예제 #1
static void
gst_sdlvideosink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation,
                                        GstStructure * structure)
    GstSDLVideoSink *sdlvideosink = GST_SDLVIDEOSINK (navigation);
    GstEvent *event;
    GstVideoRectangle dst = { 0, };
    GstVideoRectangle src = { 0, };
    GstVideoRectangle result;
    double x, y, old_x, old_y;
    GstPad *pad = NULL;

    src.w = GST_VIDEO_SINK_WIDTH (sdlvideosink);
    src.h = GST_VIDEO_SINK_HEIGHT (sdlvideosink);
    dst.w = sdlvideosink->width;
    dst.h = sdlvideosink->height;
    gst_video_sink_center_rect (src, dst, &result, FALSE);

    event = gst_event_new_navigation (structure);

    /* Our coordinates can be wrong here if we centered the video */

    /* Converting pointer coordinates to the non scaled geometry */
    if (gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_x", &old_x)) {
        x = old_x;

        if (x >= result.x && x <= (result.x + result.w)) {
            x -= result.x;
            x *= sdlvideosink->width;
            x /= result.w;
        } else {
            x = 0;
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (sdlvideosink, "translated navigation event x "
                          "coordinate from %f to %f", old_x, x);
        gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_x", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, x, NULL);
    if (gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_y", &old_y)) {
        y = old_y;

        if (y >= result.y && y <= (result.y + result.h)) {
            y -= result.y;
            y *= sdlvideosink->height;
            y /= result.h;
        } else {
            y = 0;
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (sdlvideosink, "translated navigation event y "
                          "coordinate from %f to %f", old_y, y);
        gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_y", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, y, NULL);

    pad = gst_pad_get_peer (GST_VIDEO_SINK_PAD (sdlvideosink));

    if (GST_IS_PAD (pad) && GST_IS_EVENT (event)) {
        gst_pad_send_event (pad, event);

        gst_object_unref (pad);
예제 #2
static VALUE
navigation_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE structure)
    GstEvent *event;

    event = gst_event_new_navigation(RVAL2GST_STRUCT(structure));

    G_INITIALIZE(self, event);
    return Qnil;
static void
nav_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation, GstStructure * structure)
  GstEvent *event = gst_event_new_navigation (structure);
  GstNavigationEventType etype = gst_navigation_event_get_type (event);
  TestElement *self = (TestElement *) (navigation);

      "Received navigation event could not be parsed");
  fail_unless (etype == self->sent_type,
      "Received navigation event did not match sent");

  switch (etype) {
      const gchar *key;
      fail_unless (gst_navigation_event_parse_key_event (event, &key));
      fail_unless (strcmp (key, self->sent_key) == 0);
      gint button;
      gdouble x, y;
      fail_unless (gst_navigation_event_parse_mouse_button_event (event,
              &button, &x, &y));
      fail_unless (button == self->sent_button);
      fail_unless (x == self->sent_x);
      fail_unless (y == self->sent_y);
      gdouble x, y;
      fail_unless (gst_navigation_event_parse_mouse_move_event (event, &x, &y));
      fail_unless (x == self->sent_x);
      fail_unless (y == self->sent_y);
      GstNavigationCommand cmd;
      fail_unless (gst_navigation_event_parse_command (event, &cmd));
      fail_unless (cmd == self->sent_command);

  gst_event_unref (event);
예제 #4
static void
gst_vdp_sink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation,
    GstStructure * structure)
  VdpSink *vdp_sink = GST_VDP_SINK (navigation);
  GstEvent *event;
  gint x_offset, y_offset;
  gdouble x, y;
  GstPad *pad = NULL;

  event = gst_event_new_navigation (structure);

  /* We are not converting the pointer coordinates as there's no hardware
     scaling done here. The only possible scaling is done by videoscale and
     videoscale will have to catch those events and tranform the coordinates
     to match the applied scaling. So here we just add the offset if the image
     is centered in the window.  */

