예제 #1
파일: Gaussian.cpp 프로젝트: cskarby/gridpp
double CalibratorGaussian::my_f(const gsl_vector *v, void *params) {
   double x, y;
   double *p = (double *)params;

   int N = p[0];
   double* obs = p + 1;
   double* mean = p + 1 + N;
   double* spread = p + 1 + 2*N;

   const double* arr = gsl_vector_const_ptr(v, 0);
   std::vector<float> vec(arr, arr+mNumParameters);
   Parameters par(vec);
   float sa  = gsl_vector_get(v, 0);
   float sb  = gsl_vector_get(v, 1);

   float total = 0;
   for(int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
      float pdf = getPdf(obs[n], mean[n], spread[n], par);
      // std::cout << "   " << obs[n] << " " << mean[n] << std::endl;
      if(pdf == 0 || !Util::isValid(pdf))
         pdf = 0.00001;
      assert(pdf > 0);
      total += log(pdf);
   // std::cout << "Log likelihood: " << total << std::endl;
   return -total; 
예제 #2
const double* cbegin(const GSL_vector& v)
   if (v.size())
      return gsl_vector_const_ptr(v.raw(), 0);

   return nullptr;
예제 #3
void Geo3d_Cov_Orientation(double *cov, double *vec, double *ext)
  gsl_matrix_view gmv = gsl_matrix_view_array(cov, 3, 3);
  gsl_vector *eval = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
  gsl_matrix *evec = gsl_matrix_alloc(3,3);
  gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace *w = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(3);

  gsl_eigen_symmv(&(gmv.matrix), eval, evec, w);
  gsl_eigen_symmv_sort(eval, evec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_VAL_DESC);

  if(ext != NULL) {
    darraycpy(ext, gsl_vector_const_ptr(eval, 0), 0, 3);

  gsl_vector_view v = gsl_vector_view_array(vec, 3);
  gsl_matrix_get_col(&(v.vector), evec, 0);

  double eigv[3];
  Matrix_Eigen_Value_Cs(cov[0], cov[4], cov[8], cov[1], cov[2], cov[5], eigv);
  Matrix_Eigen_Vector_Cs(cov[0], cov[4], cov[8], cov[1], cov[2], cov[5], 
      eigv[0], vec);
  if(ext != NULL) {
    darraycpy(ext, eigv, 0, 3);
예제 #4
const double* cend(const GSL_vector& v)
   if (v.size()) {
      const double* last = gsl_vector_const_ptr(v.raw(), v.size() - 1);
      return ++last;

   return nullptr;
예제 #5
 /** Get i-th element */
 double vector<double>::operator()(const size_t& i) const
     const double *x = gsl_vector_const_ptr(_vector, i);
     return *x;
예제 #6
파일: GslVector.C 프로젝트: roystgnr/queso
const double&
GslVector::operator[](unsigned int i) const
  return *gsl_vector_const_ptr(m_vec,i);
예제 #7
 	const double& vector::operator[](size_t off) const {
 		if (!ptr_) throw std::runtime_error("empty gsl::vector");
 		return *gsl_vector_const_ptr(ptr_, off);
 * Core function for computing the ROM waveform.
 * Interpolate projection coefficient data and evaluate coefficients at desired (q, chi).
 * Construct 1D splines for amplitude and phase.
 * Compute strain waveform from amplitude and phase.
static int SEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpinCore(
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde,
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde,
  double phiRef,
  double fRef,
  double distance,
  double inclination,
  double Mtot_sec,
  double q,
  double chi,
  const REAL8Sequence *freqs_in, /* Frequency points at which to evaluate the waveform (Hz) */
  double deltaF
  /* If deltaF > 0, the frequency points given in freqs are uniformly spaced with
   * spacing deltaF. Otherwise, the frequency points are spaced non-uniformly.
   * Then we will use deltaF = 0 to create the frequency series we return. */
  /* Check output arrays */
  if(!hptilde || !hctilde)
  SEOBNRROMdata *romdata=&__lalsim_SEOBNRv1ROMSS_data;
  if(*hptilde || *hctilde) {
    XLALPrintError("(*hptilde) and (*hctilde) are supposed to be NULL, but got %p and %p",(*hptilde),(*hctilde));
  int retcode=0;

  // 'Nudge' parameter values to allowed boundary values if close by
  if (q < 1.0)    nudge(&q, 1.0, 1e-6);
  if (q > 100.0)  nudge(&q, 100.0, 1e-6);
  if (chi < -1.0) nudge(&chi, -1.0, 1e-6);
  if (chi > 0.6)  nudge(&chi, 0.6, 1e-6);

