8*(3/4)^4 = 2.53125 */
  /* A factor of 0.395 would scale to fit exactly within [-1,1], but */
  /* we want to match PRMan's 1D noise, so we scale it down some more. */
  return 0.25f * (n0 + n1);
예제 #5
// 1D simplex noise
float snoise1(float x) {

	int i0 = FASTFLOOR(x);
	int i1 = i0 + 1;
	float x0 = x - i0;
	float x1 = x0 - 1.0f;

	float n0, n1;

	float t0 = 1.0f - x0*x0;
//  if(t0 < 0.0f) t0 = 0.0f; // this never happens for the 1D case
	t0 *= t0;
	n0 = t0 * t0 * grad1(perm[i0 & 0xff], x0);

	float t1 = 1.0f - x1*x1;
//  if(t1 < 0.0f) t1 = 0.0f; // this never happens for the 1D case
	t1 *= t1;
	n1 = t1 * t1 * grad1(perm[i1 & 0xff], x1);
	// The maximum value of this noise is 8*(3/4)^4 = 2.53125
	// A factor of 0.395 would scale to fit exactly within [-1,1], but
	// The algorithm isn't perfect, as it is assymetric. The correction will normalize the result to the interval [-1,1], but the average will be off by 3%.
	return (n0 + n1 + 0.076368899f) / 2.45488110001f;
예제 #6
void MusicControl::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) // Draws the beautifull gradient !
    QPainter painter(this);
    QColor mainColor = m_c->mainColor();

    QLinearGradient grad1(0, 0, 0, height()/2);
    grad1.setColorAt(0, mainColor.lighter(110));
    grad1.setColorAt(1, mainColor.darker(130));
    painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), grad1);

    QLinearGradient grad2(0, height()/2, 0, height());
    grad2.setColorAt(0, mainColor.lighter(60));
    grad2.setColorAt(1, mainColor);
    painter.fillRect(0, height()/2, width(), height()/2, grad2);
예제 #7
void RadialGradient::doPainting() {

    QPainter painter(this);

    int h = height();
    int w = width();

    QRadialGradient grad1(w/2, h/2, 80);

    grad1.setColorAt(0, QColor("#032E91"));
    grad1.setColorAt(0.3, Qt::white);
    grad1.setColorAt(1, QColor("#032E91"));

    painter.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, grad1);
예제 #8
// 1D simplex noise
float snoise1(snoise_permtable* permtable, float x) {

  int i0 = FASTFLOOR(x);
  int i1 = i0 + 1;
  float x0 = x - i0;
  float x1 = x0 - 1.0f;

  float n0, n1;

  float t0 = 1.0f - x0*x0;
//  if(t0 < 0.0f) t0 = 0.0f;
  t0 *= t0;
  n0 = t0 * t0 * grad1(permtable->perm[i0 & 0xff], x0);

  float t1 = 1.0f - x1*x1;
//  if(t1 < 0.0f) t1 = 0.0f;
  t1 *= t1;
  n1 = t1 * t1 * grad1(permtable->perm[i1 & 0xff], x1);
  // The maximum value of this noise is 8*(3/4)^4 = 2.53125
  // A factor of 0.395 would scale to fit exactly within [-1,1], but
  // we want to match PRMan's 1D noise, so we scale it down some more.
  return 0.25f * (n0 + n1);