  /* We take the flow_lock while we look at the window */
  g_mutex_lock (vdp_sink->flow_lock);

  if (!vdp_sink->window) {
    g_mutex_unlock (vdp_sink->flow_lock);

  x_offset = vdp_sink->window->width - GST_VIDEO_SINK_WIDTH (vdp_sink);
  y_offset = vdp_sink->window->height - GST_VIDEO_SINK_HEIGHT (vdp_sink);

  g_mutex_unlock (vdp_sink->flow_lock);

  if (x_offset > 0 && gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_x", &x)) {
    x -= x_offset / 2;
    gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_x", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, x, NULL);
  if (y_offset > 0 && gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_y", &y)) {
    y -= y_offset / 2;
    gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_y", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, y, NULL);

  pad = gst_pad_get_peer (GST_VIDEO_SINK_PAD (vdp_sink));

  if (GST_IS_PAD (pad) && GST_IS_EVENT (event)) {
    gst_pad_send_event (pad, event);

    gst_object_unref (pad);
static gboolean
gst_video_crop_src_event (GstBaseTransform * trans, GstEvent * event)
  GstEvent *new_event;
  GstStructure *new_structure;
  const GstStructure *structure;
  const gchar *event_name;
  double pointer_x;
  double pointer_y;

  GstVideoCrop *vcrop = GST_VIDEO_CROP (trans);
  new_event = NULL;

  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (vcrop);
      (vcrop->crop_left != 0 || vcrop->crop_top != 0)) {
    structure = gst_event_get_structure (event);
    event_name = gst_structure_get_string (structure, "event");

    if (event_name &&
        (strcmp (event_name, "mouse-move") == 0 ||
            strcmp (event_name, "mouse-button-press") == 0 ||
            strcmp (event_name, "mouse-button-release") == 0)) {

      if (gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_x", &pointer_x) &&
          gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_y", &pointer_y)) {

        new_structure = gst_structure_copy (structure);
        gst_structure_set (new_structure,
            "pointer_x", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, (double) (pointer_x + vcrop->crop_left),
            "pointer_y", G_TYPE_DOUBLE, (double) (pointer_y + vcrop->crop_top),

        new_event = gst_event_new_navigation (new_structure);
        gst_event_unref (event);
      } else {
        GST_WARNING_OBJECT (vcrop, "Failed to read navigation event");


  return GST_BASE_TRANSFORM_CLASS (parent_class)->src_event (trans,
      (new_event ? new_event : event));
예제 #6
static void
gst_gl_sink_bin_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation, GstStructure
    * structure)
  GstGLSinkBin *self = GST_GL_SINK_BIN (navigation);
  GstElement *nav =
      gst_bin_get_by_interface (GST_BIN (self), GST_TYPE_NAVIGATION);

  if (nav) {
    gst_navigation_send_event (GST_NAVIGATION (nav), structure);
    structure = NULL;
    gst_object_unref (nav);
  } else {
    GstEvent *event = gst_event_new_navigation (structure);
    structure = NULL;
    gst_element_send_event (GST_ELEMENT (self), event);
예제 #7
static void
gst_v4l2sink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation,
    GstStructure * structure)
  GstV4l2Sink *v4l2sink = GST_V4L2SINK (navigation);
  GstV4l2Xv *xv = v4l2sink->v4l2object->xv;
  GstPad *peer;

  if (!xv)

  if ((peer = gst_pad_get_peer (GST_VIDEO_SINK_PAD (v4l2sink)))) {
    GstVideoRectangle rect;
    gdouble x, y, xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0;

    gst_v4l2_video_overlay_get_render_rect (v4l2sink->v4l2object, &rect);

    /* We calculate scaling using the original video frames geometry to
     * include pixel aspect ratio scaling.
    xscale = (gdouble) v4l2sink->video_width / rect.w;
    yscale = (gdouble) v4l2sink->video_height / rect.h;

    /* Converting pointer coordinates to the non scaled geometry */
    if (gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_x", &x)) {
      x = MIN (x, rect.x + rect.w);
      x = MAX (x - rect.x, 0);
      gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_x", G_TYPE_DOUBLE,
          (gdouble) x * xscale, NULL);
    if (gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_y", &y)) {
      y = MIN (y, rect.y + rect.h);
      y = MAX (y - rect.y, 0);
      gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_y", G_TYPE_DOUBLE,
          (gdouble) y * yscale, NULL);

    gst_pad_send_event (peer, gst_event_new_navigation (structure));
    gst_object_unref (peer);
예제 #8
static void
gst_glimage_sink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation, GstStructure
    * structure)
  GstGLImageSink *sink = GST_GLIMAGE_SINK (navigation);
  GstEvent *event = NULL;
  GstPad *pad = NULL;
  GstGLWindow *window = gst_gl_context_get_window (sink->context);
  guint width, height;
  gdouble x, y, xscale, yscale;

