예제 #1
    if (mHand->getGrasp()->getObject()) {

    if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="Grasp force existence") {
    } else if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="Grasp force optimization") {
    } else if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="Contact force existence") {
    } else if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="Contact force optimization") {
    } else if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="Compliant joint equilibrium") {
    } else if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="DOF force equilibrium") {
    } else if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="McGrip tendon route") {
    } else if (optimizationTypeBox->currentText()=="McGrip joint equilibrium") {
    } else {
        DBGA("Unkown option selected in optimization box");
/*! This function is the equivalent of the Grasp Force Optimization, but done with
  the quasi-static formulation cast as a Quadratic Program.
  It can perform four types of computation:
  - contact force existence: are there contact forces that balance out on the object
  - contact force optimization: what are the optimal contact forces (as far as possible
    from the edges of the friction cones) that balance out on the object
  - grasp force existence: are there joint forces which produce contact forces which 
    balance out on the object
  - grasp force optimization: what are the optimal joint forces, producing contact
    forces that are as far as possible from the edges of the friction cones and 
    balance out on the object.
   See individual computation routines for more details.
  There might exist cases of grasps that are reported as form-closed where grasp force
  existence fails, as this function also asks that the contact forces that balance
  the object must be possible to apply from actuated DOF's.
  For now, this function displays the computed contact forces on the contacts, 
  rather than returning them. It also copies the computed joint forces in the
  matrix \a robotTau which is assumed to be large enough for all the joints of
  the robot and use the robot's numbering scheme.
  Return codes: 0 is success, >0 means problem is unfeasible, no equilibrium forces
  exist; <0 means error in computation 
Grasp::computeQuasistaticForcesAndTorques(Matrix *robotTau, int computation)
	//use the pre-set list of contacts. This includes contacts on the palm, but
	//not contacts with other objects or obstacles
	std::list<Contact*> contacts;
	contacts.insert(contacts.begin(),contactVec.begin(), contactVec.end());
	//if there are no contacts we are done
	if (contacts.empty()) return 0;

        //get only the joints on chains that make contact;
	std::list<Joint*> joints = getJointsOnContactChains();

	//build the Jacobian and the other matrices that are needed.
	//this is the same as in the equilibrium function above.
	Matrix J(contactJacobian(joints, contacts));
	Matrix D(Contact::frictionForceBlockMatrix(contacts));
	Matrix F(Contact::frictionConstraintsBlockMatrix(contacts));
	Matrix R(Contact::localToWorldWrenchBlockMatrix(contacts));

	Matrix N(Contact::normalForceSumMatrix(contacts));

	//grasp map that relates contact amplitudes to object wrench G = S*R*D
	Matrix G(graspMapMatrix(R,D));

	//matrix that relates contact forces to joint torques JTD = JTran * D
	Matrix JTran(J.transposed());
	Matrix JTD(JTran.rows(), D.cols());
	matrixMultiply(JTran, D, JTD);

	// vectors of unknowns
	Matrix beta( D.cols(), 1);
	Matrix tau( (int)joints.size(), 1);

	double objVal;
	/* This is the core computation. There are many ways of combining the 
	   optimization criterion and the constraints. Four of them are presented 
	   here, each encapsulated in its own helper function.

        int result;
          result = graspForceExistence(JTD, D, F, G, beta, tau, &objVal);
          result = graspForceOptimization(JTD, D, F, G, beta, tau, &objVal);
          result = contactForceExistence(F, N, G, beta, &objVal);
          matrixMultiply(JTD, beta, tau);
          result = contactForceOptimization(F, N, G, beta, &objVal);
          matrixMultiply(JTD, beta, tau);
          DBGA("Unknown computation type requested");
          return -1;

	if (result) {
		if( result > 0) {
			DBGA("Grasp: problem unfeasible");
		} else {
			DBGA("Grasp: solver error");
		return result;
	DBGA("Optimization solved; objective: " << objVal);

	DBGP("beta:\n" << beta);
	DBGP("tau:\n" << tau);
	DBGP("Joint forces sum: " << tau.elementSum());

	Matrix Gbeta(G.rows(), beta.cols());
	matrixMultiply(G, beta, Gbeta);
	DBGP("Total object wrench:\n" << Gbeta);

	//retrieve contact wrenches in local contact coordinate systems
	Matrix cWrenches(D.rows(), 1);
	matrixMultiply(D, beta, cWrenches);
	DBGP("Contact forces:\n " << cWrenches);

	//compute object wrenches relative to object origin and expressed in world coordinates
	Matrix objectWrenches(R.rows(), cWrenches.cols());
	matrixMultiply(R, cWrenches, objectWrenches);
	DBGP("Object wrenches:\n" << objectWrenches);

	//display them on the contacts and accumulate them on the object
	displayContactWrenches(&contacts, cWrenches);
	accumulateAndDisplayObjectWrenches(&contacts, objectWrenches);

	//set the robot joint values for the return
	std::list<Joint*>::iterator it;
	int jc;
	for(it=joints.begin(), jc=0; it!=joints.end(); it++,jc++) {
		robotTau->elem( (*it)->getNum(), 0 ) = 1.0 * tau.elem(jc,0);

	//sanity check: contact forces balance joint forces

	//sanity check: resultant object wrench is 0

	return 0;