  /* If either spin > 0.6, model not available, exit */
  if ( chi < -1.0 || chi > 0.6 ) {
    XLALPrintError( "XLAL Error - %s: chi smaller than -1 or larger than 0.6!\nSEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpin is only available for spins in the range -1 <= a/M <= 0.6.\n", __func__);

  if (q > 100) {
    XLALPrintError( "XLAL Error - %s: q=%lf larger than 100!\nSEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpin is only available for q in the range 1 <= q <= 100.\n", __func__,q);

  if (q >= 20 && q <= 40 && chi < -0.75 && chi > -0.9) {
    XLALPrintWarning( "XLAL Warning - %s: q in [20,40] and chi in [-0.8]. The SEOBNRv1 model is not trustworthy in this region!\nSee Fig 15 in CQG 31 195010, 2014 for details.", __func__);

  /* Find frequency bounds */
  if (!freqs_in) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFAULT);
  double fLow  = freqs_in->data[0];
  double fHigh = freqs_in->data[freqs_in->length - 1];


  /* Convert to geometric units for frequency */
  double Mf_ROM_min = fmax(gA[0], gPhi[0]);               // lowest allowed geometric frequency for ROM
  double Mf_ROM_max = fmin(gA[nk_amp-1], gPhi[nk_phi-1]); // highest allowed geometric frequency for ROM
  double fLow_geom = fLow * Mtot_sec;
  double fHigh_geom = fHigh * Mtot_sec;
  double fRef_geom = fRef * Mtot_sec;
  double deltaF_geom = deltaF * Mtot_sec;

  // Enforce allowed geometric frequency range
  if (fLow_geom < Mf_ROM_min)
    XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EDOM, "Starting frequency Mflow=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
  if (fHigh_geom == 0)
    fHigh_geom = Mf_ROM_max;
  else if (fHigh_geom > Mf_ROM_max) {
	  XLALPrintWarning("Maximal frequency Mf_high=%g is greater than highest ROM frequency Mf_ROM_Max=%g. Using Mf_high=Mf_ROM_Max.", fHigh_geom, Mf_ROM_max);
	  fHigh_geom = Mf_ROM_max;
  else if (fHigh_geom < Mf_ROM_min)
    XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EDOM, "End frequency %g is smaller than starting frequency %g!\n", fHigh_geom, fLow_geom);
  if (fRef_geom > Mf_ROM_max) {
	  XLALPrintWarning("Reference frequency Mf_ref=%g is greater than maximal frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at maximal frequency in ROM.\n", fRef_geom, Mf_ROM_max);
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_max; // If fref > fhigh we reset fref to default value of cutoff frequency.
  if (fRef_geom < Mf_ROM_min) {
    XLALPrintWarning("Reference frequency Mf_ref=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_min;

  /* Internal storage for w.f. coefficiencts */
  SEOBNRROMdata_coeff *romdata_coeff=NULL;
  REAL8 amp_pre;

  /* Interpolate projection coefficients and evaluate them at (q,chi) */
    q,                         // Input: q-value for which projection coefficients should be evaluated
    chi,                       // Input: chi-value for which projection coefficients should be evaluated
    romdata->cvec_amp,         // Input: data for spline coefficients for amplitude
    romdata->cvec_phi,         // Input: data for spline coefficients for phase
    romdata->cvec_amp_pre,     // Input: data for spline coefficients for amplitude prefactor
    romdata_coeff->c_amp,      // Output: interpolated projection coefficients for amplitude
    romdata_coeff->c_phi,      // Output: interpolated projection coefficients for phase
    &amp_pre                   // Output: interpolated amplitude prefactor

  if(retcode!=0) {
    XLAL_ERROR(retcode, "Parameter-space interpolation failed.");

  // Compute function values of amplitude an phase on sparse frequency points by evaluating matrix vector products
  // amp_pts = B_A^T . c_A
  // phi_pts = B_phi^T . c_phi
  gsl_vector* amp_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nk_amp);
  gsl_vector* phi_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nk_phi);
  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, romdata->Bamp, romdata_coeff->c_amp, 0.0, amp_f);
  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, romdata->Bphi, romdata_coeff->c_phi, 0.0, phi_f);

  // Setup 1d splines in frequency
  gsl_interp_accel *acc_amp = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  gsl_spline *spline_amp = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nk_amp);
  gsl_spline_init(spline_amp, gA, gsl_vector_const_ptr(amp_f,0), nk_amp);

  gsl_interp_accel *acc_phi = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  gsl_spline *spline_phi = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nk_phi);
  gsl_spline_init(spline_phi, gPhi, gsl_vector_const_ptr(phi_f,0), nk_phi);

  size_t npts = 0;
  LIGOTimeGPS tC = {0, 0};
  UINT4 offset = 0; // Index shift between freqs and the frequency series
  REAL8Sequence *freqs = NULL;
  if (deltaF > 0)  { // freqs contains uniform frequency grid with spacing deltaF; we start at frequency 0
    /* Set up output array with size closest power of 2 */
    npts = NextPow2(fHigh_geom / deltaF_geom) + 1;
    if (fHigh_geom < fHigh * Mtot_sec) /* Resize waveform if user wants f_max larger than cutoff frequency */
      npts = NextPow2(fHigh * Mtot_sec / deltaF_geom) + 1;