예제 #9
void Bouncer::updateItem()
	const Vector& center = m_rect->position();
	const Vector dir = m_rect->position2() - m_rect->position1();
	const float a = m_rect->width();
	const float b = dir.length() / 2.0f;
	m_item->setPos(center.x, center.y);
	m_item->setRect(-b, -a, 2.0f * b, 2.0f * a);
	m_item->rotate(dir.angle() / M_PI * 180.0f);
	m_item2->setPos(center.x, center.y);
	m_item2->setRect(-b, -a, 2.0f * b, 2.0f * a);
	m_item2->rotate(dir.angle() / M_PI * 180.0f);
	m_itemCap1->setPos(m_rect->position1().x,  m_rect->position1().y);
	m_itemCap1->setRect(-a, -a, 2.0f * a, 2.0f * a);
	m_itemCap2->setPos(m_rect->position2().x,  m_rect->position2().y);
	m_itemCap2->setRect(-a, -a, 2.0f * a, 2.0f * a);
	QLinearGradient grad(-b, -a, -b, a);
	grad.setColorAt(0.0f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 0));
	grad.setColorAt(0.4f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 255));
	grad.setColorAt(0.6f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 255));
	grad.setColorAt(1.0f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 0));
	QLinearGradient gradRect2(-b, -a, -b, a);
	gradRect2.setColorAt(0.0f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 0));
	gradRect2.setColorAt(0.4f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 0));
	gradRect2.setColorAt(0.5f, QColor(255, 255, 255, 255));
	gradRect2.setColorAt(0.6f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 0));
	gradRect2.setColorAt(1.0f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 0));
	QRadialGradient grad1(0,0,a,0,0);
	grad1.setColorAt(0.0f, QColor(255, 255, 255, 255));
	grad1.setColorAt(0.8f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 255));
	grad1.setColorAt(1.0f, QColor(255, 116, 0, 0));
예제 #10
   Render a soft outline around the edge of the TableZone.

   @param painter QPainter object
void TableZone::paintZoneOutline(QPainter *painter) {
    QLinearGradient grad1(0, 0, 0, 1);
    grad1.setColorAt(0, GRADIENT_COLOR);
    grad1.setColorAt(1, GRADIENT_COLORLESS);
    painter->fillRect(QRectF(0, 0, width, BOX_LINE_WIDTH), QBrush(grad1));

    grad1.setFinalStop(1, 0);
    painter->fillRect(QRectF(0, 0, BOX_LINE_WIDTH, height), QBrush(grad1));

    grad1.setStart(0, 1);
    grad1.setFinalStop(0, 0);
    painter->fillRect(QRectF(0, height - BOX_LINE_WIDTH, width, BOX_LINE_WIDTH), QBrush(grad1));

    grad1.setStart(1, 0);
    painter->fillRect(QRectF(width - BOX_LINE_WIDTH, 0, BOX_LINE_WIDTH, height), QBrush(grad1));
예제 #11
파일: cagauge.cpp 프로젝트: rorydog1/epics
void caCircularGauge::drawNeedle(QPainter *p)
    double angle = (m_startAngle-(m_value-m_minValue)/(m_maxValue-m_minValue)*m_arcLength)*3.1415927/180.0;

    QPolygonF tr1, tr2;
    QPointF longArm, shortArm, side1, side2;

    longArm = QPointF(m_outerRadius*cos(angle),-m_outerRadius*sin(angle));
    shortArm = QPointF(-2*cos(angle),2*sin(angle));
    side1 = QPointF(-2*sin(angle),-2*cos(angle));
    side2 = -side1;

    tr1 << longArm << side1 << shortArm;
    tr2 << longArm << side2 << shortArm;

    QRadialGradient grad1(QPointF(0,0),m_outerRadius,side1*.5);
    grad1.setColorAt(0.0, palette().color(QPalette::Mid));
    grad1.setColorAt(1.0, palette().color(QPalette::Dark));
    QRadialGradient grad2(QPointF(0,0),m_outerRadius,side2*.5);
    grad2.setColorAt(0.0, palette().color(QPalette::Midlight));
    grad2.setColorAt(1.0, palette().color(QPalette::Dark));

    QPen pen(Qt::black);

예제 #12
// compute x and y gradients at each location (uses sse)
void grad2( float *I, float *Gx, float *Gy, int h, int w, int d ) {
  int o, x, c, a=w*h; for(c=0; c<d; c++) for(x=0; x<w; x++) {
    o=c*a+x*h; grad1( I+o, Gx+o, Gy+o, h, w, x );
예제 #13
파일: ann_mlp.cpp 프로젝트: 4ker/opencv
        void operator()( const Range& range ) const
            double inv_count = 1./inputs.rows;
            int ivcount = ann->layer_sizes.front();
            int ovcount = ann->layer_sizes.back();
            int itype = inputs.type(), otype = outputs.type();
            int count = inputs.rows;
            int i, j, k, l_count = ann->layer_count();
            vector<vector<double> > x(l_count);
            vector<vector<double> > df(l_count);
            vector<double> _buf(ann->max_lsize*dcount0*2);
            double* buf[] = { &_buf[0], &_buf[ann->max_lsize*dcount0] };
            double E = 0;

            for( i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )

            for( int si = range.start; si < range.end; si++ )
                int i0 = si*dcount0, i1 = std::min((si + 1)*dcount0, count);
                int dcount = i1 - i0;
                const double* w = ann->weights[0].ptr<double>();

