예제 #1
void loop(void)
    /* Share current CPU load measurement with task code, which owns Serial and which can
       thus display it. */
    _cpuLoad = gsl_getSystemLoad();
} /* End of loop */
예제 #2
void loop()
    /* Give an alive sign. */

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("\nRTuinOS is idle\n");

    /* Share result of CPU load computation with the displaying idle follower task. No
       acces synchronization is needed here for two reasons: Writing a uint8 is atomic and
       we have a strict coupling in time between the idle task and the data reading task:
       They become active one after another. */
    _cpuLoad = gsl_getSystemLoad();

#ifdef DEBUG
    uint16_t adcResult       = adc_inputVoltage;
    uint16_t adcResultButton = adc_buttonVoltage;
    uint32_t noAdcResults = adc_noAdcResults;
    uint8_t hour = clk_noHour
          , min  = clk_noMin
          , sec  = clk_noSec;

    printf("At %02u:%02u:%02u:\n", hour, min, sec);
    printf( "ADC result %7lu at %7.2f s: %.4f V (input), %.4f V (buttons)\n"
          , noAdcResults
          , 1e-3*millis()
          , ADC_SCALING_BIN_TO_V(adcResult)
          , ADC_SCALING_BIN_TO_V(adcResultButton)
    printf("CPU load: %.1f %%\n", (double)_cpuLoad/2.0);
    ASSERT(rtos_getTaskOverrunCounter(/* idxTask */ idxTaskRTC, /* doReset */ false) == 0);
    uint8_t u;
    for(u=0; u<RTOS_NO_TASKS; ++u)
        printf("Unused stack area of task %u: %u Byte\n", u, rtos_getStackReserve(u));

    /* Trigger the follower task, which is capable to safely display the results. */

} /* End of loop */