    XLALGPSAdd(&tC, -1. / deltaF);  /* coalesce at t=0 */
    *hptilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hptilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, npts);
    *hctilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hctilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, npts);

    // Recreate freqs using only the lower and upper bounds
    UINT4 iStart = (UINT4) ceil(fLow_geom / deltaF_geom);
    UINT4 iStop = (UINT4) ceil(fHigh_geom / deltaF_geom);
    freqs = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence(iStop - iStart);
    if (!freqs) {
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC, "Frequency array allocation failed.");
    for (UINT4 i=iStart; i<iStop; i++)
      freqs->data[i-iStart] = i*deltaF_geom;

    offset = iStart;
  } else { // freqs contains frequencies with non-uniform spacing; we start at lowest given frequency
    npts = freqs_in->length;
    *hptilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hptilde: FD waveform", &tC, fLow, 0, &lalStrainUnit, npts);
    *hctilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hctilde: FD waveform", &tC, fLow, 0, &lalStrainUnit, npts);
    offset = 0;

    freqs = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence(freqs_in->length);
    if (!freqs) {
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC, "Frequency array allocation failed.");
    for (UINT4 i=0; i<freqs_in->length; i++)
      freqs->data[i] = freqs_in->data[i] * Mtot_sec;

  if (!(*hptilde) || !(*hctilde))
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC, "Waveform allocation failed.");
  memset((*hptilde)->data->data, 0, npts * sizeof(COMPLEX16));
  memset((*hctilde)->data->data, 0, npts * sizeof(COMPLEX16));

  XLALUnitMultiply(&(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);
  XLALUnitMultiply(&(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);

  COMPLEX16 *pdata=(*hptilde)->data->data;
  COMPLEX16 *cdata=(*hctilde)->data->data;

  REAL8 cosi = cos(inclination);
  REAL8 pcoef = 0.5*(1.0 + cosi*cosi);
  REAL8 ccoef = cosi;

  REAL8 s = 1.0/sqrt(2.0); // Scale polarization amplitude so that strain agrees with FFT of SEOBNRv1
  double Mtot = Mtot_sec / LAL_MTSUN_SI;
  double amp0 = Mtot * amp_pre * Mtot_sec * LAL_MRSUN_SI / (distance); // Correct overall amplitude to undo mass-dependent scaling used in single-spin ROM

  // Evaluate reference phase for setting phiRef correctly
  double phase_change = gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, fRef_geom, acc_phi) - 2*phiRef;

  // Assemble waveform from aplitude and phase
  for (UINT4 i=0; i<freqs->length; i++) { // loop over frequency points in sequence
    double f = freqs->data[i];
    if (f > Mf_ROM_max) continue; // We're beyond the highest allowed frequency; since freqs may not be ordered, we'll just skip the current frequency and leave zero in the buffer
    int j = i + offset; // shift index for frequency series if needed
    double A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, acc_amp);
    double phase = gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, acc_phi) - phase_change;
    COMPLEX16 htilde = s*amp0*A * cexp(I*phase);
    pdata[j] =      pcoef * htilde;
    cdata[j] = -I * ccoef * htilde;

  /* Correct phasing so we coalesce at t=0 (with the definition of the epoch=-1/deltaF above) */

  // Get SEOBNRv1 ringdown frequency for 22 mode
  double Mf_final = SEOBNRROM_Ringdown_Mf_From_Mtot_q(Mtot_sec, q, chi, chi, SEOBNRv1);

  UINT4 L = freqs->length;
  // prevent gsl interpolation errors
  if (Mf_final > freqs->data[L-1])
    Mf_final = freqs->data[L-1];
  if (Mf_final < freqs->data[0])
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EDOM, "f_ringdown < f_min");

  // Time correction is t(f_final) = 1/(2pi) dphi/df (f_final)
  // We compute the dimensionless time correction t/M since we use geometric units.
  REAL8 t_corr = gsl_spline_eval_deriv(spline_phi, Mf_final, acc_phi) / (2*LAL_PI);

  // Now correct phase
  for (UINT4 i=0; i<freqs->length; i++) { // loop over frequency points in sequence
    double f = freqs->data[i] - fRef_geom;
    int j = i + offset; // shift index for frequency series if needed
    pdata[j] *= cexp(-2*LAL_PI * I * f * t_corr);
    cdata[j] *= cexp(-2*LAL_PI * I * f * t_corr);