                // grab and preprocess input data
                for( i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
                    const uchar* x0data_p = inputs.ptr(i0 + i);
                    const float* x0data_f = (const float*)x0data_p;
                    const double* x0data_d = (const double*)x0data_p;

                    double* xdata = &x[0][i*ivcount];
                    for( j = 0; j < ivcount; j++ )
                        xdata[j] = (itype == CV_32F ? (double)x0data_f[j] : x0data_d[j])*w[j*2] + w[j*2+1];
                Mat x1(dcount, ivcount, CV_64F, &x[0][0]);

                // forward pass, compute y[i]=w*x[i-1], x[i]=f(y[i]), df[i]=f'(y[i])
                for( i = 1; i < l_count; i++ )
                    Mat x2( dcount, ann->layer_sizes[i], CV_64F, &x[i][0] );
                    Mat _w = ann->weights[i].rowRange(0, x1.cols);
                    gemm( x1, _w, 1, noArray(), 0, x2 );
                    Mat _df( x2.size(), CV_64F, &df[i][0] );
                    ann->calc_activ_func_deriv( x2, _df, ann->weights[i] );
                    x1 = x2;

                Mat grad1(dcount, ovcount, CV_64F, buf[l_count & 1]);

                w = ann->weights[l_count+1].ptr<double>();

                // calculate error
                for( i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
                    const uchar* udata_p = outputs.ptr(i0+i);
                    const float* udata_f = (const float*)udata_p;
                    const double* udata_d = (const double*)udata_p;

                    const double* xdata = &x[l_count-1][i*ovcount];
                    double* gdata = grad1.ptr<double>(i);
                    double sweight = sw ? sw[si+i] : inv_count, E1 = 0;

                    for( j = 0; j < ovcount; j++ )
                        double t = (otype == CV_32F ? (double)udata_f[j] : udata_d[j])*w[j*2] + w[j*2+1] - xdata[j];
                        gdata[j] = t*sweight;
                        E1 += t*t;
                    E += sweight*E1;

                for( i = l_count-1; i > 0; i-- )
                    int n1 = ann->layer_sizes[i-1], n2 = ann->layer_sizes[i];
                    Mat _df(dcount, n2, CV_64F, &df[i][0]);
                    multiply(grad1, _df, grad1);

                        AutoLock lock(ann->mtx);
                        Mat _dEdw = dEdw->at(i).rowRange(0, n1);
                        x1 = Mat(dcount, n1, CV_64F, &x[i-1][0]);
                        gemm(x1, grad1, 1, _dEdw, 1, _dEdw, GEMM_1_T);

                        // update bias part of dEdw
                        double* dst = dEdw->at(i).ptr<double>(n1);
                        for( k = 0; k < dcount; k++ )
                            const double* src = grad1.ptr<double>(k);
                            for( j = 0; j < n2; j++ )
                                dst[j] += src[j];

                    Mat grad2( dcount, n1, CV_64F, buf[i&1] );
                    if( i > 1 )
                        Mat _w = ann->weights[i].rowRange(0, n1);
                        gemm(grad1, _w, 1, noArray(), 0, grad2, GEMM_2_T);
                    grad1 = grad2;
                AutoLock lock(ann->mtx);
                *pE += E;
예제 #14
파일: ann_mlp.cpp 프로젝트: 4ker/opencv
    int train_backprop( const Mat& inputs, const Mat& outputs, const Mat& _sw, TermCriteria termCrit )
        int i, j, k;
        double prev_E = DBL_MAX*0.5, E = 0;
        int itype = inputs.type(), otype = outputs.type();

        int count = inputs.rows;

        int iter = -1, max_iter = termCrit.maxCount*count;
        double epsilon = termCrit.epsilon*count;

        int l_count = layer_count();
        int ivcount = layer_sizes[0];
        int ovcount = layer_sizes.back();