  g_return_if_fail (GST_GL_IS_WINDOW (window));

  width = GST_VIDEO_SINK_WIDTH (sink);
  height = GST_VIDEO_SINK_HEIGHT (sink);
  gst_gl_window_get_surface_dimensions (window, &width, &height);

  event = gst_event_new_navigation (structure);

  pad = gst_pad_get_peer (GST_VIDEO_SINK_PAD (sink));
  /* Converting pointer coordinates to the non scaled geometry */
  if (width != GST_VIDEO_SINK_WIDTH (sink) &&
      width != 0 && gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_x", &x)) {
    xscale = (gdouble) GST_VIDEO_SINK_WIDTH (sink) / width;
    gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_x", G_TYPE_DOUBLE,
        (gdouble) x * xscale, NULL);
  if (height != GST_VIDEO_SINK_HEIGHT (sink) &&
      height != 0 && gst_structure_get_double (structure, "pointer_y", &y)) {
    yscale = (gdouble) GST_VIDEO_SINK_HEIGHT (sink) / height;
    gst_structure_set (structure, "pointer_y", G_TYPE_DOUBLE,
        (gdouble) y * yscale, NULL);

  if (GST_IS_PAD (pad) && GST_IS_EVENT (event))
    gst_pad_send_event (pad, event);

  gst_object_unref (pad);
  gst_object_unref (window);
예제 #9
bool mmsGstSendAxisMotion(GstElement *pipeline, int posx, int posy) {
	if (!pipeline)
		return false;

	// construct event
	GstStructure *structure =
		gst_structure_new(	"application/x-gst-navigation",
							"event",	G_TYPE_STRING,	"mouse-move",
							"button",	G_TYPE_INT,		0,
							"pointer_x",G_TYPE_DOUBLE,	(double)posx,
							"pointer_y",G_TYPE_DOUBLE,	(double)posy,
	if (!structure)
		return false;
	GstEvent *event = gst_event_new_navigation(structure);
	if (!event)
		return false;

	// send event
	return gst_element_send_event(pipeline, event);
static void
gst_d3dvideosink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation,
    GstStructure * structure)
  GstD3DVideoSink *sink = GST_D3DVIDEOSINK (navigation);
  GstEvent *e;

  if ((e = gst_event_new_navigation (structure))) {
    GstPad *pad;
    if ((pad = gst_pad_get_peer (GST_VIDEO_SINK_PAD (sink)))) {
      if (!gst_pad_send_event (pad, gst_event_ref (e))) {
        /* If upstream didn't handle the event we'll post a message with it
         * for the application in case it wants to do something with it */
        gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (sink),
            gst_navigation_message_new_event (GST_OBJECT_CAST (sink), e));
      gst_event_unref (e);
      gst_object_unref (pad);
예제 #11
bool mmsGstSendKeyRelease(GstElement *pipeline, MMSKeySymbol key) {
	if (!pipeline)
		return false;

	// if keysym string is empty, do nothing but return success
	const char *ks = convertMMSKeySymbolToXKeysymString(key);
	if (!*ks)
		return true;

	// construct event
	GstStructure *structure =
		gst_structure_new(	"application/x-gst-navigation",
							"event",	G_TYPE_STRING,	"key-release",
							"key",		G_TYPE_STRING,	ks,
	if (!structure)
		return false;
	GstEvent *event = gst_event_new_navigation(structure);
	if (!event)
		return false;

	// send event
	return gst_element_send_event(pipeline, event);
static void
gst_gtk_base_sink_navigation_send_event (GstNavigation * navigation,
    GstStructure * structure)
  GstGtkBaseSink *sink = GST_GTK_BASE_SINK (navigation);
  GstEvent *event;
  GstPad *pad;

  event = gst_event_new_navigation (structure);
  pad = gst_pad_get_peer (GST_VIDEO_SINK_PAD (sink));

  GST_TRACE_OBJECT (sink, "navigation event %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, structure);

  if (GST_IS_PAD (pad) && GST_IS_EVENT (event)) {
    if (!gst_pad_send_event (pad, gst_event_ref (event))) {
      /* If upstream didn't handle the event we'll post a message with it
       * for the application in case it wants to do something with it */
      gst_element_post_message (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (sink),
          gst_navigation_message_new_event (GST_OBJECT_CAST (sink), event));
    gst_event_unref (event);
    gst_object_unref (pad);