 * Core function for computing the ROM waveform.
 * Evaluates projection coefficients and shifts in time and phase at desired q.
 * Construct 1D splines for amplitude and phase.
 * Compute strain waveform from amplitude and phase.
static INT4 EOBNRv2HMROMCore(
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde,
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde,
  REAL8 phiRef,
  REAL8 deltaF,
  REAL8 fLow,
  REAL8 fHigh,
  REAL8 fRef,
  REAL8 distance,
  REAL8 inclination,
  REAL8 Mtot_sec,
  REAL8 q)
  INT4 i;
  INT4 j;
  double tpeak22estimate = 0.;
  /* Check output arrays */
  if(!hptilde || !hctilde) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFAULT);
  if(*hptilde || *hctilde)
    XLALPrintError("(*hptilde) and (*hctilde) are supposed to be NULL, but got %p and %p\n",(*hptilde),(*hctilde));

  /* Check if the data has been set up */
  if(__lalsim_EOBNRv2HMROM_setup) {
    XLALPrintError("Error: the ROM data has not been set up\n");
  /* Set the global pointers to data */
  ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata* listdata = *__lalsim_EOBNRv2HMROM_data;
  ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_interp* listdata_interp = *__lalsim_EOBNRv2HMROM_interp;

  /* Global amplitude prefactor - includes total mass scaling, Fourier scaling, distance scaling, and undoing an additional arbitrary scaling */
  REAL8 Mtot_msol = Mtot_sec / LAL_MTSUN_SI; /* Mtot_msol and M_ROM in units of solar mass */
  REAL8 amp0 = (Mtot_msol/M_ROM) * Mtot_sec * 1.E-16 * 1.E6 * LAL_PC_SI / distance;

  /* Highest allowed geometric frequency for the first mode of listmode in the ROM - used for fRef
   * by convention, we use the first mode of listmode (presumably the 22) for phiref */
  ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata* listdata_ref = ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_GetMode(listdata, listmode[0][0], listmode[0][1]);
  EOBNRHMROMdata* data_ref = listdata_ref->data;
  REAL8 Mf_ROM_max_ref = gsl_vector_get(data_ref->freq, nbfreq-1);
  /* Convert to geometric units for frequency */
  REAL8 fLow_geom = fLow * Mtot_sec;
  REAL8 fHigh_geom = fHigh * Mtot_sec;
  REAL8 fRef_geom = fRef * Mtot_sec;
  REAL8 deltaF_geom = deltaF * Mtot_sec;

  /* Enforce allowed geometric frequency range */
  if (fLow_geom < Mf_ROM_min) { /* Enforce minimal frequency */
    XLALPrintWarning("Starting frequency Mflow=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
    fLow_geom = Mf_ROM_min;
  /* Default highest frequency */
  if (fHigh == 0)
    fHigh_geom = Mf_ROM_max;
  /* In case the user asks for a frequency higher than covered by the ROM, we keep it that way as we will just 0-pad the waveform (and do it anyway for some modes) */
  if (fRef_geom > Mf_ROM_max_ref || fRef_geom == 0)
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_max_ref; /* If fRef > fhigh or 0 we reset fRef to default value of cutoff frequency for the first mode of the list (presumably the 22 mode) */
  if (0 < fRef_geom && fRef_geom < Mf_ROM_min) {
    XLALPrintWarning("Reference frequency Mf_ref=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Setting it to the lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_min;
  /* Set up output array with size closest power of 2 - fHigh is the upper frequency specified by the user */
  size_t nbpt = NextPow2(fHigh_geom / deltaF_geom) + 1;

  /* Internal storage for the projection coefficients and shifts in time and phase */
  /* Initialized only once, and reused for the different modes */
  EOBNRHMROMdata_coeff *data_coeff = NULL;
  /* Create spherical harmonic frequency series that will contain the hlm's */
  SphHarmFrequencySeries** hlmsphharmfreqseries = XLALMalloc(sizeof(SphHarmFrequencySeries));
  *hlmsphharmfreqseries = NULL;

  /* GPS time definition - common to all modes */
  XLALGPSAdd(&tC, -1. / deltaF);  /* coalesce at t=0 */

  /* The phase change imposed by phiref, from the phase of the first mode in the list - to be set in the first step of the loop on the modes */
  REAL8 phase_change_ref = 0;

  /* Main loop over the modes */
  for( i=0; i<nbmode; i++ ){
    UINT4 l = listmode[i][0];
    INT4 m = listmode[i][1];

    /* Getting the relevant modes in the lists of data */
    ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata* listdata_mode = ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_GetMode(listdata, l, m);
    ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_interp* listdata_interp_mode = ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_interp_GetMode(listdata_interp, l, m);

    /* Evaluating the projection coefficients and shift in time and phase */
    ret |= Evaluate_Spline_Data(q, listdata_interp_mode->data_interp, data_coeff);