        // allocate buffers
        vector<vector<double> > x(l_count);
        vector<vector<double> > df(l_count);
        vector<Mat> dw(l_count);

        for( i = 0; i < l_count; i++ )
            int n = layer_sizes[i];
            dw[i] = Mat::zeros(weights[i].size(), CV_64F);

        Mat _idx_m(1, count, CV_32S);
        int* _idx = _idx_m.ptr<int>();
        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            _idx[i] = i;

        AutoBuffer<double> _buf(max_lsize*2);
        double* buf[] = { _buf, (double*)_buf + max_lsize };

        const double* sw = _sw.empty() ? 0 : _sw.ptr<double>();

        // run back-propagation loop
         y_i = w_i*x_{i-1}
         x_i = f(y_i)
         E = 1/2*||u - x_N||^2
         grad_N = (x_N - u)*f'(y_i)
         dw_i(t) = momentum*dw_i(t-1) + dw_scale*x_{i-1}*grad_i
         w_i(t+1) = w_i(t) + dw_i(t)
         grad_{i-1} = w_i^t*grad_i
        for( iter = 0; iter < max_iter; iter++ )
            int idx = iter % count;
            double sweight = sw ? count*sw[idx] : 1.;

            if( idx == 0 )
                //printf("%d. E = %g\n", iter/count, E);
                if( fabs(prev_E - E) < epsilon )
                prev_E = E;
                E = 0;

                // shuffle indices
                for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                    j = rng.uniform(0, count);
                    k = rng.uniform(0, count);
                    std::swap(_idx[j], _idx[k]);

            idx = _idx[idx];

            const uchar* x0data_p = inputs.ptr(idx);
            const float* x0data_f = (const float*)x0data_p;
            const double* x0data_d = (const double*)x0data_p;

            double* w = weights[0].ptr<double>();
            for( j = 0; j < ivcount; j++ )
                x[0][j] = (itype == CV_32F ? (double)x0data_f[j] : x0data_d[j])*w[j*2] + w[j*2 + 1];

            Mat x1( 1, ivcount, CV_64F, &x[0][0] );

            // forward pass, compute y[i]=w*x[i-1], x[i]=f(y[i]), df[i]=f'(y[i])
            for( i = 1; i < l_count; i++ )
                int n = layer_sizes[i];
                Mat x2(1, n, CV_64F, &x[i][0] );
                Mat _w = weights[i].rowRange(0, x1.cols);
                gemm(x1, _w, 1, noArray(), 0, x2);
                Mat _df(1, n, CV_64F, &df[i][0] );
                calc_activ_func_deriv( x2, _df, weights[i] );
                x1 = x2;

            Mat grad1( 1, ovcount, CV_64F, buf[l_count&1] );
            w = weights[l_count+1].ptr<double>();

            // calculate error
            const uchar* udata_p = outputs.ptr(idx);
            const float* udata_f = (const float*)udata_p;
            const double* udata_d = (const double*)udata_p;

            double* gdata = grad1.ptr<double>();
            for( k = 0; k < ovcount; k++ )
                double t = (otype == CV_32F ? (double)udata_f[k] : udata_d[k])*w[k*2] + w[k*2+1] - x[l_count-1][k];
                gdata[k] = t*sweight;
                E += t*t;
            E *= sweight;

            // backward pass, update weights
            for( i = l_count-1; i > 0; i-- )
                int n1 = layer_sizes[i-1], n2 = layer_sizes[i];
                Mat _df(1, n2, CV_64F, &df[i][0]);
                multiply( grad1, _df, grad1 );
                Mat _x(n1+1, 1, CV_64F, &x[i-1][0]);
                x[i-1][n1] = 1.;
                gemm( _x, grad1, params.bpDWScale, dw[i], params.bpMomentScale, dw[i] );
                add( weights[i], dw[i], weights[i] );
                if( i > 1 )
                    Mat grad2(1, n1, CV_64F, buf[i&1]);
                    Mat _w = weights[i].rowRange(0, n1);
                    gemm( grad1, _w, 1, noArray(), 0, grad2, GEMM_2_T );
                    grad1 = grad2;

        iter /= count;
        return iter;
예제 #15
파일: hog.cpp 프로젝트: 2php/pcl
pcl::people::HOG::gradMag( float *I, int h, int w, int d, float *M, float *O ) const
#if defined(__SSE2__)
  int x, y, y1, c, h4, s; float *Gx, *Gy, *M2; __m128 *_Gx, *_Gy, *_M2, _m;
  float *acost = acosTable(), acMult=25000/2.02f;