    /* Evaluating the unnormalized amplitude and unshifted phase vectors for the mode */
    /* Notice a change in convention: B matrices are transposed with respect to the B matrices in SEOBNRROM */
    /* amp_pts = Bamp . Camp_coeff */
    /* phi_pts = Bphi . Cphi_coeff */
    gsl_vector* amp_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nbfreq);
    gsl_vector* phi_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nbfreq);
    gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, listdata_mode->data->Bamp, data_coeff->Camp_coeff, 0.0, amp_f);
    gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, listdata_mode->data->Bphi, data_coeff->Cphi_coeff, 0.0, phi_f);

    /* The downsampled frequencies for the mode - we undo the rescaling of the frequency for the 44 and 55 modes */
    gsl_vector* freq_ds = gsl_vector_alloc(nbfreq);
    gsl_vector_memcpy(freq_ds, listdata_mode->data->freq);
    if ( l==4 && m==4) gsl_vector_scale( freq_ds, 1./Scaling44(q));
    if ( l==5 && m==5) gsl_vector_scale( freq_ds, 1./Scaling55(q));

    /* Evaluating the shifts in time and phase - conditional scaling for the 44 and 55 modes */
    /* Note: the stored values of 'shifttime' correspond actually to 2pi*Deltat */
    SplineList* shifttime_splinelist = listdata_interp_mode->data_interp->shifttime_interp;
    SplineList* shiftphase_splinelist = listdata_interp_mode->data_interp->shiftphase_interp;
    REAL8 twopishifttime;
    if( l==4 && m==4) {
      twopishifttime = gsl_spline_eval(shifttime_splinelist->spline, q, shifttime_splinelist->accel) * Scaling44(q);
    else if( l==5 && m==5) {
      twopishifttime = gsl_spline_eval(shifttime_splinelist->spline, q, shifttime_splinelist->accel) * Scaling55(q);
    else {
      twopishifttime = gsl_spline_eval(shifttime_splinelist->spline, q, shifttime_splinelist->accel);
    REAL8 shiftphase = gsl_spline_eval(shiftphase_splinelist->spline, q, shiftphase_splinelist->accel);

    /* If first mode in the list, assumed to be the 22 mode, set totalshifttime and phase_change_ref */
    if( i==0 ) {
      if(l==2 && m==2) {
      /* Setup 1d cubic spline for the phase of the 22 mode */
      gsl_interp_accel* accel_phi22 = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
      gsl_spline* spline_phi22 = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbfreq);
      gsl_spline_init(spline_phi22, gsl_vector_const_ptr(freq_ds,0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(phi_f,0), nbfreq);
      /* Compute the shift in time needed to set the peak of the 22 mode roughly at t=0 */
      /* We use the SPA formula tf = -(1/2pi)*dPsi/df to estimate the correspondence between frequency and time */
      /* The frequency corresponding to the 22 peak is omega22peak/2pi, with omega22peak taken from the fit to NR in Pan&al 1106 EOBNRv2HM paper */
      double f22peak = fmin(omega22peakOfq(q)/(2*LAL_PI), Mf_ROM_max_ref); /* We ensure we evaluate the spline within its range */
      tpeak22estimate = -1./(2*LAL_PI) * gsl_spline_eval_deriv(spline_phi22, f22peak, accel_phi22);
      /* Determine the change in phase (to be propagated to all modes) required to have phi22(fRef) = 2*phiRef */
      phase_change_ref = 2*phiRef + (gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi22, fRef_geom, accel_phi22) - (twopishifttime - 2*LAL_PI*tpeak22estimate) * fRef_geom - shiftphase);

      else {
	XLALPrintError("Error: the first mode in listmode must be the 22 mode to set the changes in phase and time \n");
    /* Total shift in time, and total change in phase for this mode */
    double totaltwopishifttime = twopishifttime - 2*LAL_PI*tpeak22estimate;
    double constphaseshift = (double) m/listmode[0][1] * phase_change_ref + shiftphase;

    /* Initialize the complex series for the mode - notice that metadata used here is useless, only the one for the final output will matter */
    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries* mode = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("mode hlm", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, nbpt);
    memset(mode->data->data, 0, nbpt * sizeof(COMPLEX16));
    /* Setup 1d cubic spline for the phase and amplitude of the mode */
    gsl_interp_accel* accel_phi = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    gsl_interp_accel* accel_amp = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    gsl_spline* spline_phi = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbfreq);
    gsl_spline* spline_amp = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbfreq);
    gsl_spline_init(spline_phi, gsl_vector_const_ptr(freq_ds,0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(phi_f,0), nbfreq);
    gsl_spline_init(spline_amp, gsl_vector_const_ptr(freq_ds,0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(amp_f,0), nbfreq);
    /* Interval in frequency covered by the ROM */
    REAL8 fLow_geom_mode = gsl_vector_get(freq_ds, 0);
    REAL8 fHigh_geom_mode = fmin(gsl_vector_get(freq_ds, nbfreq-1), fHigh_geom);
    /* Initialize the loop - values outside this range in j are 0 by default */
    INT4 jStart = (UINT4) ceil(fLow_geom_mode / deltaF_geom);
    INT4 jStop = (UINT4) ceil(fHigh_geom_mode / deltaF_geom);
    COMPLEX16 *modedata = mode->data->data;
    /* Mode-dependent complete amplitude prefactor */
    REAL8 amp_pre = amp0 * ModeAmpFactor( l, m, q);
    /* Loop on the frequency samples chosen to evaluate the waveform */
    /* We set apart the first and last step to avoid falling outside of the range of the splines by numerical errors */
    REAL8 f, A, phase;