  // allocate memory for storing one column of output (padded so h4%4==0)
  h4=(h%4==0) ? h : h-(h%4)+4; s=d*h4*sizeof(float);

  M2=(float*) alMalloc(s,16);
  _M2=(__m128*) M2;
  Gx=(float*) alMalloc(s,16); _Gx=(__m128*) Gx;
  Gy=(float*) alMalloc(s,16); _Gy=(__m128*) Gy;

  // compute gradient magnitude and orientation for each column
  for( x=0; x<w; x++ ) {
  // compute gradients (Gx, Gy) and squared magnitude (M2) for each channel
  for( c=0; c<d; c++ ) grad1( I+x*h+c*w*h, Gx+c*h4, Gy+c*h4, h, w, x );
  for( y=0; y<d*h4/4; y++ ) _M2[y]=pcl::sse_add(pcl::sse_mul(_Gx[y],_Gx[y]),pcl::sse_mul(_Gy[y],_Gy[y]));
  // store gradients with maximum response in the first channel
  for(c=1; c<d; c++) {
    for( y=0; y<h4/4; y++ ) {
    y1=h4/4*c+y; _m = pcl::sse_cmpgt( _M2[y1], _M2[y] );
    _M2[y] = pcl::sse_or( pcl::sse_and(_m,_M2[y1]), pcl::sse_andnot(_m,_M2[y]) );
    _Gx[y] = pcl::sse_or( pcl::sse_and(_m,_Gx[y1]), pcl::sse_andnot(_m,_Gx[y]) );
    _Gy[y] = pcl::sse_or( pcl::sse_and(_m,_Gy[y1]), pcl::sse_andnot(_m,_Gy[y]) );
  // compute gradient magnitude (M) and normalize Gx
  for( y=0; y<h4/4; y++ ) {
    _m = pcl::sse_min( pcl::sse_rcpsqrt(_M2[y]), pcl::sse_set(1e10f) );
    _M2[y] = pcl::sse_rcp(_m);
    _Gx[y] = pcl::sse_mul( pcl::sse_mul(_Gx[y],_m), pcl::sse_set(acMult) );
    _Gx[y] = pcl::sse_xor( _Gx[y], pcl::sse_and(_Gy[y], pcl::sse_set(-0.f)) );

  memcpy( M+x*h, M2, h*sizeof(float) );
  // compute and store gradient orientation (O) via table lookup
  if(O!=0) for( y=0; y<h; y++ ) O[x*h+y] = acost[(int)Gx[y]];
  alFree(Gx); alFree(Gy); alFree(M2); 
  int x, y, y1, c, h4, s; float *Gx, *Gy, *M2; 
  float *acost = acosTable(), acMult=25000/2.02f;

  // allocate memory for storing one column of output (padded so h4%4==0)
  h4=(h%4==0) ? h : h-(h%4)+4; s=d*h4*sizeof(float);

  M2=(float*) alMalloc(s,16);
  Gx=(float*) alMalloc(s,16); 
  Gy=(float*) alMalloc(s,16); 
  float m;

  // compute gradient magnitude and orientation for each column
  for( x=0; x<w; x++ ) {
  // compute gradients (Gx, Gy) and squared magnitude (M2) for each channel
  for( c=0; c<d; c++ ) grad1( I+x*h+c*w*h, Gx+c*h4, Gy+c*h4, h, w, x );
  for( y=0; y<d*h4; y++ ) 
    M2[y] = Gx[y] * Gx[y] + Gy[y] * Gy[y];
  // store gradients with maximum response in the first channel
  for(c=1; c<d; c++) 
  for( y=0; y<h4/4; y++ ) 

    for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii)
      if (M2[y1 * 4 + ii] > M2[y * 4 + ii])
        M2[y * 4 + ii] = M2[y1 * 4 + ii];
        Gx[y * 4 + ii] = Gx[y1 * 4 + ii];
        Gy[y * 4 + ii] = Gy[y1 * 4 + ii];
  // compute gradient magnitude (M) and normalize Gx
  for( y=0; y<h4; y++ ) 
  m = 1.0f/sqrtf(M2[y]);
  m = m < 1e10f ? m : 1e10f;
    M2[y] = 1.0f / m;
    Gx[y] = ((Gx[y] * m) * acMult);
    if (Gy[y] < 0)
    Gx[y] = -Gx[y];
  memcpy( M+x*h, M2, h*sizeof(float) );
  // compute and store gradient orientation (O) via table lookup
  if(O!=0) for( y=0; y<h; y++ ) O[x*h+y] = acost[(int)Gx[y]];
  alFree(Gx); alFree(Gy); alFree(M2);
예제 #16
파일: Bidomain.cpp 프로젝트: certik/nektar
     * @param   inarray         Input array.
     * @param   outarray        Output array.
     * @param   time            Current simulation time.
     * @param   lambda          Timestep.
    void Bidomain::DoImplicitSolve(
            const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, NekDouble> >&inarray,
            Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> >&outarray,
            const NekDouble time,
            const NekDouble lambda)
        int nvariables  = inarray.num_elements();
        int nq          = m_fields[0]->GetNpoints();

        Array<OneD, NekDouble> grad0(nq), grad1(nq), grad2(nq), grad(nq);
        Array<OneD, NekDouble> ggrad0(nq), ggrad1(nq), ggrad2(nq), ggrad(nq), temp(nq);

        // We solve ( \sigma\nabla^2 - HHlambda ) Y[i] = rhs [i]
        // inarray = input: \hat{rhs} -> output: \hat{Y}
        // outarray = output: nabla^2 \hat{Y}
        // where \hat = modal coeffs
        for (int i = 0; i < nvariables; ++i)
            // Only apply diffusion to first variable.
            if (i > 1) {
                Vmath::Vcopy(nq, &inarray[i][0], 1, &outarray[i][0], 1);
            if (i == 0) {
                StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors;
                factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] = (1.0/lambda)*(m_capMembrane*m_chi);
                if (m_spacedim==1) {
                // Take first partial derivative
                // Take second partial derivative
                // Multiply by Intracellular-Conductivity
		if (m_session->DefinesFunction("IntracellularConductivity") && m_session->DefinesFunction("ExtracellularConductivity"))
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix"), ggrad0, 1, ggrad0, 1);
                // Add partial derivatives together
                Vmath::Vcopy(nq, ggrad0, 1, ggrad, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -1.0, ggrad, 1, ggrad, 1);
                // Multiply 1.0/timestep/lambda
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda], inarray[i], 1, temp, 1);
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, ggrad, 1, temp, 1, m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys(), 1);
                // Solve a system of equations with Helmholtz solver and transform
                // back into physical space.
                m_fields[i]->HelmSolve(m_fields[i]->GetPhys(), m_fields[i]->UpdateCoeffs(),NullFlagList,factors);
                m_fields[i]->BwdTrans( m_fields[i]->GetCoeffs(), m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys());
                // Copy the solution vector (required as m_fields must be set).
                outarray[i] = m_fields[i]->GetPhys();
                if (m_spacedim==2) {
                // Take first partial derivative
                // Take second partial derivative
                // Multiply by Intracellular-Conductivity 
		if (m_session->DefinesFunction("IntracellularConductivity") && m_session->DefinesFunction("ExtracellularConductivity"))
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix"), ggrad0, 1, ggrad0, 1);   
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaiy"), ggrad1, 1, ggrad1, 1); 
                // Add partial derivatives together
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, ggrad0, 1, ggrad1, 1, ggrad, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -1.0, ggrad, 1, ggrad, 1); 
                // Multiply 1.0/timestep/lambda
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda], inarray[i], 1, temp, 1);
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, ggrad, 1, temp, 1, m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys(), 1);
                // Solve a system of equations with Helmholtz solver and transform
                // back into physical space.
                m_fields[i]->HelmSolve(m_fields[i]->GetPhys(), m_fields[i]->UpdateCoeffs(),NullFlagList,factors,m_vardiffi);
                m_fields[i]->BwdTrans( m_fields[i]->GetCoeffs(), m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys());
                // Copy the solution vector (required as m_fields must be set).
                outarray[i] = m_fields[i]->GetPhys();                                                                          
                if (m_spacedim==3) {
                // Take first partial derivative
                // Take second partial derivative
                // Multiply by Intracellular-Conductivity 
		if (m_session->DefinesFunction("IntracellularConductivity") && m_session->DefinesFunction("ExtracellularConductivity"))
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix"), ggrad0, 1, ggrad0, 1);  
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaiy"), ggrad1, 1, ggrad1, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaiz"), ggrad2, 1, ggrad2, 1);
                // Add partial derivatives together
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, ggrad0, 1, ggrad1, 1, ggrad, 1);
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, ggrad2, 1, ggrad, 1, ggrad, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -1.0, ggrad, 1, ggrad, 1);
                // Multiply 1.0/timestep/lambda
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda], inarray[i], 1, temp, 1);
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, ggrad, 1, temp, 1, m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys(), 1);
                // Solve a system of equations with Helmholtz solver and transform
                // back into physical space.
                m_fields[i]->HelmSolve(m_fields[i]->GetPhys(), m_fields[i]->UpdateCoeffs(),NullFlagList,factors,m_vardiffi);
                m_fields[i]->BwdTrans( m_fields[i]->GetCoeffs(), m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys());
                // Copy the solution vector (required as m_fields must be set).
                outarray[i] = m_fields[i]->GetPhys();                                         