    f = fmax(fLow_geom_mode, jStart*deltaF_geom);
    A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, accel_amp);
    phase = -gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, accel_phi) + totaltwopishifttime * f + constphaseshift; /* Minus sign put here, in the internals of the ROM model \Psi = -phase */
    modedata[jStart] = amp_pre * A * cexp(I*phase);

    for (j=jStart+1; j<jStop-1; j++) {
      f = j*deltaF_geom;
      A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, accel_amp);
      phase = -gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, accel_phi) + totaltwopishifttime * f + constphaseshift; /* Minus sign put here, in the internals of the ROM model \Psi = -phase */
      modedata[j] = amp_pre * A * cexp(I*phase);

    f = fmin(fHigh_geom_mode, (jStop-1)*deltaF_geom);
    A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, accel_amp);
    phase = -gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, accel_phi) + totaltwopishifttime * f + constphaseshift; /* Minus sign put here, in the internals of the ROM model \Psi = -phase */
    modedata[jStop-1] = amp_pre * A * cexp(I*phase);

    /* Add the computed mode to the SphHarmFrequencySeries structure */
    *hlmsphharmfreqseries = XLALSphHarmFrequencySeriesAddMode(*hlmsphharmfreqseries, mode, l, m);

    /* Cleanup for the mode */

  /* Cleanup of the coefficients data structure */

  /* Combining the modes for a hplus, hcross output */
  /* Initialize the complex series hplus, hcross */
  *hptilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hptilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, nbpt);
  *hctilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hctilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, nbpt);

  if (!(hptilde) || !(*hctilde)) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC);
  memset((*hptilde)->data->data, 0, nbpt * sizeof(COMPLEX16));
  memset((*hctilde)->data->data, 0, nbpt * sizeof(COMPLEX16));

  XLALUnitDivide(&(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);
  XLALUnitDivide(&(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);

  /* Adding the modes to form hplus, hcross
   * - use of a function that copies XLALSimAddMode but for Fourier domain structures */
  INT4 sym; /* sym will decide whether to add the -m mode (when equatorial symmetry is present) */
  for( i=0; i<nbmode; i++){
    INT4 l = listmode[i][0];
    INT4 m = listmode[i][1];
    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries* mode = XLALSphHarmFrequencySeriesGetMode(*hlmsphharmfreqseries, l, m);
    if ( m==0 ) sym = 0; /* We test for hypothetical m=0 modes */
    else sym = 1;
    FDAddMode( *hptilde, *hctilde, mode, inclination, 0., l, m, sym); /* The phase \Phi is set to 0 - assumes phiRef is defined as half the phase of the 22 mode h22 (or the first mode in the list), not for h = hplus-I hcross */

  /* Destroying the list of frequency series for the modes, including the COMPLEX16FrequencySeries that it contains */

  /* Additional complex conjugation of hptilde, hctilde - due to the difference in convention for the Fourier transform between LAL and the ROM internals */
  COMPLEX16* datap = (*hptilde)->data->data;
  COMPLEX16* datac = (*hctilde)->data->data;
  for ( j = 0; j < (INT4) (*hptilde)->data->length; ++j ) {
    datap[j] = conj(datap[j]);
  for ( j = 0; j < (INT4) (*hctilde)->data->length; ++j ) {
    datac[j] = conj(datac[j]);

/* Function interpolating the data in matrix/vector form produces an interpolated data in the form of SplineLists */
static INT4 Interpolate_Spline_Data(const EOBNRHMROMdata *data, EOBNRHMROMdata_interp *data_interp) {

  SplineList* splinelist;
  gsl_spline* spline;
  gsl_interp_accel* accel;
  gsl_vector* matrixline;
  gsl_vector* vector;
  INT4 j;

  /* Interpolating Camp */
  splinelist = data_interp->Camp_interp;
  for (j = 0; j<nk_amp; j++) {
    matrixline = gsl_vector_alloc(nbwf);
    gsl_matrix_get_row(matrixline, data->Camp, j);

    accel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbwf);
    gsl_spline_init(spline, gsl_vector_const_ptr(data->q, 0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(matrixline, 0), nbwf);

    splinelist = SplineList_AddElementNoCopy(splinelist, spline,  accel, j);
  data_interp->Camp_interp = splinelist;

  /* Interpolating Cphi */
  splinelist = data_interp->Cphi_interp;
  for (j = 0; j<nk_phi; j++) {
    matrixline = gsl_vector_alloc(nbwf);
    gsl_matrix_get_row(matrixline, data->Cphi, j);

    accel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbwf);
    gsl_spline_init(spline, gsl_vector_const_ptr(data->q, 0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(matrixline, 0), nbwf);

    splinelist = SplineList_AddElementNoCopy(splinelist, spline,  accel, j);
  data_interp->Cphi_interp = splinelist;

  /* Interpolating shifttime */
  splinelist = data_interp->shifttime_interp;
  vector = data->shifttime;

  accel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbwf);
  gsl_spline_init(spline, gsl_vector_const_ptr(data->q, 0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(vector, 0), nbwf);

  splinelist = SplineList_AddElementNoCopy(NULL, spline,  accel, 0); /* This SplineList has only 1 element */
  data_interp->shifttime_interp = splinelist;

  /* Interpolating shiftphase */
  splinelist = data_interp->shiftphase_interp;
  vector = data->shiftphase;

  accel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbwf);
  gsl_spline_init(spline, gsl_vector_const_ptr(data->q, 0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(vector, 0), nbwf);

  splinelist = SplineList_AddElementNoCopy(NULL, spline,  accel, 0); /* This SplineList has only 1 element */
  data_interp->shiftphase_interp = splinelist;

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
예제 #11
static int psi_func(const gsl_vector *x, void *params, gsl_vector *f)

	HklVector dhkl0, hkl1;
	HklVector ki, kf, Q, n;
	HklMatrix RUB;
	HklPseudoAxisEngine *engine;
	HklPseudoAxisEngineModePsi *modepsi;
	HklPseudoAxis *psi;
	HklHolder *holder;
	size_t i;
	size_t len;
	double const *x_data = gsl_vector_const_ptr(x, 0);
	double *f_data = gsl_vector_ptr(f, 0);

	engine = params;
	modepsi = (HklPseudoAxisEngineModePsi *)engine->mode;
	psi = engine->pseudoAxes[0];

	/* update the workspace from x; */
	len = HKL_LIST_LEN(engine->axes);
	for(i=0; i<len; ++i)
		hkl_axis_set_value(engine->axes[i], x_data[i]);

	/* kf - ki = Q */
	hkl_source_compute_ki(&engine->geometry->source, &ki);
	hkl_detector_compute_kf(engine->detector, engine->geometry, &kf);
	Q = kf;
	hkl_vector_minus_vector(&Q, &ki);
	if (hkl_vector_is_null(&Q)){
		f_data[0] = 1;
		f_data[1] = 1;
		f_data[2] = 1;
		f_data[3] = 1;
		/* R * UB */
		/* for now the 0 holder is the sample holder. */
		holder = &engine->geometry->holders[0];
		hkl_quaternion_to_matrix(&holder->q, &RUB);
		hkl_matrix_times_matrix(&RUB, &engine->sample->UB);

		/* compute dhkl0 */
		hkl_matrix_solve(&RUB, &dhkl0, &Q);
		hkl_vector_minus_vector(&dhkl0, &modepsi->hkl0);

		/* compute the intersection of the plan P(kf, ki) and PQ (normal Q) */
		 * now that dhkl0 have been computed we can use a
		 * normalized Q to compute n and psi
		n = kf;
		hkl_vector_vectorial_product(&n, &ki);
		hkl_vector_vectorial_product(&n, &Q);

		/* compute hkl1 in the laboratory referentiel */
		/* for now the 0 holder is the sample holder. */
		hkl1.data[0] = engine->mode->parameters[0].value;
		hkl1.data[1] = engine->mode->parameters[1].value;
		hkl1.data[2] = engine->mode->parameters[2].value;
		hkl_vector_times_matrix(&hkl1, &engine->sample->UB);
		hkl_vector_rotated_quaternion(&hkl1, &engine->geometry->holders[0].q);
		/* project hkl1 on the plan of normal Q */
		hkl_vector_project_on_plan(&hkl1, &Q);
		if (hkl_vector_is_null(&hkl1)){
			/* hkl1 colinear with Q */
			f_data[0] = dhkl0.data[0];
			f_data[1] = dhkl0.data[1];
			f_data[2] = dhkl0.data[2];
			f_data[3] = 1;
			f_data[0] = dhkl0.data[0];
			f_data[1] = dhkl0.data[1];
			f_data[2] = dhkl0.data[2];
			f_data[3] = psi->parent.value - hkl_vector_oriented_angle(&n, &hkl1, &Q);
	return GSL_SUCCESS;
예제 #12
파일: LLVnoise.c 프로젝트: JohnGBaker/flare
/* Function loading the noise data from a directory */
int LLVSimFD_Noise_Init(const char dir[]) {
  if(!__LLVSimFD_Noise_setup) {
    printf("Error: LLVSimFD noise was already set up!");