            if (i == 1) {
                StdRegions::ConstFactorMap factors;
                factors[StdRegions::eFactorLambda] = 0.0;
                if (m_spacedim==1) {
                // Take first partial derivative
                // Take second derivative
                // Multiply by Intracellular-Conductivity
		if (m_session->DefinesFunction("IntracellularConductivity") && m_session->DefinesFunction("ExtracellularConductivity"))
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix"), grad0, 1, grad0, 1);   
                // and sum terms
                Vmath::Vcopy(nq, grad0, 1, grad, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, (-1.0*m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix"))/(m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix")+m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix")), grad, 1, grad, 1);  
                // Now solve Poisson problem for \phi_e
                m_fields[i]->HelmSolve(m_fields[i]->GetPhys(), m_fields[i]->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors);
                m_fields[i]->BwdTrans( m_fields[i]->GetCoeffs(), m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys());
                // Copy the solution vector (required as m_fields must be set).
                outarray[i] = m_fields[i]->GetPhys();                                                         
                if (m_spacedim==2) {
                // Take first partial derivative
                // Take second derivative
                // Multiply by Intracellular-Conductivity
		if (m_session->DefinesFunction("IntracellularConductivity") && m_session->DefinesFunction("ExtracellularConductivity"))
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix"), grad0, 1, grad0, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaiy"), grad1, 1, grad1, 1); 
                // and sum terms
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, grad0, 1, grad1, 1, grad, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -1.0, grad, 1, grad, 1);   
                // Now solve Poisson problem for \phi_e
                m_fields[i]->HelmSolve(m_fields[i]->GetPhys(), m_fields[i]->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors, m_vardiffie);
                m_fields[i]->BwdTrans( m_fields[i]->GetCoeffs(), m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys());
                // Copy the solution vector (required as m_fields must be set).
                outarray[i] = m_fields[i]->GetPhys();                                                        
                if (m_spacedim==3) {
                // Take first partial derivative
                // Take second derivative
                // Multiply by Intracellular-Conductivity
		if (m_session->DefinesFunction("IntracellularConductivity") && m_session->DefinesFunction("ExtracellularConductivity"))
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaix"), grad0, 1, grad0, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaiy"), grad1, 1, grad1, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, m_session->GetParameter("sigmaiz"), grad2, 1, grad2, 1);       
                // and sum terms
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, grad0, 1, grad1, 1, grad, 1);
                Vmath::Vadd(nq, grad2, 1, grad, 1, grad, 1);
                Vmath::Smul(nq, -1.0, grad, 1, grad, 1);  
                // Now solve Poisson problem for \phi_e
                m_fields[i]->HelmSolve(m_fields[i]->GetPhys(), m_fields[i]->UpdateCoeffs(), NullFlagList, factors, m_vardiffie);
                m_fields[i]->BwdTrans( m_fields[i]->GetCoeffs(), m_fields[i]->UpdatePhys());
                // Copy the solution vector (required as m_fields must be set).
                outarray[i] = m_fields[i]->GetPhys();                                                      