  /* Loading noise data in gsl_vectors */
  int ret = SUCCESS;
  gsl_matrix* noise_LHO = gsl_matrix_alloc(noisedata_pts, 2);
  gsl_matrix* noise_LLO = gsl_matrix_alloc(noisedata_pts, 2);
  gsl_matrix* noise_VIRGO = gsl_matrix_alloc(noisedata_pts, 2);
  char* file_LIGO = malloc(strlen(dir)+64);
  char* file_VIRGO = malloc(strlen(dir)+64);
  //sprintf(file_LIGO, "%s", "LIGO-P1200087-v18-aLIGO_DESIGN.txt");
  //sprintf(file_VIRGO, "%s", "LIGO-P1200087-v18-AdV_DESIGN.txt");
  sprintf(file_LIGO, "%s", "aLIGO_sensitivity.dat");
  sprintf(file_VIRGO, "%s", "aVirgo_sensitivity.dat");
  ret |= Read_Text_Matrix(dir, file_LIGO, noise_LHO);
  ret |= Read_Text_Matrix(dir, file_LIGO, noise_LLO);
  ret |= Read_Text_Matrix(dir, file_VIRGO, noise_VIRGO);

  if(ret==FAILURE) {
    printf("Error: problem reading LLV noise data.");

  /* Linear interpolation of the data, after setting the gsl_spline structures */
  else if(ret==SUCCESS) {
    /* Extracting te vectors for the frequencies and data */
    gsl_vector* noise_LHO_freq = gsl_vector_alloc(noisedata_pts);
    gsl_vector* noise_LLO_freq = gsl_vector_alloc(noisedata_pts);
    gsl_vector* noise_VIRGO_freq = gsl_vector_alloc(noisedata_pts);
    gsl_vector* noise_LHO_data = gsl_vector_alloc(noisedata_pts);
    gsl_vector* noise_LLO_data = gsl_vector_alloc(noisedata_pts);
    gsl_vector* noise_VIRGO_data = gsl_vector_alloc(noisedata_pts);
    gsl_matrix_get_col(noise_LHO_freq, noise_LHO, 0);
    gsl_matrix_get_col(noise_LLO_freq, noise_LLO, 0);
    gsl_matrix_get_col(noise_VIRGO_freq, noise_VIRGO, 0);
    gsl_matrix_get_col(noise_LHO_data, noise_LHO, 1);
    gsl_matrix_get_col(noise_LLO_data, noise_LLO, 1);
    gsl_matrix_get_col(noise_VIRGO_data, noise_VIRGO, 1);
    /* Setting the global variables that indicate the range in frequency of these splines */
    __LLVSimFD_LHONoise_fLow = gsl_vector_get(noise_LHO_freq, 0);
    __LLVSimFD_LHONoise_fHigh = gsl_vector_get(noise_LHO_freq, noise_LHO_freq->size - 1);
    __LLVSimFD_LLONoise_fLow = gsl_vector_get(noise_LLO_freq, 0);
    __LLVSimFD_LLONoise_fHigh = gsl_vector_get(noise_LLO_freq, noise_LLO_freq->size - 1);
    __LLVSimFD_VIRGONoise_fLow = gsl_vector_get(noise_VIRGO_freq, 0);
    __LLVSimFD_VIRGONoise_fHigh = gsl_vector_get(noise_VIRGO_freq, noise_VIRGO_freq->size - 1);
    /* Initializing the splines and accelerators */
    *__LLVSimFD_LHONoiseSpline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_linear, noisedata_pts);
    *__LLVSimFD_LLONoiseSpline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_linear, noisedata_pts);
    *__LLVSimFD_VIRGONoiseSpline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_linear, noisedata_pts);
    *__LLVSimFD_LHONoiseAccel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    *__LLVSimFD_LLONoiseAccel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    *__LLVSimFD_VIRGONoiseAccel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    gsl_spline_init(*__LLVSimFD_LHONoiseSpline, gsl_vector_const_ptr(noise_LHO_freq, 0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(noise_LHO_data, 0), noisedata_pts);
    gsl_spline_init(*__LLVSimFD_LLONoiseSpline, gsl_vector_const_ptr(noise_LLO_freq, 0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(noise_LLO_data, 0), noisedata_pts);
    gsl_spline_init(*__LLVSimFD_VIRGONoiseSpline, gsl_vector_const_ptr(noise_VIRGO_freq, 0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(noise_VIRGO_data, 0), noisedata_pts);
    /* Setting the global tag to success and clean up */
    __LLVSimFD_Noise_setup = SUCCESS;
  /* Cleaning and output */